Based on cost of Note8 at £869. Total amount payable is £869.00 spread across a 24 month term at an interest rate of 0% p.a. (fixed) equating to monthly payments of £32.58 and an initial deposit of £86.90. 0% APR representative. Total cost of credit is £0.00 Subject to T&C’s.
All comments (188)
23 Aug 17#1
Nice handset but I will see what sept 12 brings
AshleyBooth to the.porter
23 Aug 17#35
Probably a silly question but what is happening September 12th?
sparklehedgehog to AshleyBooth
23 Aug 17#51
iPhone announcement
Lats to sparklehedgehog
23 Aug 17#53
Google should announce Pixel 2 soon also
23 Aug 17#2
Make sure your house insurance includes fire damage cover. :party:
23 Aug 17#3
Safe or still ...
23 Aug 17#4
Plus free DEX when pre-ordered via Samsung & the major UK networks. Was hoping they would offer the free SD card+ Wireless charger or 360 cam instead in the UK.
23 Aug 17#28
Why are they shoveling that crap onto us? I want the options the US are getting FFS. We get the DEX which has a value of around half that of the Gear 360. Rip off Britain.
sparklehedgehog to K1LLER_HORNET
23 Aug 17#31
Vote with your wallet
K1LLER_HORNET to sparklehedgehog
23 Aug 17#34
Absolutely. As much as I've been waiting to change my Note 4 I will wait a little longer for a better standalone price.
Saying that I bet I give in, buy this and sell the DEX.
23 Aug 17#54
It's only going to get worse. That Brexit business seemed a great idea at the time... :thinking:
23 Aug 17#5
FYI: Anyone with a Very promo code can order it sim free (unlocked) at a discount.
AJ92 to mrT786
23 Aug 17#11
What offer you talking about??
mrT786 to AJ92
23 Aug 17#21 send promo codes to people from time to time (10/15/20%) so anyone with a promo code can buy it from at a discount
Rich069 to mrT786
23 Aug 17#33
But most of these offers dont apply to "Apple or Samsung Galaxy" products. Or sonetimes, any electrical. Occasionally, you may be lucky and they'll work.
sam_of_london to mrT786
23 Aug 17#70
And then pay a very high interest on the credit agreement meaning you don't get any discount from them .
mrT786 to sam_of_london
23 Aug 17#73
You can choose to pay outright at the point of purchase on card instead of adding it to your account.
Can also opt to buy now pay later (6, 9, or 12 months) and if paid within the 6//9/12 months no interest to pay, or take 3 and divide payments over 3 months with no interest.
45ure to mrT786
23 Aug 17#18
really ? I can't see it on their website - anyone got a link ?
Kudos for reading a credit agreement dude. RESPECT.
spongebob1913 to Georgeharris1982
24 Aug 17#107
Reading it on your apple product - enjoy the conversion :wink: :face_with_monocle:
23 Aug 17#22
£869....... when did this just become acceptable pricing for a phone.......
Picked up the Lenovo p2 for £199, there's just nothing to justify spending an additional £670
AshleyBooth to Foley2001_uk
23 Aug 17#37
Some people can easily afford to spend that much on a phone and will happily pay it to get the latest and greatest.
Foley2001_uk to AshleyBooth
23 Aug 17#67
Wish I could happily waste £670, must be a good life :grin:
Tequila to Foley2001_uk
23 Aug 17#58
Since these "phones" are 1000x more capable than "phones".. these are full-on capable powerful pocket computers. it is what it is.
Foley2001_uk to Tequila
23 Aug 17#63
What are you doing with an £870 phone that any phone under £300 can't do..... Load them GIFs on Facebook a few milliseconds faster? People have truly lost the sense of value for money if they can justify this being worth the money. It simply isn't.
iibdii to Foley2001_uk
24 Aug 17#93
Where did u get the p2 as three showing out of stock ?
23 Aug 17#23
My Note 4 cost £540 sim free nearly 3 years ago, but this seems a little too high. Not sure if I can justify.
noonecanhelp1 to moh223
23 Aug 17#43
exactly, I got S7 Edge for £630 on 12m 0% instalments and that was already too much. I wouldn't buy another Samsung phone until they drop the prices. If people buy them at £869, then soon £1000 would seem reasonable... crazy
23 Aug 17#24
Mite sell me grade A 7 plus 128gb and get this
Good deal with 24 month interest free
23 Aug 17#25
If you want a cheap divorce may I suggest buying her one of these and a Zafira B. Double your chances.
23 Aug 17#26
Anyone know if there is a disadvantage getting the dual sim model?
23 Aug 17#27
Wish they would go back to a 16:9 display and not this odd ratio as videos playing on my parteners S8 plus have bars at each end and the video is smaller than on my S6 edge plus.
23 Aug 17#29
In the US for Pre Order's they've announced those affected by the Note 7 would be getting a $425 Rebate against getting the New Note 8!
In the UK we get Jack Shit.... Well we get DEX.... I still have My Note 7 & Have used It daily since the issues started. I said I would only part ways from It If I were to Trade It towards a Note 8 but unless they bring a similar promotion to the UK I'll be keeping it for a while longer
Also Samsung once agains holds back the Deep Sea Blue Colour to only Hong Kong for Release while we have to wait for it as well. Samsung pissed me off today. Was really looking forward to the announcement. :disappointed:
sparklehedgehog to Marky264
23 Aug 17#32
Vote with your walle
jaymorgangrice to Marky264
24 Aug 17#98
Depending what device your trading in. Its not a free discount. Probably sell the phones they offer it against for just as much on fleabay.
It is expensive. Although suprising about the uproar.... 0% over 24 month on a cc. 37 per monthish. Coupled with a decent 10 per month contract. 47 a month is what most flagships cost on contracts anyway. So unless purchasing outright most people have been paying this for years.
