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 Retro gaming afternoon 6 hrs, 2 adults from £8.50 with code Edinburgh Groupon
5++ stars +971

Retro gaming afternoon 6 hrs, 2 adults from £8.50 with code Edinburgh Groupon

£8.50 Groupon4 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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4 Aug 17
Use code EXPLORE LOCAL for extra 15% off . History of Video Games: Volume 2

The Pop Up Retro Arcade has returned for the summer in a bigger unit!

Pay one entry fee and then play as many games as you like for the duration of the session.
Ticketing options:

  • £10 for two (2) adult tickets (up to 50% off)
  • £19 for one (1) family ticket for two (2) adults and two (2) children (up to 34% off)
  • £49 for eight (8) adult tickets (up to 29% off)
  • Must be 12 or older. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
History of Video Games This summer Edinburgh will see the short but rich history of video games under one roof as Future Artists bring together everything from original vintage machines such as Space Invaders and Pac Man to rare Star Wars games and classic home entertainment systems including Sega, Nintendo and Atari. Some of the classic games of the 80s, among them Afterburner and Outrun, will be played alongside Street Fighter and other 90s hits. This edition will also see the classic Commodore 65 and Spectrum 48k machines, plus rare handheld games.
‌ :relaxed:‌…rgh
All comments (61)
4 Aug 17 #1
Use code EXPLORE LOCAL for extra 15% off . History of Video Games: Volume 2

The Pop Up Retro Arcade has returned for the summer in a bigger unit!

Pay one entry fee and then play as many games as you like for the duration of the session.
Ticketing options:

  • £10 for two (2) adult tickets (up to 50% off)
  • £19 for one (1) family ticket for two (2) adults and two (2) children (up to 34% off)
  • £49 for eight (8) adult tickets (up to 29% off)
  • Must be 12 or older. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
History of Video Games This summer Edinburgh will see the short but rich history of video games under one roof as Future Artists bring together everything from original vintage machines such as Space Invaders and Pac Man to rare Star Wars games and classic home entertainment systems including Sega, Nintendo and Atari. Some of the classic games of the 80s, among them Afterburner and Outrun, will be played alongside Street Fighter and other 90s hits. This edition will also see the classic Commodore 65 and Spectrum 48k machines, plus rare handheld games.
‌ :relaxed:‌…rgh
4 Aug 17 #2
nice one
4 Aug 17 #3
Great thanks for this
4 Aug 17 #4
The f*** am I just hearing about this now, literally the day before!? Gutted!
ArthurDent1 to pazuzu17
4 Aug 17 #14
It's on until Sat 19th August
4 Aug 17 #5
Awesome. Would be there if this was London
johnsmith1997 to marmaluke
4 Aug 17 #10
I was thinking the same.
When's it coming to London.
How many people live in London compared to Edinburgh!! :astonished:
noahsdad to johnsmith1997
4 Aug 17 #17
Jesus guys, I mean c'mon poor old London, the heart and centre of the UK, it never gets anything. Nothing ever happens there. You poor hard by done people, we all feel for you. God forbid another part of the UK has something London does not, am outraged for you, the crime!
Trogador to noahsdad
4 Aug 17 #18
Move all fun activities to London because it's got more people living in it. How dare we not include them
johnsmith1997 to noahsdad
4 Aug 17 #20
I love me retro arcade games.
You can't really compare playing an arcade game on a console or emulator vs the real thing.
noahsdad to johnsmith1997
4 Aug 17 #23
That bit I have no problem with. Was more the whining bit "when is it coming to London, London has more people than Edinburgh". I agree the real thing is always best, although emulators etc are decent compensation.
johnsmith1997 to marmaluke
4 Aug 17 #28…ade

Found this for all us Londoners/Southerners.
They used to be in Acton but now in Croydon.
They don't seem to have as many machines as the Arcade Club.
Will have to check this out,as I'm only in Sutton. :thumbsup:
4 Aug 17 #6
Street fighter 2? Maybe final fight. Well jealous!
Graham1979 to jamobo1
4 Aug 17 #13
Yes, yes yes yes yes YES!
4 Aug 17 #7
Groupon states deal on between 19th July and 11th September but link says 5th August :thinking:
4 Aug 17 #8
If you like retro gaming you should check out
fubuki81 to ranja81
5 Aug 17 #38
Have you seen prices there ? :wink: Just buy used PSP 2k/3k from cex and get memory Card with retro games for 10 pounds from eBay . You can play everything from c64 to p
4 Aug 17 #9

