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 SIM free Nokia 6 £200 at Carphone Warehouse
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SIM free Nokia 6 £200 at Carphone Warehouse

£200 Carphone Warehouse2 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
2 Aug 17
SIM free Nokia 6 is now exclusively available on Carphone Warehouse...

£10 cashback from Topcashback/ Quidco.
All comments (65)
2 Aug 17 #1
SIM free Nokia 6 is now exclusively available on Carphone Warehouse...

£10 cashback from Topcashback/ Quidco.
2 Aug 17 #2
Wow exciting nice spec for the money. Could this be the new Nexus?
dark_shadow to gawthorpe
2 Aug 17 #9
It does look exciting, going to do some more research
fishmaster to gawthorpe
2 Aug 17 #11
Nice spec for the money? Low end SOC, no thanks. This will run as fast as an out of shape potato.
2 Aug 17 #3
The G5 plus was similar price recently but a 2ghz chipset instead of 1.4ghz and also fairly vanilla Android.
konicky to jazzuk777
3 Aug 17 #22
How long do you think Lenovo will support the G5 plus ?!?
Masteryates to konicky
4 Aug 17 #49
I'd say 1 major OS release only. 2 if your very lucky.
ken218 to Masteryates
4 Aug 17 #50
From the experience of Lenovo P2 (Lenovo owns Moto) no security patches between Android updates.
2 Aug 17 #4
This is the regular price isn't it? Low-Mid range specs, nothing really stands out.
2 Aug 17 #5
Nice handset. My brother use one for a month or so and ended up sacking it off and alternating between his M7 & S4. Not entirely sure why unless screen res is his thing?
dewonderful to Dusty
2 Aug 17 #10
If he owns 3 phones, probably more money than sense.
Dusty to dewonderful
3 Aug 17 #38
M7 and the S4 were both phones on contract. More money than sense.. very likely! Wouldn't sell the phone to me for £140 but accepted £90 from the local phone shop. Spiteful piece of work!
dewonderful to Dusty
3 Aug 17 #44
I was kidding, but now you say that he sounds like a right :poop:‌ :laughing:
Dusty to dewonderful
3 Aug 17 #24
Ah yes, definitely a :poop: head :rage:
jco83 to Dusty
3 Aug 17 #20
It'll be device size I expect. This is around 1.7cm bigger than M7 and S4. Big difference for a phone
2 Aug 17 #6
So its pretty similar to the Xiaomi Note 4 global version, except that is £115 and has a better processor. Admittedly the camera on this Nokia would I hope be better.
2 Aug 17 #7
Average launch price for a slightly above average phone. Wouldn't mind using one but wouldn't rush to get one. When's the 8 out and prices?
2 Aug 17 #8
i've been waiting for this to drop for ages, been super excited for nokia android BUT have decided to wait for the n8 or n9 (or whatever they are calling it) which will be the flagship device.
i guess the appeal with this is the build and the specs are ok eg ram etc but the processor is sub par & i cant justify investing when I already have a op3, huawei p9, honor 7 & redmi note 3.
hoping to get the flagship nokia & have that as my daily driver., when its released
leelukehope to little_green
2 Aug 17 #15
I understand having a backup phone but why do you have 4 phones? :joy: I only ask because I always get tempted to buy phones I know I'll play with for a month then throw in a draw but maybe you've found another use for them!
Besford to leelukehope
2 Aug 17 #18
Would that be a raffle - or do you mean drawer? :thinking:
leelukehope to Besford
3 Aug 17 #39
Wow that's terrible haha - I think I'll slyly delete that comment and pretend it never happened. I always triple check but it was about 12am so that's my excuse :wink:
little_green to leelukehope
3 Aug 17 #31
Haha clearly bc I have less self control than you do! :joy:‌ :cry:
All except te he ip3 I've bought second hand though at (I'll convince myself) reasonable prices and have all been in excellent condition with original box etc.
2 Aug 17 #12
Sd430 for £200 :astonished:
2 Aug 17 #13
If bought on PAYG its £179 (with £10 top up). They are usually carrier/Sim free from CPW, saves another £10 on top up.…tml
superfreddy to Andi-C
3 Aug 17 #19
So I can buy this on O2 - £189.99 which includes £10 credit, and the phone will be unlocked to use on 3?
Andi-C to superfreddy
3 Aug 17 #23
No, you are given a fresh sim of the value of £10 on the network of you're choice provided its is within the their selection on the web site (at asking £179.99 O2-EE-VF). You basically forfeit the sim/credit for £10 off the RRP and walk with a "Unlocked" phone. Its £10 off a "SIM FREE" phone.

Talk the guy/girl at CPW, they know what you want & are happy to save you some money !

Any link sends you to the main page, navigate to "pays you go", filter to NOKIA & you'll see it there.
superfreddy to Andi-C
3 Aug 17 #27
Thanks. I'm guessing this will be the in store price too?
2 Aug 17 #14
I was thinking of buying this. Reading the info. It looks like a very average phone.

Not voted either way.
2 Aug 17 #16
Thanks for posting the deal and joining the community - keep up the great work!
2 Aug 17 #17
Watched some YouTube videos on this phone mostly positive stuff except the snapdragon 430 really lags on this device hopefully be optimised better, also be getting future updates with Android 0 so be supported for a while.
3 Aug 17 #21
£200 for a nokia, especially in this day and age?! You gotta be kidding!

