Been trying to get some Skylanders Figures as my nephew wanted to build up his collection. Looked in alot of shops and the were starting off about £4.99 each. Went in to my CEX and their had so many starting from 10p got my nephew about 20 for £5. For great price for kids pocket money
26 Aug 17#11
Thats great thank you
7 Aug 17#10
Their was to many to list. Their was shelve full. You can search on website local stock
Excelent heads up, there are lots of special character pieces in there and levels too.
6 Aug 17#2
I had just used the link for cex for the 10p figure but seems the use the other image
6 Aug 17#1
The figure you used for pic is being sold for £5.00 @cex
Here's a pic of the regular version being sold for 10p @cex
Rich44 to Funky_DealFinder
6 Aug 17#3
Wtf does the image matter?
Funky_DealFinder to Rich44
6 Aug 17#4
I should've said this in my previous comment: I thought i'd mention it since people may get confused / think that quite a rare figure is going for 10p when it isn't
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Here's a pic of the regular version being sold for 10p @cex