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 [PS4/Xbox One/PC] Rainbow Six Siege Free Weekend (With Plus/XBL Gold)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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22 Aug 17
Alright game, worth a try.

Currently only advertised by Sony, apparently incoming on Xbox One and uPlay

Starting August 24, PS Plus members can try Ubisoft's acclaimed strategic squad shooter for free.

Rainbow Six Siege is one of the most dynamic and destructive shooters on PS4, and PlayStation Plus members will soon get a chance to try it for free from August 24-27. Any progress you make during the free weekend will carry over when you purchase the full game, which you can do for 50% off between August 24 and September 4.

The free weekend is a great time to get into Siege and learn some of the basics before the tentative September 5 launch of Operation Blood Orchid, the biggest update for Rainbow Six Siege since its launch. Three new Operators (two from Hong Kong’s SDU and one from Poland’s GROM) bring three new gadgets into the mix, while a new map sends players to a creepy, run-down theme park set in Hong Kong. We’ve got some tips on how to run the new Operators and make your presence felt when the new content hits.

Latest comments (51)
26 Aug 17 #51
If you normally stay away from competitive FPS games, you're going to love the team killing in this :laughing:
24 Aug 17 #50
So is it just the basic operator that's free, or do I need to download something else? Every other option bar the demo is charging me.
24 Aug 17 #43
Can you play offline against AI or is it online multiplayer only?
Snakeyes646 to dr_spaceman
24 Aug 17 #45
I'm not sure but I think its mainly online, maybe you can play the terrorist hunt as lone wolf but never tried offline
dr_spaceman to Snakeyes646
24 Aug 17 #46
I have had the game in my backlog for a while now but was always put off by the learning curve and it being team based with most players probably a few years experience!
user1234321 to dr_spaceman
24 Aug 17 #48
There's a game mode called Situations which is offline and then there is terrorist hunt which can be played online or offline. If you have a mic I suggest using it, you'll pick up a lot on how to play the game by communicating with team mates etc.
dr_spaceman to user1234321
24 Aug 17 #49
Thanks :thumbsup: I will try giving these modes a go to break me in gently!
23 Aug 17 #35
Is team killing being killed by your own team? How is that possible?
notos to teerex
23 Aug 17 #37
All shots hurt everyone in this so its an intrinsic part of the game to be careful. Team kills are usually accidental, say when someone moves in front of a team mate that is firing, or if a grenade goes off too close to friendlies. It sometimes happens through panic if a teammate appears where you don't expect. Unfortunately it's mostly angry players getting a sense of justice (real or perceived) by shooting a teammate that has done something they don't like.
atkin2247 to teerex
23 Aug 17 #38
Because they lack moral fibre.
Round starts, they shoot you. It's not like most arcade shooters where friendly fire doens't hurt, friendly fire kills, usually very quickly.... and is followed by a random childs laughter and a few obscneties...
user1234321 to teerex
24 Aug 17 #47
You hear team killing and you'll think it's gonna be a bad game but I don't think it's that big of a deal, majority of the time it'll be by accident, walking in front of someone shooting or someone throwing a grenade or using fuze on an objective room and a team mate walks in there. Your team mates location will always appear on the screen so you won't ever misjudge one for an enemy; you shouldn't anyway. To get around any team killing at all though, find a squad to play with, either looking on communities or just asking people you meet in the game - you'll learn a lot about how to play the game as well, communication is key.
24 Aug 17 #44
Yw, also watch the tutorials, you should learn from them and you also get some renown points which you can spend on weapons/attachments/operators
23 Aug 17 #36
:face_with_monocle: just bought it for Xbox from amazon, I'm actually excited to start this again! Not looking forward to all the MILF f*ckers killing you for fun and tea-bagging your corpse. :thinking:
copperspock to kiltsandhaggis
23 Aug 17 #42
MILF f*ckers :/?
23 Aug 17 #41
Just played about an hour ago and it was hostage, some guy/girl picked fuze.... We all know what happened next... But 3 times lol
23 Aug 17 #40
Amazing game, I love it more and more each time I play.
23 Aug 17 #39
Brilliant!!! Cant wait for tomorrow!! Heat Added! :grin:
22 Aug 17 #22
Is the free weekend available through steam?

Or will I have to go direct to their website?

Or Uplay?
BuzzDuraband to jamesf12
23 Aug 17 #34
Confirmed for Steam :smile:‌ [Link]
22 Aug 17 #33
Already up to D/L on the ps store so it's ready to go when the free weekend starts.
22 Aug 17 #32
Amazing game
22 Aug 17 #31
22 Aug 17 #30
I 100% this on the PS4 (Trophies etc...) but am looking forward to trying it with the Xbox community, see if there are less team killing 5yr olds on L!VE than on the PSN...

