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4 Aug 17
2 GB data, 1000 mins, unlimited texts.
30 day rolling contract.
New and existing customers.
Offer ends 13th Aug 2017.
All comments (88)
4 Aug 17 #1
2 GB data, 1000 mins, unlimited texts.
30 day rolling contract.
New and existing customers.
Offer ends 13th Aug 2017.
4 Aug 17 #2
If I wasn't on £1 pm deal I would be all over this.
happymanuk to RiverDragon8
4 Aug 17 #5
Please tell ... :smile:
AJ92 to happymanuk
4 Aug 17 #9
Plusnet mobile was Life. A year or so back there was a post on here that they had a price error on sims so they where listed at £1pm which I still to this day won't forget haha.
happymanuk to AJ92
4 Aug 17 #11
You certainly did well there!
AJ92 to happymanuk
4 Aug 17 #12
I would have but I looked at the post late and the site stopped working so missed it.
Gollywood to happymanuk
4 Aug 17 #13
Don't encourage prepared for smugness infinity....
AJ92 to RiverDragon8
4 Aug 17 #10
No matter what else comes along that is 1 deal that you cant beat. :thumbsup:
o to RiverDragon8
5 Aug 17 #14
Yep. I'm on the pound deal aswell...that was the deal of the century
4 Aug 17 #3
Good find voted hot!
4 Aug 17 #4
4 Aug 17 #6
Its great if you only need 2GB, because the cost of extra data via a bolt on is ridiculous, so with PlusNet I feel its best to edge on the side of caution and get a bit more data than you feel you need, my wife uses around 3GB per month but went for the now expired 3.5GB deal from PlusNet for £8 per month, an extra 500mb bolt on would cost £4 per month
4 Aug 17 #7
Can you put a cap on data usage so you never go over?
margamboy to lukeDduke
4 Aug 17 #8
You can via your phone or via PlusNet (£2 Cap is the lowest), but its no good if your three quarters the way through the month and you still need to use data, an extra 500mb would almost double your monthly tariff.
5 Aug 17 #15
I see there is also a £6 deal from iDmobile, 500mins, 5000text, 2Gb data on uswitch as well, may suit some people better.
5 Aug 17 #16
If anyone else didn't know, Plusnet piggyback off EE network.

Wasn't able to find out if you can port your old phone number over to this SIM, anyone know the answer?
5 Aug 17 #17
5 Aug 17 #18
What would you be calling them for? I've jumped around a lot the last few years and I've never needed to speak to customer services ever other than to end a contract. I get your point but for most people this is most likely a non issue. You get sim, you use sim, you pay at end of month. Straightforward.
5 Aug 17 #19
This was £5 a month a couple of weeks ago.....
5 Aug 17 #20
I got my daughter the £5 deal the other week and only problem is you can’t use wifi calling on Plusnet even though ee and her ip7 support it, not a big problem but might be for someone
5 Aug 17 #21
That was less data
5 Aug 17 #22
Have just moved to PlusNet from O2, fantastic customer service and porting was very simple.
5 Aug 17 #23
i just called them and upgraded my 1.5gb deal i was paying £5.95/mth on. same mins and txts. no credit check and keep my number as it's an hoping i can keep the £1 cap aswell. my old plan wasnt even 4g apparently..i thought i was more savvy than that!
5 Aug 17 #24
What network is ID?
5 Aug 17 #25
Because they have broken your direct debit, cut you off (almost immediately after informing you the DD has failed) and marked your credit report as late. (And no, the DD wasn't broken because there wasn't enough money - they never even attempted to take it.)

