I really loved the first one. This seems like a pretty good price for the new one. Price can be lowered using cdkeys credit or other forms of top ups. Also Deluxe edition is £19.99 for preorder. Released on 31st of August.
18 Aug 17#25
I got some credit on cdkeys to make it cheaper and got deluxe edition other day. Looking forward to this :smile:
17 Aug 17#15
Yeah, that CDKEYS discount is not gonna work for long term bargain hunters since they implemented the changes
17 Aug 17#14
Looking forward to playing this one but I am pretty sure this is the standard price of this prequel, it has been 13.99 on Xbox store since the preorder went up after E3. There is also a deluxe edition for 19.99 if I am not mistaken which includes a bonus episode.
17 Aug 17#13
This is a "prequel" made by people who had nothing to do with the first game... Why anyone would buy this what amounts to licensed fan-fiction is beyond me. It's such a blatant cash in.
mixmixi to mazzyhope
17 Aug 17#16
Have you played it then?
mazzyhope to mixmixi
17 Aug 17#17
Nothing I said implied that I have...
mixmixi to mazzyhope
17 Aug 17#19
So just a general over-hyped typical misjudging the quality of a game as we witness everyday on HUKD, then? A.K.A if you have not played the game, why are you concluding it is an exploit of the series for the sake of money?
mazzyhope to mixmixi
17 Aug 17#21
I didn't say anything about the quality of the game. It is a cash in. Spend five minutes reading about it.
Square Enix own the IP rights and sold it to a new dev that built a game engine with the aim of being the new Telltale Games and then went looking for preexisting IPs they could cheaply plug into it. Life Is Strange was just an IP they could afford.
Dontnod, the devs who made Life Is Strange, had NOTHING to do with Before The Storm, had no say in whether it would get made or not, and are currently at work on an actual sequel to their game.
So the moneymen who own the franchise but did not make it, sold a license to an unrelated dev that figured there was a big enough built-in fanbase to make it worth their while. It's a cash-in. That's what a cash in is.
So... your comment was just a general misjudging of the content of another comment as we witness everyday on HUKD, then? A.K.A if you don't understand what someone is saying, why are you arguing against it?
Illusionary to mazzyhope
17 Aug 17#22
Commercially-released games exist to make money for the developers/publishers/other stakeholders. This doesn't automatically mean that they're poor quality.
This game may end up being good, bad or somewhere in the middle.- it shouldn't be pre-judged to be any of these.
mixmixi to mazzyhope
17 Aug 17#23
I hear you. Regardless of who made the new game, until I have not played it I won't be able to comment about it. So, too early too judge. But there is no misinterpretation here. If you don't understand what you are saying yourself (or what you mean by saying something) then don't expect others understand you... Unless you put a paragraph like this to explain yourself.
17 Aug 17#5
Don't forget you need the deluxe edition if you want the complete complete season.
Family.Fry to Robinsad
17 Aug 17#10
This is the complete season, it's only 3 episode which all due before end of year. The deluxe version includes a small extra prologue episode 'Farewell' featuring Max, a Mixtape Mode where you can create a playlist of the OST soundtrack and it runs in game with animations and an outfit pack for Chloe.
£13.99 is the standard price for the game across PS4/Xbox One and PC.
Will also be Pro/X enhanced.
17 Aug 17#4
Heat added mate. Long time :grin:
mixmixi to Bure11
17 Aug 17#8
Long time what? :grin: I'm here everyday, you disappeared. :raised_hand:
Bure11 to mixmixi
17 Aug 17#11
Yeah sorry that's what I meant. I've been gone a while :grin:
How you been mate? :stuck_out_tongue:
mixmixi to Bure11
17 Aug 17#12
Thanks mate. I am all good. Bit busy at the moment, but all good. How'r you yourself?
Bure11 to mixmixi
17 Aug 17#18
I'm alright mate, just really busy too. Working and got a dissertation to write :disappointed:
mixmixi to Bure11
17 Aug 17#20
I know the pain, I am on the same boat... more or less...
Bure11 to mixmixi
17 Aug 17#24
Good luck mate, hope you get through it alright :grin:
Will there be a physical Limited Edition like for Season 01?
For now we are focusing entirely on delivering the game to you digitally in an episodic format. Plans for a boxed or Limited Edition have not yet been set.
Westwoodo to Illusionary
17 Aug 17#9
So that's a yes but buy it first digitally so we make more money......game development for you.
17 Aug 17#1
Just by way of clarification, it may worth noting that this isn't the second season; instead, it's a spin-off prequel, from a different developer.
Zatos to Illusionary
17 Aug 17#6
Also it's only 3 episodes. Hence personally I would only purchase on a psn sale for £7.99 or less. I'm not too desperate to play it on release, Christmas sale probably.
mixmixi to Illusionary
17 Aug 17#7
Was typing this early morning. I even mentioned the release date is 30th initially. Didn't notice what I'm saying. Thanks for correcting me. :smile:
Opening post
Square Enix own the IP rights and sold it to a new dev that built a game engine with the aim of being the new Telltale Games and then went looking for preexisting IPs they could cheaply plug into it. Life Is Strange was just an IP they could afford.
Dontnod, the devs who made Life Is Strange, had NOTHING to do with Before The Storm, had no say in whether it would get made or not, and are currently at work on an actual sequel to their game.
So the moneymen who own the franchise but did not make it, sold a license to an unrelated dev that figured there was a big enough built-in fanbase to make it worth their while. It's a cash-in. That's what a cash in is.
So... your comment was just a general misjudging of the content of another comment as we witness everyday on HUKD, then? A.K.A if you don't understand what someone is saying, why are you arguing against it?
This game may end up being good, bad or somewhere in the middle.- it shouldn't be pre-judged to be any of these.
£13.99 is the standard price for the game across PS4/Xbox One and PC.
Will also be Pro/X enhanced.
How you been mate? :stuck_out_tongue:
Will there be a physical Limited Edition like for Season 01?
For now we are focusing entirely on delivering the game to you digitally in an episodic format. Plans for a boxed or Limited Edition have not yet been set.