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 SONY Pro & Horizon Zero Dawn Bundle – 1 TB £286.38 @ Currys (XBOX ONE, PSVR, PS4 WORKS AS WELL)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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27 Aug 17

Thanks to lil_diabo with his deal on vive/rift I found out that it works on ps4 pro as well. Doing another post as many people have ps4 saved as keyword.


Cheapest item I found that is in available for home delivery is

SONY Pro & Horizon Zero Dawn Bundle – 1 TB…tml

Use code ACC20 to get 20% which makes it £286.38

same price for
SONY PlayStation 4 Pro & Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Bundle - 1 TB…tml

Also works with other ps4 deals
All comments (301)
27 Aug 17 #1
Hmm.. I got a 'Sorry that code is not valid'.
Admast79 to Noct
27 Aug 17 #2
Did you add mouse pad to the basked?

Works for me.. although I don't even want to buy PS4...
msiddiq1989 to Noct
27 Aug 17 #3
You have to add a mouse pad as well otherwise it will not work without it
rhinopaul to msiddiq1989
27 Aug 17 #4
Heat added but maybe better to put in description what to do as I also wasnt aware.
msiddiq1989 to rhinopaul
27 Aug 17 #6
Apologise I didn't add all the info. Not sure how to do that
27 Aug 17 #5
Amazing bro, ordered!!!
27 Aug 17 #7
I had to go through a few accessories as many were sold out but it worked. Heat buddy.
27 Aug 17 #8
How do you order this?
msiddiq1989 to how2
27 Aug 17 #9
You have to add a gaming accessory that has got 20% off and then add any ps4 bundle you want. Add the code ACC20 and will give you 20% off the total price

Add this mouse mat as the one in description is OOS for home delivery.…tml?intcmpid=display~RR
how2 to msiddiq1989
27 Aug 17 #12
I add the mouse but now the price has gone up to £7.99
Noct to how2
27 Aug 17 #11
Try adding this to your basket, worked for me --…tml

Or search for 'AFX - Lava Small Gaming Surface - Black'. The £7.99 one. (Idk if links work on this app).
how2 to Noct
27 Aug 17 #14
Not working
jobojo3 to how2
27 Aug 17 #16
You need to add code ACC20 for the discount to be applied
Stubee to jobojo3
27 Aug 17 #17
Yeh it definitely works. I just tried it on this pro bundle and also the psvr far point bundle.
27 Aug 17 #10
Code not valid
27 Aug 17 #13
It's a lie
msiddiq1989 to Georgeharris1982
27 Aug 17 #19

Just done it now so definitely not a lie
27 Aug 17 #15
These deals aren't going to be honoured, are they? Code isn't meant to work on these non-offer items
27 Aug 17 #18
Have received massage "We are now preparing your Currys order for delivery.." so maybeeee..
27 Aug 17 #20
Great deal if it's honoured... however, it's a Bank Holiday, so Curry's may have 1 extra day to realise they screwed up. :skull_crossbones:

Must be the same genius who was behind the "extra special" 2 sets of touch controllers (for Oculus Rift) promotion. :thumbsup:
27 Aug 17 #21
Got the deal but is it worth buying if they do not honor it. Will they send out anything? Or send out an email to cancel the order
msiddiq1989 to how2
27 Aug 17 #23
Mine says processing your order.
27 Aug 17 #22
I ordered the vive earlier and collected from store without any problems. The mug who served me didn't have a clue. Tempted by the pro
how2 to tempt
27 Aug 17 #25

How do you pay but click and collect?
27 Aug 17 #24
Good luck! (seriously) hope it's honoured - coz it's an absolute steal if you guys get it
27 Aug 17 #26
So tempted by this. The only thing is my fiance wants a switch for Christmas and I cant see them price dropping. Ive recently bought a 4K TV, so itd be a shame not to use its full potential...
27 Aug 17 #27
Keep us updated if anyone gets one.
27 Aug 17 #28
Working. Just ordered. Will this be honoured ??
27 Aug 17 #29
Just ordered. Had to use the £9.99 Lava Surface Pad. Let's see what happens.
27 Aug 17 #30
Also just had email confirmation from Amex that the 3% cash back has tracked....
27 Aug 17 #31
Ah well, may as well take a punt. Fingers crossed.
27 Aug 17 #32
Ordering done... Bank acknowledged it
27 Aug 17 #33
Order with this item and you should be fine.…474
27 Aug 17 #34
I can see Ps are going straight for the value angle. Good choice given the gpu pricing situation and MS, Nintendo going for heavy markups.

