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29 Aug 17
This just popped up on my Facebook feed as an advert from the official Sony Playstation page (see screenshot), looks like they did it a little early as the official announcement's tomorrow!

Should be free to download a week today.

All comments (112)
29 Aug 17 #1
Well that sucks. Own both.
29 Aug 17 #2
Pretty poor line up for September if this is true (official announcement not till tomorrow). Like no doubt many people I own both games. SInce the games are both very old most people will have already bought them making it a bit of a lousy offering IMHO.

At least I have Second Son on disc so I can eBay it and maybe get a few quid back though won't be much as everyone will be probably doing the same....
shadrach to ST3123
29 Aug 17 #17
PS Plus has offered new releases in the past but it's always been indie games which people tend to complain about.

We're not going to get newly-released and full-priced retail games. Personally I prefer newer indie releases that I might not have played to second-rate but "AAA" games like Infamous, but I don't think that's the majority view if past threads are anything to go by.

Anyway, I'm pleased with Child of Light. Always meant to play it but never got around to it. Hope it's the vita version.
steve_bezerker to shadrach
29 Aug 17 #25
Eh? Infamous Second Son a second-rate game? I don't know anybody who dislikes that game. thoroughly enjoyable, good combat system, good story, good variation, lots of replay value. Not sure what else you want from a game tbh
29 Aug 17 #3
Also got both, good month for people who haven't got them.
29 Aug 17 #4
Have these both not been on ps plus before?
jadz429 to bren26
29 Aug 17 #5
I'm sure they have few months back
ocelot20 to bren26
29 Aug 17 #19
Nope Infamous First Light was but not second son. You can't seem to win with some people. Even though I have played and completed Infamous Second Son 100%. I hope this lineup is true as I wouldn't mind playing it again. But I can imagine some people will complain because it's a 3 year old game. First they complain about indies and demand AAA games. Sony gives them AAA games then they complain they are old.
29 Aug 17 #6
It was First Light that was previously part of ps plus, Like others had second son and finished it along time ago, still good for those that haven't
29 Aug 17 #7
Yeah I have them both - 100% sure they were from ps plus. Doubt this is the new line up tbh - would be very surprised
arczi19 to Wraggy1234
29 Aug 17 #9
None of them were ever free before.
SVRich to Wraggy1234
29 Aug 17 #13
Bloody Sony, not checking with me first to cehck I didn't already have these games....

Nope neither have been on before. inFamous Last light was on it not Second son. Child of Light never was.
mudstuff to SVRich
29 Aug 17 #40
​First light has been and Child of Light has been free on xbox.
29 Aug 17 #8
I don’t have either so at least that’s good for me. I was thinking about buying Second Son as I got First Light on PS+ the other year so glad I didn’t buy it.
29 Aug 17 #10
Facebooks broken ad system is all
29 Aug 17 #11
Good for me. I literally was in the queue to buy Infamous for £10 at the weekend but the queue was too long so I gave up :smile:

I own Child of Light on xbox but would rather play it on PS4 so good as well.
29 Aug 17 #12
They haven't been on PS Plus before (although inFAMOUS First Light has). I checked here…on) before posting...
29 Aug 17 #14
Infamous second son is easy platinum worth it :grin:
dfunked to undertakeaap
29 Aug 17 #24
Surely any game that requires you to play through it twice and finish it on hard mode to get a trophy isn't an easy plat?... Telltale games are an easy plat, this isn't.
29 Aug 17 #15
Cracking month if true.
29 Aug 17 #16
Another borefest
29 Aug 17 #18
Don't have either of these. Would be happy if this is accurate.
29 Aug 17 #20
Infamous Second Son was amazing.
29 Aug 17 #21
Second son is good. Really short though.
29 Aug 17 #22
As good as Infamous is - Isn't it a bit old to be featuring on PS Plus? Hardly incentive to get people to sub (for whatever that is worth to them with the millions already subbed)
29 Aug 17 #23
Played and completed both, Child of Light is lovely.
29 Aug 17 #26
Second Son is a great game. All the infamous games are. Same peas different gravy.
29 Aug 17 #27
Nice! Never got round to buying Infamous. Child of Light is really excellent, nice artwork, good play-length and a solid RPG fighting system
29 Aug 17 #28
What bizarre logic people here have. Even if 10 million people played these games (which they don't), their would still be 15 million subscribers who've never played them.
29 Aug 17 #29
Even though I own both I'd say this is a very good lineup for September. Both very different but very good games in there own right.
29 Aug 17 #30
Second son is fun and my first ever game to platinum.
29 Aug 17 #31
Not got any so good for me yessss
29 Aug 17 #32
I mean they are both good games but I already own both. Was expecting something better considering the price rises for PS plus.
29 Aug 17 #33
If line up is true i would be happy have not git these yet
29 Aug 17 #34
I knew Infamous second son was coming to Plus so I held off on getting it. Sony are back with the AAA games now!! Black flag, The Order and GOW 3 remastered should be coming soon lol
29 Aug 17 #35
Meh have both.
29 Aug 17 #36
Two great games. Never free before. Well happy.
29 Aug 17 #37
Congratz op it seems you efforts have been
Recognized by the media…amp
29 Aug 17 #38
Nice, own them though
29 Aug 17 #39
Ha! Yeah, the Daily Star called me "eagle eyed"! :joy: Hope it's right or I'm gonna look a right chump!
29 Aug 17 #41
I'll second that comment.
29 Aug 17 #42
Pretty piss poor since you can get second son for like a tenner and a lot of offers when the pro came out were bundled with infamous
29 Aug 17 #43
I found it to be another dull open-world collectathon. Shallow mechanics padded out with the usual tedious and repetitive side quests that are the bread and butter of open-world games. I'm not a fan of the genre but there are good examples, like Sunset Overdrive, which at least makes the traversal and combat reasonably fun, even if the quests are as repetitive as any other open-world game. I wouldn't put the Infamous games in the same category. They're dull.
29 Aug 17 #44
Sony seriously needs to consider some kind of rebate offer to those who already own the game digitally. I always feel shortchanged whenever a month comes like this and I happen to own said games already :
29 Aug 17 #45
Good month for me. Looked at buying both in the past and will definitely be downloading them.
29 Aug 17 #46
Yea I meant First Light. Regarding Child of Light, I specifically meant on ps+.
29 Aug 17 #47
So i guess suckerpunch's next game will be revealed at psx then. this leaves enough time for anyone not familar with them to play their last game.
29 Aug 17 #48
Side Quests? Definitely - Would it be an open world RPG without them?
Shallow Mechanics? Not a chance in hell. That game is one of the most varied games that has ever lived. There are literally hundreds of different combos and ways to manipulate the battlefield. It's anything but shallow.

I respect your opinion, you're wrong, but I respect your opinion either way.
29 Aug 17 #49
Played second son years ago and traded it in. However it's meant to look incredible on PS4 Pro so this is great news!
29 Aug 17 #50
Now add in some decent vita games for a change please Sony. Vita needs to be shown more love.
29 Aug 17 #51
Decent month, interested in the Vita/PS3 games but as usual will keep my expectations low :disappointed:
29 Aug 17 #52
Not got either so happy days
29 Aug 17 #53
You'd think the first month after putting the price up by 25% they would have tries harder.
29 Aug 17 #54
They really missed the opportunity to put Knack 1 on alongside the release of 2
29 Aug 17 #55
I was going to trade borrow The Last of Us Remastered with my friend to try out InFamous Seond Son, looks like I'll be keeping The Last of Us Remastered :grin:
29 Aug 17 #56
Nice. I missed second son first time round. Nearly bought it recently too!
29 Aug 17 #57
29 Aug 17 #58
Saw this posted on Reddit earlier this afternoon :face_with_monocle:
29 Aug 17 #59
Both been on ps plus before.
29 Aug 17 #60
Yes, shallow. The combat is as one-note as it gets.

Let's not argue over it, but the Infamous games aren't exactly widely acclaimed for their mechanics, so I don't feel like I'm being off-kilter in my criticisms.
29 Aug 17 #61
I'm gonna say it because I don't think enough people have said it already....

First Light was free on Ps plus but no Second Son :relaxed:

But seriously Second Son is pretty good, looks very nice and is pretty easy to pick up. Never played Child of Light so I'm pretty happy
29 Aug 17 #62
Sony is two for two with retail game offered on PS plus. As expected, the people moaning for that are now moaning about the type of AAA they got!

