I was after a worktop for my garage, I saw in Wickes the other day that some were on offer. Looking at the website tonight it looks like a few have up to 45% off and there is an additional 20% off online orders. There is also an additional 10% off if you spend over £75.
The worktop I have reserved for click & collect was £88, down to £48 and with the extra discount was £38.40 I tried adding two to my basket before posting this and the voucher code AUGUST17 worked bringing 2 down to £69.12.
Similar offers have been on before. Not sure what the quality is like but perfect for my needs.
7y 32d#1
Great deal thanks op just ordered some.
7y 32d#2
hot :party:
7y 32d#3
10% off £75 is only valid on click and collect
7y 32d#4
Nice one dirty Stan-chez8)
7y 32d#5
Opened the link... And it's gone... No items available.
7y 32d#6
Yeah the link seems to have broken but they're still available: wickes.co.uk/Pro…940
Is this still live? Can only seem to get the original discount ...
7y 29d#9
It looks like some of the offers have ended, I think the additional discount was only for a couple of days. The worktop I got for £38.40 (the one in the picture) is now £68. It looks like there are still some good discounts on some though the 3 metre black slate one is £47 (topcashback available too!)
Opening post
The worktop I have reserved for click & collect was £88, down to £48 and with the extra discount was £38.40 I tried adding two to my basket before posting this and the voucher code AUGUST17 worked bringing 2 down to £69.12.
Similar offers have been on before. Not sure what the quality is like but perfect for my needs.