I need a new phone but will definetly hold fire and hope for a price drop/alternative phone though. Unless very do the DEX where i can sell that and couple it with a 20 percent off. May end up with regular s8...
23 Aug 17#30
They including a free fire extinguisher? How about out comparing their new phones camera to an 11 month old phones camera?! Geniuses! Let's hope Apple returns the favour the day this comes out :joy:
23 Aug 17#36
How can people like this deal! It’s not a deal, it’s full price and if you can’t afford to buy it outright then you shouldn’t be betting this Phone! If this was an apple phone it would be cold! Get a grip everybody
23 Aug 17#38
Not sure why this is so hot? It's an £869 phone. Is it because it's broken down into "affordable" monthly payments to make it seem more attractive?
szaman81 to ahenners
23 Aug 17#39
23 Aug 17#40
These fire jokes about this phone is lame.
Samsung had the balls to admit fault and recall the entire thing rather than Apple blaming the user for holding an iPhone the wrong way for the network dropping (iPhone 4).
They now have a new test standard to ensure it doesn't happen again.
If anything it's more safer than any other phone in the market.
Having said that the price is a little steep.
Happy with my 128gb Oneplus 3T I got recently. Much faster than my old S7 Edge.
I might wait for the Galaxy Note 9.
Note series are solid and hold good resale value
Marekj to Bengali.Gangsta
23 Aug 17#62
Yes, because impacted network coverage if you held it the wrong way is the same as a phone that was prone to catching fire. They didn't admit to anything, and even botched the first recall.
Very tempted by this. I had Note 4 a few years back and loved it.
shareef to Bengali.Gangsta
24 Aug 17#77
As lame as the name Bengali Gangsta?
23 Aug 17#41
The way everyone is talking £869 is a huge amount of money. Let's face it, what else (tech wise) in this day and age could be bought for £869? A mid range laptop or TV perhaps?
A weekend city break for two can easily cost that much with nothing to show for it.
Yes phones have gone up around 30% in the last few years but the tech inside has also. I'll wager that around half the UK earn this much in a week. That's around a £45k salary.
To me if you want it and can afford it then buy, if not then look elsewhere......simples.
ahenners to OrribleHarry
23 Aug 17#47
Half the UK earn a 45k salary? The average UK salary is just over half that.
Either way, regardless of salaries, affordability and the price of tech increasing, this is Hotukdeals and £869 for a phone that is £869 elsewhere is not a deal!
acj7744 to ahenners
23 Aug 17#60
According to a excel doc I just looked at you're in the top 13% of earners if you have £45kish+ salary. That surprised me. You forget the vast swathes of the population working as carers,teachers,nurses, in a supermarket etc.
Marekj to acj7744
23 Aug 17#64
I know a few teachers earning over 45k. . But interesting link.
spongebob1913 to acj7744
24 Aug 17#110
Really REALLY skewed stats when you start to look at these though. Mostly because it doesn't cater for the millions of self employed, or who own Limited companies, pay themselves 11.5k a year or just over to keep NI contribs up to date, then take MASS dividend payments annually that don't count toward salary statistics. top 13%? I reckon probably more like 40% of earners. - Also - your link just takes to GOV homepage - where is the Spreadsheet you mentioned?
Deaa to acj7744
24 Aug 17#114
Doesn't surprise me at all. I work in an office of about 150 staff and I know at least 140 of those earn under £45k and 100 of them under 25k My last office was a call centre and 90% of those earned under 20k. Is not just supermarket staff and cleaners earning that much. I'd imagine if you take London out of those stats it would be between 5-10% earning that. Don't forget how fortunate you are if you are one of those 13%!
sam_of_london to ahenners
23 Aug 17#68
What about the value of the pound ? All the phones are made abroad and prices are first in US dollars and then converted . Earlier 1Pound = 2 US Dollars. Now just over one US Dollar. When you voted for Brexit should have thought about it. Plus 20 % VAT for the government.
migavupe to sam_of_london
23 Aug 17#74
American prices don't include tax, it gets added on afterwards with the amountdepending on the state you reside. the phone might be $869 but then a whole chunk of tax gets thrown on afterwards and the yanks pay an extortionate amount for phone plans costing 3/4 times what we pay for the same plans.
cantonbean to migavupe
24 Aug 17#88
Agreed. And the pound to dollar rate hasn't been at 2 for about 10 years! No doubt that was the fault of brexit too! Not possibly the shortage of silicon and greed of companies. Like I have to constantly explain on these threads. Apple and other companies put the prices up here and in the EU. The UK is still actually one of the best places price wise apart from America to buy Apple and other phones. If the price increases were down solely to Brexit then the goods would be cheaper in the EU. They aren't. They are more expensive in straight conversion and the dollar price if you include tax rates isn't that far from UK including VAT.
Skymonkey to sam_of_london
23 Aug 17#75
By earlier, I assume you do not mean 2007, but mean this morning? This year?
Please clarify when the Pound bought you two dollars and how this relates to Brexit.
Hardware (which gets cheaper anyway) + R&D + Related overheads inc Marketing = still overpriced and pure greed
Proven because Xiaomi produce equivalents at a fraction of the cost and will probably last longer as well, plus you can keep upgrading and loose very little money in the process.
OrribleHarry to scooby555
23 Aug 17#52
Xiaomi simply don't make "equivalents" that's like comparing a Dacia Duster to an BMW X5 yes they do the same job but in no way are they "equal"
lidds to OrribleHarry
23 Aug 17#57
You right the software on Xiaomi phones are loads better.
