Posted a few times before, last time it was £191, it's dropped a bit more. Metal casing, not plastic, even the screen surround. Battery lasts around 8 hours. Only downside is the touchpad could be better, I know because I have one. Other than that, great bit of kit. The graphics can be tweaked to give 70frames a sec just by increasing the wattage limit, has no real effect on temperature, it's got a decent heatsink.
Out of interest, did you manage to find an alternative mains charger? The one supplied is okay but the lead is a little short. Looking for something a bit longer if possible.
26 Aug 17#81
Most of them have 64gb eMMC as standard, and the ram is almost always soldered to the board on these cheaper ones. The batteries are sometimes shown as 4800 or 5000mah, but there are almost always 2 of them, giving 36 to 40wh, around 8 hours.
Damn that does look suspiciously similar. Doesn't have an SSD as stock though, non-expandable RAM and 5,000Mah battery as opposed to the 9,600Mah listed for the 3L Pro. Although who really knows what you're going to get with these listings :grin:
24 Aug 17#78…K7/ £223, pretty much identical but only dualband n wifi, and 4gb ram. But at least you can send it back if you are not happy. Pretty sure this is the same as the ezbook 3L pro. Looks like it comes with a type c usb.
24 Aug 17#77
Gearbest won't ship until 6-11 Sep and I'm in need of a new laptop a bit sooner than that, there's only so much Chromebook I can take :smile: Even with the customs tax the 3L Pro will be around the £200-220 mark which is not bad at all. Even got $21 cashback with Geekbuying so that'll help with the customs fees.
24 Aug 17#76
Will take about 2 weeks from gearbest, the bookpro coupon is still working. DHL will probably still take a week. If you are happy to pay £240 perhaps look at the T-Bao, all the Vat is included and comes from Spain.…tml
Only 4gb ram but comes with 128gb SSD which is worth £40, if you plan on adding one to the ezbook any way, this works out cheaper
24 Aug 17#75
Ach it's worth it to get it quickly, couldn't find any stores with the 3 Pro in-stock. Sometimes they mark stuff down as well, not that I'm advocating that sort of thing of course :sunglasses:
24 Aug 17#74
Not sure what they are on about with regard to dual core, its a N3450 processor, 4 core, the descriptions on some of these sites is a bit hit and miss. If you order using DHL you will def have to pay 20% VAT+ handling fee=£50 apx, so apx £245 all in.
24 Aug 17#73
DHL was about $21. I'm very close to ordering but Geekbuying have listed it as a dual core processor, as opposed to the quad core of the 3 Pro. Do you think it'll make a big difference? I haven't the faintest idea about processors :smile:
24 Aug 17#72
Plus $20 or $40 for postage. Think this is the one that may have a TN panel rather than IPS, I'm losing track of which is which. The trackpad should be better though.
Thoughts on the 3L Pro?…ale Was on flash sale for $209 at Geekbuying this morning but I was a bit hesitant because of the lack of reviews. Seems to have a 64GB SSD compared to the 3 Pro's eMMC.
23 Aug 17#69
Conformité Européene according to Google!
23 Aug 17#68
CE stands for China Export, thought everyone knew that!!
23 Aug 17#67
Second hand electrical equipment sold by charity shops in the UK isn't subject to PAT testing (that's an employer's safety obligation vis-a-vis its employees / visitors etc). Neither is there a requirement for it to satisfy CE marking requirements provided it was previously sold to an end user in the EU.…ies They just need to ensure that it is satisfactory quality having regard to the price etc. Obviously, if it blows up as soon as you plug it in, it's not going to be satisfactory quality. Hence why charity shops don't tend to take electrical equipment as they can't really test it so it's worth the risk/hassle etc.
23 Aug 17#66
Do you not need ads enabled to receive a YouTube income? I don't remember seeing any of those tiresome YouTube ads injected into the stream ahead of his videos. He doesn't look like he's living the high life. Looks like a small 'one man band' operation, so even more credit to him. Also many of the products he reviews are budget items, presumably with wafer thin margins.
The LinusTechTips guy would be an example of someone making serious money off YouTube and associated ventures. Those guys spend some serious cash during production and also benefit from reviewing alot of high end / high margin products. 4.5m subscribers, tech focused audience, several new videos each weak, alot of advertising and produce placement...companies will pay serious money to have their products featured.
