Shame nobody can afford to buy PSVR then. :disappointed:
6 Sep 17#166
You trying to jump on something you didn't even notice or have the knowledge about... I called you out? Appalling use of language? Burned again that's why you changed it? What are you talking about you clown? LMFAO!! Do you even speak English? Stop trying so hard because you're just making yourself look weird and stupid lol.
If I had shares in Sony I would give you the job Buba. :raised_hand:
5 Sep 17#163
Heads up for PS3 owners. If you look at Child Of Light in the Plus section of the PSN Store it's for PS3 too. :grin:
The PS Blog may not list it as PS3 too but this says otherwise.
5 Sep 17#162
I'm sorry but why should they! I own a Vita, PS3 and PS4 I appreciate the games that come out for the Vita and PS4 and although I don't use the PS3 games I'm sure there are people out there that maybe don't own a ps4 so appreciate the games on this console. As somebody else said ps plus was part of my reason for buying a Vita. Long may they continue providing the games on this format
5 Sep 17#161
Idiot calling me out then trying to cover up. Appalling use of language and then gets burned. Must of is not correct English. Burned again that's why you changed it.
5 Sep 17#160
Yay Rigs. More stuff for the VR. Bonus.
5 Sep 17#158
Anybody having trouble downloading RIGS?
5 Sep 17#159
It has always been optional no matter how you slice it, I know that they made online part of ps+ perks when the PS4 came out but that wasn't my point.
5 Sep 17#156
Sorry to interrupt here, it's 'MUST HAVE', not 'MUST OF'. Carry on!
5 Sep 17#157
For online plus isn't optional it's forced now before PS4 it was optional
5 Sep 17#154
That's a tough question...
You'd need make a to balance between desirablity and cost that would make as many people happy as possible, without making the service unprofitable. You'd also need to strike deals with publishers who might not want their brands de-valuing by entering them into Plus. Ideally, every month would have 1 old AAA and 1 "hidden gem" indie (>70 metacritic score) on each platform but that might not always be possible due to the above reasons. Cross-buy games are good too as they make it better value for people who only own one console.
As Mr Sony, I'd probablly put an old Battlefield or Lego game in along with something like Shovel Knight. For me personally (as I've got through a lot of games already), Divinity: Original Sin and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter would do a treat :smile:
A PSVR title is a nice addition this month - I can't see it recurring every month but once a quarter would be nice.
5 Sep 17#155
That's not a spelling mistake though is it. That's just a way some people write. I know what the correct way is I just chose not to use it sometimes especially when writing fast. Some people would say don't write must have... Write must've. In the end its the same definition and written differently depending on where you're from. Carry on.
5 Sep 17#152
What would you put as the games this month if you were mr sony?
5 Sep 17#153
Nice spot! :thumbsup: Shame it's not cross buy with the Vita :disappointed:
3 Sep 17#151
I wanted to buy infamous second son when it was in offer. But I wait. I thought it would come with psn plus one day. :thumbsup:
1 Sep 17#150
Says the Sony fanboy who had to keep on going. Your supposed to be grown up but then I saw Leeds united in the name says it all.
1 Sep 17#149
Ha! That made me laugh. I think I've got a fax hanging around somewhere in the garage....
1 Sep 17#148
Send them a fax instead
1 Sep 17#147
Thanks and that would be welcome. I've decided to send Sony some feedback and might suggest this. Edit: Anyone get an email address? Like trying to find holy grail on the PS UK website. :thinking:
1 Sep 17#146
Well done on the £8.50 a year. :raised_hand: I agree Sony's decision to hire their back catalogue back out to us is both greedy and I would add cheeky. :blush:
I've really not been getting my money's worth across the Sony platforms I own. I have not completed any of the free games I've taken with Plus. Looking back at my digital purchase history the games I have purchased and played over the past 2 years come to under the old subscription price. I might benefit from making digital purchases with the PS discount and my available credit, then call it a day with Plus in 2018. I won't stop using the Sony platforms, because it would be sad to say goodbye to God of War, Castlevania and Ratchet and Clank.
Having joined the Xbox gang this summer, I am doing well with GWG and BC 360 games. I also feel reassured that when its time to upgrade to the X, my current purchases will go with me and be playable. This thread and discussion has helped me work out what type of gamer I am and where my cash is best placed at the moment. The one thing it hasn't done is help me reduce the number of consoles under my TV. Sigh! :angry:
1 Sep 17#145
I figure I'm not paying for 'free' games anymore with my PSPlus subscription, it's just to play online and make use of the PSPlus discount on other games
1 Sep 17#144
I am so glad you clarified, from your earlier posts I had no idea which way you would swing on the issue of deal heat,
1 Sep 17#143
Don't not try Just Cause you may like it. For me and a lot of others it runs really badly and was never fixed.
