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 PES 2018 Demo Available Now On PS4 And Xbox One
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PES 2018 Demo Available Now On PS4 And Xbox One

Playstation PSN30 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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30 Aug 17
PES 2018 Demo Available Now On PS4 And Xbox One
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All comments (51)
30 Aug 17 #1
PES 2018 Demo Available Now On PS4 And Xbox One
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Playstation Store link
30 Aug 17 #2
Amazing game
30 Aug 17 #3
Just played this and it's really enjoyable. Can't wait for the transfer window to end, so people can finish off the pes update file. Always wait for it before purchasing the game.
Decent amount of teams in the demo also.
joanddan7 to blanka
30 Aug 17 #5
Konami always very generous with the amount of teams they give in the demo especially when so few are actually licensed in the game.

agreed on the update file. those guys that invest so much time and effort are amazing and really make this series for me.
sharkalos to joanddan7
30 Aug 17 #8
whats the best source for the update file guys?
joanddan7 to sharkalos
30 Aug 17 #9
For all my sports games I use Operation sports - if you look on the forum there they have a great community that share all sorts of roster files and edits and its always free...

they sometimes link to other sites but its easily the best way to find the best content as its all shared between players.
beatfreak to sharkalos
30 Aug 17 #10
PES world and Daymos do the best files, they've got advanced copies too, so day 1 files from them.
hass123 to sharkalos
31 Aug 17 #38
PES Universe?
blanka to joanddan7
30 Aug 17 #14
Agreed.... Do you get yours from a selected person or download yourself on line. I normally surf eBay and go for one at random.
joanddan7 to blanka
30 Aug 17 #19
Operation sports mate.

Go on their forums. Ive always found decent option files for free from there.

i notice that one link that I have used before through them seem to be charging a fiver now!
blanka to joanddan7
30 Aug 17 #24
Much appreciated. I'll take a look when the game comes out. Can't wait.
Cheers again.
abdiman to joanddan7
31 Aug 17 #32
What really annoys me is that Konami don't leave enough space to replace ALL the kits. So some leagues will be half done.
FleetFanatic to abdiman
2 Sep 17 #46
Not true... just download 1024 versions of kits rather than 2048 versions. You would barely notice the difference and every kit would be done. Mine were on 2017.
hass123 to blanka
31 Aug 17 #37
Yep, I got the 'premium edition' preordered from simplygames and I'm going to start by checking out the gameplay, myclub and the new engine, but not investing good time into the game and gameplay mechanics until I get the option files installed.
blanka to hass123
31 Aug 17 #40
Smart thinking.
30 Aug 17 #4
1344 ratings on a demo released today - 4 and half stars...

something tells me not all of those reviews are from people that have invested any time actually playing the game and seeing what score its worthy of.

at least give it a few days play before deciding yet again "PES is the best thing ever this year"
dandino_ to joanddan7
30 Aug 17 #12
It has been the best football game available since the 2014 version.
joanddan7 to dandino_
30 Aug 17 #20
Massively subjective that.

Imho it's still got a long way to go.... depends how you play.

single player franchise guys - it's not a realistic deep experience at all.
dandino_ to joanddan7
31 Aug 17 #30
Of course it's subjective, yes. I personally like the Master League.

FIFA is all razmataz and show, but when you get on the pitch it's so dull; it hasn't developed well at all for a number of years now.
ClydeMudzvova to joanddan7
30 Aug 17 #17
This game won not only football of the but sports game of the year at the GamesCon recently which goes to show the reviews and ratings are genuine. I played the demo today and it is great!
joanddan7 to ClydeMudzvova
30 Aug 17 #18
I don't doubt it's a good game but the review system on the PlayStation store is bobins.
Andycm81 to joanddan7
31 Aug 17 #35
Considering how many millions of people may have downloaded it and played it today (school holidays still too) then it's not exactly unrealistic is it?
joanddan7 to Andycm81
31 Aug 17 #36
Honestly it's not a slight on PES I know PES fans are a loyal bunch.

Its it's more a comment on trusting reviews on the PlayStation store
30 Aug 17 #6
Bet they were gutted when Neymar left barca, that won't of been cheap having to re do cover and other stuff. He was a big part of their advertising too in barca colors lol.
30 Aug 17 #7
Leaving out the master race, sad!
dandino_ to willkemp119
30 Aug 17 #13
Well if the 'Master Race' hadn't modded previous demos to make them almost the full game, maybe they'd be allowed to have nice things ;).
MrCollective to dandino_
31 Aug 17 #31
The game gets stripped of its DRM within hours of release anyway. Makes no difference if we have the demo or not :grin:
dandino_ to MrCollective
31 Aug 17 #41
It does because a demo is free; applying a patch which converts it to most of the game isn't piracy as a demo isn't a purchased product. Removing DRM is just straight-up stealing.

