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 Sky broadband - £9.50 a month for 12 months and £19.95 set up (New customers)
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22 Aug 17
Here is the sky offer for broadband and line rental for £9.99 a month on 12 month contract but hurry as the deal ends Friday 25-8-17
Latest comments (57)
25 Aug 17 #57
Just had to call them up to get the deal however obviously this means i could not go via topcashback and get either cashback or a mastercard. They were very confident i would not get this honoured along with the deal.

Still a good deal regardless.
25 Aug 17 #56
The estimate I'm getting for speed is 4.6 - 10.0 Mbps. Is this enough for a 2 bed flat, mainly just going to be using it for streaming Netflix etc.
23 Aug 17 #50
Not possible to use missus's name to qualify for "new customers only" as when i go website to claim says address been used. No matter if i try to play with the system a little by putting a coma after door number..
cliosport65 to linhang90
23 Aug 17 #51
You won't qualify as a new customer if you have a sky line already , tricks like using your missus name or altering the address won't work. :joy:‌ :joy:
nnenne to linhang90
24 Aug 17 #53
muse a random door number. It'll work.
linhang90 to nnenne
24 Aug 17 #55
It wont. Played with the "claim code"system and managed to get the code.. however,when registering new account,it asked for landline number which came back saying you're already an existing customer. So as long as ur lines with Sky, no tricks will work
22 Aug 17 #32
If switching to spouse name, how to retain the same landline number?
360finder to sanjaykj
22 Aug 17 #34
We don't use the landline so wasn't a concern to me. Just a means to an end.

If the surname is the same may work regardless if your porting. Other users report it worked in same name as account holder of TV.

Unlikely to work if your current line is with sky though.
rickj to 360finder
22 Aug 17 #37
No it's asking for landline and provider so comes back as existing customer once they check.So unable to shift account into
wife's name .Iam out of contract but best I can get is free bb and 18.99 line rental.
360finder to rickj
22 Aug 17 #38
Yes if you are already with Sky then I don't think you can fool the system to think you aren't.

Would only work with another provider.

Have you tried to recontract? Best to take a new mine term and negotiate like hell. If first agent no help, just say thanks and call back five minutes later. Repeat until you get the deal you want.
rickj to 360finder
22 Aug 17 #43
Sky are as bad if not worse than talk talk for customer service .I was offered free bb which I took only to then find my bill included 70% discount not free .Not the 1st time a agreed deal was conveniently changed on the billing page .Was placed on hold for win back dept for a staggering 75 mins only to find the dept had already closed.
A great deal but good luck dealing with the crooks employed by sky.
nnenne to 360finder
24 Aug 17 #52
Not true it works from sky to sky, I know because I do it yearly.
360finder to nnenne
24 Aug 17 #54
Keeping the same landline number?
23 Aug 17 #49
Fishy please, put that bottle down and concentrate. That's exactly the question you should be asking yourself.
23 Aug 17 #48
B-b-b-b-but Ben. If its obvious why would it be confusing? Try not to get angry.
23 Aug 17 #47
this is a much slower speed than I'm currently getting. Think I'll pass
22 Aug 17 #21
This isn't Fibre people. Repeat this is not Fibre broadband.
bensbargains to tfish
22 Aug 17 #29
You can upgrade to Fibre and Sky Talk at extra cost during the application.
master10 to bensbargains
22 Aug 17 #30
Most people are told upto 17, so its not completely untrue is it.
tfish to bensbargains
22 Aug 17 #46
At a much higher cost therefor rendering your comment rather confusing?
22 Aug 17 #1
Sky Broadband in Sky Network Area: Maximum home download speeds up to 17Mbps.
bensbargains to tecrazy
22 Aug 17 #25
That is completely un true.
master10 to bensbargains
22 Aug 17 #26
Thats what they quote, so how is it completely untrue.
bensbargains to master10
22 Aug 17 #28
Because I get 23mb and have just signed up again and was estimated at 10-23mb.
tecrazy to bensbargains
22 Aug 17 #45
22 Aug 17 #44
Already posted
22 Aug 17 #42
i thought id be classed as a new customer since i left Sky 12 months and 3 weeks ago? I can't check out as says im a returning customer
22 Aug 17 #40
What are the chances of this working with the cashback & mastercard via topcashback?
360finder to red23
22 Aug 17 #41
Cashback will likely track, but may decline. MasterCard is via redemption after 60(?) Days so shouldn't be an issue. I've done both with BT in the past but through Quidco, never used tcb.
22 Aug 17 #39
Just signed up with BT but will cancel as this is a brilliant deal which will save me a load over 12months.