1 Sep 17#142
Please just shut up and go away and stop crying for attention.
1 Sep 17#141
Well put :smile:
Definitely agree there should be more membership options available for plus (e.g. just the games, online multiplayer only, both, ps now included), more choice for the consumer as there are people who just have plus for online multiplayer, personally I prefer single player games, online multiplayer is rarely used so it's just about the games/online storage for me.
Maybe Sony need to start surveying it's customers again like they did with plus on ps3 in 2012.
1 Sep 17#140
Voted cold as games are crap and these aren't a deal either. This is supposed to be HotUKDeals not crap game info central.
31 Aug 17#139
We know what Nintendo will be offering, pretty much - access to online multiplayer and a library of 'classic' games.
31 Aug 17#138
Is Plus the best value gaming subscription? No. (EA Access embarasses both) Is Plus bad value? I honestly don't think so but I really milk it! I get games on all platforms (MS only have 2), I pay for my subscription with cheap credit and I game-share so I only paid £8.50 per year (back when it was £30)
If you only have the latest console, GwG for XB1 is better value than Plus for PS4 because of backwards compatibility - Sony's decision to hire their back catalogue back out to us is simply greedy.
However, if you have VR, the previous console and a handheld, Plus for PSVR, PS4, PS3 & Vita is better value than GwG for XB1 & 360.
31 Aug 17#137
Sony make toasters? :thinking:
31 Aug 17#136
I owned about 50 games on PS3 and Infamous was the worst for me. After the novelty of leaping from the buildings wore off it was the repetitive nature of the fighting and gameplay that i didn't like. Thanks for the warning about Just Cause 3 although it has almost a 5 star review average on PSN. Still have Doom to play so will probably go with that first.
31 Aug 17#135
PlayStation is the only part of Sony to consistently turn a profit in recent years - I don't think I've ever seen a Sony toaster.
I have a PSP, PS3, PS4, PSVR, Vita & PSTV - that makes me Sony's b1tch as I see it :stuck_out_tongue:
I also have a Wii U, a 3DS and a Switch because Nintendo does fun like nobody else :unicorn:
31 Aug 17#134
Thierry Henry on the Irish version
31 Aug 17#133
Sony loyals... I didn't even know such a thing existed. Apple, Google, Nintendo, Microsoft.. maybe... But Sony? They make most of their revenue from selling toasters.
31 Aug 17#132
Ha! i like this. :joy:
31 Aug 17#131
Agree, it is mediocre in light of the price increase. There does need to be more variety in the offerings. No matter how much the monthly membership fee is divided up to equate value - if you don't like the games you are really stuffed! :neutral_face: For example, I downloaded Before Dawn from Plus, played it for 10 minutes and thought this really isn't for me. Yet alternatively, I opted for 360 Lego Pirates of Carribean on Games With Gold and have laughed through most of it. :muscle: I guess value for money is relative.
We are unfortunately now a part of Generation Rent - everything is subscription - we rent things - movies, entertainment, sport, music. That is a lot of subscriptions per person and there is only so much cash to go round for all these things.
Regardless of how we feel about PS Plus and value for money, I kindly ask that Sony reflects upon its lack of respect for the diversity of gamers needs within the Plus offer. There are single player only players, multi players, AAA players, indie players, VR players, so on and so on. Sony claim to be "for the players", but this tagline should now read "for the payers".
PS Plus might better meet future diverse needs and pockets, by allowing people to sign up to services that meet their needs. Perhaps, a basic fee for online multiplayer access only? Build on options to add on a choice of free games every month, from a wider selection of titles and platforms than what is currently on offer? Or, the ability to sign up for guaranteed discounts for digital purchases, or extra online storage. At least some options to reduce the payout for features that all types of gamers might use often, or need long-term would be really welcome. Oh and a Lego game every now and again - please and something for Vita that is fun to play - even if it is an old PSP title. One can only hope....
31 Aug 17#130
Does Handball 2016 have Maradona in the cover.
Never forgive, Never Forget !!
31 Aug 17#129
it was a very popular launch title for PSVR, but im happy to see a AAA VR game on ps plus! i only hope there will be one each month onwards lol i would love "Tethered" or "I Expect you to Die"
31 Aug 17#128
When we will all be playing our PS5's then?
31 Aug 17#127
It's not crap though... You're just been miserable.. And you can't buy much then haha. Oh no an extra 83 pence a month... Shocking!!! The games we get, plus the online, plus the cloud storage, plus the discounts, plus the lots of other little freebies really have been overpriced at £3.33 a month! You can get PS plus for around £30 too on a lot of sites making it even cheaper... I bought 15 months for just £25!