X5 rubbish, one of my toys - needs constant maintenance, eats front tyres, sensors always going, oil leaks from cam cover and oil filter housing gasket, Dacia duster would be more reliable and at least meets expectation, Lexus RX300 does the same job, for less and rock solid reliability so if your going to compare, do it properly and in most peoples opinion they are "equal". Dont be a victim of the bling..
frish to OrribleHarry
23 Aug 17#59
A fair amount of people do not get paid that much, and generally people also have to pay for food, bills and rent/mortgage. Yes the tech has improved over the years, but that's pretty much to be expected with any new product. Why would you upgrade if everything was the same? Considering there are lower budget phones with pretty good performance, it seems likely that there is a significant price premium with these things that aren't necessary. Of course people can get what they want, but if people find such things BS, then they're gonna call them out on it. Your sort of mentality contributes to everything raising in price because they know they can.
aarunk to OrribleHarry
24 Aug 17#84
Well, 30% raise is true but also don't forget we all voted for Brexit which pushed GBP down to drain.
jaymorgangrice to aarunk
24 Aug 17#99
23 Aug 17#42
Why is this hot? you can get them now for 400£ sealed + 12 mnths warranty on facebook
OrribleHarry to danflorin3
23 Aug 17#45
And if the seller defaults on contract its then a blocked phone and no more use than a paperweight....
23 Aug 17#46
£869 phone - insane, and that's coming from a technophile.
£280 - Xiaomi Mi Note 2 - not as insane albeit still pricey imho and same build quality.
They really have got us consumers chucking money at them.......
lidds to scooby555
23 Aug 17#55
Plus the mi note 2 has a bigger battery.
It a ridiculous price, I just don't see how it's justified. Plus you then have to put up with the horrible Samsung software!
23 Aug 17#49
Horrific price. I don't care that it is finance free, this is disgusting
23 Aug 17#50
Am tempted, but also new iPhone out soon
23 Aug 17#56
23 Aug 17#65
Big phone small battery. Stupid price. Save your money and buy the s7 edge from argos for £450.
23 Aug 17#66
Did someone press the 8 instead of the 4 to get that price?
23 Aug 17#69
I still have my note 4 running racerom that's in essence an S8 android ROM. Nippy, better quality photos as a result of software tweaks, especially night shots. My worry about this Note 8 is dropping it. My Note 4 is a strong beast. A Friend bought the s8+ and dropped it, in a case. Noticed a few days later a fine crack in the screen. He's accepted it, and it's got bigger but it seems the phone has a fragile screen compared to the Note 4. Almost £900 is alot. Be interesting to see how much the new iPhone Plus retails for.
sam_of_london to Skymonkey
23 Aug 17#71
IPhone 8 will sell for more than £ 1000 as it has 3d camera which unlocks face , wireless charging and same infinity display
OrribleHarry to sam_of_london
24 Aug 17#81
Made mostly from Samsung parts...
23 Aug 17#72
For people jumping to Samsung defence, their new "testing" is simply making the battery painfully small, especially compared to other devices on the market.
Either way, you'll find these on fleabay brand new for a couple hundred less in a month or so, just like the s8 and every other Samsung/android flagship.
Wound up going with the Xiaomi Mi Max 2. iPhone build quality, better skin than lagwiz (though I have lineage on mine), 3 day battery life, no nasty pink tinted amoled screen. £200.
it may not have the bleeding edge power of the exynos, but the snapdragon 625 is better than anyone actually needs unless you plan on emulating GameCube games natively at highest settings.
23 Aug 17#76
You have to be barking to pay that for a phone. I'm happy there are people willing to give their money away and keep the economy afloat, but total vanity, crackers!!
24 Aug 17#78
for anyone expecting their 2 years warranty, Samsung's warranty is a total joke, comparing with google/apple, whose policy is simply "replacement" if anything goes wrong.
24 Aug 17#79
869 for a phone is insane. People buy the latest flagship phones because they're told that's what they're supposed to do. I could understand when flagship smartphones were £300 and had exciting new things, but almost a grand for something that has barely changed in the last few years is crazy, especially considering you can get a phone with better specs than what the vast majority of people would even use for around £200.
Although the new Moto G5s plus seems to be hardly much of an upgrade but at a much higher price than the king of the mid rangers, the G5 plus, I'm worried these reasonably priced phones might start following the flagships in increasing prices by a silly amoutn every year.
cantonbean to Conchiron
24 Aug 17#89
Even as a tech junkie who paid £919 for an iPhone 7+ 256GB I agree with you. I'm bored of phones now though. Not interested in none 16:9 aspect ratios etc. Not interested in the iPhone 8. I just wanted stereo speakers and waterproofing. I did like all the tech on my S7 Edge i had for 6 months but the none stock android was crap and needed regular resetting every few months! I remember getting my Nexus 4 for £240. Now that was amazing tech (bar camera) and good value. At least I know with my iPhone I'll not run out of storage and can get 4-5 years out of it. I wouldn't pay more the £400 for an android phone as software support stops after 3 years max.
K1LLER_HORNET to cantonbean
24 Aug 17#112
The storage will last but what about the battery?
cantonbean to Conchiron
24 Aug 17#90
Also you think this is bad. The top of the range MacBooks went from about £2K to £4.5K. That's nearly a car...mental when you compare it to a Dell XPS 15 for about £1.7K with better hardware (apart from windows)
24 Aug 17#80
I wander what deals on contract will be coming up and worth getting when this comes out.
24 Aug 17#82
I don't understand why anyone would buy this phone when you can get a Lenovo p2 for 160 now it's crazy the batttery is even better on the Lenovo as long as people buy them Samsung will increase prices as people are willing to pay them android doesn't need a really powerful phone to work fine now
24 Aug 17#85
What a rip off for a phone £869, is so overly steep not worth it at all
24 Aug 17#86
....are people voting in irony? :kissing_heart:
24 Aug 17#87
That brick won't last a day with 6.3" and only 3300mAh. In that thick body they should have fitted at least 4000mAh or even...oh wait.
24 Aug 17#91
also comes in burnt orange*, fire red* and deep sea**
*this is a joke at Samsung's expense ** deep sea not available in the UK
24 Aug 17#92
I am looking for S8 plus to come down with this. this phone is same as s8 plus with and an inch of extra screen and S pen
guilbert53 to gbharatkumar
24 Aug 17#97
Actually it is not an INCH of extra screen but a TENTH of an inch of extra screen.
