How does this compare with S7 edge and S8 difference in hardware?
musssy to TAZMANUK
7y 29d#4
Screen, s7 and s8 have a 2960x1400, pixel has 1920x1080. S8 has a better camera. S8 has a faster processor. S8 has better battery.
But pixel has unlimited cloud storage, faster updates, cleaner version of android.
cantonbean to musssy
7y 29d#8
S7/Edge runs like rubbish after 3 months and needs a full reset....forgo that part but I bet the S8 will be the same. I had S7 edge and had to reset it every 3 months and sold it on. All the follow up reviews say the same. I gave Samsung a change as S7 Edge was such a great phone and heard TouchWiz lag wasn't so bad (That was lie). Camera being better is also debatable. I've gone back to iPhone now but I'd only have a stock android or iOS device now (possibly a OnePlus) as hardware is nothing without software. This is a good deal but probably best to wait until iPhone and Pixel launch. Having said that they won't be in this price bracket and this will still be supported for 2 more years and 3 for updates.
musssy to cantonbean
7y 29d#13
I have to agree with you. I had the note 3, it was supposed to be a power house, started to become very unusable. I haven't owned a proper android phone since. But my sister has the s7, she hasn't complained. So maybe depending on how you use it and what you download.
tom_hungston to cantonbean
7y 29d#34
I have been using S7 and S6 Edge and now S8 and I could not fault any of them at all. They were all running perfectly smooth perfectly fine. Except will you start visiting dodgy website which installs malware on your phone and that has a big impact on performance. Or if you have been watching too much dodgy porno then it runs sluggish and need hard reset.
osaz007 to musssy
7y 29d#24
Right until where you mentioned S8 has better camera. That is indeed false.
musssy to osaz007
7y 29d#25
From the samples I've seen, I have no doubt that the s8 camera is better. Plus from the comparison sites and videos, state the same. That's not to say the pixel camera is bad, it's not. It is one of the best cameras out there. I would even say it's better than the iPhone 7 (which I own).
"In my opinion, if you're after the absolute best camera you can find in an Android phone, the Galaxy S8 is the way to go still. But the OnePlus 5 takes brilliant shots that are almost as good and won't empty your bank balance in the process"
funkybot4 to musssy
7y 29d#36
Pixel XL has 2k screen not 1920x1080.
ibz100 to funkybot4
7y 29d#37
Yeah but they're not talking about the Pixel XL are they?
muckspreader1 to TAZMANUK
7y 29d#29
It dosent that's why they have to sell it off cheap.Overpriced when it was released and still lacking in most departments.Boring to use and missing alot of features I couldn't live without.Memory card,wireless charging so you don't wear out the charging port and water proofing.Would have the s8 or s7 edge over this anyday.
7y 29d#2
Pixel 2 due to be revealed Oct 5th, last I heard.
trakker1 to wonkothesane
7y 29d#3
Yes worth mentioning but it will be double this price no doubt.
I'm wanting a couple of cheap contracts but ideally need around 5GB of Data, this deal is a bonus because it's the 128GB handset. The phone takes brilliant photos so this deal would be ideal for someone that takes snaps more than surfing the net.
pedant99 to trakker1
7y 29d#6
Enough of this "I'm wanting ...." !!! What on earth is wrong with plain and simple "I want ..... " ?
I bet you weren't taught to say I'm wanting at school.
trakker1 to pedant99
7y 29d#7
adrianpartridge146 to pedant99
7y 29d#10
Pretty sure nobody was taught to say "i want" either, "I would like" or "may i have" would actually be correct. Not that i really care either way.
holeymoley18 to adrianpartridge146
7y 29d#11
Totally agree, but using 'i' as a lower case pronoun? Now that really upsets me.
trakker1 to holeymoley18
7y 29d#15
Ok so just to clear this up quickly, I was in work and I should have been working but found this deal so if I didn't spell everything correctly I'm sorry, I was in a rush!