31 Aug 17#126
Vr game well played sony :sunglasses:
31 Aug 17#125
RIGS :thumbsup:
31 Aug 17#124
Sony are just trying to justify their £10 increase in price. I'm convinced for now. 3 excellent months in a row.
31 Aug 17#123
I would have, if only it was on PS4 :disappointed:
31 Aug 17#122
Here's my pennies worth.
I think its a good month. Yes not to everyone tastes but lets be realistic about what you're likely to get and cancel if you're not happy. Its your choice.
Personally my PS Plus subscription is nothing to do with the 'sort of free' games. I pay to play online. I was formally a PC gamer so yeah that sucks seeing as i wasn't paying before. I cant live without rocket league in my life or a odd go on BF1. I love Triple AAA games as much as I enjoy indie games.. which means that the added bonus of getting free games is a good one. I would never buy hatoful boyfriend for instance but I get the chance to play it, same as Just Cause 3. Oh and I already had played Until dawn but now I can play it through again.
Swings and roundabouts but if it doesnt suit you then move on.
31 Aug 17#121
I hate these threads, people stating opinions like facts and perennial fanboys ready to throw themselves down on the Sony sword to stop somebody saying boo about them -_-
Mediocre month IMO, Child of light being the interesting looking exception. I tried to like Infamous the last time one was on plus (first light?) but my god they are dull and generic 3rd persons, apparently this is better but I'll pass. In any case I'm not fussed on that and I don't expect AAA every month, I just expect good variety and to not be taken for granted. Sony do themselves a mischief, now they have raised prices they have a new bar (yes, the rise is far above natural costs, and is 25% above their main rival so IMO that means a new standard should be met) to meet. If they were ever hacked again the sh*tshow would be phenomenal.
31 Aug 17#120
It really surprised me actually - lovely art and music and still a decent RPG at it's core :smile:
31 Aug 17#119
Child of Light looks brilliant. Never heard of it until now and it's exactly the sort of title I've been looking for for months. :laughing:
31 Aug 17#118
I agree I'd be absolutely gutted if I died before this months titles became available.
31 Aug 17#117
So many decent retail games on the Vita, which are becoming increasingly hard to find with stores clearing stock of them, and they're still punting Android games as PS+ titles. Decent month for PS4 but you're SoL if you own the other platforms.
31 Aug 17#116
31 Aug 17#115
Already been answered - sadly not :disappointed:
31 Aug 17#114
Child of Light was released on Vita too - anyone know if this is Cross Play?
31 Aug 17#113
I have two questions:
1) Why does a game being older make it bad? Bioshock has just turned 10 and it is still miles better than a lot of games released today. Resi 4 is 12, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is just under 26....I could go on.
2) Why do people feel the need to announce that they won't be renewing? It's like those people who announce they leaving [insert name of social media platform of you choice]. Great go for it, no need to make a song and dance about it. If you feel you are not getting value for money from a service then stop paying for that service.
31 Aug 17#112
Again, no. We get it in the UK as well
RIGS and Infamous are in both the UK and US lineup; the other 5 games the US are getting are different for some reason
31 Aug 17#111
I don't have RIGS so happy days!
31 Aug 17#110
Nor will I...
Because I'm already subbed until August 2019!
Not a bad month at all, and means I can finally try Hatoful Boyfriend, as well as getting into Child of Light. I own Infamous however, so that's one miss. But it's not Sony's fault that I bought a game they put on PS+!
31 Aug 17#109
But they aren't. There is a big difference between saying the games aren't your taste and saying they are crap. I've never really liked the Infamous games that much but can recognize the appeal.
You are right that they do include things that aren't selling that well anymore though as they are cheap to include. That doesn't make them bad games though.
Almost every month has good games included if you like most types of games and aren't someone who refuses to play indie games or older games.
This isn't an opinion, it's clear from the reviews these games get from most users and critics that they are not crap according to most people.
This doesn't mean everyone will like them or agree but it does mean they aren't all garbage. They might be for you but if you find that with every single months game selection then a service that gives you free random games is clearly not for you as you can't like that many different games.
31 Aug 17#108
I switched to Xbox as they offer much better games and have kept subscription at the same price where as PlayStation up the price and continue to offer these s**t games I've had maybe one or two decent games in the past year and first month with Xbox I'm going to get forza motorsport 5
31 Aug 17#107
Metacritic is a good indicator but I happen to know that they're good games. Have a look April's games and tell me these (and all months since April) aren't better.