I've used all the major networks and their billing system and complaints procedure is by far the worst I've experienced.
5 Aug 17 #26
it might be your phone as my partner has a swift 2 and i have a oneplus 3 even though we are both on plusnet sometimes she has no sinal and i have a few bars on mine
5 Aug 17 #27
What? Thanks for the heads up, was just about to ring.
5 Aug 17 #28
Nice :smile: I just complained about how they're only competitive in mid-tier not lower use. Can finally escape ID Mobile and return to LIFE...can't remember why I left though :f

Hopefully I'll make my way back to Tesco at some point
5 Aug 17 #29
Three. It's really **** for all my family. Luckily I'm the only one not locked into a long term contract
5 Aug 17 #30
they done it for me. 2 new replacement sims on their way appar. i called an hour ago
5 Aug 17 #31
I'd rather pay the extra £1 per month for 1000 mins and the EE reception, but to each his own.
5 Aug 17 #32
I'll give it a go then, thanks.
5 Aug 17 #33
Been told it's a mistake on uswitch website and this isn't plusnets website, despite it being , and they're not honouring it. It should be 2000 minutes and 1000 texts.
5 Aug 17 #34
I just called and they're sending out a 4G SIM. She asked what tariff it was for towards the end of the call and I said the new one and read out the details, she said ah the £6 one. When I look on Plusnet's web site, there is no £6 tariff currently advertised. I don't want to switch if they won't honour this deal. We shall see...
5 Aug 17 #35
I guess I will see for myself :laughing: . Went with them yesterday on the 4GB 1000/5000 £9 deal. The rollover offer was too good to pass up otherwise would have gone for the now expired 3.5GB Plusnet or the 5GB one.
5 Aug 17 #36
You might get lucky, but I was told it's a Uswitch web error and although there is a £6 tariff it is for 2gb data, 2000 minutes, and 1000 texts.
Not saying that isn't still a good deal but not quite as advertised, and the Uswitch redirect to plusnet is very misleading. The address, colour, layout, I would never look at that page and think it's a uswitch page, especially just because of a logo in the corner!
Good luck though.
5 Aug 17 #37
And to confuse matters further, the confirmation email says it's a USWITCH SIMO 2GB 7.50 plan.
Followed by the details:

Plan price- £6.00
Data - 2048mb
Minutes - 1000
Texts - UNL
Minimum Term - 1

Clear as mud what I'm getting then! Hopefully that email constitutes a contract though.
5 Aug 17 #38
I just called them back. I got the "this deal doesn't go live for existing customers so you'll have to call back on Monday" at first, but told the agent that they were already sending a SIM out to me, so the deal would be live when I called to activate the SIM and I just wanted to make sure they had me down the right Uswitch £6 deal. He said the notes said it was the 2Gb deal. Still not totally confident.
5 Aug 17 #39
The girl I spoke with an hour or two ago said it will state that in the email, but confirmed that the bill will be for £6 pm. Apparently their system isn't showing this live yet, hence why the email goes out with that duff info.
5 Aug 17 #40
Had a nightmare signing up to these plusnet deals. Session timeouts galore! Even tried phoning the order through and got told I'd been flagged for fraud and to call back... Agree these deals are great if you can get them!

Interested to know what these £1 deals got you last year! Got to be the best deal of all time on HUKDs!
5 Aug 17 #41
What package did you get for £1 !!!??? Diamond deal!
5 Aug 17 #42
Nope sorry Deal Of the Century was when t-mobile had a glitch and their £8pm sim was showing as £0.01. Its slowly inflated over the years but the discount is eternal (aparently) so I still pay about 20 pence a month :-P