End of argument.
Andyr330 to abaxas
4 Aug 17 #12
Was just about to post this!!! Arcade club is epic especially with second floor now open! Get down and enjoy its amazing!!
ianyar1470 to Andyr330
4 Aug 17 #31
Second that - I drive from Liverpool to the Arcade Club in Bury and it's the dogs!
johnsmith1997 to abaxas
4 Aug 17 #24
Cheers,looks awesome!!
I've played a lot of those arcade machines shown.
Shame the place is in bloomin Bury. :disappointed:
mrbojangles to abaxas
5 Aug 17 #40
Excellent. Never knew about this. Cheers
blueflash to abaxas
5 Aug 17 #46
How busy does this get at weekend? Would be taking my son 8 so couldnt access second floor,.
jasonm737 to blueflash
5 Aug 17 #50
Its busy but as there are so many games, its not an issue. Top tip......If you go on a hot sunny day then the place is really quiet
4 Aug 17 #11
Do you have to pay £1 to play each game
4 Aug 17 #15
I was at this the last time they were in Edinburgh. Basically it's just a pop up shop in a shopping centre that has about 10 arcade cabinets (some originals and some mock ups) and then a few older systems set up (NES, SNES, Megadrive, Classic NES Mini) then a PS4 and Xbox One, although I guess expect more from this since it's apparently in a "bigger unit".

It was fun, slightly more expensive than it was here but I felt I got my moneysworth. The one problem I had though was that it was hard to get on a cabinet you wanted since it was quite busy, plus factor in families bringing their kids in who will either just jump from cabinet to cabinet mashing buttons, or teens who will hog the cabinets for long periods of time (if you're going to this, please be considerate if someone is waiting to play the big ones like Pac-Man, Mario, Galaxian, Outrun etc).

All in all a good laugh though. We made a day of it and went to the afternoon session then out for drinks afterwards
noahsdad to Trogador
4 Aug 17 #19
Did they have a good selection of multiplayer games at the last one?

I am thinking the likes of 4 player TMNT, Simpsons or MJ's Moonwalker, and 2 player Double Dragon.
Trogador to noahsdad
4 Aug 17 #26
Here's a list I found on their Facebook:

Arcade Zone

Pac man, is a rare Puck man Cab (Google it ‌ :smile: )
Daytona USA – Classic Sega race sim
Lethal Enforcer – shoot em up
Millipede – classic 1983 game
Donkey Kong
Bomber Man
Super Hang on – Bike sim
Street Figher 2
Virtual Fighter
Karate (Street fighter 1)
and our rare Nintendo multi-game cab from Japan

and then we have

Mario Kart on the Snes and the N64
Mega Man, NES
Mario World on the N64
Mario Bros on the NES
Duck Hunt with Zapper on the NES
Senna Monico GP2 Formula 1 Racing on the Sega Master System
Wrestle Mania WWF SNES
Sonic 2 on the megadrive
Streets of Rage on the Megadrive
Hurricanes on the megadrive
Fifa on the PS3
Tomb Raider legend on the PS2
Tekken 2 on the PS1
Mario Sunshine on the Game Cube

Hand held zone...

Game Boy Colour, Game Gear, Original Game boy with Tetris and a Gameboy advance
LOL_is_stupid to Trogador
4 Aug 17 #33
Great, but nothing you can't get for free with Mame on a PC or Pi at home
johnsmith1997 to Trogador
4 Aug 17 #22
When I was kid,people use to put their 10p credit on the machines to signify they're next in the queue. :grin:
4 Aug 17 #16
The Commodore 65 is pretty rare...
Regprentice to IamMT
5 Aug 17 #53
Beat me to it.
4 Aug 17 #21
This looks like a bit of a mess:

Groupon voucher says it's valid until Sept 12th
Fatsoma (the promoter)'s website is only offering tickets for sale up to Sat 19th August.

The Groupon voucher says no booking required - just print the ticket and show on entry. No dates or opening hours given.
Fatsoma's website says tickets are valid for a 3 hour session (either 12-3pm or 3-6pm). It claims full opening hours are at:…rgh (but there's nothing there about opening hours).
There are opening hours at…l-2
"We run two sessions a day 12-3pm and 3pm till 6pm 7 days a week"

Groupon voucher says "Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult."
Fatsoma say "Can I drop my Kids off and go shopping - Again this is at your own discretion, only Children 12+ can be left un-supervised"

Code EXPLORELOCAL will give you 15% off one voucher, but doesn't discount more than £1.50 if you try to buy more than one voucher (I just set up another Groupon account with another email address to get the discount on a 2nd voucher).

It gets worse: their Facebook page says it's open July 31st to August 12th
I'm thinking piss-up and brewery.

Another EDIT:
Future Artists have confirmed on Facebook that children under 12 must be accompanied but unaccompanied teenagers are fine. Ignore what Groupon says.
4 Aug 17 #25
Isn't Fatsuma is that weird Asian type food (but not like a nice Chinese) restaurant on the top floor? Seems like a strange venue in the shopping centre.
4 Aug 17 #27
If that list is more or less what it is, is not a *must go* to thing for me. Where is Shinobi, Rastan, Double Dragon, TMNT, Simpsons, Scramble, Bombjack, Track n Field, and I could go on and on. As much as I like Sega and Nintendo also, is a bit too focused on them.
4 Aug 17 #29
No gauntlet? The amount of money mates and me spent on that in early 90's. Was in our school, no wonder the teachers drove mercs.
noahsdad to jaydeeuk1
5 Aug 17 #45
Another good 4 player game, at a busy event this is a trick missed.