23 Aug 17#65
I don't begrudge the laptop guy on youtube, he deserves the commission, although he does receive some YouTube income too.
23 Aug 17#64
Two issues there:
1. Drop in the ocean compared to virtually no UK corporation tax Amazon, Apple, Google etc pay despite having £billions of UK sales. The UK government then blow £70bn+ on vanity projects like HS2.
2. That guy puts in a ton of effort and time going through the ins and outs of these laptops and posting technical information that is useful to people. HUKD don't contribute anything.
23 Aug 17#63
I honestly think it's probjably not that hard for the government to legislate on this. Don't get me wrong, I like a bargain but the amount of tax being evaded by the likes of Gearbest must be pretty large by now. It's not sustainable in the long term, it's not good for quality control, for consumer protection or for the funding of public services. It's interesting how sites like Hotukdeals are so quiet about it. It makes you wonder how lucrative these Chinese company deals are to them.
23 Aug 17#62
Sadly it's turned in to a global money grabbing machine based on our efforts in finding deals..
23 Aug 17#61
Banned on Hotukdeals though as they want all that affiliate income from tax evading companies like Gearbest for themselves.
23 Aug 17#60
149? uau... For that price I would not hesitate...
23 Aug 17#59
Poor guy. I do wish people would use the direct affiliate links in his videos when ordering as he produces a ton of useful info.
22 Aug 17#58
Confirmed with Lightinthebox that they were selling the M2 version with dual band wifi and ordered. Paid in dollars using PayPal and a Revolut card to make the price £186. Quidco should beat TCB to give 12% cashback making the final price somewhere around £163. Bit worried about the free expedited shipping and import tax but if I get charged it'll still work out at sub £200 so happy days.
22 Aug 17#57
Found stock at LightInTheBox:…1.0 10.1% TCB makes it a similar price :sunglasses:
22 Aug 17#56
Ah, 1st time using the site. I am no rush for it so happy to wait.
22 Aug 17#55
That's just the flash sale. "Dispatch: Ships between Sep 4 - Sep 9"
22 Aug 17#54
Says 163 left, try again
22 Aug 17#53
Yes, by all accounts 256gb is no problem.
22 Aug 17#52
OOS at the moment, damn! Anyone know any stores with stock?
22 Aug 17#51
Thanks. Bought it. Code still works. 3%topcashback. Will try and maybe get another for the wife.
22 Aug 17#50
The description says it only supports M2.SSD up to 128GB. Is this correct or will a 256GB work?
22 Aug 17#49
Just seen this amazing .lgreat post
21 Aug 17#48
The description in the pics is actually hillarious. It uses "New Type Alluminium with wholy pressing" - suitable for priests. And the best is its "natural and artless appearance" :grin:
20 Aug 17#47
The included storage is actually an eMMC, the separate M2 slot is unoccupied. I'd bung in a 256GB card there. These Apollo Lake processors are pretty impressive, combine that with solid state storage and you have a nifty little solution that will easily handle the demands of day to day computing. Personally I'm holding out for a cheaper Civiltop Air, currently a tad overpriced.
20 Aug 17#46
Go for normal air service not DHL, luck of the draw really, but probably not. If you do it might be about £30.
20 Aug 17#45
Thanks Picard someone else asked about customs and shipping - what is the best option and is it likely we will be hit by extra charges?
20 Aug 17#44
Is it worth holding off til Black Friday / Singles Day?
So charity shops can get sued if they sell electrical equipment that hasn't been PAT tested but if you go online you can buy oodles of crap from China which doesn't even carry a CE mark with no reprecussions if things go wrong.
It's an odd world we live in.
19 Aug 17#41
Will this run linux mint? Interested if can get a linux distro running
18 Aug 17#14
Think deal has expired, code doesn't seem to work now
ahotukdeal to Pondlife
19 Aug 17#39
what was it though? how come you didn't feel like sharing the deal when you found it?
Pondlife to ahotukdeal
19 Aug 17#40
It was the deal here. That he found, and had already shared and didn't work when I tried it. Guess reading is harder than assuming I was holding out on you.
18 Aug 17#28
Oppinions if the 3L pro maybe worth a few extra £'s with the SSD? Looking to spend around this price…tml
Thats the 3s, the 3L pro is different again, keep up ;-)
Not sure the 3L has an IPS screen, it may well have but its not in the spec, which is a bit of a no no.
captainbeaky to winchman
18 Aug 17#31
Gearbest support suggest it's a TN Panel on the 3L. But it's probably a lottery as to what you end up with anyway.