Great deal though. Heat added
5 Aug 17 #43
Just got off the phone to them and told the guy on the phone a number of times that the deal is via Uswitch and eventually he found it and my new sim is on it's way :grin:
5 Aug 17 #44
Sounds like they have no idea what they're doing then as we're all getting different info!
5 Aug 17 #45
I was on the same package but at £7.50 so done a web chat a couple of hours ago the person found the deal and said no probs I can switch :grin: their system wouldn't let me so they have just applied a £1.50 a month discount to my account without even having to ask. Very easy and I've had the emails to confirm. Really can't complain at that, so it's worth doing a web chat if your having issues switching :smile:
5 Aug 17 #46
I was able to update my existing contract to this deal on the chat on web. However, she said the upgrade wont happen till 13 the Aug which is my billing date and no mention of sending a new sim. Sounds okay????
5 Aug 17 #47
I have also had intermittent problems on my wileyfox swift since the nougat update. Am on plusnet.
5 Aug 17 #48
That's normal. A new SIM is only required when you're switching from 3G (Life legacy) to 4G.
5 Aug 17 #49
I doubt it you'll keep the £1 cap as, you will be on plusnet contract and not the old Life mobile plan...but you may get lucky...enjoy your extra 500mb 4G
5 Aug 17 #50
Its run by dixons/CPW, it uses the 3 network.
5 Aug 17 #51
Thanks for that - any Idea why I will have to wait till 13th Aug for the upgrade
6 Aug 17 #52
For existing customers, switches start on your refresh date. You've not timed it too badly.
6 Aug 17 #53
Just swapped to this using live chat. As others have said, it won't actually take effect until your refresh date. I did however get an email saying my new plan was now in place, but the details sent were as per my current plan, not my new plan. Hopefully that's just because the new plan won't swap in until my refresh date and I'll get another email when it does. Anyway, as per usual customer services were fantastic. It's great to actually be talking to someone in the UK. My only real gripe with Plusnet is that they don't have an app that shows your current usage. However, if you ask them they will send you a daily or weekly text with your usage summary.
6 Aug 17 #54
It's a tough one, seems like it's a choice between ID and plusnet for the best sim only offers at the mo. This seems to trump the equivalent ID deal as they're both 2gb and rolling contracts but plusnet gives you more minutes.
In my area the coverage between ee and 3 is similar, does anyone have any particular positives for either company? (everyone like a good moan about their telecom experiences, so I'm not fussed about that, I'm yet to find any 100% good customer service at any of these companies)
6 Aug 17 #55
Just done this online via chat (from…fer). Easy!
Thanks OP
6 Aug 17 #56
IDM has rollover data so it's actually above 2GB
7 Aug 17 #57
Might sound like a daft question but how does the rollover make the data above 2gb? If you use all your 2gb each month then you'll only get 2gb for the next month won't you? The rollover option is handy but I can't see how it gets you extra data.
7 Aug 17 #58
Yeah of course, if you use all your data then you won't have anything left to rollover. It depends how much data you're likely to use, that'll determine how much you'd benefit from rollovers.
7 Aug 17 #59
So how is the data above 2gb as you mentioned that's what confused me.
Aldnoah to woldranger
7 Aug 17 #66
Plusnet uses EE. IDM uses 3.
spammy to Aldnoah
10 Aug 17 #76
Interesting. I was told the opposite (well, opposite-ish: that the plan would take effect immediately, with pro rata, but my cycle wouldn't change). That's definitely what happened when I did a 3G -> 4G previously (all my sims, whether 3 or 4G, converted or not, are "in sync").

This is contrary to when upgrading 4G to 4G - that always waits until the next billing cycle (ie no pro rata).
7 Aug 17 #60
Because people don't always use up all their data, so it rolls over. If I only used 1GB in a month then my other 1GB would rollover and give me 3GB
Aldnoah to Aldnoah
7 Aug 17 #62
Ah, I see what you mean now. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant sometimes you use less and sometimes you wish you had more. At least with the rollover you can actually have more data in some months if you need it. Without rollovers even if you used less you wouldn't be able to benefit from having more data in the next month. You'd just get reset to your normal amount. In any case, Plusnet and IDM have similar deals at similar prices but IDM has rollovers. That can only be seen as a positive. Some of Plusnet's might be better though since on IDM you only get 1000 mins once you get to £9. All depends on whether you care more about data or mins.
7 Aug 17 #61
But that doesn't make sense! You can never average more than the 2gb,you only get more if you've used less.
7 Aug 17 #63
can you personal hotspot on this deal? thx
7 Aug 17 #64
Is there a guaranteed period for these prices - as it's not a 12m contract could they just hike the price after a couple of months?
7 Aug 17 #65
Good deal but I wish people would say in the headline who these secondary players piggyback on eg O2, EE etc etc.
For those of us in poor reception areas this is almost paramount!
Not asking much - is it?
Thar to alecb
8 Aug 17 #70
spammy has answered your questions but just to confirm, I have done the very same. I switched from the legacy Life £5.95 plan to this. I received the SIM today and just called to activate. Customer services are always very friendly, I don't know what everyone moans about.