I have decided to skip it. Value for money seems okay for the gaming content, but I reckon it will be a bit busy and frustrating. There was 120 people had bought it on the groupon page yesterday, now up to 150 since being posted here. Did give OP heat though. Never done the Play Expo one mentioned, that sounds good and will keep an eye for that - someone please post if there is one coming to our parts.
niceblokedave to jaydeeuk1
6 Aug 17 #55
'Wizard you are about to die !' :astonished:
4 Aug 17 #30
Anyone know something like this in the Midlands?
bernardsfingers to SPRR0W
4 Aug 17 #32
4 Aug 17 #34
Thank you so much for posting this deal! It made me Google similar places like this here in Leicester and i found out about Retro Computer Museum. I really hope they have Final Fight on their arcades. I would drop dead if i get to play it. That would be my life complete. And i thought playing it on the Game Boy Advance SP was cool.
bernardsfingers to mogki
4 Aug 17 #35
From the Retro Computer Museum site:
'Retro Computer Museum is a registered charity dedicated to the benefit of the public for the preservation, display and public experience of computer and console systems from the 1960's onwards. ... Our main focus is on systems that were in use in the home, rather than big computer systems and mainframes of early computer development'

So you won't find Final Fight there (at least not the arcade machine version).
mogki to bernardsfingers
6 Aug 17 #56
I am so glad you were wrong. I had low expectations after reading that quote, but they did have Final Fight on two of their arcade machines! They just had so many games and consoles there, it was unreal! :smile: I had a blast and it was the second best day of my life. I really look forward to going to Retro Computer Museum again. The staff are so knowledgeable and friendly too. It literally is a paradise for gamers.
bernardsfingers to mogki
6 Aug 17 #57
So slightly disappointing then? :wink:
4 Aug 17 #36
Not a great deal when you consider Arcade Cloub is much bigger and is £10 all year round. In fact its the biggest Arcade in Europe and its in Bury which is accessible from a tram from Mancehster City Centre
5 Aug 17 #37
arcadeclub FTW!
5 Aug 17 #39
Not sure if people have posted it or not but Londoners are very lucky as they have Las Vegas Casino arcade (soho) and Heart Of Gaming (croydon)

I ve been to LVA and its pretty decent but lacks the more oldskool games I does however have alot of ddr/rhythm games.

HoG ive never been to but ive heard great things about them. I will be visiting next time im around London
5 Aug 17 #41
Have you not been to heart of gaming! It's now in Croydon after moving from Acton. Get your sweet retro kicks there
5 Aug 17 #42
I am wondering if that is a bad typo by groupon, "the classic Commodore 65", it was only a prototype of which a handful are in existence.

5 Aug 17 #43
Sounds like it's a pretty poor exhibition compared to the Play Expo which was in Glasgow earlier in the summer (and tours the country). Good to see some things like this in Scotchland though.
5 Aug 17 #44
For all those saying about London doesn't get anything, we have the coolest gaming/arcade place in London! It's called heart of gaming and it's located in the whitegift centre in Croydon. They used to be in Acton like someone said before but they have retro gaming, Street fighter, sonic, dance dance Revolution, old Japanese arcade units, Ps4s, Xbox one's, almost everything you could imagine and last time I went it was a tenner for a whole day and they sometimes have offers and tournaments! I highly recommend it :smile:
5 Aug 17 #47
I know commodore 65 too great !!! Is that the follow up to the 64
5 Aug 17 #48
+1 for Arcade Club. Even if it seems far away, it's honestly worth making the journey. 100+ cabs all on freeplay. Never over crowded so you can always get on something. They also have the latest PS4/Xbone stuff and high end PC's along with VR setups. £10 in and you can stay for about 10 hours. Really cheap food and drink on sale in there too
jasonm737 to chunk3rvd
5 Aug 17 #49
Agreed. Arcade club is well worth the trip. Been down from Glasgow to it now about 6 times. And they now have over 200 original video game cabinets and pinball machines plus have opened the 2nd floor so its now even better.
5 Aug 17 #51
No NBA Jam coin op.

5 Aug 17 #52
Arcadeclub looks fantastic.

But Disney Quest was too true genius - such a shame it has just closed or is about to be replaced some with NBA thing.
5 Aug 17 #54
We went to the retro gaming event at norbreck castle blackpool last month. A great day out. It was £16 each but unlimited use of all arcade machines and consoles
8 Aug 17 #58
I miss the trocadero in London, used to love going here at weekends or summer holidays.
10 Aug 17 #59
Use the code CURIOUS to get up to 25% off, ends tonight.
12 Aug 17 #60…boy
The Smart Boy will feature an eight-way D-pad; two action buttons; a start and select button; and an included battery that can be charged through the phone itself providing 5 hours of gameplay. It will be compatible with Game Boy and Game Boy Color cartridges.
13 Aug 17 #61
use code APPDEALS for 15% off ends midnite 13/08
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