At minimum, it sets a good precedent to get a retail game every month, along with an indie. Knack next month!
29 Aug 17 #63
At this stage, I'd applaud if the whole thing was a reasonably elaborate hoax, one deal and two comments into your HUKD career :wink:

You didn't scroll along to the right to see the other games

No one else happened to see this?
29 Aug 17 #64
i don't want to argue but think you're missing out on an awesome experience. Reviewers unanimously peg Second Son at a minimum of 87/100. I think we can consider that to be 'widely regarded' enough....all praising the cool story and deep mechanics, and most notably reducing the overall score for lacklustre side quests.
29 Aug 17 #65
Second son awesome... years ago! unless you've been in a 3 year coma and missed the chance to play this back in 2014/2015!! Utter jack **** for the increase in sub
29 Aug 17 #66
Me too but infamous is a superb game, happy for anyone who's not played it yet having the chance for 'free'!
As a legacy PS3 owner (lol), hoping for atleast ones decent game there or on the Vita.

Thanks for posting OP
29 Aug 17 #67
As someone not owning or having played either, September looks like a brilliant month on PS Plus!
29 Aug 17 #68
There's been hoaxes before, and there's also been leaks via premature adverts before. And yeah, I'm some Random Internet Dude. But for what it's worth, this is an advert that appeared on my Facebook feed. It's real, my only concern is that it doesn't explictly state that it's the PS Plus games for September, but I checked they've not been given away before and they're not on sale, so it certainly looks like they'll be the ones. Guess we'll both find out at 16.30 tomorrow! :thumbsup:
29 Aug 17 #69
Good description for the Xbox GwG line up :laughing:
29 Aug 17 #70
This is just like them idiots who were asking to trade Gold Flamedeer for the past week :grin:
29 Aug 17 #71
Well worth the increase in PSN subscription. VFM
29 Aug 17 #72
Child of light is a fantastic game.
29 Aug 17 #73
29 Aug 17 #74
Amazing! Wanted these games too and was going to buy them recently and glad I didn't now. Amazing value i think.
29 Aug 17 #75
You're the second person to mention an increase in subscription. Could you elaborate please? I haven't heard of this and after a quick check on the PSN store the subscription seems the same RRP (£39.99 for 12 months)
29 Aug 17 #76
So from this month they decide to increase the ps plus rates and also decided to give us poor games. Way to go Sony.
29 Aug 17 #77
PlayStation®Plus prices are changing.

From 00:01 BST on 31 August 2017, we will amend the price of PlayStation®Plus membership.

Any recurring fees payable after that date will be charged at £49.99 per annum.
29 Aug 17 #78
29 Aug 17 #79
Aren't we meant to be getting an update with backwards compatibility as well? Either recognizing retro discs or a database with additional titles each month, to sweeten the pie?

Raising the price to £50 a year for this shite is a piss take!
Sony need to provide more!
30 Aug 17 #80
Played and completed both, wasn't interested by either of the games last month either... Two months of nothing for me. Great stuff.
30 Aug 17 #81
Good for me.

Every month a free game comes out, I'm shocked at how many people moan. I don't pay PS PLUS for the free games, I pay cause I want want to want to play multilayer features.... its just an added benefit that occasionally i get a game I don't own.

These two games have great reviews from owners. If you're wanting the latest games for free... They'll charge even more than they're charging now!
30 Aug 17 #82
If you only pay the money for online play, your opinion on the matter is worthless.

Why comment at all?
30 Aug 17 #83
Nah there was another infamous game. The one with the female lead.
30 Aug 17 #84
I am no hard core gamer but this was my first plat. It must be easy if I have it.
Fantastic game for anyone that hasn't played it
ST3123 to kissmyfurrybutt
30 Aug 17 #89
I REALLY agree with this. It's even worse if you own both XB1 and PS4 as I do as Gold and Plus games end up duplicating each other surprisingly often (are Sony and MS secretly in cahoots :wink: ) Would it really be all that hard for Sony or MS to have a second (back up) game they offer to those who already have the first game? Or even maybe let you choose from a small pool of games of similar value? Ok so the second one would probably need more effort but the first one would be incredibly easy.

Only likely to become more of a problem since they seem to be curtailing the new indie games in favour of old AAA games which have been on the market MUCH longer so are that much more likely to have been bought in big numbers.

I think the onus to do this should be even more on Sony as their service is now £10 more than Xbox Live Gold at standard pricing....
bobyjones2004 to ST3123
30 Aug 17 #101
CoolDude0123 to bobyjones2004
30 Aug 17 #105
Full list available now

Btw, no need to click the links as they aren't available yet. lol. That just came with the copy and paste from the blog
30 Aug 17 #85
All these entitled posts, what a laugh.

Don't like the games, don't pay for plus, don't like the price rise, don't pay for plus, don't want the discounts, don't pay for plus, don't want to pay to play online, get a PC.

Microsoft charged for online play for years, offering nothing extra and most happily paid it. And before people start banging on about Sony servers not being up to snuff etc, again, get a gaming PC then.

