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 Original Xiaomi Piston In Ear Earphones Fresh Version £2.31 using code @ Gearbest
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
22 Aug 17
Update 3/09 - new code added

Update - back again 25/08

I really don't think you can go wrong at this price. You'll need code PISTONUK to get the price to drop (logged in ofc)


Brand: Xiaomi
Model: Piston Earphones Fresh Version
Type: In-Ear
Wearing type: In-Ear
Function: Answering Phone,Microphone,Song Switching
Language: No
Material: Aluminum Alloy,TPE
Color: Black,Blue,Pink,Purple,Silver

Connectivity: Wired
Application: For iPod,Mobile phone,Portable Media Player
Plug Type: 3.5mm
Cable Length (m): 1.25m
Frequency response: 20-20000Hz
Impedance: 32ohms
Sensitivity: 98 dB (S.P.L at 1KHz)
Input Power: 5mW
Compatible with: iPod
Latest comments (63)
4 Oct 17 #63
Just to add, decided against the KZ-ZSR after reading reviews.

Have ordered some KZ-ATR (cheaper than ATE but supposedly very good) and some FiiO F1 which are a bit more money $14.99. I know, I know, I only have 2 ears right.
25 Aug 17 #36
I have some of these. A steal at this price point. However, if you want some that really punch waaaayyy above their weight try some KZ-ATE for about £7 the design is bizarre but they are extremely good even beating the Hybrid Dual drivers.…tml
Segata-Sanshiro to stinkybeard
25 Aug 17 #37
Do they beat soundmagic?
stinkybeard to Segata-Sanshiro
25 Aug 17 #38
Can't compare to Sound Magic, however, I originally had Shure SE110 and over the last few years had been happily using Xiaomi Piston and Hybrids. I recently ordered and tried various in ears from recommendation on Head - Fi (Rock Zircon, Monks, Various KZ Acoustics - ate ed4, remax rm-610d, monoprice,jbm mj and a few more I can't recall right now).

I am using a Xduoo X3 player - which is awesome value for it's price point. I only rip to FLAC.

Anyhow, all I can say is; the clarity, sound separation, sound stage etc of the KZ-ATE is mind blowing for the price. I am hearing things in music that I never heard on tracks I have been listening to for years. So much so that I have ordered a few more pairs as back ups.

The other pairs I ordered at the time were all highly regarded for el cheapo in ears and buds. Whilst to my mind they all represented good value for money none came close to the KZ-ATE.
stinkybeard to Segata-Sanshiro
25 Aug 17 #40
Reviews od the ATE here:…ews

"So I just got these KZ-ATE with mic, the one I previously had was a soundmagic es18 and it sure was a hell of an upgrade.I can't say anything much about the sound quality because it's just so good.though the build quality can be improved however we'll have to expect a little bit higher price if they'd upgrade the build quality.oh and this is the first time that I've used a foam tip, and they're great for me, actually better than any silicon tip.The cable over the ear can be a hassle sometimes, just use an earhook and it'll be good.Overall, this is a very great IEM, especially for the price. kudos to KZ."
sput2001 to stinkybeard
20 Sep 17 #61
Just to confirm, my order just arrived and the KZ-ATEs are superb. The bass response and high-level detail is amazing for this price. I may well buy a second pair as a backup.
stinkybeard to sput2001
22 Sep 17 #62
Glad to hear it. I ordered myself a second pair as a back up too. The detail is ridiculous for £7. I may order some of the KZ-ATES sport version to see what they are like or ask Santa for some.