The RRP for Plus might be £50 but very few people on this site would pay that - I renewed until 2020 when it was £30, using reduced price credit which works out at £16.50 per year. Game-sharing that works out at £8.25 each for me and my friend. RIGS alone is worth that :smile:
TBF, Plus is required for online play on the PS4 and any games you get are a bonus. If you only had a Vita or PS3, you would have grounds for complaint as Plus is primarily for games on those platforms (also price reductions) and the quality of the included PS3 and Vita games is nothing like it was before the PS4 came out. I'm not sure what you expect but even at the full £4.16 per month, Plus is pretty good value - Throw a PS3 and/or Vita in and it's great value. There's no denying that it isn't as good value as EA Access as a games subscription but Plus isn't just a games subscription.
31 Aug 17#106
So is Rigs only on PlayStation US store only?
31 Aug 17#105
Tbh the games are a bonus. Your essentially paying to play online. Not sure how people can complain. I'm going through price hike finally makes PS Now part of PS Plus
31 Aug 17#104
What other benefits they hardly offer anything for the money.
31 Aug 17#103
I game for pleasure and buy what is decent and what I like. Amazed another fanboy defending the crap Sony offering whilst jacking up 25% price. Good riddance next month to overpriced crap.
31 Aug 17#102
Yeah that's where I got it. Will likely get for PS4 as well as I never played it
31 Aug 17#101
I could name a good 3 dozen off the top of my head that would have made better offerings. I game plenty and have done for 20 years plus. It's amazing you defend this selection and others aren't entitled to an opinion.
Your opinion is this month is good I disagree it's a crap month and have been crap for the last 11 months bar one or two titles. It's amazing you feel the need to defend it and not allow other opinions as well.
I have played all next months offerings as a friend already owned these and they are in my opinion crap.
They jack up the price by 25% and not even justifiable. Glad next month will be my last as a psn plus sub.
Good riddance to the crap they offer
31 Aug 17#100
PS3 I can understand but Vita should continue support
31 Aug 17#99
it is old gen eventually they'll stop providing for it!
31 Aug 17#98
I have neither. Appreciate you said large and I may be the minority but for me at least this is a great month :smile: GwG is promising to be awesome as well
31 Aug 17#97
or just give us more ps4 games :grin:
my vita lives in a case incrusted in dust somewhere inbetween the floor boards.
as for ps3, i certainly had my moneys worth of titles when i was playing the ps3! day 1 plus member.
oh and more vr titles please :thumbsup:
31 Aug 17#96
Haven't played any infamous games do this is good. Have cold of light and I'm about to buy PS VR so RIGS is a very welcome addition. PS3/Vita didn't do much for me this month but hey that's how it goes. Finally get to play infamous xD
31 Aug 17#95
sweet a vr game!!
31 Aug 17#94
I'm surprised that people are actually bothered about PS Plus games anymore, the other benefits are enough I think over the course of the year.
Having said that, Infamous this month and Just Cause 3 last month - that's good AAA games there, I'm sure they will continue this now that the PS4 games catalogue is so big
31 Aug 17#93
Infamous 1&2 are 2 of the best games on PS3... If they are your worst you can't of played many games... Second Son is a completely different game. Just Cause 3 however is one of the worst PS4 games to date.
31 Aug 17#92
Well if you think this is a crap month and that every month is crap why do you even game? Do you even like anything?
31 Aug 17#91
High-quality, enjoyable games. Certainly if we look at the headline PS4 games, their positive critical reception is easy to see, which I'd agree with from personal experience. If not these, what you you be looking for to class the offerings as "good"?
31 Aug 17#90
What makes its good month your opinion? Those Games are garbage that Sony cannot sell anymore. Every month it gets worse and worse.
31 Aug 17#89
Because the games again are crap. Every month is full of crap and garbage they can't sell anymore. Be glad when my 12 months finish next month.
31 Aug 17#88
Oh snap Sony.
Rigs for free? What a treat. This should really bump the multiplayer numbers up.
Fingers crossed this is the start of a free VR game a month
31 Aug 17#87
:cry: This is bad selection of games. Simply not that good. Cheap IP :disappointed: cold
31 Aug 17#86
Infamous was one of the worst games I played on PS3 - only got that due to the outage I think, so kept away from this on PS4, and now Sony give it away! Poor month for me, but got Just Cause still to play, not started it yet.
[email protected]
30 Aug 17#85
Well there was one this month (JC3 Dec '15) and then the month before (Until Dawn Aug '15). For your £3.33 a month (soon to be £4.16) what exactly do you expect?
30 Aug 17#84
Yet again games i already own
30 Aug 17#83
Doesn't need to be new. Just newer then when the PS4 first came out.