Is it a ips panel or tn?
By Rayyan Aug-10/2017 05:08:50
Hello Rayyan,
It is TN panel.
Picard123 to winchman
18 Aug 17#32
Do you reckon Jumper are deliberately having a laugh at our expense by giving several different models almost the same model name?
Asking them to call them (a) EZBook 3 13" (b) EZBook 3 Pro 13" (c) EZBook 3 14" etc is clearly asking too much! :laughing:
winchman to Picard123
19 Aug 17#38
Well I'm waiting for the 3SL Pro myself
Picard123 to GFen
18 Aug 17#33
Personally, I would go for the Pro for the reasons that I mentioned in the other thread.
Pondlife to Picard123
18 Aug 17#34
They are both pros though
Picard123 to Pondlife
18 Aug 17#36
Sorry, meant the normal 3 Pro, not 3S or 3L.
The 3 Plus is better still but it's a silly price at the moment (over £340 at the moment and fluctuates to over £400).
18 Aug 17#35
Looks like a good amount of machine for the price! Anyone stuck Linux on it? I can't forsee any problems, just curious.
winchman to Pyrrhic
19 Aug 17#37
Yes can put Linux on it but have to use rEFInd.
18 Aug 17#25
Boring question - but if I load up ms office will it a) function at a resonable pace b) have enough space on the disk for the programs and a resonable amount of files
Picard123 to johnnygg2
18 Aug 17#27
Microsoft Office will be absolutely fine. Space should be fine as well if that's all you're doing. You might want to consider a having a 128GB USB3.0 flash drive (~£25) permanently plugged in though for extra storage or upgrading the SSD (£40-£60 for 128GB/256GB).
18 Aug 17#15
You need to be signed in for the code to work. Just tried it, still works.
Pondlife to winchman
18 Aug 17#20
Odd I was signed in and it doesn't work.
The Code you entered has expired.
Code for single unit price only; VIP Price, Special Offer or Group Deal all exempt.
Making a new account made it work
winchman to Pondlife
18 Aug 17#26
Sounds about right. So many of their codes either don't work or actually increase the price.
18 Aug 17#23
have ezbook 2, not bad, but this looks soo much better. same negative mind, touchpad is pants. gonna presume supplied charger is the 2pin one with an adaptor plug, looks bit sketchy - one of these was needed:
What the hell are breast bumps!! Think its quite jump up from the 2, although I've not actually seen the 2. Yes, it comes with the same style of wall charger, at least its lighter for traveling..
18 Aug 17#22
I know nothing about specs of laptops and computers can someone tell me what this is capable of? Is it reliable?
18 Aug 17#19
What shipping method do you recommend to reduce chance of customs?
Pondlife to normal
18 Aug 17#21
not dhl
18 Aug 17#8
I have a 2012 Macbook air i only use for Football manager 2017 (soon 18) that has a I5 in it i take it thats still quicker then this?
pidgin to steve10574
18 Aug 17#12
This is definitely weaker.
Agharta to steve10574
18 Aug 17#16
The CPU will be about twice as fast but not sure about the GPU performance. Don't expect much as this has about half the wattage I think.
18 Aug 17#18
You can increase performance with a simple mod. HERE There are some benchmarks on their YouTube channel.
17 Aug 17#1
Personally I would pay the extra and go with the posted deal for the Ezbook 3S with the full sized 256Gb M.2 SSD
Picard123 to reddit
18 Aug 17#17
The Pro is definitely the better deal over the 3S.
17 Aug 17#2
The 3s has a plastic body, where as this has a metal body. 256gb ssd is apx £60, so price is similar but you'd have a metal shell which looks nicer. Also the webcam is at the bottom of the screen on the 3s, odd location. Does the 3s have ac wifi, thought it was single band n using realtek RTL8723B which is a faff on Linux and the bluetooth often kills the wifi strength, the Intel 3165 on the 3Pro is much better.
Kei1 to winchman
18 Aug 17#10
A 256GB M2 SSD for £60?! Are you sure? Please provide link...