Smart choice. Surprised that MS could have released earlier as it's the same age chipset from AMD, perhaps they ran into manufacturing or just cost issues.
27 Aug 17 #35
27 Aug 17 #36
Think it's been fixed now. Can anyone confirm?
dave859 to micky1707
27 Aug 17 #40
Put my order though at 18:14 and I've had the confirmation email.
27 Aug 17 #37
Get 8% off at Currys through work so managed to get for £255. Will be cancelling my white Pro order I ordered here... White Pro
27 Aug 17 #38
27 Aug 17 #39
You can also buy psvr bundle deal with 20% off
Add uncharted the lost legacy and get it for £19.99
And add Fifa 18 Ronaldo edition for £60.
27 Aug 17 #41
Good price, I paid £280 a few months ago without a game.
27 Aug 17 #42
Works fine as long as the stock is in. Still some console are in.
27 Aug 17 #43
Tried mine about same time with no luck.
27 Aug 17 #44
Too many people bought that bundle, they will cancel your orders.
27 Aug 17 #45
I've ordered. U got to be in it to win it as the saying goes........lets see......
27 Aug 17 #46
i got the Pro bundle for myself and a PSVR bundle for someone else. Hell of a saving, cheers mate.
27 Aug 17 #47
I'm so close to buying, I have a normal PS4 and it's noisy. I can get about £100 back for that but so far other than it being quieter I can't find many perks or upgrades in performance on the Pro for the sorts of games I play.
27 Aug 17 #48
Knowing Currys it's a good way of shifting mouse mat stock, actually expecting a email in a few hours cancelling the PS4 pro but saying my mat will arrive soon.
27 Aug 17 #49
If it's in good condition and you have all of the original accessories, you can get more than £100 back for it if you sell it on ebay or another site. Around £150-180.
27 Aug 17 #50
what sort of games do you play?
27 Aug 17 #51
Could someone tell me what a Sony Pro is please?
27 Aug 17 #52
They go for that new these days on fleabay mate.

Minus fees. Minus postage.
27 Aug 17 #53
Don't bother the offer is out of stock
27 Aug 17 #54
I checked and used original ps4s are selling for over £ including fees, minimum £135ish.

And that's not including games, just original accessories. Makes this deal worthwhile for people who want to upgrade.
27 Aug 17 #55
Are they selling for that or just listed for that?

Surprising if true being as there are new for that on there around those prices.
27 Aug 17 #56
All PS4 Pro consoles and bundles are now out of stock for home delivery. The glitch may be possible for other consoles/goods.

Good luck to those that ordered, let's hope no cancellation emails come through.
27 Aug 17 #57
PS4 Pro OOS, expired!
27 Aug 17 #58
They were selling for that price and the listing still had a few hours left.
27 Aug 17 #59
Persona 5, Yakuza 0 and Kiwami are what I'm playing at the moment. I know for a fact that those don't really have any boosts but eventually the new Gran Turismo and Yakuza 6 will come out and surely other nice games, so I thought that it would be nice to have a quiet console until then :grin:

Thank you for the info. I was going off CEX. Is that used original 'fat' PS4s? I got mine in the beginning of 2015. I'm not really a fan of the shenanigans the average eBay customer gets up to as I had no end of trouble when I sold some stuff a few years ago.
27 Aug 17 #60
Oh, well moot point now :cry: That'll teach me to do the washing up and think about it.
27 Aug 17 #61
Wow. Might flog mine if folk are that daft!

27 Aug 17 #62
Just 2 emails confirming the order so far, let's see if there is no issue...
27 Aug 17 #63
Maybe they just didn't care.
27 Aug 17 #64
Is there any way we can get this to work for collection in store? Or is it only for home delivery?
27 Aug 17 #65
This is only online but you can always try it and see if they will honour it. It depends on the store.
27 Aug 17 #66
where do I put code in?????
27 Aug 17 #67
Hmmm price drop before the Xbox one x maybe.... Regardless, who cares and a great deal. Heat.
27 Aug 17 #68
Lol i checked but they don't have it yet, but other xbox deals are available
27 Aug 17 #69…3A2

Here's one...over 150 including postage and may increase yet.
27 Aug 17 #70
Damn , missed this one cause I have PS4 pro as keywords....
27 Aug 17 #71
27 Aug 17 #72
Decent price. I got a PS4 Pro for £220 without games a couple of months back but this is a good price too
27 Aug 17 #73
Is this working ?
27 Aug 17 #74
Does the console have to be home delivered too? Because I cannot find the place to enter the code
27 Aug 17 #75
Yes everything has to be home delivery
27 Aug 17 #76
Ah, I would have got the Pro at that price. Damn.
27 Aug 17 #77
It is still working however ps4 pro and majority of ps4 packages are OOS. Xbox, psvr and few ps4 deals are available now
27 Aug 17 #78
Where dud you get it for hat price
27 Aug 17 #79
Amazon every now and then have 20% off their warehouse deals. Made the PS4 pro £270 in 'like new' condition. Told Amazon the controller 'didnt turn up' and they refunded £50 so £220 altogether.
27 Aug 17 #80
So you scammed Amazon always nice people
27 Aug 17 #81
So, a used console and scamming a customer services dept. Well done you! :party:
27 Aug 17 #82
Guys i need an advise; i have ordered the above ps4 pro package. My question if it reaches home delivery and iam not around, what will happen? Will it be sent to my neighbor or to the main post office? Thanks
27 Aug 17 #83
Look how much tax Amazon paid last year. My conscious is clear.
27 Aug 17 #84
It was actually sealed.
27 Aug 17 #85
And this curries deal is also scamming them. Taking advantage of an error to make it cheaper for yourself. So let's not all get high and mighty here.
27 Aug 17 #86
And this curries deal is also scamming them. Taking advantage of an error to make it cheaper for yourself. So let's not all get high and mighty here.
27 Aug 17 #87
27 Aug 17 #88
Chin up lad, keep telling yourself that.
27 Aug 17 #89
It was... Now you're starting to sound jealous.
27 Aug 17 #90
Does this work if ordering TV or washing machine? I mean along with the computer accessories?
27 Aug 17 #91
On Amazon customer services right now attempting the same I'm that jealous.
27 Aug 17 #92
I don't know if you're being serious or not but good luck if you are. Let me know how it goes (if you are being serious).
27 Aug 17 #93
I don't think it does. I tried it with laptop and it didn't work
27 Aug 17 #94
Brave doing that, would never do anything so dishonest, but it's nice to know Amazon are the company you've done it too. Mind you I did play hell with game a few years back over them sending a fake PS3 controller with my son's pre-owned console, got a brand new one out of them and a £50 voucher.
27 Aug 17 #95
Honestly mate they don't even question it. It's actually quite weird. The first ever time I did it, it was legit and because how easy they refunded me I tried it with something else and eventually it just built up to using different accounts under different cards and IP addresses lol
27 Aug 17 #96
Lol should change your name to Sneaky Pete.
27 Aug 17 #97
Can confirm.