im still in a rush now so sorry in advance if I make some mistakes again
sikiliza69 to trakker1
7y 29d#17
I wouldn't worry about it mate...there's plenty of that on here anyway, i see things like that as light humour, kudos for posting the deal though...thats what counts at the end, the rest is supplementary
trakker1 to sikiliza69
7y 29d#22
Thanks for your words but I was just joking!
holeymoley18 to trakker1
7y 29d#21
Only pulling your leg.
trakker1 to holeymoley18
7y 29d#23
I know! Lol :popcorn:
deshepherd to adrianpartridge146
7y 29d#20
Seem to remember it was "I want never gets"
tom_hungston to adrianpartridge146
7y 29d#33
Obviously you do, you wouldn't write for lines long comment otherwise.
sikiliza69 to pedant99
7y 29d#12
your outburst is hilarious
7y 29d#5
Might sit on fence as out of contract September, but black Friday around the corner be some good deals on s7, s7 edge, S8 and pixel XL
7y 29d#9
With my Z3C dying I need a new phone. And this is cheap as chips.. i'm still tied into a current EE contract for 2 more months though and they won't let me switch over. I don't know what to do
7y 29d#14
Been on the lookout for deals on the 128gb model. Previous best deal i saw was with EE, for a 'nearly new' device, for £37.99 a month. Possible £30 quidco too? Voted hot and bought.
7y 29d#16 for for the deal, a 2GB, Unltd min and texts tariff can be found for £10-12 region leaving the handset cost to be approx £432-456.
Current deal on a sim free Pixel XL 32GB from CW is currently @ £449
I reckon its a good deal so have heat accordingly
elbs to sikiliza69
7y 29d#39
this pixel in this deal is neither the XL model nor the 32GB variant.. so why use a XL 32GB as a comparator? a bizarre and rather pointless comparator to use
7y 29d#18
That smartphone looks pretty ugly
7y 29d#19
I'm sure it will only get one more update after 8.0, did they fix the lens flare and boost the sound
7y 29d#27
I'm holding out for the very definitely black version...
TAZMANUK to repouk
7y 29d#28
Lol how black does it need to be
martyboy70 to TAZMANUK
7y 29d#40
There's a special edition rumoured for Black Friday. Supposed to be super, super black.
Granted it is about £80 cheaper but you would still need to purchase a Sim Only deal - over the 24 month period of this deal you would need to find a Sim Only deal that provides Unlimited Mins and Texts and 2GB data for about £3.50 per month (not likely). Not to mention the fact you have a £500 upfront cost in the deal you propose.
7y 29d#35
Damn it, been looking for deals on this phone for ages. Gave up yesterday and bought the deal on that Xiaomi Redmi Note 4.. Worth cancelling the order and getting this one instead?
7y 29d#38
My two cents as someone that owns the 32Gb pixel and used to have an iPhone 7:
S8 > Pixel = iPhone 7 > every other standard size phone on the market atm
7y 29d#41
Why is this so cheap?!
7y 29d#42
I don't watch porn on my phone! I'm also very aware of what you can get on your phone so am very careful. I've used Nexus 4,5 and 6 a Moto X, a HTC M8 with GPE ROM and currently using a pixel C tablet. Never had any lag issues with any of them after a certain time (in fact most Nexus and I guess Pixel phones actually improve with android updates!) It's all the additional crap Samsung apps. All the other manufacturers seem to have learnt (to Samsung's credit they have adopted Play music) Still if you're used to Samsung phones you wouldn't realise there is anything wrong!
7y 29d#43
I've been looking too. CWP had a cracking deal for an unlocked 128gb model for £500 but sold out before I pulled the trigger.
This, after quidco, works out to £547 for the two years including service. Wondering if I should take the plunge and lock myself in with EE for 2 years or just wait a bit more.
UPDATE: Bought. Such a great deal. Hopefully the credit check goes fine ha
7y 29d#44
Good idea to make the comparison but it's actually even better than that
Since it's a 2 year contract, that means the handset costs essentially £547-240 = £307 which is unbeatable considering the best deal I've seen recently was £500 for this phone unlocked from CPW and that sold out in a couple days.