30 Aug 17#82
Happy with this. I sold LBP3 and Second Son a few months ago because I didn't play them as much but regretted it and now Sony have given them both back to me as free downloads! Just GOTY Witcher 3 now please Sony if you wouldn't mind :smile:
30 Aug 17#81
Even if you pay the £50 a year for PS+ (who honestly pays full price?) That is about £4 and a few pence a month. Infamous Second Son alone is worth about £10 second hand these days. So Infamous alone is worth the £4 for that month. Dosen't matter if it's a 3 year old game or not. It's a good game which still costs about £10 second hand.
30 Aug 17#80
Last months Just Cause 3 has kept my attention, in fact I loved every minute of it and just completed it today. I've played Second Son, but great month for people that haven't as it's excellent.
30 Aug 17#79
Whilst I think it's a great month I can see why people do moan.
Sony gives arguably the best AAA game they have given us and it's 3 years old - at £50 a year.
xbox owners get the "bad" value EA vault at £20 a year which includes battefield 1, last years madden, NHL, FIFA, UFC 2 and many games much newer than second son.
so whilst I think it's a good month....
i can see sony only owners being miffed
30 Aug 17#78
A wise move no doubt. Can recommend Castlevania Lords of Shadow 1 & 2 and God of War games for PS3. Awesome!! Great to get in on a party late and benefit from cheaper gaming. I have felt a touch overwhelmed by the current gen cheap game deals tho and have scarce time to play them all. Honestly, my poor 3DS XL thinks I have shut up shop and gone home just lately. I will return tho as Mario and me go way back... :thumbsup:
30 Aug 17#77
It's not sadly :disappointed:
30 Aug 17#76
Yep! Not much love for the Vita only games. I have a Vita, it is underused except for the digital PSP games I got on sale which have been fun to play and catch up on.
30 Aug 17#75
Sorry it wasn't a newly released AAA game...
30 Aug 17#74
Right with you on this one BubaMan. I recently gave similar advice to a friend who wasn't sure which console to buy, "go where your mates are". Better gaming value with Microsoft for sure, the Xbox One S is a decent system and offers backwards compatibility going forward. Edit: Oh just to add - who wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity to play with a MInecraft Pink Pig controller? Coming to a store near you this September. Awesome!
30 Aug 17#73
Best month for a long while for me :smile: Super hyped about getting RIGS and curious about all the other titles.
30 Aug 17#72
Wow, RIGS as well as the other PS4 games. That's a great selection, though I really hope Child of Light is cross-play with the Vita version.
30 Aug 17#71
And it still can't be described as anything approaching 'fun' or 'a game'.
30 Aug 17#70
Neither have
30 Aug 17#69
Child of light has never been included in PS+!
30 Aug 17#68
I agree.
30 Aug 17#67
Sony know they've comfortably won this round so they try very little in terms of customer satisfaction... PS Now is a rip off, they blocked the undeniably great value EA Access and their customer service is the very worst I've ever encountered. MS know that they have to play nice with their current and potential customers so they're making a lot of decisions that benefit them.
I had both for a year but the XB1 got very little attention so I sold it. Both have their merits but for me, it comes down to what platform your friends are on - multiplayer gaming with Internet buddies is just not as good as with your real mates.
If you have nothing invested in either platform, you'll likely get better value gaming with MS. I've got way too much invested in PlayStation to jump ship so I have to just lube up and shut up :astonished:
30 Aug 17#66
Just poor as usual no great games there for me personally and with the price increase you expect better games yet with gold I see good games every month just my op
30 Aug 17#65
Sarcasm radar ping :blush:
30 Aug 17#64
Infamous is awesome, as usual I already have or have played the free game(s) :nerd:
30 Aug 17#63
Another nice Platinum trophy from PS+ to aim for over the next month, thanks Sony :grin:
30 Aug 17#62
What a time to be alive.
30 Aug 17#61
PS3 maybe. Not ps vita.
30 Aug 17#60
So glad i have ps plus until 2019 keep the games coming sony
PS Plus and PS Now are mega money grabs for Sony, yet there is still no backwards compatibility!
I invested heavily in PS3 mid-life cycle. I still have the console and still enjoy the games. I keep the PS3, because there is no backwards compatibility.
I have an fat PS4 console and I have really enjoyed playing games on it. I seldom play a game on it these days and it is used to stream pay content such as now tv and amazon prime. My reason for moving to next gen was to avoid the double dip on PS3 titles that had next gen releases. I had faith in Sony to sort out the backwards compatibility.
I got an Xbox One S recently and I am really impressed by backwards compatibility. I find it is offering me the one thing that Sony can't offer. The ability to play last gen titles, on a current gen console cannot be underestimated.