Re your 3G/4G question. Prior to switching to Life I was with EE (granted not Plusnet) but on a 4G plan which came with a HTC 4G phone. I hated the phone and reverted back to my old faithful 3G Nexus 4 which worked fine. HTH.
7 Aug 17 #67
Thanks, I was looking for a cheapo to put in spare phone as my works one is on O2 which has poor coverage around Wales. Ive even tried to get it through our works reward scheme to get £7.50 back.
hamzahuk to Getawaydriver
15 Aug 17 #88
My daise... missed out just 2 days late on this and tbh heard some good things about their signal coverage compared to virgin/three/02.
8 Aug 17 #68
I'm currently on the legacy Life £5.95 plan (1.5GB 3G, 1000mins, 5000 texts). However the SIM is being used in a 3G only phone. Will they let me swap to this plan (for the extra data and texts)? And will they issue a new 4G SIM? And, if so, will that work in a 3G mobile?
Thar to Stompa
8 Aug 17 #71
For info, I called to activate my SIM this afternoon. I was told I would get pro rata minutes data etc from the new tariff until my refresh date which is 3 September.
Stompa to Thar
9 Aug 17 #73

Many thanks.
8 Aug 17 #69
Yes they will let you, yes they will send you a new sim.

The last question is a bit less trivial. Yes, it will work, but whether they'll let you use it 100% 3G would be interesting to find out. It all depends on the terms of the MVNO. I'd wager there'd be no issue.
8 Aug 17 #72
I was checking TCB for potential cashback but can't see anything for a £6 plan. The same with ID's similar offering,
10 Aug 17 #74
I am currently on Virgin pay as you go. Will I be able to keep my current mobile number if I switch under this deal? Thanks
intown to tonez
10 Aug 17 #75
Hi, i just had this same conversation. But it was clarified (after much probing) that the billing cycle would also change. It was not a straight forward conversation. But my takeaway is that there would be a payment overlap between my old 3G and new 4G SIM. So I lose out maybe £3.5 on the changeover. So I am opting to changeover nearer my refresh date.
isaha1 to intown
10 Aug 17 #77
You should have put that in HUKD to become the "heat king"!
10 Aug 17 #78
Nice find, voted hot. Hope the EE coverage will be better than O2, which is abismal in some places.
cannycoyote to frap_gadz
10 Aug 17 #80
when i phoned to activate my sims they said the min cap was £2 but i can keep me £1 cap if i like. i said..oh go on then! :grin:
10 Aug 17 #79
Just got round to phoning up about it tonight, 4g sims x2 incoming. Need to call back when they land but she put a note on the accounts. £5.99 up to £6pm , a canny 1p upgrade Lol.
12 Aug 17 #81
Sims landed this morning. The activation and number port was quoted as up to 2hrs but it was instant, literally for the missus, her sim went dead still talking to the fella at PlusNet CS lol. The only odd bit about it was I got to keep my £1 Smart-Cap, the wife got told £2 was the minimum, ksara. I mentioned earlier it was a 1p upgrade when it was actually 5p . I'm sure we'll can make savings in the weekly shopping to cover it tho :laughing:
12 Aug 17 #82
If you're an existing plusnet customer and don't call/text much you can get 2gb data, 500 mins and 1000 texts for £5…htm
12 Aug 17 #83
That deal is no longer valid according to PlusNet staff on the forum:…438
13 Aug 17 #84
Does this have to be done using Internet Explorer like the recent 1.5GB deal?
13 Aug 17 #85
Tried to switch from the older Life 1000 mins, 5000 texts, and 1.5GB 3g plan but was told as the deal ends Today and I wont receive my new 4g sims till after it finishes I probably wont get on the Uswitch deal as it wont be on the system then.

Strange :thinking:
14 Aug 17 #86
Good find! Thanks OP 
14 Aug 17 #87
Cool - answer to a question I hadn't thought of asking... thanks
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