3 Aug 17 #25
The only reason people buy Nokia is because of nostalgia. They have not make a good phone since 3310. Dont say oh they make that beast lumina camera phones, yes the camera is good but the phone is average
waynester21 to eliHd452
3 Aug 17 #30
They've made plenty of decent phones since the 3310. Their early Symbian range was brill. The 6600 was a beast of a phone at the time.
Masteryates to eliHd452
3 Aug 17 #36
Nokia made some really good N series phones before the touch screens killed them off. I agree regarding the lumia's though.
poisondwarf to Masteryates
3 Aug 17 #26
Ive still got one.
Its a nokia N95 and as far as i might still work.
Not used it for many many many years though
Masteryates to poisondwarf
4 Aug 17 #48
Ha ha, I still have 3 Nokia N86's. 1 I use as a GPS in my car, the other I use as a USB mass storage device and is great for low light video and the other is a spare.
3 Aug 17 #28
I've used this all evening. Amazing phone. Super smooth, no lag. Barely used 25% battery in the constant 3 hours use I've had.
patcho to superfreddy
4 Aug 17 #46
How is battery drain while it's just left in standby?
superfreddy to patcho
4 Aug 17 #53
Not sure but battery is impressive so far and I'm ocd when it comes to this kind of stuff.

It's a stunning phone. Get it with an O2 sim for £189, sell the sim back to someone. For £179 it's brilliant. Much prefer it over the Moto G5. Sound is great too although the top speaker is a bit quiet compared to the bottom one.

Single sim.
3 Aug 17 #29
Camera is meant to be pretty naff. Was looking forward to it but will be swerving it now after reading the reviews. Would be a downgrade from my current Lumia.
3 Aug 17 #32
Phone is same price in store (well, was yesterday, Carphone change pricing in the morning). We had Black and Silver delivered in Gloucester. And yes, buy with a sim is cheaper and phone is unlocked.
3 Aug 17 #33
Does this have notification LED?
lkl265 to thomvog
4 Aug 17 #54
little_green to lkl265
4 Aug 17 #55
Wasn't aware of that and would be a deal breaker for me.
Any word on whether the flagship will have?
3 Aug 17 #34
For those interested, at the time of writing both TopCashBack and Quidco has £10 cashback for CPW on sim free phones.
3 Aug 17 #35
Just bought one in store. I got an O2 sim with it but the guy said O2 may lock it if they see me not using their SIM??
Andi-C to superfreddy
3 Aug 17 #37
Strange ! In the Plymouth store the guys actively try to save you money & recommend the PAYG. I bought two phones in October, both PAYG both with different Sims & are working with virgin & Vida. Sims were O2 & EE.

Is there as screen carrier splash or apps ?
superfreddy to Andi-C
3 Aug 17 #40
No it's unlocked, but he said as he's selling it cheaper with an O2 sim, they may lock it a few months down the line. Even noted it on the sale that he made me aware?
iainmann to superfreddy
3 Aug 17 #42
I've had Carphone sales people telling me this recently. It's rubbish. The phones are unlocked and SIM-free and there's no way a network could change that.
3 Aug 17 #41
No sign of it at my local cpw :thinking:
3 Aug 17 #43
Thanks. Seems fine. One word of warning, the SIM does get £10 on it but it's assigned to a pack so you have to speak to O2 chat to get them to change it.
3 Aug 17 #45
so it's not the dual SIM version ?
4 Aug 17 #47
can anyone confirm if this is single sim or dual sim please?
4 Aug 17 #51
just went to the store to check out the phone. It looked pretty good. The model number is TA-1033, which indicates it is a single sim model.

Also, it was surprisingly smooth despite running on S430 SoC.

I was tempted to get one, but they told me they don't have any stock :disappointed:
4 Aug 17 #52
Local store have it on display now.
Its beauty!!! :grin:
Would have easily snapped it up but had to resist as can't justify it based on specs for the phones I currently own. Will definitely be investing in a flagship
4 Aug 17 #56
Nokia has done a good job of keeping their devices up to date so far: they've all got the newest security patches from Google quickly after Google gets them out. Sure it's early days but compare that to Motorola who are just terrible at updating their devices quickly.

There's also something for me about owning a Nokia again. It feels right.

It's just a shame this phone probably won't support VoLTE or WiFi Calling.
6 Aug 17 #57
Day 3 with the Nokia and it's just brilliant. Only issue is getting a screen protector to fit due to the curved edge. Not sure I'll bother with one?
8 Aug 17 #58
Has anyone else bought this yet?
ken218 to superfreddy
8 Aug 17 #59
Still trying to justify spending 200 on S430 SoC :disappointed:
superfreddy to ken218
8 Aug 17 #60
£179... If you buy it on PAYG then sell the £10 top up.

There's not a huge difference performance wise, depends what you'll use your phone for.
13 Aug 17 #61
went in CPW yesterday and asked regarding the PAYG option and he made a point in saying that the phone is LOCKED to the PAYG sim card and its number. basically it wont work with another sim card? is that possible?? thought they could only be network locked?
little_green to FATBOY78
13 Aug 17 #62
That is a load of rubbish
14 Aug 17 #63
well i went to another store and the salesman was very helpful and said that its rubbish too, so i took the plunge :smile:
18 Aug 17 #64
I want a proper Nokia experience, is there anyway to flash sailfish os onto this phone?
19 Aug 17 #65
What is the approximate standby battery drain?
I try and get less than 2% per hour before I think a battery is good.
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