You need to get out more and stop being offended by everything.
cactusbrandy to grove39
10 Aug 17#20
You need to see the nature of my first reply, and then second. Note the lack of formality and making light of the situation.
You need to stop being offended on behalf of others. The Polish girl, sat next to me laughs at the absurdity.
grove39 to cactusbrandy
10 Aug 17#21
I wasnt the offended one.
cactusbrandy to grove39
10 Aug 17#22
Then that makes two of us! :party:
10 Aug 17#16
They are hideous looking things. However if you like them then its a good price. Heat added.
10 Aug 17#15
they are foul looking things
10 Aug 17#13
Ordered cheers OP
10 Aug 17#12
Ordered, paid and collecting from Romford, thanks for the head's up
9 Aug 17#4
Polish girls will be all over you if you buy her those
gfox66 to coventgamer
9 Aug 17#8
Polish girls quite fit near me so that's no bad thing...
acj7744 to gfox66
9 Aug 17#10
Just wait until they go past the age of 35.
sylwiasznyk to acj7744
9 Aug 17#11
Yeah, because puma trainers are all we dream of! And yes at the age of 35 we get really fat, stop washing our hair, put the ugliest baggy track suits on... oh wait, that's not us is it?
9 Aug 17#9
Heated & boughted.
On another note why do so many Eastern Europeans wear red trainers?
9 Aug 17#7
I got a hard on when I Googled puma suede
9 Aug 17#6
Brought a pair cheers
9 Aug 17#5
Bought a 9 in both colours :thumbsup:
9 Aug 17#3
Ordered, thanks OP. Size 9 in Doc Martins so ordered 10 in these as I hear they come up slightly small.
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You need to stop being offended on behalf of others. The Polish girl, sat next to me laughs at the absurdity.
On another note why do so many Eastern Europeans wear red trainers?