I purchased the "New 3DS XL Emblem Fates". Arrived, box corners were smashed in and found what looked like a "pube" on the DS inside the sealed box....

Wasn't happy to be honest so I contacted Amazon and said its a Limited Edition console and the box is smashed up and it looks like its been opened as I found hair inside. They gave me a full blumin refund and asked no more questions.
27 Aug 17 #98
Amazon service is fantastic. Any issues they resolve it straight away
28 Aug 17 #99
Just managed to order a ps4 pro with a £19.99 gaming surface
28 Aug 17 #100
Product code 153663 is only £5.99 and enables the code.
28 Aug 17 #101
Anyone wanna sell your
mouse mat ? :smile:
28 Aug 17 #102
Once i get it, i will sell it..
28 Aug 17 #103
PS4 Pro bundles appear back in stock. Have given it a go. Heat added.
28 Aug 17 #104
164960 9.99 add on
bundle with Uncharted lost legacy only available for delivery 287.98delivered :raised_hand:
28 Aug 17 #105
Aww so it's s price glitch. Go people go! :smile:

I have the standard PS4 so I think I'll leave the deal to others. Heat!
28 Aug 17 #106
Cool, just ordered a base unit PS4 with the £7.99 mouse mat for £278.99. What a nice way to save £69.60. :smile:
28 Aug 17 #107
Anyone got a cancellation email yet?
28 Aug 17 #108
I can get Ps4 pro for delivery now with lost legacy, but the code doesn't work.
28 Aug 17 #109
Did you add a mouse mat ?
28 Aug 17 #110
Code stopped working for me too :disappointed:
28 Aug 17 #111
Darn. I was going to see if it worked on a computer SSD
28 Aug 17 #112
I tried to buy the ps4 by itself, but you can't buy it for home delivery now.

Must have sold out while I'll added it to basket, probably why the code doesn't work. :disappointed:
28 Aug 17 #113
damn I had 1 in basket and had to go grab my card and now oos :disappointed:
28 Aug 17 #114
I ordered the Pro on it's own earlier this morning and now have three emails. One confirming my order, the second telling me I won't get on time as the website says and the third says they are preparing my order for delivery
28 Aug 17 #115
Do they ever do bundles with the latest Fifa?
28 Aug 17 #116
Cheers Andy. Still need to get myself the new TV. Couldn't resist a nice deal like this to upgrade to. :grin:
28 Aug 17 #117
Yeah but not many places are stocking them…ge/
28 Aug 17 #118
expire this deal, no longer able to add the code as it wont allow you for collection. I've tried a few ways of trying to add it but it wont work.
28 Aug 17 #119
I made an order yesterday at around 7pm and I still haven't received a single email. I was asked to create an account after my order and I did but now my login details are not recognized :disappointed:
28 Aug 17 #120
Did you use the correct email address? That might explain why you not received anything.
28 Aug 17 #121
Psvr, xbox and some standard ps4 still available. Mentioned the details that ps4 pro is OOS
28 Aug 17 #122
Yep, I'm an idiot, that's what happened. I called their service customer and they told me the email I used. I forgot one letter, first time I made such a mistake! I was in such a rush :-). The person on the phone told me the order is still processing though...we'll see!
28 Aug 17 #123
Are there any consoles left for home delivery does anyone know?
28 Aug 17 #124
28 Aug 17 #125
I missed out here :(, but i really hope everyones orders are fulfilled :smile:
28 Aug 17 #126
I'm sat in work with my emails open on auto-refresh waiting for a cancellation email..
28 Aug 17 #127
Does this only work for consoles? I could do with 20% off a laptop or PC :joy:

What is the Xbox One deal and price?
[email protected]
28 Aug 17 #128
Enjoy your new Pro.
28 Aug 17 #129
Can you use the discount code if you choose to collect?
28 Aug 17 #130
Could I take the mousemat into a store and get a refund? :laughing:
28 Aug 17 #131
Doesn't look like it, just tried!
28 Aug 17 #132
Poor mouse mat, it's almost like you've used it too get a cheap PS4 pro, good idea mind, will be trying that if you have success let everyone know on here.
28 Aug 17 #133
28 Aug 17 #134
Bought PV Vr with this code. Paid only £318 for vr +2games bundle nad ps camera v2 so almost £150 saved! Wicked
28 Aug 17 #135
I think Currys have cottoned on to it. All consoles are back in stock for delivery, but it says 'Sorry! That promotional code is not valid.' when you add the ps4 pro and mouse mat combo.
28 Aug 17 #136
Yeah I saw that :disappointed: I've got everything in my basket but it doesn't work. Seems like they've fixed the loophole. In fact that code doesn't even work if you only have the accessory in your basket so the code is straight up gone. This deal hasn't been available for a day but it's still not expired.
28 Aug 17 #137
Damn lost out lol. Enjoy folks you lucky buggers.
28 Aug 17 #138
People stating they lost out but not actually seen anyone state they actually have their hands on a ps4 pro from this?
28 Aug 17 #139
Selected Tuesday 29th for delivery but no tracking email as of yet. Will update when I hear more.
28 Aug 17 #140
Cheers Andy. Still need to get myself the new TV. Couldn't resist a nice deal like this to upgrade to. :grin:
28 Aug 17 #141
Let's wait for confirmation before we celebrate.
28 Aug 17 #142
You would think someone would of had a dispatch email by now. Hope we do get them as I've already lined up a buyer for my standard PS4 and that's boxed up ready to go to its new home.
28 Aug 17 #143
it is bank holidays weekend so I don't think they will post any today
28 Aug 17 #144
if the deal isn't honoured, i won't cry too much. Price cut is round the corner plus other deals will crop up
28 Aug 17 #145
I've just had dispatch emails for the Asus Rog strix gtx 1080 and 1080ti
28 Aug 17 #146
Suppose so, thinking Sony will probably put it down to £299 with a game the week the Xbox one X comes out, they did something very much the same with the original PS4 around the time the Xbox one s released.
28 Aug 17 #147
Yes but that would also lower the price of the standard PS4, some of us wanted a decent price and to be able to sell our old consoles :grin:
28 Aug 17 #148
Yeh but the people on eBay seem to pay well over the going rate, i remember when every retailer reduced the original to £149 with a game and people on eBay were still paying £200+ for something that was freely available on Amazon and Argos for less.
28 Aug 17 #149
Some of those on the rift/vive thread have had delivery confirmation texts. I didnt see the option to get next day delivery :disappointed:
28 Aug 17 #150
its normally next day free delivery to the store unless you pay £12 for next day home delivery
28 Aug 17 #151
Do you know why that is? I would've thought a Fifa bundle would be very popular no?
29 Aug 17 #152
Do people think there is potentially/ know that there is price cuts / deals coming out within this next month ? Wanting to get a PS4 and if there is something potentially coming in the next month il wait if not il just buy one now
29 Aug 17 #153
No one knows for sure, both the PS4 slim and pro will probably see some type of discount but I'm not sure Sony will do a major reduction, £50 off each at best but with them having the market share they don't really need to lower the price. All really does depend on how well the Xbox one X sells and if Microsoft start outselling them.
29 Aug 17 #154
Yes you are right somehow.
For me, i wanna the new xb, but iam not in a dire need for it.

Hence even with the above trick. I won't buy it and will wait till even next year..
Simply because i don't need it
29 Aug 17 #155
According to the DPD delivery tracker, my PS4 Pro is at my local depot ready for delivery today. It's all looking good.
29 Aug 17 #156
nice :thumbsup:
when did You put an order?
29 Aug 17 #157
Sunday, afternoon. I've just had the mouse mat delivered which worried me, but now noticed that it's a separate tracking number for the PS4 Pro which is also at my local depot for delivery. Still remaining hopeful......
29 Aug 17 #158
Amex payment has gone from pending to money taken, plus the 3% Amex cash back has tracked. Looking hopeful.
29 Aug 17 #159
Well the pessimistic side of me has given up all hope on this now :worried:‌ :cry:
29 Aug 17 #160
Come on Currys, *blows on e-mails* papa needs a new pair of shoes!
29 Aug 17 #161
Maybe I should just buy a PS4 now then instead of hanging around waiting? I want the best bundle deal so I can sell the accessories to get the PS4 as cheap as possible not sure if the best deal though so annoyed I missed all these deals been checking here daily and the one day I don't this drops
29 Aug 17 #162
Just received a cancellation email. Apparently the item was out of stock. Sounds like an excuse not to honour it.
29 Aug 17 #163
Damnit, order cancelled !
It has been brought to our attention that the product you ordered is currently out of stock. Because we are unable to supply you with this item, it has been necessary to cancel your order.

I can confirm that your order has now been cancelled and the funds will show in your account within 3-5 working days.

29 Aug 17 #164

Just out of interest when did you guys order? I ordered Sunday afternoon but not had an email yet, though i did order a pro bundle and a psvr together.
29 Aug 17 #165
First post but thought I'd chime in
29 Aug 17 #166
Currys website says they are in stock ..... smells like an excuse to me.
29 Aug 17 #167
Someone must has had there's as I was far from the first to order - I didn't see deal for a while.

Though the difference may be that I choose a delivery day (at no additional cost) and chose today, rather than leaving it set on 'standard delivery within 5 days'.
29 Aug 17 #168
Your comment dashed all my hopes, then raised then up again, only to be dashed once again.

Not bad for a first comment! :sweat_smile:
29 Aug 17 #169

Apart from Currys only packing the PS4 Pro in an outer bag so the box got a little damaged at the corner, I would say this was a success. Good luck all.
29 Aug 17 #170
Congratulations bro
What time did you order it?
29 Aug 17 #171
I ordered mine 16:30 on Sunday.