Patching the demo would also allow access to the game more than two weeks ahead of release, which pisses off retailers as well as licensed partners.
MrCollective to dandino_
31 Aug 17 #42
Lucky we arent retailers and we are gamers! :raised_hand:
30 Aug 17 #11
If it helps anyone the PC version will be the same as PS4, XB1 this year - the modding scene for PES on PC has always been amazing.
30 Aug 17 #15
I wasn't going to buy on release. but the demo amazing. the keepers act like real keepers
30 Aug 17 #16
Definitely the best football game in years I really can't wait for this it is very realistic just hope my club has added a few things aswell
30 Aug 17 #21
is the xbox version any good? can you mod it? thanks
blanka to navinski
30 Aug 17 #25
Xbox one will play and feel the same. But you cannot update the kits via download, usb etc. PC and PS4 are the only options.
Only way to do it, is to go into the in game kit editor and do it completely yourself...... Too much effort!
Where PS4 and PC you just copy someones fine work and just upload it into the game.
30 Aug 17 #22
Shame they don't put commentary on the demo. Lacks atmosphere without it
ocelot20 to benlabi
31 Aug 17 #29
I would agree if it was FIFA. But the commentary on PES games for the last 3-4 years have been really bad in my opinion. So bad that I have had to turn the commentary volume down. Demo is great though can't wait to get the full game.
abdiman to benlabi
31 Aug 17 #33
It's a blessing. PES commentary is like hearing Alan Partridge's take on football. Cringe fest.
hass123 to benlabi
31 Aug 17 #39
I can't wait to try out a game in that Champions League 1 Million seater stadium!
30 Aug 17 #23
Online would need to be alot better.Love pes all the same.
soulchild98 to gerry7230
30 Aug 17 #27
Having tried the online beta back in July, I thought it was a massive improvement on previous. I'm usually into the offline master league campaign, but I'll give MyClub a go this year.
30 Aug 17 #26
Any Xbox One files? Normally only for the PS4
divid1 to simplelearning
30 Aug 17 #28
No not usually. It's not down to Konami's side at fault here, according to what I read. Apparently Microsoft don't allow importing of images to console so I hear...
31 Aug 17 #34
Tried the demo as Dortmund vs Liverpool. It really is a great game. Very enjoyable to play.

Can some PES player help me out with some information on online play against friends?
Can I play against my brother on the other side of the world like I do in fifa as that's all I will use it for. (fifa could do with some huge improvements in this area as right now our only option is online friendlies as online seasons etc pick some random player in the world as your opponent).
Online play against people I don't know doesn't appeal as they usually play very boring defensive football. I have already preordered fifa as the servers go really slow soon after the new fifa comes out and we can't play online without savage lag otherside I'd still be playing fifa 15/16 as it's the exact same as 17.
31 Aug 17 #43
Anyone found a way to turn the big bendable arrow on for free kicks/goal kicks/corners? Help appreciated as I just cant get it working on PS4 thanks (I've put the set piece indicator on in the settings but still nothing).
benlabi to crazyshelby
31 Aug 17 #44
You can't. They took that feature off
31 Aug 17 #45
When it plays well it plays really well although the AI defence is shocking on superstar. There's video showing a goal keeper running the length of the field unchallenged and the AI constantly backs off you especially when attacking down the wings..i walked from halfway line to by line unchallenged by hugging the touch line. Also I've had 2 fouls in 30 games now against the AI due to how passive they are and the amount of space on the pitch ..probably be fun against friends but current state against the AI 17 is better overall..see what day 1 patch brings
12 Sep 17 #47
Contents of the Pro Evolution Soccer Premium Edition
12 Sep 17 #48
Anyone else had theres delivered today? Hope so, but suspect servers will not be live till official release day.
13 Sep 17 #49
got mine yesterday also
13 Sep 17 #50
Never mind the demo, my full copy has arrived a day early
14 Sep 17 #51
Played PES 2018 demo and FIFA 18 demo. Seems as though PES is for me.

Now... where can i find a good deal?.
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