The S8 plus is 6.2", the S8 Note is 6.3 inch.
24 Aug 17#94
I'll wait till it's 400ark
24 Aug 17#95
If I ordered and the cancelled, will I get my deposit back?
24 Aug 17#96
Well, it's certainly a good product and a good find (heat)
However, when I consider the difference between this and my Note 4, I struggle to find sufficient gain (and certainly no killer-app) .
I originally got my Note 4 through Amazon whilst they were doing discounted contracts with O2 - that expired earlier in the summer and I switched to a SIM Only contract. I think my current plan remains to use my phone until it dies and then to pick up a second hand one, probably from CEX or someone similar who bundles a two year warranty.
24 Aug 17#100
Crazy price for a phone.
You can buy a top end laptop for this sort of money.
gazjon to Picard123
24 Aug 17#101
You can also buy a "top end laptop" for tens of thousands of pounds. It's down to who is prepared to pay the price.
OrribleHarry to Picard123
24 Aug 17#102
Top end you say? Rubbish....mid range at best perhaps. "Top end" laptops are well over a grand. I paid £1,649 for the new surface pro and that's not even the top of the range model. Also Mac Book Pro's start at more than this price. Dell XPS, Surface books etc all well over a grand.
Electronics in general are getting very expensive, even TVs are easy to spend £2k+ on nowadays.
sparklehedgehog to Picard123
24 Aug 17#108
Although I agree this is getting mad money for a phone that comment isn’t a fair comment as the power to size ratio for this compared to a laptop is much better. Reduction in electronics size has always cost and always will. This isn’t a phone for me, I dislike the price but your comparison isn’t a fair one
Picard123 to sparklehedgehog
24 Aug 17#109
A laptop does a 1000x more things. Try using Premiere Pro on this Note8 for example.
The bill of materials and cost of manufacturing on the S8 is slightly more than $300. It's not going to be much more on the Note 8.
It's a nice enough oversized phone but simply doesn't justify the absurdly high price. It's just Samsung doing an Apple and charging whatever it thinks it can get away with.
sparklehedgehog to Picard123
24 Aug 17#115
And you think those laptops you’re quoting don’t cost markedly less than what they’re selling them for? It’s a different product for a different purpose. That laptop doesn’t do everything the phone does either in an equally portable way so it’s swings and roundabouts
And like I said I AGREE it’s too much money. I would never pay that
Picard123 to sparklehedgehog
24 Aug 17#116
Depends which laptop you're talking about. Unless you're talking about Apple (which is typically full of old tech at a high price) or Surface Book, margins are typically pretty thin.
As for Samsung, too many people are brainwashed by their massive multi $billion advertising and marketing campaigns and their propensity to bribe/manipulate/pressure the media to get favourable coverage. There's a corruption trial going on in Korea at moment for example, that goes right to the top of the organisation:
Samsung are also offering an extra £100 towards a new Galaxy device if you trade in previous flagships. E.g my S6 is normally worth £115, but they'll give me £215 for it when I buy the Note 8. Not available with this package however, one off payment.
24 Aug 17#104
No, I can simply read the prices written on desirable things.
Picard123 to OrribleHarry
24 Aug 17#105
You're just paying towards their massive profit margins, multi $billion marketing campaigns and paying a further amount due to the weak pound.
This phone doesn't cost anywhere close to £870 to make.
OrribleHarry to Picard123
24 Aug 17#113
I don't buy Apple...they have the highest mark up in the industry and that's a fact.
24 Aug 17#106
Mental price.
24 Aug 17#111
It wasn't meant to be a link. I searched google for UK earnings percentiles.
24 Aug 17#117
a quick headsup, after reading more than 10 reveiw articles, the sum up is
comparing wuth s8 plus, you are paying 300+ for s-pen, dual camera, and smaller battery.
24 Aug 17#118
Jeez you guys are so pathetic. Yes just like cars there are differences in prices. You can purchase a car for a million, for a few grand and everything in between, it still takes you from A to B at the end of the day. Just buy what you can afford to buy and STFU
Picard123 to H_R_Ali
24 Aug 17#120
What, like that deal you posted for a Playstation game that didn't exist at the price you claimed? :grin:
24 Aug 17#119
Having waited for this to come out i'm passing no way i'm paying that after my Note 4 dieing with a hugely common issue globally and Samsung in the UK not being interested whilst the US get theirs fixed. Samsung UK are a joke and anyone who gets this I strongly recommend you sell it on a week before the 2 years warranty ends. I've just ordered the P2 having got one for my Son it's superb for £160.
24 Aug 17#121
I will stick with my Mi mix pro.
24 Aug 17#122
Genuinely careful with my charges and never use a car charger and avoid charging whilst using so I've not had an issue with phones I've had for that timeframe
24 Aug 17#123
Yes.... exactly like that. I should never have commented, I didn't realise the type of animal I would provoke. Please stop going through my profile/posts
24 Aug 17#124
It wouldn't surprise me really. Income distributions always have fat (cat :wink: ) tails.
If the average salary is £26k / year then much more than 50% will earn less than £26k/year, as some people earn 10m/year.
24 Aug 17#125
Oh, the irony of you telling people to "STFU" when you post deals for phantom ware.....
I'll have one non-existent Playstation game for a non-existent £5.74 please, and oh, I'll take a Mario Bros hat for £12 that I can get for free elsewhere! :laughing:
24 Aug 17#126
True, but have you ever tried shoving a top end laptop in a girls face trying to impress her? It's unlikely to work.
The silly price is probably justified because these phones are status symbol for some people. They NEED to spend that much money to feel important.
I could never really understand that. On the other hand, my money is piling up in my account without a purpose (well, possibly buying a flat eventually).
24 Aug 17#127
You must be 13 years old or seriously insecure if you need a phone to "impress" someone...