All I've had so far is an email on Sunday confirming order.
29 Aug 17 #172
It's a standard emails. I also got two emails and the last one says: "We are now preparing your Currys order for delivery..", they can cancel it anytime.
29 Aug 17 #173
I've got the same two emails... Anyone brave enough to ring for an update?
29 Aug 17 #174
Not with someone commenting they had their order canceled when they rang.

I'm happy to sit here and wait for the inevitable.
29 Aug 17 #175
If you don't need the mouse mat than you can return the mouse mat and keep the rest of the order.
29 Aug 17 #176
I caved and rang them.... They confirmed everything is in stock and I will get a despatch email in the next 24 hours. They've seen "a much busier than usual bank holiday"
29 Aug 17 #177
Ordered on Sunday at around 17.40, sitting here now with my PS4 Pro and wrist pad accessory. :thumbsup:
29 Aug 17 #178
I really don't need or want the mouse mat, but don't want to take the chance that they'll remove the discount if I send back the mouse mat, lol.
29 Aug 17 #179
Just go to the store to return it and definitely won't take the discount off. I use to work for currys so thats how i know :smile:
29 Aug 17 #180
I ordered around 01:30 on Monday. Got a personal email saying cancelled due to item being out of stock and then a automated email later saying cancelled "as per your request" - which I certainly didn't request!

Asking them to reverse this cancellation, as the item is in stock online - and since when were orders cancelled due to low stock? I doubt it will work though.
29 Aug 17 #181
Ordered on Sunday at 17:06. I had chosen specific day to deliver (Wednesday). Just got the confirmation email from DPD.

29 Aug 17 #182
Seems like those who chose to specify a delivery date are having more luck.
29 Aug 17 #183
Ive still not had a cancellation or a dispatch email. Suspense is killing me!
29 Aug 17 #184
Same for me, best to just ride it out.
29 Aug 17 #185
Same here....2 confirmation emails then nothing. So continue to wait and see....
29 Aug 17 #186
If anyone is looking to sell their copy of Horizon Zero Dawn please message me, thanks :smile:
30 Aug 17 #187
Any updates?
30 Aug 17 #188
Ordered Sunday night. Received the 2 confirmation emails but nothing since then.
30 Aug 17 #189
Likewise. Not feeling particularly hopeful.
30 Aug 17 #190
Same for me. The order summary, shown on my account page via their website, says item tracking not available. It's said that since Sunday.
30 Aug 17 #191
Someone rang and they said we should expect dispatch emails soon.
Patience is a virtue..
30 Aug 17 #192

I assume we will hear something today or tomorrow latest. My emails say "expected delivery by Monday 4th September".
ill update as soon as I hear from them.
30 Aug 17 #193
Everyone is guaranteed to get their items barring any postage problems. I chose standard delivery. The guy on the phone said the delivery email will arrive when DPD have allocated a time slot.
30 Aug 17 #194
30 Aug 17 #195
I called them, they said out for delivery either today or tomorrow
30 Aug 17 #196
I smell something fishy coming soon…5gw
30 Aug 17 #197
Ive been told pretty much the samw via their Facebook. Wonder why some peoples were cancelled?
30 Aug 17 #198
It won't be a new console. The Pro is still less than a year old.
If you want people to reject the mid generation consoles .. that would be how you do it.
30 Aug 17 #199
I think it will be an upgraded version of ps4 pro, ie 2gb or 4gb version, plus minor tweaks eg fans & cooling system
30 Aug 17 #200
Would be shocked if Sony tease anything new this year. It would damage Xbox one X sales teasing ps5 this year but it would also damage PS4 pro sales as people would hang on till the release. Reckon we are looking at E3 2018 before it gets mentioned with a release date of late 2019 at the earliest.
30 Aug 17 #201
They wouldn't do that, they can't really have the hardcore gamers buying into their premium product only to upgrade it a year later. I know mobile phone company's get away with it but can't see consoles going the same way.
30 Aug 17 #202
Agree, it's very unlikely that ps5 will be announced till end of 2018 for 2019 release.

Regarding this move, i still feel they will be announcing ps4 pro with 2gb/4gb hdd. This was the same move when sony announced ps3 with the upgraded hdd many years ago. Also i forsee Sony will announce a cut down on ps4 fat & slim prices as a counter measure to yesterday's topic that MS has stopped the production of xb1 fat since 3 months.

At the end of the day, i wanna buy xb1x but the price is not tempting plus the sad fact that few xb games are exclusive.

I love halo really, but i think MS still assuming that gamers who loved halo upon its release didn't grow up.

I believe that MS approach to the clients (gamers) made them be after sony who release the whole spectrum of games that make everyone happy.

I don't want my console to be a tv hub, i want to play at ease with minimal problems & in the same time cheap games

Looking forward to hear some updates soon
30 Aug 17 #203
Suppose a bigger harddrive edition is very possible but it isn't really needed since you can now use USB drives. Just feel any hardware change like extra ram or a faster processor wouldn't go down well with anyone that has brought a PS4 pro in the last year.
30 Aug 17 #204
I can see a pro with a 4k blu ray drive.
30 Aug 17 #205
Exactly, there is a space for minor changes. But i feel this jump is somehow too fast for the pro which was released quite recently
30 Aug 17 #206
Just received a couple of emails and a text saying it will be delivered tomorrow.