Cheers for posting :smile:
22 Aug 17 #35
I already have done. This time last year on the same MSE deal but with £50 bill credit. That day I believe it was closer to 22mb but regularly get 23mb. Feel free to have a look. 500m is quite a long way tbh. More like 50m for me, if that.
cliosport65 to bensbargains
22 Aug 17 #36
What's the exchange at the end of your garden :kissing_heart:‌ :kissing_heart:‌ :kissing_heart:
22 Aug 17 #11
I paid £5 for delivery and got this deal a few months ago. Busy area but usually always get 20Mbps speeds down. Perfect if you wanna skip the tv license and just do streaming.
cliosport65 to mattturner756
22 Aug 17 #18
This deal is for their standard broadband which they offer speeds of up to 17mbps if you are lucky :nerd: so don't know where you are getting 20mbps from from more than likely a different deal :raised_hand:
bensbargains to cliosport65
22 Aug 17 #24
I get 23mb through this same offer. Just signed up for a 3rd year in a row and it stated upto 23mb. Which is easily obtainable if you live close to your local exchange.
cliosport65 to bensbargains
22 Aug 17 #33
Could you provide proof of such obtained speed, I live 500m from the exchange and never have received the 17mbps.
22 Aug 17 #31
He said the maximum is 17mb. Which it isn't. I have encountered many, many people who exceed 20mb through Sky. Even some on this thread... So yes it is completely and undeniably untrue. Well over 30% lower than the actual maximum speed available.
22 Aug 17 #2
Im an existing customer. Is it possible to change it to missus's name and tell Sky shes the new home owner to qualify for "new customers only"??
360finder to linhang90
22 Aug 17 #3
Yes. I did it yesterday online. Just use a different email address to the current Sky ID.

Two names, two bills. As far as they are concerned two different accounts. And it means you can play retentions against each other next year at the end of contract to get the best deal.

You may also qualify for the £100 pre-paid MasterCard and check the cashback websites too. Offer is by emailed voucher code.
michaeljb to linhang90
22 Aug 17 #4
In trying that now, I'll post back in a little while to let you know if it works
linhang90 to michaeljb
22 Aug 17 #12
How about router delivery charge?did u tell em u didnt need one or was it compulsory?
linhang90 to michaeljb
22 Aug 17 #13
Try n see if u get leave the router to save £££££
michaeljb to linhang90
22 Aug 17 #27
I tried that because i already have a sky router, but it wouldn't let me remove it so had to pay the £10 delivery charge unfortunately
michaeljb to linhang90
22 Aug 17 #8
Yes it worked, I even used the same email address and paid from my card and they didn't mind, just had to set up the account and direct debit in wife's name
22 Aug 17 #7
Any deals which include tv at a cheap prices???
freccle to blackburn_w
22 Aug 17 #23
Yes I'd like to know this too. Also can you use the Sky TV box in 2 rooms or do you need 2 boxes?
22 Aug 17 #22
currently with virgin this worth going to sky for ?
22 Aug 17 #20
Sky notify Plusnet of your change but I was just out of contract so no penalties for cancellation.
22 Aug 17 #16
Just taken this deals after getting the code via the martin lewis website. Had been with plusnet before and kept on dropping broadband at peak times. Had no trouble with Sky but left 12 months ago as no offer for retaining custom.
I was told they now had a new router which lays flat instead of standing on its side and it would have a warranty so went with the deal
cliosport65 to smithies10
22 Aug 17 #19
It was that new router that put me off going for this offer has some bad reviews :astonished:
22 Aug 17 #17
If I did this, would they notify plusnet etc etc or do I have to cancel that first?
22 Aug 17 #5
Been posted before with mse deal, for some reason I only paid £10 set up fee
strong1 to dlm136
22 Aug 17 #6
And some reason I paid £30... :cry:
Crazy.Chris to strong1
22 Aug 17 #10
its doing that for me saying £20 for new line - not sure why when i don't need one. Also £10 activation
kay9 to strong1
22 Aug 17 #15
i paid nothing.
22 Aug 17 #14
My plusnet account has just finished but I'm really really wary of going back to Sky. What's the speed like?
22 Aug 17 #9
I got the BT deal for £11 a month effective cost posted on HUKD which was unlimited 52MB fibre.
I think they still have the same deal but £15 effective cost after you have off the prepaid card.
If you can't get fibre then this would be a good deal for you.
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