7y 29d#45
I've got plenty more where that came from!! "I'm loving .,..."
Same rules apply as to I'm wanting ... Where do people get this rubbish from?
Yankee TV I suppose. I blame FRIENDS.
7y 29d#46
2GB Data?? Thats not enough to run my citymapper app but good deal OP for those who dont need data
7y 29d#47
Just a FYI its not the Plus version..
7y 29d#48
Just doing the maths:
Currently pay plusnet £8.50 a month = 24 months = £204
This EE contract is £22.99 a month = 24 months = £551.76
Add £25 upfront costs, and the difference is = £372.76
That is pretty cheap for a 128GB Pixel! Most contract deals, you're worst off, this has got to be one of the best mobile deals around, if you're happy to sign up for a 24 months contract.
7y 29d#49
iPhone 7 plus user here but if I was switching to android I would definitely go for the pixel. Great camera and stock android which means less chance of slowing down over time unlike some other android phones. Also you will receive android orio before any of the other manufacturers.
Good deal although 2gb of data will be too low for some although worth checking with the provider as they sometimes offer additional data on your contract for a minimal monthly fee. As others have stated the pixel 2 is out shortly so keep that in mind.
Good post OP. Heat added.
7y 29d#50
Thank you!
I'm currently on a Voda sim only deal for 20gb of data, works out around £9.50pm after cash back but I'm need of a new phone for both me and my partner. We both like using our phones for taking pictures so this would be ideal if the data was a little higher. To be honest I thought I would need at least 8GB of data but after checking with Vodafone they reckon I'm only using around 4GB. EE charge £5 for 1GB add-on which is a shame! This is a great deal but wish it had 5GB of data and I would be happy.
7y 29d#51
If it was this deal would be hotter than a Bombay brothel.
7y 29d#52
2gb though
7y 29d#53
Samsung full of bloatware so faster s8 processer will be wasted ,pixel is stock android phone performs lot better, camera and screen better on Samsung though
7y 29d#54
Agree, I did state the pixel is cleaner. The bloatware is my only complaint about Samsung, beside the price.
7y 29d#55
So black that if it went into a police station, it would "accidently fall down the stairs".
7y 29d#56
Yep!...hold my hands up the idea was there ...but the specifics were not ...I blame the bourbon
7y 29d#57
Was going to go for this but like taking photos when on holiday this suffers from bad lens flare and sound not that great.
7y 29d#58
Strange that, I haven't had the same experience as you at all. I have had my S7 Edge since release, with the freebie Gear VR from CPW and I haven't had any slowdowns, or a need to reset it. I saw your later post too, and this is my first Samsung, previous had Nexus, HTC, etc. I had my doubts about going for a Samsung, but it's turned out to be one of the best phones I have owned. No idea why we have had massively different experiences, weird!! Incidentally, a work colleague of mine got one a little while after I did, replacing a iPhone (6 i think) and she loves hers, no issues.
7y 29d#59
Not yet dispatched, ordered yesterday at 6:30. Have chased but they have been really busy. Anyone got dispatch confirmation?
7y 29d#60
Pretty sure they will let you buy yourself out of your current contract (by paying the line rental for the two months still to run).
7y 29d#61
How is this relevant to the deal?
7y 29d#62
I dont like the form oft pixel
7y 29d#63
Shame as I'm just after the super black version...not the super, super one. May even just even just get the standard black version if it's cheaper.
7y 29d#64
It's not fair to blame your friends although I doubt you have any as all pedants live in bedsits and spend 23 hours a day in their underpants scouring the internet for errors to correct.
* for the pedent's out there, this was said in jest and shud not be taken to seriousouly including this last sentence wich is ritten in a manor to iritate.
7y 29d#65
Are you a joker
7y 29d#66
Pay off the contract and start again
7y 29d#67
2gb a month is plenty! if you watch one youtube video a month how many months the op doesn't say
7y 29d#68
Says 2 years on the site.