30 Aug 17#57
I'm happy for that to happen, should have a nice collection of VR games if it continues should I ever get round to owning one. Gives weight to the rumours of a VR price drop.
30 Aug 17#56
second son child of light again lol
30 Aug 17#55
Awful selection. How can they raise the price then offer up this tripe :poop:
30 Aug 17#54
They are probably getting near the end of that bargain bin/ barrel. Thinking back to the highs of 2013/14 it really does show how much the PS3 players are getting short changed.
30 Aug 17#53
Wow Second Son, like my six numbers just came up!
Then I remembered I got it bundled with my first PS4 three and a half years ago :unamused: and Sony have got the front to up the price of the PS+ sub whilst persistently serving up this tripe month in month out?
30 Aug 17#52
Nothing much there for me this month....I've played Child of light and did not really enjoy the game , I already own Infamous , soooooo not a bad selection though .....
30 Aug 17#51
Handball, is that like football but with the players performing handstands and heading with their heels?
Btw, was 'that's you' not free for the last 2 months anyway?
30 Aug 17#50
Good PS4 titles but PS3 users have been barebacked here. Some terrible games over the past few months for PS3! Guess they have to provide quality relatively
30 Aug 17#49
30 Aug 17#48
Are you one of these people that moan when we get Indie games because nobody wants them, then moans when we get full games because you already bought them? I think this is an excellent month. Can't please some people.
30 Aug 17#47
Why would you want less content every month? If you don't have the respective systems them it doesn't exactly hurt you either way. I know your assumption is that the quantity and/or quality of PS4 titles would improve with PS3/Vita discontinued but nothing to say that would actually happen.
Admittedly they seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel with PS3/Vita releases but it doesn't have to be that way, still lots of older classics for PS3 and Vita that haven't been on Plus, though they probably want people to pay for PS Now for those :face_with_monocle:
30 Aug 17#46
That's the US lineup - for some reason 5 of their games are different from ours
30 Aug 17#45
Just don't let anyone see you playing it :laughing: You might get some strange looks from people sitting next to you!
30 Aug 17#44
Like even just SAO Hollow Fragment would be a start. They virtually give it away on sale anyway.
30 Aug 17#43
Who even still has a PS3 in 2017!?
30 Aug 17#42
Decent month! Notable once again that the Vita games are cross-buy with PS4. Always used as a cheeky way to slip in two extra PS4 games, rather than dip into the huge potential library of excellent Vita only games :wink:
30 Aug 17#41
People seem to have been expecting AC Origins. Infamous is fantastic and it's not common to see AAA games on Plus, stop complaining.
30 Aug 17#24
It's a good month for the PS4, people moaned they wanted a full retail game every month and Sony have put out a pretty fine one at that. People who are still on the last generation PS3 should not even bother with plus as it really isn't worth it with online play being free.
Regprentice to dave859
30 Aug 17#40
I have a large back catologue of ps3 titles to work through and im banking ps4 titles for when the console drops to a sensible price (i paid 100 quid new retail for my ps3 on an offer from here....i wont be pulling the trigger on a PS4 til its 125 or under)
30 Aug 17#39
Good month for me, never played second son, got child of light on xbox but will happily replay it on ps4 as its great and great having Hatoful for my vita,
30 Aug 17#38
Looking forward to playing Hatoful Boyfriend, it'll be my train journey to work for a while.
30 Aug 17#37
How are people complaining at this line up! Whinging babies: We want big AAA games Sony: Ok here you go (Infamous Second Son) Whinging babies: No we want the latest AAA games
You can't please everyone all the time but the moaners about ps+ and GwG do my head in, it is optional and for many people it is great value for money. Some months I don't download anything because I have already played/own them or I don't want the games. My predictions for next month are Bloodborne, Nier Automata, Uncharted 4 and Resi 7 for VR and don't worry if you don't own a PSVR Sony will hand deliver it to you
30 Aug 17#8
Think the new price increase was meant so that they can throw in a VR game each month as well? :thinking:
stevenjameshyde to Joy_A
30 Aug 17#18
RIGS is confirmed as being available for the next *two* months on the US blog. They have a completely different lineup from us so not sure how applicable that is over here, but I think one bonus VR game every 2-3 months is more likely than every month
It's a bonus game, so if you haven't got around to not bothering to download it yet, you've got an extra month to not bother to download it. Everybody wins!
mattzere to stevenjameshyde
30 Aug 17#36
I was referring to this: But it doesn't matter. More games are a positive thing (even if I do already own them) :blush: .
30 Aug 17#35
I've read online we are getting strike vector ?
30 Aug 17#34
We could literally get GTA VI on PS + and people would still complain. I have most of these games, but that line up is pretty darn good.