24 Aug 17#128
Would you also like some phantom copies for your phantom friends? You're clearly some sad lonely keyboard warrior living in your parents basement. And so what if I posted a Mario deal? I have kids, know what they are? See when a man likes a woman he takes his di.... Oh never mind, the only female attention you get is from your mum
24 Aug 17#129
Woah! Having the latest mobile phone is not a right. These companies can charge what they like and do.
People will always complain about the price of things, especially in the current climate. I would like a new car, but buy used. Would love to buy a mansion, can only afford a flat. Thankfully we have options. Buy the cheaper phone, buy last years model. Pays your money and take your choice.
24 Aug 17#130
So let's get this 4 years you've managed to post a grand total of 3 deals, one of which was for non-existent phantom ware and another for product that they were giving for free but which you paid £12 for. And you spend most of your life playing Super Mario, Splatoon, and numerous other Playstation games.
Now, you're bizarrely talking about dicks, mums and basements when no one else is?
Do you project much by any chance? Or are you just insecure and easily triggered?
And if do you have kids (and they're not actually those of your neighbour or brother), they are seriously f***ed if they turn out to be anything like you....
24 Aug 17#131
Phone prices creeping up, way too much for a phone.
24 Aug 17#132
Ohh I definetly hit a nerve then didn't I. Congratulations firstly on replying without using an emoji like a 13 year old child. Secondly, yes I have barely posted on here because I... and this may blow your mind... have a life. And how many times have you commented on this deal? But I'm easily triggered... OK. Serious what's the end game here because we're both looking pretty pathetic now
24 Aug 17#133
I might have read it wrong, but does it not idnicate that you have to return the phone and they may charge you extra if they see any its badly damaged, also means you never actually own the phone :thinking:
24 Aug 17#134
I'm planning in joining the Samsung upgrade program for the first time. Any else on this? Currently got a note 4 in a real bad state. Shattered screen and keeps restarting etc and I'm a huge note fan. I'm not waiting another year or so. Just trying to work out if this Samsung upgrade program is worth it or not.
24 Aug 17#135
The only life you have is playing Mario Bros Splattoon etc and being projecting your own personal issues.... :laughing: :skull_crossbones:
24 Aug 17#136
Ignore him he's an antagonistic troll.
He thinks that because he can't afford luxury electronics that nobody should be allowed to either.
24 Aug 17#137
Like I said previously you've been brainwashed by the Samsung marketing given that the CoM for the Note 8 is only ~$300.... :laughing: #mug
24 Aug 17#138
I've told you before you're the mug for not being educated and not being able to afford.
24 Aug 17#139
$300 CoM....... :joy: :laughing: :lipstick:
24 Aug 17#140
You should have stuck in at school.
24 Aug 17#141
Yeah I've realised that now. I just figured out how to check previous comments/deals posted by individual members and I can see how pathetic he is. I'm going to use him as an example to my two boy. Do your best in school or this is where you'll end up, a sad lonely virgin
24 Aug 17#142
24 Aug 17#143
Guys stop being obnoxious. It is expensive and people are right to claim that it's not worth the mark up. However if someone is willing to pay that much that's their decision. On the other hand, if you do pay that much, don't act like a pretentious prick. Being less sensible with your money or having more disposable income does not make you superior. In fact having to put down others just shows lack of confidence in yourself.
24 Aug 17#144
Have Samsung fixed their shitty note cameras? I went from a galaxy s2 with the best camera I've used apart from proper slr to the galaxy note 4 with its supposedly (at the time) industry leading camera and it's been a complete crock of shite the wife's A3 and A5 shoot infinitely better photos than my crappy note 4.
24 Aug 17#145
You projecting again? Are you sure those boys are yours and not your neighbours? :heart_eyes:
24 Aug 17#146
$300 CoM. Do the math, kid. :joy: #mug
24 Aug 17#147
Or save another £250 and buy a Lenovo P2, get a phone thats just as capable but with an even better battery. P2 was about the only interesting phone I've seen in 2017, Just hoping Lenovo keep the pricing keen on the upcoming P3....
24 Aug 17#148
Here in the UK our currency is the Great British Pound, otherwise known as Sterling. When we perform mathematical calculations we call it Maths (note the s).
24 Aug 17#149
Was created over 10 years ago.
Don't tell me you didn't have some mad names back then :joy:
24 Aug 17#150
Sadly three have stopped retailing the P2 now, It's a shame none of the other netowrks picked it up as it's an amazing phone for the money.
Anyone buying one now is likely getting the Inferior non global version from Gearbest. Its OK but has no Band 20 for 4G which limits it in the UK a little.
Rumour has it that Lenovo will be announcing the P3 though on August 31st in IFA keynote. Rumoured to be faster, better camera and still have it's monster battery at a keen price again.
24 Aug 17#151
Great comment, thanks.
24 Aug 17#152
Math - as the original CoM was assessed in USD without a fluctuating currency conversion. CoM ~ $300.
And you think that £870 for it is a good deal.... :joy: #mug
24 Aug 17#153
can u pay a lump sum say #200 to reduce the monthly outlay / pay it off early with no fees?
24 Aug 17#154
The irony of the incorrect grammar in your post seems to be lost on you... :joy: #gcse #english #failure
24 Aug 17#155
Can you share the link for the trade in offer plz.
24 Aug 17#156
Might just stick with my note 3 until it gives up the ghost
24 Aug 17#157
I have seen a few of the original note 7s for sale....are they worth a punt still? Did Samsung not restrict their performance?
24 Aug 17#158
I don't get it. This is not a bad deal. Add the plusnet deal onto this for a total of £42.58 and you'll have yourself a decent contract deal. Even S8's still cost a lot contract wise.