Well, i can hope....
22 Aug 17 #29
This is a top tactical shooter game, but I don't feel it warrants the Rainbow Six name.

For me a Tom Clancy game has always been about the story.
22 Aug 17 #10
I'll give it a try again but I remember got put off last time by first match I was team killed first round
copperspock to demonoidknight
22 Aug 17 #13
If HUKDers are trying it for the first time, it might be good to squad up with each other or join one of the PSN communities. Or for an even less daunting option, you can play the co-op Terrorist Hunt mode. That's a great way to get used to the operators, maps and mechanics.
This game really benefits from a good headset too, as enemies can be easily located by listening carefully.
user1234321 to demonoidknight
22 Aug 17 #27
I get team killed a lot as well on casual and terrorist hunt. Don't let it put you off, get to level 20 and go on ranked, also I'd look at communities on PS4 and try find players to squad up with
demonoidknight to user1234321
22 Aug 17 #28
Will give it another go this week see how I go
22 Aug 17 #26
Bought this on release and I still play it all the time. Can't recommend it enough, probably my favourite game on the PS4. However, it takes a while to get into as there's quite a learning curve! Gets much better once you get ranked.
22 Aug 17 #6
Does this mean there will be thousands of noobs on siege this weekend?
mixmixi to tyke88
22 Aug 17 #7
Not sure about the exact stats, but there will be at least one as far as I know... :muscle:
BuzzDuraband to tyke88
22 Aug 17 #8
Nah, the Call of Duty World War II beta is this weekend, too :laughing:
gother to tyke88
22 Aug 17 #25
I'll be on it so that's at least one :raised_hand:
22 Aug 17 #24
Amazing game - played since launch on PS4. Still building it's player base 18 months on.

Don't be put off by Casual trolls. Do the situations, build up the skill, then lots of terrorist hunt to get used to it. Sound is key. Great Great game. There's even an 'Adopt a Noob' thread on Reddit!
22 Aug 17 #23
Troll 1 (as above)
22 Aug 17 #21
I've just picked this up for £16.50 from Amazon. Does anyone fancy partying up for some games, as I'm a complete newbie to this! I'm on PS4 as LeChuck2117.
22 Aug 17 #19
Haven't played this since it came out and i traded it in shortly after, is all the dlc still free? or have they started to charge ?
BuzzDuraband to megatron20
22 Aug 17 #20
Everything is free. The maps are released with the season updates. Wild Orchid is incoming on the 5th September with the new Theme Park map, there will be three new operators available, too. All the operators can be unlocked with renown, but it's a bit of grind to do so. You could purchase the year passes (currently around £25 for each year) which would give you all the operators from that year unlocked.

I have the year two pass, but really only ever use Ash, Fuze and Mute whom are all freely available from the get go. It's just about finding an operator that works well for you and sticking with them :smile:
22 Aug 17 #17
I got this game when it £18. I would have happily spent £40 on this. It's a great game
combat_honey to Benjiffy
22 Aug 17 #18
Same. I bought it when it was cheap, but if I'd known how good it was I'd have happily paid £40 at release.
22 Aug 17 #16
Picked this up a few weeks back, great game, and as mentioned it improves massively when you enter the ranked MP.

It's not easy though, so be prepared for a shocking K/D until you learn the maps and mechanics xD
22 Aug 17 #4
Time to try the game, finally. :party: Heat dude.
BuzzDuraband to mixmixi
22 Aug 17 #12
I'm reading that it's Xbox One and PC too bud
mixmixi to BuzzDuraband
22 Aug 17 #14
I was trying to search for it minutes after, didn't find it anywhere. By any means is it live on Xbox One so that I download that version, please?
BuzzDuraband to mixmixi
22 Aug 17 #15
It's a Ubisoft promotion so I think the dates are solid. 6pm Thursday would be my call
22 Aug 17 #11
Been meaning to try this. Although it will mean I will have to tear myself away form lawbreakers/titanfall 2
22 Aug 17 #9
One thing that people should do, if they try the game. Its an absolute amazing game, unfortunately there is a lot of trolling and team killing in casual play. All I say is persevere once u get to level 20 and start playing ranked and matched against people the same skill it is so much better. Don't let the grind to level 20 put you off, won't regret it.
22 Aug 17 #3
Definitely worth a try this weekend; the Titanfall 2 trial sold me on that MP. What's 50% off in PSN money, £30?
BuzzDuraband to crumpo
22 Aug 17 #5
It'll be down to its usual £15 sale price.
22 Aug 17 #1
EmperorRosko to BuzzDuraband
22 Aug 17 #2
Amazing, haha love it :grin:
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