30 Aug 17#33
I've just read online that we are getting strike vector and not child of light?
30 Aug 17#25
Crap month again. Won't be renewing
LuFc6686 to kford1984
30 Aug 17#27
Don't know how anyone can moan at this month..
BubaMan to kford1984
30 Aug 17#32
It's clearly a good month, and the 3rd in a row... If you have already played the games (as I have), it doesn't make it a bad month, just unfortunate for you.
30 Aug 17#31
"Right guys, let's think of a really cool line-up for September 2017 PlayStation Plus"
"Let's throw in a 3 and half year old game as the headline?"
30 Aug 17#6
Interesting that they have included a PS VR game in the line up.
ocelot20 to moshixmoshi
30 Aug 17#30
Maybe this is where that extra £10 a year is going. To include VR games or more AAA titles in each month.
30 Aug 17#29
VR game nice!
30 Aug 17#28
Great month again. Will be renewing.
30 Aug 17#10
Fantastic games for PS4 this month.
It is really about time though that they discontinue PS Plus games for Vita and PS3 and concentrate on PS4/PSVR.
BubaMan to Lothra
30 Aug 17#21
Shush! :rage: I have had Plus from close to the outset and it was heavily instrumental in my purchase of the Vita. Without Plus on Vita & PS3, the value of Plus diminishes massively for Sony loyals like me.
oli_1_uk to BubaMan
30 Aug 17#26
I second that, plus if they get rid of ps3/Vita games they would either have to lower the plus price or give us backwards compatibility and scrap ps now
30 Aug 17#23
Played both second sons and child of light but will probably give second sons another playthrough, great game
30 Aug 17#22
Hatoful Boyfriend is bizarre
30 Aug 17#20
Was hoping for a good game for my vita, looks like Hatoful boyfriend has delivered!
30 Aug 17#19
Good to see a major VR title in the list!
It seems that all the Infamous games end up on PS Plus, I guess the lesson is, never buy an Infamous game!
30 Aug 17#17
Is RIGS not only for US/Canada?
30 Aug 17#16
Finally, PSVR adopters are rewarded! I sold RIGS because of motion sickness but this is exactly what the game's ailing online community needed.
Gonna give Hatoful Boyfriend a go - the premise is just nuts!
Good show Sony :smile:
30 Aug 17#15
"Thats you" for the 3rd month in a row
30 Aug 17#14
Let's do this!
30 Aug 17#13
Any of these games listed are decent multiplayer games (PS4), cheers.
30 Aug 17#12
Child of light was GWG a couple years ago. Good Turn-based fighting game.
30 Aug 17#11
Great month! Was only a matter of time before Second Son came to plus glad I held of it in sales. And I've been wanting to play Truck Driver for ages! Was gonna buy it off store not long ago. I'm guessing the PS plus increase was for PSVR games on plus?
30 Aug 17#9
not happy.. a large userbase on ps4 already own infamous. and a large userbse of VR oweners have RIGS... GRRRRRR
30 Aug 17#7
Can't wait to play handball 2016 thanks Sony :angry:
30 Aug 17#5
Games get worse every month
30 Aug 17#4
Wow that's a great month just been looking at Hatoful Boyfriend and nice to see a vr game in there! Thanks OP!
30 Aug 17#3
You are all in for a treat with Hatoful Boyfriend.
Opening post
Available to download from Tuesday 5th September
Latest comments (167)
If you look at Child Of Light in the Plus section of the PSN Store it's for PS3 too. :grin:
The PS Blog may not list it as PS3 too but this says otherwise.
You'd need make a to balance between desirablity and cost that would make as many people happy as possible, without making the service unprofitable.
You'd also need to strike deals with publishers who might not want their brands de-valuing by entering them into Plus.
Ideally, every month would have 1 old AAA and 1 "hidden gem" indie (>70 metacritic score) on each platform but that might not always be possible due to the above reasons.
Cross-buy games are good too as they make it better value for people who only own one console.
As Mr Sony, I'd probablly put an old Battlefield or Lego game in along with something like Shovel Knight.
For me personally (as I've got through a lot of games already), Divinity: Original Sin and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter would do a treat :smile:
A PSVR title is a nice addition this month - I can't see it recurring every month but once a quarter would be nice.
Shame it's not cross buy with the Vita :disappointed:
Edit: Anyone get an email address? Like trying to find holy grail on the PS UK website. :thinking:
I've really not been getting my money's worth across the Sony platforms I own. I have not completed any of the free games I've taken with Plus. Looking back at my digital purchase history the games I have purchased and played over the past 2 years come to under the old subscription price. I might benefit from making digital purchases with the PS discount and my available credit, then call it a day with Plus in 2018. I won't stop using the Sony platforms, because it would be sad to say goodbye to God of War, Castlevania and Ratchet and Clank.
