Discontinued stock at Sainsbury's, asked at my local customer service desk who told me that of my local stores Rayleigh Weir was showing as having this in stock as well as Stanway. She called both stores and Stanway said that it unavailable (though she mentioned they didn't actually physically check this.) Rayleigh Weir found one in their warehouse priced at £40 as discontinued. I paid £37 as I had a voucher as well. If you are after storage it may be worth asking at your local Sainsburys customer service desk to see if any in your local stores. There could very well also be other discontinued brands gathering dust in the back warehouse! I'm using mine as PS4 storage and works a treat.
27 Aug 17#9
This was national when they started, which was a few weeks ago now. Anything left now is simply odds and sods, so lucky to find. They had 4TB for £70, 2TB for £50 and 1TB for £35 at the time.
The 2TB ones that I picked up were both Backup plus slims
27 Aug 17#8
good price but you'd save a lot of loading time with a SSD in your PS4
27 Aug 17#7
No worries. Was it another model as I was told that the one I bought was the only one and it was definitely on their system for £40 yesterday.
27 Aug 17#6
Went and pick this up at Rayleigh got it for £45 They had to get it out the warehouse. They said they have one more left in the warehouse. Thanks for posting!
27 Aug 17#5
These crop up all over the shop...on occasion and very much store specific. Always worth checking when you go in but don't expect this elsewhere unless you are lucky.
27 Aug 17#4
Thanks O
27 Aug 17#3
You could ask them to check stock at other stores. Worked for me.
ghostm4n to HokkaHokka
27 Aug 17#10
Exactly what I did when I got mine
27 Aug 17#2
Not in my loclal. Never in my local.
27 Aug 17#1
Chances of getting this anywhere else are 'slim'. Can anyone confirm at any other stores?
Opening post
This was the thread at the time
The 2TB ones that I picked up were both Backup plus slims