Just read @razorwire's comment about KZ ZSR Pro/Colorful so may snag some of them too.
25 Aug 17 #43
I just ordered some of the KZ-ATE ones as well. With a flash sale and some reward credit they came to just over £4. Not bad!
cornwood to sput2001
26 Aug 17 #44
How did you get them for close to £4? Flash sale price shows $8.59 or did you use a fair bit of reward credit?
sput2001 to cornwood
20 Sep 17 #60
Yeah, I had about £4 in reward credit.
Dealmessiah to sput2001
4 Sep 17 #48
I bought both too. A few quid is worth the chance.
22 Aug 17 #8
I've got really small ear canals and many of the earphones I buy just fall out when walking or doing activity. This happens even with the small buds put on - when earphones come with a set of changeable silicon buds. Does anyone know if these, or others, are these small enough. Thanks
mogki to supertl
22 Aug 17 #15
I have the same problem. Both the Panasonic RP-HJE125E and Exspect EX883 are perfectly fine for me. The Exspect ones don't last as long but i have owned the Panasonic ones for a few years without any problems. I'm not sure about these Xiaomi earphones but i have a feeling they will also fall out of your ears too. They have that kind of design to them.
Reading1800 to mogki
22 Aug 17 #22
Can't you just by some memory foam tips , they need to be compressed first before putting in your ear, then they expand and sit more firmly in the ear but still comfortable. Try Comply or Inears, lots if options on Amazon
supertl to Reading1800
22 Aug 17 #30
I'm not sure as the main problem is normally getting the earphone 'ends' into the ear canal in the first place (as mine are very small). Because of this narrowness if I luckily can get a pair to fit, once they are in, they tend to stay in....If you know of some that come with foam tips that are very small in the first place then the foam tips might also help them stay firm...any recommendations.
mascot99 to mogki
25 Aug 17 #42
I have a pair and agree that these keep falling out. My Panasonic ones are a perfect fit and have lasted years and survived some washing machine spins as well.
tan159 to supertl
22 Aug 17 #32
I've never really inspected my wife's ear canals dimensions to date & your asking complete strangers who have never even met you??
sparkzilla to supertl
25 Aug 17 #34
I've had two sets of earphones from Xiaomi - im currently using the dual driver set. Both came with three sets or ear buds and all are small. None of them are large enough for my ears so i guess they should fit smaller ear canals
rev6 to supertl
4 Sep 17 #47
Memory foam tips are the best. They stay in and isolate more.
Gollywood to supertl
5 Sep 17 #56
Can you post your ear dimensions please?
saucymonk to supertl
8 Sep 17 #59
I got these last night they come with changeable bud and the smallest ones are good. I suffer from freakishly small ear canals too and these fit nice and they don't feel like they are going to pop out.
4 Sep 17 #50
I bought a pair of the Xiaomi Hybrids and was very disappointed. Not sure if they were defective (the QR said they were genuine) or if that's how they were supposed to sound, but the mid-range was missing casuing to a muffled sound.

I also bought some Rock Zircons and they sound much better. I can recommend them, although it seems that you just need to find a pair that suits your ear as people seem to have different tastes. Luckily many of these earphones are very cheap -- no need to fork out £30 for a pair of Sennheisers that may or may not be fake these days.
razorwire to Torchwood
5 Sep 17 #58
I've got the Rock Zircons too and really rate them, cost me under £8 from aliexpress which is crazy considering how good they are. My current favourites are probably the KZ ZSR Pro/Colorful, which you can pick up for about £10 (and which are different to the old ZSRs). It's all subjective but I would place them above my trusty old mid-Denons that had been my previous everyday pair and cost about 7 times the price. It's great that the last couple of years has bought in a bit of a wave of excellent cheap Chinese earphones offering superb value for money - as you say it's now possible to try a few pairs and find the one that's suits you and the music you listen to.
4 Sep 17 #55
the code you entered has expired, gone for me! code actually increases price
cheekytrucker to ozskins
5 Sep 17 #57
Same here
22 Aug 17 #1
But are they actually any good.
M_z to Segata-Sanshiro
22 Aug 17 #7
How good do they need to be to be worth £2.31 do you think?
Segata-Sanshiro to M_z
22 Aug 17 #2
Well good enough nit to be instantly deemed a waste of money and you go out to buy a £20 pair instead because the £2 are like the ones you get free with those chinses knock-off handhelds
M_z to Segata-Sanshiro
22 Aug 17 #11
These are well made and feel a quality product, reviews are mostly good. But for most people £2.31 is the price of a coffee, so they wouldn't fret about wasting it.
Panadolax to Segata-Sanshiro
4 Sep 17 #54
Yes. They are better than 20+ quid vellum known brand. I bought recently pair for my wife and they have very nice sound to them..
4 Sep 17 #53
PISTONUK doesn't work for me either
4 Sep 17 #52
How long did it take you to get these?
4 Sep 17 #51
PISTONUK code is stated as expired, is there a new code?
4 Sep 17 #49
Ordered these before but they didn't turn up, through PayPal I got my money back. I hope for more luck this time!
4 Sep 17 #46
Not a bad price. Thank you op
4 Sep 17 #45
HUKD at it again, walk away from the deal, you do not need!!