Happy days.
30 Aug 17 #207
I've just received an email to let me know my delivery is on its way via DPD. HOWEVER, it is for the mouse mat only....

Email also says: "If you have ordered any other small items from us we will let you know separately when they are on their way."
30 Aug 17 #208
I've had a look at my Currys account and the PS4 and Horizon Dawn game also now have tracking numbers. Happy days!
30 Aug 17 #209
I've also received my confirmation email. Thanks again, OP
30 Aug 17 #210
Those receiving delivery confirmations, when did you order?
30 Aug 17 #211
Got my confirmation. I ordered Saturday afternoon
30 Aug 17 #212
I just got dispatched emails for both pro bundle and psvr bundle and i ordered Sunday afternoon.
30 Aug 17 #213
I ordered at about half three on Sunday, and I got my delivery e-mail at about the same time this afternoon.
30 Aug 17 #214
Sunday 4.30pm
30 Aug 17 #215
Email and texts received delivery tomorrow ordered Sunday afternoon
30 Aug 17 #216
Why not? PS4 is a compact PC system these days, and PC gamers have graphic upgrades all the time, it's quite clear to most people that the only difference between PS4 and Pro is graphical muscle, so there should be no problem having games that can run on a family of PS4 systems with varying levels of graphics depending on the hardware you own.

If the standard PS4 is for you, then stick with that. If you want a boost you buy the current 'Pro' , no reason not to have a Pro 2, or somesuch in the near future. Standard PS4 would be like running latest PC game on your old card on lower settings, whilst the latest hardware revision offer more eye candy.

Sony and Microsoft moving to PC architecture lends itself to this kind of setup
30 Aug 17 #217
I'm all for the two different versions but if they bring a third into the mix it really is taking the mick out of the people who buy them. If they start behaving like this people will move to PC.
30 Aug 17 #218
How does it take the mick? don't understand. You aren't forced to upgrade your console, and just like now games will run to the best of their ability on your chosen hardware, if anything for those content with the original PS4 and not needing enhanced graphics then that's good news as your PS4 lifespan will be increased.

I don't see Xbox One owners complaining, following the Xbox One, then One S, now the One X.

Fact is graphic hardware moves on, and consoles remaining stagnant for 6 years should be a thing of the past, the important thing is that the games work on all PS4 systems. Your choice of console variant is down to your needs.

Not everyone wants a PC, they are typically bulky and not very portable. Also for most people they want a simple console that plugs in, sits on your tv stand, you shove a disc in and it runs. That ain't gonna change here
30 Aug 17 #219
Agree.. Why pc gamers assume that console users hate progress!
A console that lasts 5 years is no more.

I salute sony & ms move to create new upgraded consoles
30 Aug 17 #220
They haven't actually said they are bringing a PS4 pro mark 2 out yet, it's just guessing. I'm all for upgrades but it has to be done in a user friendly way. If Sony do go down this path the base console needs to be user upgradable for things like ram or a graphics card.
30 Aug 17 #221
Yeah, to be fair i dislike the idea of buying a console every one year. Yet the upgrade ethos became important now days..

At the end.. It's the fun u enjoy while gaming
30 Aug 17 #222
You think a user upgradable base console is wise?

The beauty of a console is zero configuration and it's plug and play nature, otherwise you indeed may as well get a PC.

Also, this type of setup will just cause headache and confusion? Also you have to think of the waste of hardware, right now you can simply sell your old PS4. If it were upgradable then the original video hardware would be redundant and fit for the bin once removed.

And yes we're just speculating here, but it's either something like a Pro 2, or they launch PS5, which would you prefer?

Sony, can't and won't allow Microsoft to regain ground over a simple hardware upgrade, it would make zero business sense for them not to be working on something right now.
30 Aug 17 #223
Myself I would prefer the upgrade option over buying a new console every year, but yeah it's probably not a wise move asking the end user to do something that could break or damage the console if they do it wrong. As for the ps5 I would be all over that if it was fully backwards compatible, would actually cancel both my PS4 pro and Xbox one X orders right now if they teased it now for a 2018 release.
30 Aug 17 #224
Very interesting response :smile:

Other than the name, what do you anticipate would be different between a 'Pro 2' and a 'PS5'?
30 Aug 17 #225
Would hope for full hardware backwards compatibility for PS1,2,3,4 and true only on ps5 exclusives. But yeah i suppose a pro 2 would certainly be a ps5 in all but name but it still wouldn't carry the same buzz as when Sony unvail a new generation.
30 Aug 17 #226
Backwards compatibility for all of those would be awesome :grin: .........but very difficult without emulation, and if adding extra hardware for this emulation then it opens the console up for old hardware exploits, if the Playstation had been PC based from the PS1 it would have probably aready been implemented. Also, Sony make money from reselling old titles on the digital store, so it might not be in their interest to do this.

Naturally, whilst old gen playstation games can be had for a few quid, the price of these will surely skyrocket if such a console with full backward compatibility existed?