7y 29d#69
Its 24 months
7y 29d#70
Don't know where you got those maths from mate.
22.9-10 = 12.9 Multiply that by 24 and the phone comes out at 324 quid and 286 if the comparable contract was at a tenner.
Makes this an extremely good deal bearing in mind that this phone was selling at 600 odd a few weeks ago. Puts it quite close into "budget phone" price range as well.
7y 29d#71
If you're looking at experience wise, I'd say they are pretty comparable. I own a google pixel and its smoothness and lack of lag is worth sacrificing a few extra features that Samsung provides, that I personally don't use. If you want or use those added features, then perhaps the S7 or S8 a better product for you?
Android is hugely customisable as far as an OS goes so there's the chance you can add features and options onto a Pixel. I've found battery life to be pretty good on my Pixel. Updates are a lot faster as well compared to the Samsung offerings. Android O is already rolling out to the Pixels. That will take months for Samsung to do assuming they get it right first time.
Samsung don't have a great history in speed of updates or even the quality of them. There is also the massive historical question mark against them in aging. Pixels and Nexus' before them were known for staying super quick from day 1 onwards. Samsung are more known for increased lag and slower performance over time. Some people see this performance drop, some don't.
7y 29d#72
From their website - "You get a brand new phone at the beginning of each contract...."…nes
7y 29d#73
Good grief. Hottest deal of the day and all top comments about spelling and good English. Nerds.
7y 29d#74
You've been a member for 9 years and you're still surprised?
7y 29d#75
Do you suffer with the lens flare though and sound suppose to be fair
7y 29d#76
7y 29d#77
Far less bloat than there used to be....
7y 29d#78
Pixel XL is 5.5" 1440x2560 pixels info incorrect above. Buy this over the Samsung, you won't regret it.
7y 29d#79
Anyone got one and try taking a few photos does it suffer from flares as widely reported, some say the fix didn't fix it
7y 29d#80
"this" is a Pixel, not a Pixel XL
7y 29d#81
Okay, you win.
7y 29d#82
Countdown timer shows that the voucher expires in 1hr 23mins (5pm)
7y 29d#83
Wait for the pixel 2...
7y 29d#84
I guess you have not used the Pixel or Pixel XL camera. The Pixel camera results are massively better at less than ideal lighting. In my experience 9 out of 10 photos are a noticeably better from Pixel.
7y 29d#85
Massively better than what?
adrianpartridge146 to mrew42
7y 28d#105
I didn't write "for" lines. I didn't write four lines either. I wrote three lines.
7y 29d#86
7y 29d#87
Not from the sample I saw online and the numerous reviews comparing the two. But just because they or I say s8 is better, it doesn't mean for a second that the pixel comers is terrible. It's fantastic but just not as good as the s8. Jeez people
CSkel to musssy
7y 29d#91
Mine turned up today. I'm very happy with it! Very responsive and feels great in your hand
7y 29d#88
Wrong, I didn't compare the XL version, the comparison was with the normal pixel and s8
7y 29d#89
Purchased. Will answer your question about flare when it arrives
mihaitza_uk to MarchinAlready
7y 29d#90
offer expired now
7y 29d#92
Expired now
7y 29d#93
Only 32gb available
Samluk to dsided
7y 29d#95
S8 has a better camera not true
7y 29d#94
A guy at carphone warehouse told me that all is so much cheaper because their phones are refurbished. Is it true?
7y 29d#96
a lot of butt hurt from google fans or Samsung haters. Read my replies. Better yet, put your love for google or hate for Samsung to one side and actually search for comparison of the two phones (which I did) before crying. Jeez people would think I cursed their mothers
7y 29d#97
I'm on the lookout for a new handset. How does the oneplus 5 compare to the pixel and s8? I want something to last for a couple of years which will not slow down like my iPhone 6 has.
7y 29d#98
Nope no lens flare but Google has recognised the issue and I'm sure there's either software update to sort that out or they can RMA your product.