Can't help myself though
25 Aug 17 #41
Code not working for me, increases price to £5.75.
Oh well, ordered the KZ ZST the other day on flash sale, can't wait for it to arrive :party:
22 Aug 17 #23
I've got these (along with the Piston 3,Dual hybrid etc )

These are rubbish with very poor sound quality.
gtd65 to Picard123
25 Aug 17 #39
Funnily enough, I think the quality/sound of the headphones is overrated.

I've got cheap US$5 Skull Candy ear buds that sound just as good and there's less cable movement noise.

My first pair of Piston 3's sounded very decent but failed on the left channel after roughly 8 months. Contacted Gearbest and they said they'd send me out another pair if I covered the postage.

The new set are hardly used to be honest but for some reason the kevlar coated cable kinked at right angles...perhaps they sent a fake set?
25 Aug 17 #35
Just used. Thank you. These won't be perfect but they are great back up headphones. I have been impressed by Xiaomi before.
23 Aug 17 #33
I got a pair of these a few weeks ago, hoping they might take the place of my trusty old Sennhieser CX300s, which are in tatters. Unfortunately they have none of the resonance I was hoping for. For me they are no better than the headphones that come with any major smartphone. It's a great price for a spare pair though.
22 Aug 17 #31
I really don't think you can go wrong at this price

the last Xiaomi earphones I bought from this place were fake.
22 Aug 17 #29
The Code you entered has expired.

They increase the price if you try to discount it lol -

This is listed as £1 but I assume they sound like paper cups on string…=21
22 Aug 17 #28
I was too slow - expired :disappointed:
22 Aug 17 #27
"The Code you entered has expired."
Price become £5.75 once the code entered.
22 Aug 17 #26
The sound actually good IMO, lightweight and have microphone. Much better than any 10 or 15 pound earphone ( like sony ex110ap) i can buy in-store around me. Now i do not use it daily as i have Rha Ma600 but still keep it to use when running. Heat added
22 Aug 17 #25
Oh well. Looks as though Xiaomi have actually made something that is rubbish
22 Aug 17 #14
I have too many.... Want to get the best xiaomi earphones.... Which is the best in sound quality?
M_z to Goal
22 Aug 17 #16
Not sure about the actual best but I have a pair of Xiaomi Pro HD ones, I think they sound excellent, and reviews are good -…ews
someshpan to M_z
22 Aug 17 #24
These ones I guess..…tml
morrig to Goal
22 Aug 17 #19
The Hybrid ones for £12.35 are good...…tml
Ordered thanks NeoTrix.
Think the last cheapo ones where as jostbh said fake?
22 Aug 17 #17
The Code you entered has expired.

kkman to Deetea
22 Aug 17 #20
same with me... anyone else getting this?
Raspberry to Deetea
22 Aug 17 #21
I had it in my cart at 2.31 but when I checked out realised the price had increased. Cancelled the order. Not impressed.
22 Aug 17 #18
Fresh version? As in, not already stuck in someones ear already?
22 Aug 17 #13
Ordered. Thanks OP.
22 Aug 17 #12
1 per customer/account I think.
22 Aug 17 #10
Heat, cheers
22 Aug 17 #9
Boom, have some!

£2.33 for this soldier
22 Aug 17 #6
They're good - not as good as the dual drivers one - but good.
22 Aug 17 #5
Ordered. Cheers OP.
22 Aug 17 #4
Ordered, it's £2.31p. ✅
22 Aug 17 #3
I have dual drivers, which are excellent. Are these similar?
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