And yeah, you're probably right about the buzz, despite knowing that it would likely be the same hardware either way. :grin:

However, your original point of Sony taking the mick and annoying gamers by releasing different hardware seems to have been lost somewhere along the line with all this PS5 talk :smile:
30 Aug 17 #227
Impressive responses from all above people.. First time i see a logical discussion on topics other than beer :-)
30 Aug 17 #228
Yeah gone a bit off topic, must be all this waiting for a Currys email that has still not come.
30 Aug 17 #229
Ordered Sunday after 6pm no delivery confirmation yet, fingers cross tomorrow
30 Aug 17 #230
Ordered early on Monday morning and had it delivered today even although I had a cancellation email!
30 Aug 17 #231
Ordered Monday morning between 7:30am - 8am and now I got a dispatch email for both the console and mouse pad. Both coming by DSG
31 Aug 17 #232
Still nothing more on my order... :disappointed:
31 Aug 17 #233
Dpd has my currys parcel details :thumbsup:
Ordered Monday at 7am
Last Year Currys did not join to price drop wih c chassis or slim ps4 and i think ps4 pro price would not move untill Xbox X release or this year Black Friday.
31 Aug 17 #234
DPD details came through this morning for delivery today. Thanks again Op.
31 Aug 17 #235
Same here. Ordered Sunday night and received DPD details this morning. Finally my mouse mat is arriving !! :thumbsup: .
31 Aug 17 #236
My package otw
31 Aug 17 #237
got two tracking says being delivered this morning, the other says the parcel has been delayed.....i only placed one order for PS4 and gaming pad so i am hoping the ps4 is getting delivered but i reckon the gaming pad is getting delivered and ps4 has been delayed / lost / stolen / blocked by currys (take your pick lol)
31 Aug 17 #238
This smells suspicious to me .. I got two tracking numbers last night and this morning they were both in my local depot.
Yet only one of them has left the depot ...
31 Aug 17 #239
and a large box has been delivered...........not at home to verify but i would be very surprised if the gaming pad was in a massive box (you never know!!!)
31 Aug 17 #240
Got my bundle. Anyone want the medium mouse pad?
31 Aug 17 #241
Just had an email saying my items are out of stock and there's a delay.... grr
31 Aug 17 #242
Saying my item is out of stock but the website says in stock doesn't look promising
31 Aug 17 #243
Everything's arrived i.e. PS4 Pro, HZD & mouse mat. Thanks OP and well done to Curry's for honouring something that they could have cancelled.
31 Aug 17 #244
They delivered.
For some reason my pro came on its own and then 30 mins later a separate courier (same company) turned up with my mouse mat and bundled game.
31 Aug 17 #245
Just received both, really glad I took a punt on this one, cheers OP.
31 Aug 17 #246
Out for delivery, Thanks op
31 Aug 17 #247
Had the delivery. Only received the mousemat (yay).

Looked at the tracking and it says this-

31 Aug 2017 02:13 Dartford Your parcel has arrived at our Dartford depot
31 Aug 2017 02:13 Dartford There's a delay with your parcel and we've now sorted it
31 Aug 2017 02:12 Dartford Your parcel has arrived at

Went into the part about changing delivery and says it should be coming tomorrow between 6am and 12pm. (Hopefully).
31 Aug 17 #248
mine arrived ok. thanks to op
31 Aug 17 #249
Is it possible to return the mousemat to the store ?
31 Aug 17 #250
Yes you can return it
31 Aug 17 #251
My PSVR arrived but I missed the PS4Pro delivery.... how annoying.
31 Aug 17 #252
Shall i resent it or walk in?
31 Aug 17 #253
I am not sure about the online returns policy but it in store they can refund it definitely
31 Aug 17 #254
Mine I need a good 4k tv...why did I buy this? :blush:
31 Aug 17 #255
Mine arrived today , cheers :thumbsup:
31 Aug 17 #256
Is the game that you get with this a digital download or a physical copy?

Edit: Received the PS4 today but not the mouse mat nor the game. Im guessing they are coming together tomorrow
31 Aug 17 #257
Same here. Received the ps4 but no mat or game. Got delayed by currys spoke to cs and should be delivered by Monday.

Any one want to buy the game?
31 Aug 17 #258
game is physical copy
1 Sep 17 #259
So my game and mat are due to arrive today. Many thanks OP and Currys for honouring.
1 Sep 17 #260
I also had a email yesterday saying stock is coming in today and they plan on sending it out straight away for a Saturday delivery.
1 Sep 17 #261
Everything is going well... Thanks for the awesome contribution.. Really nice & an excellent price
1 Sep 17 #262
Beast is with me, time to get rid ps4 slim.
Thanks OP
1 Sep 17 #263
They tried to deliver mine today. Saw it drive past me on the way home from work on my road but nobody signed for it so I didn't get it. :disappointed: They said nobody was at home but there was and didn't even look out for the van. :disappointed:
1 Sep 17 #264
Delivery tomorrow thanks op
1 Sep 17 #265
Me too but my email says only the PS4 pro is being delivered, I'll probably be waiting for the game and mat. Really got to give Curry's credit for not cancelling everyone's orders.
2 Sep 17 #266
Thanks to OP for this. Strange thing that happen to me today was currys sent 2 ps4 pros and only charged me for one. I did honest thing & told them of the mistake so they gave me £10 goodwill refund and collect the extra pro on Monday
2 Sep 17 #267
Where would you/they stand if you didn't say anything? Surely it would be for them to prove it?
2 Sep 17 #268
Well... Beat this: 2x PS4 Pro plus game for £273... Have no clue why but iam happy:)
2 Sep 17 #269
That's two of you now? Surely they will spot it and act?
2 Sep 17 #270
Once Currys delivered two iPads instead of one, they claimed that one back, but good luck, yours might slip through the system.
2 Sep 17 #271
I am returning the duplicate ps4 pro I received. Whats not to say They noticed the error and then charge me for it.
2 Sep 17 #272
Its more like even bigger glitch. My order actualy shows bundle (2 items) and console alone. Order was fullfiled properly...
2 Sep 17 #273
So not only is my face being rubbed in that I didn't manage to get this, it's 2x because some people got a second one for free :laughing:‌ :disappointed:
2 Sep 17 #274
chriskrt1 h, 15 m ago
Its more like even bigger glitch. My order actualy shows bundle (2 items) and console alone. Order was fullfiled properly...
thats how my order was showing, so you might get 2 pros and get charged for one.
3 Sep 17 #275
Mine was opened by somebody (i think) and returned .
there is an account but i did not check it and swap my records from ps4 slim to it.
Now i have 2 accounts with mine showing number 2.
How to delete other account?
Not sure it is somebodys account, when i start Pro there was no name on previous user like later on.
How to check how many hours useage has ps4 on clock?
3 Sep 17 #276
Go to psn entertainment, login there, search for media, then deactivate your all devices with that account.