24 Aug 17#159
Voted this so called deal :joy: COLD. UK citizens as usual are being treated like crap yet again after the NOTE 7 fiasco. Other countries got refunds plus discounts & gifts as an apology for WMD potential of the phone, yet what do we get, frack ALL!!! Yep just our money back. NO refunds for the 3rd party accessories we had purchased, thanks Sammie.
After all of that you would've thought Sammie would've learned its lesson & treated at least former NOTE 7 owners better? NOPE not for us in the UK we yet again get no discounts yet the Americans get $425 off their NOTE 8 with a trade in system. Wonder why we aren't good enough for this? On top of that we get the worst gift compared to those across the pond (128gb micro sd card plus wireless charger or a 360 cam).
I'd been waiting for the next Note, didn't get the S8 as Sammie again felt the british deserved to pay for the VR headset yet the yanks didn't need to? Now this?
Think i'll be spending my hard earned money on the iPhone Pro and the Pixel XL 2. Not trusting Sammie ever again with my money.
24 Aug 17#160
I'm upset about no similar promo for UK customers. Users in the US with Note 7s have been getting a sizable refund/discount for a return it might be an idea to look into this. This thread on Xda might be of interest
No warranty on a Gearbest/Aliexpress phone though. Good for a cheap phone though, but still, if anything goes wrong, you are on your own
24 Aug 17#162
I agree. I wouldn't buy an import P2 especially with no Band 20. Its a shame Three have stopped selling the P2. Hopefully they will sell the P3 on release.
24 Aug 17#163
After read so many reviews how did you come up with 300+ Note 8 £869 and S8+ £779 simfree
Difference £90 more for Note 8 for S-pen and the extra features that come with that, slightly bigger screen, dual camera setup with optical image stabilization on bothcameras. Extra 2GB of ram.
Yes on the neg side slightly smaller battery which is annoying, if they wanted to make sure its safe, they should have just used the same battery as is in the S8+
24 Aug 17#164
Still cheaper than getting this on a £60 - £90 monthly contract. A SIMO for around £20 with buckets of data and £32 is £52, that tariff from a network would be closer to £80 pm. Hell 02 have a £97 pm tariff!! So this deal is a good deal compared to getting the phone on contract.
24 Aug 17#165
Is the UK getting the 128gb and 256gb versions of this ?
24 Aug 17#166
Waited for this for quite some time. Disappointed as it's just a S8plus but slightly faster and a Spen. S8 LOOKS better aswell.
25 Aug 17#167
It's been confirmed those of us from the UK former note 7 have been given the finger from Samsung. We aren't getting the discount that the Americans are being offered. Such a shame, great device was looking forward to it, now got my sights on either the v30, pixel xl 2
It's much greater than a 45k salary anyway. Take home pay on 45k is around 680. You're looking at 60k salary to afford this in one week. Even then, people have bills mortgages etc so its not disposable income!!
25 Aug 17#169
I stopped buying Samsung after one of the £150 tablet got a fault n service was next to nothing within warranty period they also wanted me to pay 60/70 for something, I can't remember. They are just like a apple. There's plenty more phones offer much more at half the price. It's not that we can't afford to buy it's if it's worth the price.
25 Aug 17#170
What?? That makes no sense
25 Aug 17#171
Already got mine pre-ordered. Can't wait
25 Aug 17#172
No less sense than you thinking that £870 is a good deal when it only costs ~$300 to make. :grin: #mug
25 Aug 17#173
Same here, prob gonna sell the DeX tho. Don't think i'm gonna find much use for it. Doubt they going to be worth a lot when ebay/amazon gets flooded with them after launch.
25 Aug 17#174
Annoyed we didn't get a discount if we had the note 7 tho. Yeah I doubt I'd use that either. Try and claim it as early as possible and sell it day 1 is best bet
25 Aug 17#175
How is it a good deal? 869 for a phone I can't justify spending that much .
25 Aug 17#176
As if you muted me. Why do you keep saying I'm insecure? I've never tried to defend myself to you, I couldn't care less about what you think. Remember when you talked about "projecting"? Do you think maybe you're the one who's insecure?
25 Aug 17#177
Can always rely on this site to have a load of people judging others for what they choose to spend their money on.
25 Aug 17#178
Couldn't agree more, if people choose to spend £700-900 in a year on a holiday, nights out, cigarettes, drinking, eating out at expensive restaurants, OR A MOBILE PHONE then that's up to them.
25 Aug 17#179
Tempted , the only thing with Samsung they lose value faster than Apple Products...
26 Aug 17#180
I have a note 4 I got from Bluetooth has never worked on it. This would be a great next last phones have been notes 1 & 4 - 8 comes next...but £869 just seems a tad too expensive, especially as they want you to upgrade every 2 years or so.
My note 4 seems to be slowing down after all the recent updates, and the battery is loosing its charge more quickly. I'm really wondering how many years use I could get out of this phone.
26 Aug 17#181
I pre ordered this the day it came out for the simple fact that it was a 0% deal over 2 years, paired with my BT sim (reduction for broadband customer) I'm going to be paying around £40 per month all in. There is no way I could afford this phone if I had to pay outright and I wasn't going to pay some of the monthly charges that EE, O2 etc have listed. I think this offer is good! Yes it's bloody expensive but we all have a choice take it or leave it. For me I didn't need a 128gb memory card, I am nowhere near filling my Note 4 up with a total of 64gb, the wireless chargers are pretty cheap to buy these days anyway and for me the 360 camera is nice, but you'll only benefit it's use properly with 360 VR glasses which I have but only use very rarely, so the Dex station will get more use than what the Americans are getting for sure. For some people this deal might not be suitable but I'm happy with it. For a poster who asked about Dual sim, I've looked into it and it seems that they are the same price but it does take its toll on battery life when enabled, there is info on the Internet about dual sim phones to decide, might be good for some people but not for me:) Heat added!
26 Aug 17#182
I did this last year with my S7 edge and will do the same again with an S8 plus or Note 8, undecided yet. 20% discount and 12 months interest free is a good deal but you MUST pay off within the 12 months or the interest is extortionate. I only buy from Very when they send me a code which is usually a couple of times a year.
