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 Long Arm Car Windscreen phone holder 76p delivered w/code @ Gearbest
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Long Arm Car Windscreen phone holder 76p delivered w/code @ Gearbest

£0.76 GearBest28 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
28 Aug 17
Can't go wrong for 76p delivered - enter code LACWUK at basket page (you MUST be logged in for code to apply)

- Can stretch to side and prevent falling out, the maximum extensible width can reach 95mm.
- 360-degree rotation as you want, meeting different sight needs, humanized design.
- Unique and compact design, long arm (about 17cm) and double clip.
- Equipped with auxiliary sticking plate (diameter: 6.4cm), allowing you to easily paste holder on the dashboard, and somewhere you want.
- Non-slip feet, keep your cell phone in holder steadily.
- Locking feature helps place your phone efficiently into the mount and out of it without causing any damage.
- No tools required and easy to install.
Latest comments (56)
21 Sep 17 #56
32054045-CKJfc.jpgDidn't even last 5 minutes...
16 Sep 17 #55
Code expired
11 Sep 17 #54
Recieved today seems a solid well made item.2 weeks thats not bad at all.
7 Sep 17 #53
Thanks this is still very good for using in doors for hands free for whatever... Unfortunately each time I put in the promotional code it just keeps taking me back to sign in, so I can't use the offer. :dizzy_face:
5 Sep 17 #52
£500 phone being held by a 76p device! Sounds sensible to me. :-)
29 Aug 17 #30
There was an item on radio last week where a police spokesman said it's an offence to use your mobile phone as a sat nav if the driver even so much as touches the screen - because it still comes under ban on using a mobile whilst driving - and you could get 6 points and £200 fine just the same. The law makes no distinction as to what purpose you are using the phone - it's always illegal.
zaheer2003 to jhw
30 Aug 17 #31
no, only if you're holding it. if it's attached to something and you are just touching screen it's ok, as otherwise touching at nav screen would be illegal too.
Orinoco1 to zaheer2003
30 Aug 17 #33
It is illegal to touch a satnav whilst driving if it is considered to adversely affect your driving, and frankly if you are looking at and pressing keys on one then you are affecting your driving. The safest thing to do is to stop the vehicle before touching it.
zaheer2003 to Orinoco1
30 Aug 17 #35
​what about radio, gears etc, indicqtors. You are being silly
Orinoco1 to zaheer2003
31 Aug 17 #36
I would hope that no one with a licence needs to look at indicators gears etc to operate them - if so they should not be on the road as they are a danger to themselves and to other road users. With a satnav you are required to look at it to operate it, and this is where the distinction comes in. These days most cars have stalks with controls for the radio etc so you don't have to look over to change the station etc.

The Highway Code number 150 of section 8 reads: "You MUST exercise proper control of your vehicle at all not be distracted by maps or screen-based information (such as navigation or vehicle management systems) while driving or riding. If necessary find a safe place to stop."

On a separate note, and relating to my initial comment, this part of the Highway Code is worth pointing out: “windscreens and windows MUST be kept clean and free from obstructions to vision”.

So, if you were caught with the phone in a holder that suckers onto your windscreen and officials decided it was obstructing your vision while you were driving, it could count against you in a court case
jhw to zaheer2003
1 Sep 17 #40
No, the law changed in April of this year - even touching the screen when it's in a fixed cradle is now illegal.


"While it is not illegal to use a navigation app on a handheld device, drivers do face prosecution if they touch the handset while at the wheel."
zaheer2003 to jhw
2 Sep 17 #41
​Using your phone as a SatNav could lead to a
and even a driving ban


it's always been illegal to not be in control of a vehicle
99hawkeye99 to jhw
5 Sep 17 #51
If Phone can't make calls (if broken) but SatNav still works, is it still a phone ? ... might be a grey area !
5 Sep 17 #49
Thanks OP, just ordered. Had one but gave it to my dad. These are brilliant and whoever is worried about being bouncy, you can overcome by making sure the goose neck is leaning against your dash - this will reduce the bounciness to almost nothing.
nanuek to razyell
5 Sep 17 #50
Or, have the directions relayed to you by an actual goose. Then its neck oscilations should exactly match those of the mount. Be careful to remove the goose before MOT though and don't touch its face whilst driving as it's illegal and, frankly, odd.
5 Sep 17 #48
People spend hundreds on a phone and then spend pennies on a crappy holder that lets it bounce and fly around in the car.

Just spend a few quid and buy a decent Brodit holder and Proclip mount for you car, yuo won't regret it.....
5 Sep 17 #47
Love it when people get all preachy because the 'know stuff'

‌ :face_with_monocle:
4 Sep 17 #46
80p for me, still toasty!
29 Aug 17 #20
Why are these still being sold as windscreen mounts? Putting anything in your windscreen wiper sweep constitutes and MOT failure and as such you can be fined by the DVSA for it. I am amazed that they are not doing more of this if I am honest as it is easy money and they are self funding now.
By all means get something like this but attach it to your dash via a secure mount.
dheydl to Orinoco1
29 Aug 17 #23
Take it off before your MOT, maybe?
Orinoco1 to dheydl
29 Aug 17 #25
I think you are missing the point - if you can be done for having it on at MOT then you can be done for driving with one on your windscreen at any time. All it takes is for the DVSA to start doing spot checks or pull you over for some other reason. End of the day having one on your windscreen is illegal hence it is an MOT failure.
smckirdy to Orinoco1
29 Aug 17 #27
DVSA almost never pull over cars and light commercial vehicles, I'm not even sure they have the authority to do so, they certainly lack the capacity to do it. It's also easy to mount outwith the swept area on most cars and typically there is a significant application of common sense applied in determining what is and isn't a distraction or blockage as obviously you could legally attach something in a very distracting position.
Orinoco1 to smckirdy
29 Aug 17 #28
True, they rarely do pull them but they do have the authority to. They did start a few years ago in service stations on the motorway approaching cars that had pulled over with satnavs in the windscreen but that didn't last long.