Ordered this about two weeks ago, not shipped yet, got in touch with them and they said it should be shipping on 20-23rd Aug. Fingers crossed. Managed to get it for £149 with a code. Still hot tho and as the op said, with the tdp tweak, you can actually get some decent performance with lower end games!
winchman to gunnerkes
17 Aug 17#4
Mine took 3 weeks to ship but that was because it hadn't been released, once they shipped it, it a couple of weeks to receive it.
gunnerkes to winchman
17 Aug 17#6
How you finding your ezbook? You managed to run rocket league on it with the tweak? Any info appreciated :smile:
rambobambo to gunnerkes
18 Aug 17#11
Can you please share the details about the seller and the code you used.
17 Aug 17#5
Does this run silent?
winchman to 1982john
18 Aug 17#9
Yes, suitable for submarines ;-)
18 Aug 17#7
I'll give you heat this time because last time you posted this deal got no love.
Opening post
Posted a few times before, last time it was £191, it's dropped a bit more.
Metal casing, not plastic, even the screen surround. Battery lasts around 8 hours. Only downside is the touchpad could be better, I know because I have one. Other than that, great bit of kit. The graphics can be tweaked to give 70frames a sec just by increasing the wattage limit, has no real effect on temperature, it's got a decent heatsink.
13" IPS 1080p screen, N3450 processor, 6Gb ram, ac WiFi, M.2 slot.
Latest comments (83)
TechAdvisor UK
£223, pretty much identical but only dualband n wifi, and 4gb ram. But at least you can send it back if you are not happy. Pretty sure this is the same as the ezbook 3L pro. Looks like it comes with a type c usb.…tml
Only 4gb ram but comes with 128gb SSD which is worth £40, if you plan on adding one to the ezbook any way, this works out cheaper
If you order using DHL you will def have to pay 20% VAT+ handling fee=£50 apx, so apx £245 all in.
Think this is the one that may have a TN panel rather than IPS, I'm losing track of which is which. The trackpad should be better though.…=EN
Google throws up lots of links, complete abuse of the mark but do you think they care!!…ies
They just need to ensure that it is satisfactory quality having regard to the price etc. Obviously, if it blows up as soon as you plug it in, it's not going to be satisfactory quality. Hence why charity shops don't tend to take electrical equipment as they can't really test it so it's worth the risk/hassle etc.
The LinusTechTips guy would be an example of someone making serious money off YouTube and associated ventures. Those guys spend some serious cash during production and also benefit from reviewing alot of high end / high margin products. 4.5m subscribers, tech focused audience, several new videos each weak, alot of advertising and produce placement...companies will pay serious money to have their products featured.
I don't begrudge the laptop guy on youtube, he deserves the commission, although he does receive some YouTube income too.
1. Drop in the ocean compared to virtually no UK corporation tax Amazon, Apple, Google etc pay despite having £billions of UK sales. The UK government then blow £70bn+ on vanity projects like HS2.
2. That guy puts in a ton of effort and time going through the ins and outs of these laptops and posting technical information that is useful to people. HUKD don't contribute anything.
It uses "New Type Alluminium with wholy pressing" - suitable for priests.
And the best is its "natural and artless appearance" :grin:
Personally I'm holding out for a cheaper Civiltop Air, currently a tad overpriced.
someone else asked about customs and shipping - what is the best option and is it likely we will be hit by extra charges?
It's an odd world we live in.
Interested if can get a linux distro running…117
Not sure the 3L has an IPS screen, it may well have but its not in the spec, which is a bit of a no no.
By Rayyan Aug-10/2017 05:08:50
Asking them to call them (a) EZBook 3 13" (b) EZBook 3 Pro 13" (c) EZBook 3 14" etc is clearly asking too much! :laughing:
The 3 Plus is better still but it's a silly price at the moment (over £340 at the moment and fluctuates to over £400).
The Code you entered has expired.
Code for single unit price only; VIP Price, Special Offer or Group Deal all exempt.
Making a new account made it work…p_1
Think its quite jump up from the 2, although I've not actually seen the 2.
Yes, it comes with the same style of wall charger, at least its lighter for traveling..
There are some benchmarks on their YouTube channel.
Also the webcam is at the bottom of the screen on the 3s, odd location.
Does the 3s have ac wifi, thought it was single band n using realtek RTL8723B which is a faff on Linux and the bluetooth often kills the wifi strength, the Intel 3165 on the 3Pro is much better.