Sound wise the speakers are loud and distortion free. Headphones are average though. Unspectacular for top end users. Obviously either a dedicated MP3 player or LG V series is their forte.
Edit: I'm referring to the 3.5 mm jack lol. Pixel doesn't come with headphones. I use Bose Sport Sound wired headphones with my Pixel and it does a fair job.
7y 29d#99
They won't replace if had flare as they don't consider it a fault.
7y 29d#100
LOL seems you are the one samsung lover, who really sad paid so much and get a poor phone and a camera ? cry and find mamam :ninja:
7y 29d#101
Yes, Samsung lover when I own an iPhone 7. The last Samsung phone I had was the note 3 and only had that for 2 months. I based my comment on research and reviews. Unlike you guys. To make you happy, pixel kicks the s8 ass in every department regardless what reviews and comparison say. Happy?
7y 29d#102
LOL it got lots review said they are almost the same/ hard to say which better. And you said S8 win/better ~~ so, yes, thats" research" well...well....well.....
I had both with me, and i would say, night time pixel win with no doubt; with good sun/light, they are same/ really close ~~
7y 29d#103
Expired? Or just OOS? Link takes me to the 32GB version.
7y 28d#104
It's back but £100 upfront cost!
7y 28d#106
Lol, text to speech engine is messed up in my phone
7y 27d#107
I took delivery last week (last Sunday) and liked the phone instantly - although it was a content like rather than a wow reaction on first use. It felt premium quality but understated and the amount of screen that isn't used is frustrating (when compared to the S8 and considering this is only a 5" screen).
Data and apps transferred quickly. No fuss there. Let's try the camera 'me finks' and see about this flare issue. Pointed the main camera at my little one, in the distance, and the camera lens wouldn't settle/focus - constant clicks and struggling with light in general. Put hand in front of lens and it focused on it. Moved it away, same issue. Clearly a fault unless it's my dedicated hand camera and the main camera is somewhere else on the device? Front camera no issue if a little unspectacular.
Took phone to shop for inspection. Verdict was knacked lens/fault so return. Returned and expect a replacement by post today.
Fingers crossed we are a 'happy couple' this time
7y 27d#108
Thanks for the update, fingers crossed the new handset is good this time
MarchinAlready to trakker1
7y 27d#109
Cheers, pal. I hope so too. Spoke to a friend yesterday and unbeknownst to me she has had the pixel since launch. She commented that she has been very pleased with the camera and no issues with images irrelevant of light conditions
Opening post
Unlimited Mins & Texts, 2GB Data with EE
£22.99pm for 24 months with £25 Upfront After £50 OFF Code "PIXPAYDAY"
Not a massive amount of data but it's a 128GB handset and Google includes unlimited cloud storage
----------------------------------- 4GB Data Option ------------------------------------
Google Pixel 128GB Quite Black
Unlimited Mins & Texts, 4GB Data with Vodafone
£27pm for 24 months with £15 Upfront After £10 OFF Code "AUGPAY10"
Double the data for £3.59pm extra and still gets the 128GB handset and Google includes unlimited cloud storage
Second deal down:…als
All comments (109)
But pixel has unlimited cloud storage, faster updates, cleaner version of android.
"In my opinion, if you're after the absolute best camera you can find in an Android phone, the Galaxy S8 is the way to go still. But the OnePlus 5 takes brilliant shots that are almost as good and won't empty your bank balance in the process"
I'm wanting a couple of cheap contracts but ideally need around 5GB of Data, this deal is a bonus because it's the 128GB handset. The phone takes brilliant photos so this deal would be ideal for someone that takes snaps more than surfing the net.
What on earth is wrong with plain and simple "I want ..... " ?
I bet you weren't taught to say I'm wanting at school.
im still in a rush now so sorry in advance if I make some mistakes again
Possible £30 quidco too? Voted hot and bought.
Current deal on a sim free Pixel XL 32GB from CW is currently @ £449
I reckon its a good deal so have heat accordingly
Worth cancelling the order and getting this one instead?