The games might not be technically free but at least they took the initiative and offered this along with the online play, with MS following suit. Sony only release six games a month and no doubt want to offer something for everyone during the year (day one owners as well as people just buying the console) , and can't just cater to the entitled posters only.
30 Aug 17 #86
Hardly makes it bad if you own both - makes it good if anything as it shows it’s a good selection of games. I haven’t got infamous, have child of light and thought it was great. Glad more people will get to try it now
30 Aug 17 #87
Because I can. Just like you commenting on my post... why bother? Is your opinion also worthless? :thinking:

I was reacting to others commenting about the PSN network, which I am apart of. If you read the other comments, you'll see a mixture of people talking about the games and others talking/moaning about psn. Therefore I was commenting on both.
I also never said I only pay for online play, but it is my main reason. Free games are something I also enjoy. :heart_eyes:

Out of interest... if you're only paying around £3-£4 a month for Plus, what type of service are you expecting?
30 Aug 17 #88
Like the guy above who moaned that inFAMOUS is only worth a tenner :joy:
30 Aug 17 #90
Never heard of these games and still loving JC3 tbh but still, bit poor offering considering they've raised the prices!
30 Aug 17 #91
For ONCE, a good month for me.

Have owned First Light since it was free on PS+ but have held off playing it, because I wanted to play Second Son first.

Was going to buy it numerous times, but felt confident it would end up on Plus.

Nice one, OP.
30 Aug 17 #92
At the end of this month it goes up to 50 quid a year.
30 Aug 17 #93
infamous is pretty good, got it in a ps plus sale recently for about fiver.... did get a bit bored in the later stages so didnt finish it.. worth playing for free if you havent played it ...
30 Aug 17 #94
Are we ever going to get Knack?! I refuse to buy that game. I know it'll end up for free if i brought it :angry:‌ :disappointed:
30 Aug 17 #95
Yes, have these and would reccy as good games
30 Aug 17 #96
I get what you mean - You pick up Neon, mid-way through and it's way better than all the other powers. It becomes a bit of a grind with little payoff... but it's worth picking back up if you're a trophy hunter - it's a fairly easy Platinum.
It also has a Pro update which makes it prettier :smile:

Child of Light is a lovely little RPG without the grind of JRPGs - well worth a play too :smile:

I own / have played both PS4 titles again (3rd month in a row) but that's a sign that the calibre of games has risen dramatically which is good for everyone else...
If I spent less on games, I'd get more out of Plus :stuck_out_tongue:
30 Aug 17 #97
Pick it up preowned and sell it again when you realise how mediocre it is.
IDK if they've addressed the main failings of the 1st game but Knack 2 Demo is downloadable right now.
30 Aug 17 #98
wow a game for me i recently bought the first infamous game thinking i was gonna get second son soon, so now its worth it
30 Aug 17 #99
Oh, I didn't think they were that good? Am I Wrong? :-)

30 Aug 17 #100
Infamous SS - 80%
It's showing it's age a little (less so on the Pro) but it's a large and fun open city where you choose how to use an array of superpowers.
It's an easy Platinum for trophy hunters and includes a weirldy diverting "paper trail" side-quest which requires some detective work on your behalf, researching fake websites outside of the game.

Child of Light - 82%
I absolutely love this surprise little RPG from Ubisoft - it's visually very appealing with great music, the story is good and the combat dynamics are really solid. It also feels less "grindy" than many other RPGs, raising difficulty in accordance with your abilities, not ahead of them.
30 Aug 17 #102
Have these been officially confirmed yet?
YikYak to Eamer
30 Aug 17 #111
True and valid. It's what I meant but more eloquently put.
30 Aug 17 #103
*drops mic*
30 Aug 17 #104
Yes they uploaded a YouTube video revealing this lineup
silvercondor to kingsleyarandia
30 Aug 17 #109
Haha! That's a pretty decent claim to fame, considering various publications cited you as the source yesterday. Nice work
30 Aug 17 #106
Hatoful Boyfriend :joy: You would have to pay me to play that :poop:
30 Aug 17 #107
If we all have to pay you to play that, then the rest of us will have to play .... We Are Doomed. :laughing:
30 Aug 17 #108
You can't get the games without paying for the subscription, they aren't free. They're a bonus.
30 Aug 17 #110
I guess what we've learned from this is that you can always trust random strangers on the internet.

No, wait. That's terrible advice.
3 Sep 17 #112
Wrong 2
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