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 Samsung 40'' 4K Ultra HD HDR LED Smart TV - £395 With Free Delivery @ Groupon
3.5 stars +231

Samsung 40'' 4K Ultra HD HDR LED Smart TV - £395 With Free Delivery @ Groupon

Free P&P Groupon7 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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7 Aug 17
Looks good tv, anyone got one, as I would like to use it purely for ps4 and watching movies via firestick.
7 Aug 17 #1
It helps to say what it is in the title. This is a KU6000.

That's Samsung's cheapest 4K 2016 model. It's laughable to claim HDR for it, it's not even wide gamut, but it's generally had good reviews as a normal TV with acceptable picture and sound quality and no big issues.

This isn't the cheapest it's been, it went to 850° when it was £299 but it's a decent price at this time of year, when TVs generally are expensive.
hackerace to EndlessWaves
7 Aug 17 #2
Not sure about input lag on gaming,anyone knw if it supports 60hz or game mode?
EndlessWaves to hackerace
7 Aug 17 #5
You can take all three as a given these days, it's very unusual for a TV to be 50hz-only or not have a game mode.

Input lag across the board is down to the point where only the picky or unusually sensitive should be worried about it. I believe it's about 1/30th of a second on this model.
hackerace to EndlessWaves
7 Aug 17 #10
Not sure what that means,my other lg does 60hz at 1080p and seems good to me.
EndlessWaves to hackerace
7 Aug 17 #12
60hz is the US broadcast standard, TVs will generally operate at 50hz when showing UK TV. They're all worldwide designs though, hence my comment that it's rare to find one that won't also run at 60hz for computers or similar.
hackerace to EndlessWaves
7 Aug 17 #13
Yea sorry I was referring to low input lag and response time.
7 Aug 17 #3
I have this TV and is fine for gaming, netflix etc
hackerace to johnwillowlfc
7 Aug 17 #6
Great,would you say its fast and fluid, notice any judder or tearing?
johnwillowlfc to hackerace
7 Aug 17 #14
No to both, obviously you can always get better if you spend more but this one of the better budget 4k tvs out there, just make sure you turn on gaming mode or you will experience input lag on xbox/ps4
hackerace to johnwillowlfc
7 Aug 17 #15
Great thanks.
7 Aug 17 #4
I got the 49 inch version for a tenna more
hackerace to chrisredmayne
7 Aug 17 #7
Great,how would you rate it,I will be using it for gaming and watching movies.
chrisredmayne to hackerace
7 Aug 17 #9
Love it, Samsung has brilliant apps too... everything from BBC itv 4od 5 Netflix Amazon ufc now tv to more obscure ones. You need to take motion plus or something like that off or you get a weird effect with movies but once you do that everything is great. 4k looks amazing at first and then you kinda just get used to if
hackerace to chrisredmayne
7 Aug 17 #11 the sound good enough,some people said its a bit low,also have you used it for gaming?
chrisredmayne to hackerace
8 Aug 17 #27
Sound seems good but I only had it on for a night then plugged in my playbar.

Gaming is great but I really only play football games on the ps4 so it's probably not the best test for it. Uncharted looked awesome on it when I played that though
MisterSkinflint to chrisredmayne
7 Aug 17 #17
Aren't tenna's incontinence pads?
andybriggs03 to MisterSkinflint
7 Aug 17 #18
No, it's just shorthand for a tenner or £10.00
taras to andybriggs03
7 Aug 17 #19
lol one character chopped off

shorthand for "ten pounds more" = +£10
7 Aug 17 #8
Also not sure how the warranty works with Groupon, not sure who its with?
7 Aug 17 #16
A friend of mine has this TV, I often visit him and he moans about the Tizen OS on it being laggy and also it suffers from various bugs which get fixed in firmware updates only for more to happen, but this is generally true of any Smart TV at this pricepoint. Overall it looks fine to me, not a bad buy and it even was as cheap as £299 last Black Friday before steadily rising back up in price.
7 Aug 17 #20
Don’t like tizen
8 Aug 17 #21
4k or not, seems dear for a 40 inch TV these days and I'd rather buy it from an established electricals site
hackerace to tallpete33
8 Aug 17 #22
seems to the cheapest decent 4k tv at this price, but yes i would also buy from elsewhere if you cant get it cheaper that is?
8 Aug 17 #23
Might be a slightly different model but I have this in 4K 40 inch. Was £300 at Tesco last November, and I used 10% off so £270.
Seems expensive?
8 Aug 17 #24
Ah I have UE40KU6020. Don't know if there's any major difference
hackerace to RickPC
8 Aug 17 #25
Great its slightly different model, whats your like?
RickPC to hackerace
8 Aug 17 #26
Seems great to me I don't experience lagg like in the above comments, has a good sound, a massive upscale from my 1080p tv. Only con was no Bluetooth so check that.
11 Aug 17 #28
Seems like a good deal to me.I ordered, but unfortunately just had my order refunded as they don’t deliver to Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire
hackerace to portgordon
11 Aug 17 #29
That's a shame. I'm still hovering over the buy button, as I'm still not sure on this or get better version UE40KU6400, which has great reviews and suppose to be better for HDR.
portgordon to hackerace
11 Aug 17 #30
They’ve updated the page now to clarify their delivery areas :disappointed:

Let us know if you find any good deals on the 6400 :grin:
14 Aug 17 #31
Bought this when it was 299 at the beginning of the year and very pleased with it. Frequently use the netflix and Amazon apps and the plex app hooks up to my raspberry pi plex server without any trouble.
hackerace to ContentTooShortError
14 Aug 17 #32
you got a good deal, price on tv's seem expensive at the moment, not sure why? whats is like with games and movies? do you get any motion blur?
ContentTooShortError to hackerace
15 Aug 17 #33
​Noticed some on Horizon Zero Dawn but none on Destiny. For the money it was a great deal and the slight blur is tolerable.
16 Aug 17 #34
I had this TV from Richer Sounds for £399, motion blurring was evident from day 1, even on people's hands moving around quickly if they were gesturing at something. Other than that the picture quality was good. I ended up sending the TV back for another reason (minor cosmetic damage) and upgraded to the 40" MU6400 model for £449. Picture quality is just as good and no motion blur.
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