26 Aug 17#183
Yeah I've ordered the NOTE 8 same to £695.20 with the 20% + £3.99 delivery. Didn't take them up on the interest free tho. Ordered the S8+ for my partner when it came out for £627.19 with same offer.
Between me & fam got about 3/4 accounts but only seem to get promo codes on 1 of them few times a year like you said, bit random. But worked out well this year, got both promo codes just in time for the S8/Note8 launches.
Works out well with a ~£10/month sim only deal
26 Aug 17#184
Lol they are solid until Samsung pushes update and kills it!
26 Aug 17#185
how did you get this for sub £700? i'm on the website still showing as £869? if i could get for that price i would've jumped at the chance, very cheap for the price. but not for nearly £900 for a phone that will be worth a lot less than the equivalent Apple product (the depreciation on non Apple products is horrendous). or is it account specific?
26 Aug 17#186
Ignore my comment above noticed its from Very where some can get 20% off their Note 8 purchase by opening up a new credit account with them. The discount is up to 20%, i was only getting 10%. Good luck to those who can get the 20%. Very jealous for sub £700 its a no brainer
27 Aug 17#187
Wow just purchased s8 plus £625 buy now pay later 12month I got note edge don't need nother 1
Opening post
All comments (188)
I want the options the US are getting FFS.
We get the DEX which has a value of around half that of the Gear 360. Rip off Britain.
As much as I've been waiting to change my Note 4 I will wait a little longer for a better standalone price.
Saying that I bet I give in, buy this and sell the DEX.
Can also opt to buy now pay later (6, 9, or 12 months) and if paid within the 6//9/12 months no interest to pay, or take 3 and divide payments over 3 months with no interest.
There is no obligation to upgrade after 12 months, (you can settle the credit agreement at any time).…999
Picked up the Lenovo p2 for £199, there's just nothing to justify spending an additional £670
these are full-on capable powerful pocket computers.
it is what it is.
I wouldn't buy another Samsung phone until they drop the prices. If people buy them at £869, then soon £1000 would seem reasonable... crazy
Good deal with 24 month interest free
In the UK we get Jack Shit.... Well we get DEX.... I still have My Note 7 & Have used It daily since the issues started. I said I would only part ways from It If I were to Trade It towards a Note 8 but unless they bring a similar promotion to the UK I'll be keeping it for a while longer
Also Samsung once agains holds back the Deep Sea Blue Colour to only Hong Kong for Release while we have to wait for it as well. Samsung pissed me off today. Was really looking forward to the announcement. :disappointed:
It is expensive. Although suprising about the uproar.... 0% over 24 month on a cc. 37 per monthish. Coupled with a decent 10 per month contract. 47 a month is what most flagships cost on contracts anyway. So unless purchasing outright most people have been paying this for years.
I need a new phone but will definetly hold fire and hope for a price drop/alternative phone though. Unless very do the DEX where i can sell that and couple it with a 20 percent off. May end up with regular s8...
How about out comparing their new phones camera to an 11 month old phones camera?! Geniuses! Let's hope Apple returns the favour the day this comes out :joy:
Samsung had the balls to admit fault and recall the entire thing rather than Apple blaming the user for holding an iPhone the wrong way for the network dropping (iPhone 4).
They now have a new test standard to ensure it doesn't happen again.
If anything it's more safer than any other phone in the market.
Having said that the price is a little steep.
Happy with my 128gb Oneplus 3T I got recently. Much faster than my old S7 Edge.
I might wait for the Galaxy Note 9.
Note series are solid and hold good resale value
Very tempted by this. I had Note 4 a few years back and loved it.
A weekend city break for two can easily cost that much with nothing to show for it.
Yes phones have gone up around 30% in the last few years but the tech inside has also.
I'll wager that around half the UK earn this much in a week. That's around a £45k salary.
To me if you want it and can afford it then buy, if not then look elsewhere......simples.
Either way, regardless of salaries, affordability and the price of tech increasing, this is Hotukdeals and £869 for a phone that is £869 elsewhere is not a deal!
My last office was a call centre and 90% of those earned under 20k.
Is not just supermarket staff and cleaners earning that much.
I'd imagine if you take London out of those stats it would be between 5-10% earning that.
Don't forget how fortunate you are if you are one of those 13%!
the phone might be $869 but then a whole chunk of tax gets thrown on afterwards and the yanks pay an extortionate amount for phone plans costing 3/4 times what we pay for the same plans.
Please clarify when the Pound bought you two dollars and how this relates to Brexit.
Pound / Dollar 2007
Pound / Dollar 2016
Pound / Dollar 2017
Proven because Xiaomi produce equivalents at a fraction of the cost and will probably last longer as well, plus you can keep upgrading and loose very little money in the process.
What was the last Xiaomi phone you used ?
Can be had for £372
X5 rubbish, one of my toys - needs constant maintenance, eats front tyres, sensors always going, oil leaks from cam cover and oil filter housing gasket, Dacia duster would be more reliable and at least meets expectation, Lexus RX300 does the same job, for less and rock solid reliability so if your going to compare, do it properly and in most peoples opinion they are "equal". Dont be a victim of the bling..
£280 - Xiaomi Mi Note 2 - not as insane albeit still pricey imho and same build quality.
They really have got us consumers chucking money at them.......
It a ridiculous price, I just don't see how it's justified. Plus you then have to put up with the horrible Samsung software!
Either way, you'll find these on fleabay brand new for a couple hundred less in a month or so, just like the s8 and every other Samsung/android flagship.
Wound up going with the Xiaomi Mi Max 2. iPhone build quality, better skin than lagwiz (though I have lineage on mine), 3 day battery life, no nasty pink tinted amoled screen. £200.
it may not have the bleeding edge power of the exynos, but the snapdragon 625 is better than anyone actually needs unless you plan on emulating GameCube games natively at highest settings.