Then login with your details into the ps4 pro.

Btw u can do this step once every 6 months
3 Sep 17 #277
Thank You
Ok,but if i deactivate them, other user account will be still in the pro than if i reset it i will loose all data downloaded from slim.
Is data still on slim, i mean did i copy it or cut and paste to pro? Im not at home, will check it on evening.
4 Sep 17 #278
Currys have just rang asking when they can collect the second ps4 they sent me in error :angry:
4 Sep 17 #279
I got a defective unit, since day one the wireless was manifesting some weird messages. Today i called Sony, they said return the console, it's defective in hardware.. Curry gave me a new console on the spot.. Awesome
4 Sep 17 #280
Same here:)
4 Sep 17 #281
Told them they can come on Friday but I've cancelled the collection. They're not having it until I get my mousemat
5 Sep 17 #282
My second one got picked up today, was going to play thick when they phoned but after reading the uk law on this type of thing I wouldn't really get anywhere and Curry's are not the type of retailer that would let something like this drop.
5 Sep 17 #283
When i use to work in Currys, i have seen the legal team send official letter to get their products back and if you don't they take you to court and make sure they get the item back
5 Sep 17 #284
Well under UK law it's still the property of Curry's, thank God I didn't go with my first thought of taking it too cex. Hope nobody did as they would be in all sorts of trouble, probably have to send the other back lol.
5 Sep 17 #285
I cancelled my collection of the second console and are yet to hear from them. I've got no intention at all on keeping the console but I want my mousemat that I ordered first :smile:
6 Sep 17 #286
I called last night at 7pm. There was a note on my account to arrange collection of the accidental delivered item. If you are reading this like I was and you think there's a chance of keeping it dont bother! As others have said you have no legal standing.

Lady did say she would organise my mousemat to be delivered.
6 Sep 17 #287
Seems here the people who ordered multiple consoles, ruined it for those who wanted one, and nwo have to send back the 2nd+ consoles..
6 Sep 17 #288
Could always charge them £349.99 for using your house as a warehouse to keep their stock in.
6 Sep 17 #289
So wait.

Not only people got PS4 pro for dead cheap!

Now Currys are delivering another pro by mistake?

If ANYONE got to keep it, you sir, are one of the greatest!
6 Sep 17 #290
I have seen few recent comments that this is this still working? Can someone please confirm if it is still working and If it is working then HOW?
6 Sep 17 #291
Not working anymore
6 Sep 17 #292
People only ordered one. Currys send the second one by mistake and they want it back
6 Sep 17 #293
You can't keep it as the item belongs to Currys and they will get legal team to get the item back. If you refuse then they will send you a letter to take you to court as this is called theft
6 Sep 17 #294
Yeah i didnt read back enough...
6 Sep 17 #295
Thanks It was only because lots of people were still commenting I thought it may still be working
7 Sep 17 #296
Yeah they are pretty much covered as the law goes. If they had sent a completely different item in a separate order it would be classed as unsolicited goods and Curry's couldn't get that item back and the person would be well in their rights to keep it. In this instance the item is classed as a duplicate order mistake and in the UK we ain't allowed to keep a wrong item or an order that comes with more items on top.
7 Sep 17 #297
It's not really a duplicate order though is it? They replaced an out of stock item (albeit in this case a much more expensive item) Tesco/asda etc do this every day
7 Sep 17 #298
What happened was the PS4 come in stock last Friday and the system linked them to a lot of the orders not taking into account the one already in the order. Still think the warehouse team should of picked up something wasn't right when they were pairing up two consoles in what seems like 100s of orders.
12 Sep 17 #299
Still ain't had the mouse mat, has yours come yet?
13 Sep 17 #300
I had to ring them and ask for it. Otherwise they weren't going to send it
14 Sep 17 #301
Well I've sorted mine now, it took a 40 minute call being past around 3 different people. Cheeky gits had canceled the order and told me I'd been refunded £7.99 which was a lie as I checked my online credit card account.
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