As regards the area to mount the satnav, you can mount it outside the sweep of the wipers but most I see are in the centre of the screen, and in some cases right in front of the driver. Even on commercials (including Aviva for their app) they show the sat nav/phone mounted in the centre of the screen which just encourages stupidity.
smckirdy to Orinoco1
30 Aug 17 #32
There is actually(or at least there was) a defined dead zone in the dead centre of the consoles/screens that don't count towards swept area, dead centre is actually in terms of observation one of the best areas to isolate as it's not producing a meaningful blind spot. But sweep of the wipers is the definition for your MOT tech, it's not actually the absolute there is a set of dimensions that is the actual minimum and a lot of the time you would have to work hard to mount it somewhere that would actually obscure in those zones. And as I said it's actually easy to place it outside the swept area in an incredibly distracting position, as with most things these things are done on a common sense principle rather than an arbitrary rule.

I've actually NEVER seen anyone mount a sat nav centre relative to the driver, and really that's the only truly stupid place to put one. As long as you aren't producing a distraction or generating a dangerous blind spot you can more or less put it anywhere sensible and nobody is going to bother you about it.
gungesh to Orinoco1
4 Sep 17 #43
Not sure how true this is because just had my MOT done over the weekend with the mount still on and passed with no issues
Orinoco1 to gungesh
4 Sep 17 #45
You were lucky then - I work in transport hence my familiarity with the current rules.
4 Sep 17 #44
I got one line this from AliExpress. The arm is heavy and sturdy and it works quite well. Pleased for the cash.
3 Sep 17 #42
Good deal but Expired
31 Aug 17 #39
£0.00 10-30 days
£0.21 15-20
£1.42 7-10
£9.98 3- 7
31 Aug 17 #38
I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank the people that have wasted their money and in order to review this product and save me 76p :raised_hand:
31 Aug 17 #37
Avaible again
28 Aug 17 #12
These are awful, not even worth 76p. I got one of these magnetic ones from a pound shop and would never go back to a window/arm one.

azual to JoeConstantine
28 Aug 17 #17
Is the magnetic strong enough when phone has plastic back cover?
JoeConstantine to azual
29 Aug 17 #24
Yes, the cover makes no difference at all with mine.
1mark to JoeConstantine
30 Aug 17 #34
Do you think this will work if my vents are vertical ( | | |) rather than horizontal
29 Aug 17 #29
On my motor there's a large device, in the wiper sweep, that's useful for looking behind me and also in the wiper sweep there's a lump of plastic, about the size of a £5 note with electronic stuff in it, used for the auto lights and the same auto wipers that keep it clear.

Joking aside, I can see that some folk do push it a bit, sticking their sat navs, phones, and other stuff on the screen in their sight line but the new MOT rules about stuff stuck to the screen are badly implemented, not thought out properly. We'll have to wait and see how many MOT stations act like jobs-worths.......
29 Aug 17 #26
Thank you :heart_eyes: ordered!
29 Aug 17 #22
29 Aug 17 #21
I think the code has expired..
28 Aug 17 #13
Better still buy an Arkon mount, excellent quality.
1mark to Locutus
28 Aug 17 #14
very expensive in comparison though.
Locutus to 1mark
29 Aug 17 #19
But you get what you pay for though.
29 Aug 17 #18
28 Aug 17 #16
Missed it, won't go in the cart. for Gear best.

Ordered magnet one from link for 3.45, don't know which holder for which phone is supposed to be 99p as link first states as all come up 3.45 when you select phone type and color?
28 Aug 17 #15
28 Aug 17 #7
Good price but I'd never buy from gearbest
Worst company in the net for after sales , customer service
Good luck getting a refund on any expensive item
Surprised they are still allowed deals posted on here with so many problems
mattmerch to Bradleigh
28 Aug 17 #11
saw someone on here get ripped for a phone was delivered an empty pakage with phone missing
was refuned by gearbest with in a week
28 Aug 17 #10
These are crap. Always shaking and if you've a decent t sized case in the phone, the weight can make it keep popping off the glass.
28 Aug 17 #9
Great deal, thanks OP
28 Aug 17 #8
These things are rubbish. It's a waste of 76p, no matter how much of a bargain you think it is.
28 Aug 17 #6
Would not recommend one of these to anyone. Phone that I use is a Galaxy S7 Edge. With the weight of the phone along with the length of arm from this cradle every bump in the road makes the phone bounch around like mad. I got so annoyed with it on a journey to the local shops I took it with me and binned it.
28 Aug 17 #5
The vibration of the phone will make your satnav app unusable.
28 Aug 17 #3
Cheap, but it'll bounce about on the end of that arm so much you won't be able to read it....!
dheydl to berisford
28 Aug 17 #4
Indeed. Had to chuck a similar one out because of the shakes. Going over speedbumps was enough to dislodge it from the windscreen.
28 Aug 17 #2
I think this would vibrate alot
28 Aug 17 #1
Just what I wanted.... Thanks op
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