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 [PS4, Xbox One] Free 5 hour demo for Ghost Recon Wildlands.
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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3 Aug 17
Demo supports both single-player and online co-op, so you can get a proper feel for the tactical open-world shooter by hopping into a game with friends.…one

PS4 link
Xbox One link
All comments (48)
3 Aug 17 #1
Good game haven't tried co op yet have yet to finish it as other games keep taking away my time lol
3 Aug 17 #2
50gb on ps4 for those interested.
darkspace100 to orangebastage
3 Aug 17 #19
50gb for a demo? I ain't wasting my bandwidth for a demo. Why bother at all?
combat_honey to darkspace100
4 Aug 17 #35
Perhaps if you want to try the game?
3 Aug 17 #3
Rubbish game. Def worth a trial though. Thanks.
drummerdickens to santinosharma
3 Aug 17 #4
Why spend any time on it if it's rubbish?
benjammin316 to drummerdickens
3 Aug 17 #6
To make your own opinions
Heat added.
bass2655 to drummerdickens
7 Aug 17 #45
I bought this at launch and sold it for a quick profit after a week.

I like the game, it is decent and I'll pick it up again when cheap.
iwo to santinosharma
4 Aug 17 #26
Post this sense makes no.
3 Aug 17 #5
I own the game... don't listen to some sayin rubbish.. every game suit different people... i enjoyed playin solo and my son still play it too.
therocksays to misiokicio
3 Aug 17 #18
I also played the beta which I enjoyed and waited for the price to drop and i now own a copy for the ps4 for £26 well worth it I spend hours on it.
chaank to misiokicio
6 Aug 17 #44
No....this is one piece of clunky, buggy, dated, poorly coded trash. The driving is a joke, you would think your riding a kiddies merry go round. Such a lazy the twerps who play it.
3 Aug 17 #7
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Wildlands - Standard Edition Costs £54.99
3 Aug 17 #8
I've wanted to give it a go before splashing the cash for eBay copy.
3 Aug 17 #9
Save yourself 5 hours of your life. Terrible game.
3 Aug 17 #10
Wasn't there a trial before release?
I definitely tried to enjoy it for a few minutes.
3 Aug 17 #11
Played the beta. Found it incredibly boring and derivative.
3 Aug 17 #12
Very repetitive and as others have said, boring. It can be fun with friends but that's the case with every game.
3 Aug 17 #13
5 hours trial can't go wrong.
3 Aug 17 #14
This game looks awesome for coop play. Can't get my guys to all invest yet though unfortunately
greedyfatbass to Dekard97
5 Aug 17 #39
​That's IMHO problem with co op games :disappointed:
Dekard97 to greedyfatbass
5 Aug 17 #38
Tell me about it. The only game I play with friends these days is BF1. So many games my friends said, "yeah yeah, we'll buy that", I go out and buy it, and one guy doesn't buy it and then no one ends up playing it :rage:
kotr to Dekard97
30 Aug 17 #47
You could share if you buy digital but I think you need to login to a friend's Xbox and make that your home console. Bit awkward
Dekard97 to kotr
30 Aug 17 #48
My Xbox friends are pretty good. If they agree they will all buy it. It's my PS4 friends, they're a bit of a nightmare!
3 Aug 17 #15
Is there a time limit to demo this or is this now a permanent situation? Also how does the 5 hours exist.. is it 5 hours from when you first start the application or could I hit it an hour a night for 5 nights? :thinking:
3 Aug 17 #16
Finally started playing The Division which I bought ages ago. Really enjoyed the online co-op play and how easy it is to find people doing the same mission as you and the same rank. Does this work the same way? (Already own it, backlog)
3 Aug 17 #17
God damn, I bought this on ebay last night
3 Aug 17 #20
Is this the full game so progress transfers if you buy the game? Do you unlock achievements?

3 Aug 17 #21
Anyone know when this kicks in from? i.e. could I download now, play it next week for example?
3 Aug 17 #22
Bought. Platinum trophy earned. Now sold. Enjoyed it!
4 Aug 17 #23
5hours are more than eenoug to get bored of this game lol
Its all you need :smile:
4 Aug 17 #24
wasted 5h of my life
6ixFoot1 to soulgod123
4 Aug 17 #32
On the download?
4 Aug 17 #25
If you like MGSV Phantom Pain, you will like this. Large open world with traveling between objects (road vehicles, helicopters, planes)
The first add on for season pass holders was fun for 5 minutes .... second add on was much better.

I've completed game .... playing with friends or solo adds to same progress of game. When not with friends you have 3 AI players.

I loved it and waiting patiently for the next add on. Many of my friends sacked it and went back to siege
4 Aug 17 #27
The beta is vastly different to the final game. The beta was rubbish I completely agree although the game is good and a lot smoother
4 Aug 17 #28
Love this game, it's one of my faves. So much to do with the open world map you can go anywhere you like and take the main missions or side missions in any order you like :grin:
4 Aug 17 #29
Makes we weep at what ghost recon has become, The next one will probably have towers to climb and have you dive into hay like assassins creed.
therocksays to Bumnut53
4 Aug 17 #30
Cant wait for that one, any ideas when its getting released :smile:
4 Aug 17 #31
I'll give it a whirl
4 Aug 17 #33
Just another failed Ubisoft product. They make promises and fail to deliver. The gunplay in this game feels good and is enjoyable for a short time. The game lacks variety and is full of bugs, just like every other Ubisoft product. They're definitely the new EA. Shame really, had this game been published by ANYONE else then it could have been one of the best shooters. 5 hours trial just is not enough to warrant the wear and tear on equipment. Definitely avoid if you have slow internet, won't be worth the download time
4 Aug 17 #34
5 hours is more than enough time to either realise you like it or hate it. These trials that have been popping up have saved me a fair bit of money, was going to buy this and the surge but now I've tried them out I'm not buying either.
4 Aug 17 #36
Why no PC demo? They're just encouraging people to pirate it.

Lots of people pirate games to try them out and see if they run well on their system. Of those who like it, some proceed to purchase the game, but most will just continue playing the pirated copy because, why not? They've already got the game.

Demos (generally) reduce piracy, and increase sales.

Edit: Disclaimer: I don't pirate games, I just know people who do, and their mindsets.
5 Aug 17 #37
Great game, if you have friends or online mates.
5 Aug 17 #40
Awesome game, absolute blast if you're playing with a friend or two online; one of the funniest multilayer experiences I've had in a while
5 Aug 17 #41
2 questions:

1) Do you unlock any achievements during the trial?
2) Is it 5 hours in one block, or can you play it, say, an hour at a time?

I realise these have probably been asked during this thread, but didn't see an answer to either. Thanks.
6 Aug 17 #42
I don't get it! When was a demo ever not free? This isn't even a deal.
6 Aug 17 #43
I had serious graphic issues on ps4 pro with this game. It was also very repetitve and extremely boring hence sold it.
7 Aug 17 #46
Having played this with a mate for a couple of hours so far, we've come to conclusion it's not worth more than £20 but worth a go if you have co-op buddies. Totally agree with some of the comments here tho, it's proper clunky but as long as you accept that for what it is (feels like an old 'platinum title' or something!) then it's not so bad. Certainly won't be paying any more than that though, so a bit gutted I missed the gold deal for £22 a few weeks ago. The demo was useful though, they should do this more!
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