S8 > Pixel = iPhone 7 > every other standard size phone on the market atm
This, after quidco, works out to £547 for the two years including service. Wondering if I should take the plunge and lock myself in with EE for 2 years or just wait a bit more.
UPDATE: Bought. Such a great deal. Hopefully the credit check goes fine ha
Since it's a 2 year contract, that means the handset costs essentially £547-240 = £307 which is unbeatable considering the best deal I've seen recently was £500 for this phone unlocked from CPW and that sold out in a couple days.
"I'm loving .,..."
Same rules apply as to I'm wanting ...
Where do people get this rubbish from?
Yankee TV I suppose. I blame FRIENDS.
Currently pay plusnet £8.50 a month = 24 months = £204
This EE contract is £22.99 a month = 24 months = £551.76
Add £25 upfront costs, and the difference is = £372.76
That is pretty cheap for a 128GB Pixel! Most contract deals, you're worst off, this has got to be one of the best mobile deals around, if you're happy to sign up for a 24 months contract.
Good deal although 2gb of data will be too low for some although worth checking with the provider as they sometimes offer additional data on your contract for a minimal monthly fee. As others have stated the pixel 2 is out shortly so keep that in mind.
Good post OP. Heat added.
I'm currently on a Voda sim only deal for 20gb of data, works out around £9.50pm after cash back but I'm need of a new phone for both me and my partner. We both like using our phones for taking pictures so this would be ideal if the data was a little higher. To be honest I thought I would need at least 8GB of data but after checking with Vodafone they reckon I'm only using around 4GB. EE charge £5 for 1GB add-on which is a shame! This is a great deal but wish it had 5GB of data and I would be happy.
* for the pedent's out there, this was said in jest and shud not be taken to seriousouly including this last sentence wich is ritten in a manor to iritate.
how many months the op doesn't say
22.9-10 = 12.9
Multiply that by 24 and the phone comes out at 324 quid and 286 if the comparable contract was at a tenner.
Makes this an extremely good deal bearing in mind that this phone was selling at 600 odd a few weeks ago. Puts it quite close into "budget phone" price range as well.
Android is hugely customisable as far as an OS goes so there's the chance you can add features and options onto a Pixel. I've found battery life to be pretty good on my Pixel. Updates are a lot faster as well compared to the Samsung offerings. Android O is already rolling out to the Pixels. That will take months for Samsung to do assuming they get it right first time.
Samsung don't have a great history in speed of updates or even the quality of them. There is also the massive historical question mark against them in aging. Pixels and Nexus' before them were known for staying super quick from day 1 onwards. Samsung are more known for increased lag and slower performance over time. Some people see this performance drop, some don't.
"You get a brand new phone at the beginning of each contract...."…nes
You've been a member for 9 years and you're still surprised?
The Pixel camera results are massively better at less than ideal lighting. In my experience 9 out of 10 photos are a noticeably better from Pixel.
S8 has a better cameranot trueSound wise the speakers are loud and distortion free. Headphones are average though. Unspectacular for top end users. Obviously either a dedicated MP3 player or LG V series is their forte.
Edit: I'm referring to the 3.5 mm jack lol. Pixel doesn't come with headphones. I use Bose Sport Sound wired headphones with my Pixel and it does a fair job.
I had both with me, and i would say, night time pixel win with no doubt; with good sun/light, they are same/ really close ~~
Data and apps transferred quickly. No fuss there. Let's try the camera 'me finks' and see about this flare issue. Pointed the main camera at my little one, in the distance, and the camera lens wouldn't settle/focus - constant clicks and struggling with light in general. Put hand in front of lens and it focused on it. Moved it away, same issue. Clearly a fault unless it's my dedicated hand camera and the main camera is somewhere else on the device? Front camera no issue if a little unspectacular.
Took phone to shop for inspection. Verdict was knacked lens/fault so return. Returned and expect a replacement by post today.
Fingers crossed we are a 'happy couple' this time