Although the new Moto G5s plus seems to be hardly much of an upgrade but at a much higher price than the king of the mid rangers, the G5 plus, I'm worried these reasonably priced phones might start following the flagships in increasing prices by a silly amoutn every year.
*this is a joke at Samsung's expense
** deep sea not available in the UK
The S8 plus is 6.2", the S8 Note is 6.3 inch.
However, when I consider the difference between this and my Note 4, I struggle to find sufficient gain (and certainly no killer-app) .
I originally got my Note 4 through Amazon whilst they were doing discounted contracts with O2 - that expired earlier in the summer and I switched to a SIM Only contract. I think my current plan remains to use my phone until it dies and then to pick up a second hand one, probably from CEX or someone similar who bundles a two year warranty.
You can buy a top end laptop for this sort of money.
"Top end" laptops are well over a grand. I paid £1,649 for the new surface pro and that's not even the top of the range model. Also Mac Book Pro's start at more than this price. Dell XPS, Surface books etc all well over a grand.
Electronics in general are getting very expensive, even TVs are easy to spend £2k+ on nowadays.
The bill of materials and cost of manufacturing on the S8 is slightly more than $300. It's not going to be much more on the Note 8.
It's a nice enough oversized phone but simply doesn't justify the absurdly high price. It's just Samsung doing an Apple and charging whatever it thinks it can get away with.
And like I said I AGREE it’s too much money. I would never pay that
As for Samsung, too many people are brainwashed by their massive multi $billion advertising and marketing campaigns and their propensity to bribe/manipulate/pressure the media to get favourable coverage. There's a corruption trial going on in Korea at moment for example, that goes right to the top of the organisation:…rea
This phone doesn't cost anywhere close to £870 to make.
comparing wuth s8 plus, you are paying 300+ for s-pen, dual camera, and smaller battery.
If the average salary is £26k / year then much more than 50% will earn less than £26k/year, as some people earn 10m/year.
I'll have one non-existent Playstation game for a non-existent £5.74 please, and oh, I'll take a Mario Bros hat for £12 that I can get for free elsewhere! :laughing:
The silly price is probably justified because these phones are status symbol for some people. They NEED to spend that much money to feel important.
I could never really understand that. On the other hand, my money is piling up in my account without a purpose (well, possibly buying a flat eventually).
People will always complain about the price of things, especially in the current climate. I would like a new car, but buy used. Would love to buy a mansion, can only afford a flat. Thankfully we have options. Buy the cheaper phone, buy last years model. Pays your money and take your choice.
Now, you're bizarrely talking about dicks, mums and basements when no one else is?
Do you project much by any chance? Or are you just insecure and easily triggered?
And if do you have kids (and they're not actually those of your neighbour or brother), they are seriously f***ed if they turn out to be anything like you....
He thinks that because he can't afford luxury electronics that nobody should be allowed to either.
P2 was about the only interesting phone I've seen in 2017, Just hoping Lenovo keep the pricing keen on the upcoming P3....
When we perform mathematical calculations we call it Maths (note the s).
Don't tell me you didn't have some mad names back then :joy:
Anyone buying one now is likely getting the Inferior non global version from Gearbest. Its OK but has no Band 20 for 4G which limits it in the UK a little.
Rumour has it that Lenovo will be announcing the P3 though on August 31st in IFA keynote. Rumoured to be faster, better camera and still have it's monster battery at a keen price again.
And you think that £870 for it is a good deal.... :joy: #mug
After all of that you would've thought Sammie would've learned its lesson & treated at least former NOTE 7 owners better? NOPE not for us in the UK we yet again get no discounts yet the Americans get $425 off their NOTE 8 with a trade in system. Wonder why we aren't good enough for this? On top of that we get the worst gift compared to those across the pond (128gb micro sd card plus wireless charger or a 360 cam).
I'd been waiting for the next Note, didn't get the S8 as Sammie again felt the british deserved to pay for the VR headset yet the yanks didn't need to? Now this?
Think i'll be spending my hard earned money on the iPhone Pro and the Pixel XL 2. Not trusting Sammie ever again with my money.…809
Note 8 £869 and S8+ £779 simfree
Difference £90 more for Note 8 for S-pen and the extra features that come with that, slightly bigger screen, dual camera setup with optical image stabilization on bothcameras. Extra 2GB of ram.
Yes on the neg side slightly smaller battery which is annoying, if they wanted to make sure its safe, they should have just used the same battery as is in the S8+…mp/
There's plenty more phones offer much more at half the price.
It's not that we can't afford to buy it's if it's worth the price.
My note 4 seems to be slowing down after all the recent updates, and the battery is loosing its charge more quickly. I'm really wondering how many years use I could get out of this phone.
I think this offer is good!
Yes it's bloody expensive but we all have a choice take it or leave it. For me I didn't need a 128gb memory card, I am nowhere near filling my Note 4 up with a total of 64gb, the wireless chargers are pretty cheap to buy these days anyway and for me the 360 camera is nice, but you'll only benefit it's use properly with 360 VR glasses which I have but only use very rarely, so the Dex station will get more use than what the Americans are getting for sure.
For some people this deal might not be suitable but I'm happy with it.
For a poster who asked about Dual sim, I've looked into it and it seems that they are the same price but it does take its toll on battery life when enabled, there is info on the Internet about dual sim phones to decide, might be good for some people but not for me:)
Heat added!
I only buy from Very when they send me a code which is usually a couple of times a year.
Ordered the S8+ for my partner when it came out for £627.19 with same offer.
Between me & fam got about 3/4 accounts but only seem to get promo codes on 1 of them few times a year like you said, bit random. But worked out well this year, got both promo codes just in time for the S8/Note8 launches.
Works out well with a ~£10/month sim only deal
I got note edge don't need nother 1
Here you go bud.