Having joined the Xbox gang this summer, I am doing well with GWG and BC 360 games. I also feel reassured that when its time to upgrade to the X, my current purchases will go with me and be playable. This thread and discussion has helped me work out what type of gamer I am and where my cash is best placed at the moment. The one thing it hasn't done is help me reduce the number of consoles under my TV. Sigh! :angry:
Definitely agree there should be more membership options available for plus (e.g. just the games, online multiplayer only, both, ps now included), more choice for the consumer as there are people who just have plus for online multiplayer, personally I prefer single player games, online multiplayer is rarely used so it's just about the games/online storage for me.
Maybe Sony need to start surveying it's customers again like they did with plus on ps3 in 2012.
Is Plus bad value? I honestly don't think so but I really milk it!
I get games on all platforms (MS only have 2), I pay for my subscription with cheap credit and I game-share so I only paid £8.50 per year (back when it was £30)
If you only have the latest console, GwG for XB1 is better value than Plus for PS4 because of backwards compatibility - Sony's decision to hire their back catalogue back out to us is simply greedy.
However, if you have VR, the previous console and a handheld, Plus for PSVR, PS4, PS3 & Vita is better value than GwG for XB1 & 360.
Thanks for the warning about Just Cause 3 although it has almost a 5 star review average on PSN.
Still have Doom to play so will probably go with that first.
I have a PSP, PS3, PS4, PSVR, Vita & PSTV - that makes me Sony's b1tch as I see it :stuck_out_tongue:
I also have a Wii U, a 3DS and a Switch because Nintendo does fun like nobody else :unicorn:
I guess value for money is relative.
We are unfortunately now a part of Generation Rent - everything is subscription - we rent things - movies, entertainment, sport, music. That is a lot of subscriptions per person and there is only so much cash to go round for all these things.
Regardless of how we feel about PS Plus and value for money, I kindly ask that Sony reflects upon its lack of respect for the diversity of gamers needs within the Plus offer. There are single player only players, multi players, AAA players, indie players, VR players, so on and so on. Sony claim to be "for the players", but this tagline should now read "for the payers".
PS Plus might better meet future diverse needs and pockets, by allowing people to sign up to services that meet their needs. Perhaps, a basic fee for online multiplayer access only? Build on options to add on a choice of free games every month, from a wider selection of titles and platforms than what is currently on offer? Or, the ability to sign up for guaranteed discounts for digital purchases, or extra online storage. At least some options to reduce the payout for features that all types of gamers might use often, or need long-term would be really welcome. Oh and a Lego game every now and again - please and something for Vita that is fun to play - even if it is an old PSP title. One can only hope....
Never forgive, Never Forget !!
I think its a good month. Yes not to everyone tastes but lets be realistic about what you're likely to get and cancel if you're not happy. Its your choice.
Personally my PS Plus subscription is nothing to do with the 'sort of free' games. I pay to play online. I was formally a PC gamer so yeah that sucks seeing as i wasn't paying before. I cant live without rocket league in my life or a odd go on BF1. I love Triple AAA games as much as I enjoy indie games.. which means that the added bonus of getting free games is a good one. I would never buy hatoful boyfriend for instance but I get the chance to play it, same as Just Cause 3. Oh and I already had played Until dawn but now I can play it through again.
Swings and roundabouts but if it doesnt suit you then move on.
Mediocre month IMO, Child of light being the interesting looking exception. I tried to like Infamous the last time one was on plus (first light?) but my god they are dull and generic 3rd persons, apparently this is better but I'll pass. In any case I'm not fussed on that and I don't expect AAA every month, I just expect good variety and to not be taken for granted. Sony do themselves a mischief, now they have raised prices they have a new bar (yes, the rise is far above natural costs, and is 25% above their main rival so IMO that means a new standard should be met) to meet. If they were ever hacked again the sh*tshow would be phenomenal.
1) Why does a game being older make it bad? Bioshock has just turned 10 and it is still miles better than a lot of games released today. Resi 4 is 12, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is just under 26....I could go on.
2) Why do people feel the need to announce that they won't be renewing? It's like those people who announce they leaving [insert name of social media platform of you choice]. Great go for it, no need to make a song and dance about it. If you feel you are not getting value for money from a service then stop paying for that service.
RIGS and Infamous are in both the UK and US lineup; the other 5 games the US are getting are different for some reason
Because I'm already subbed until August 2019!
Not a bad month at all, and means I can finally try Hatoful Boyfriend, as well as getting into Child of Light. I own Infamous however, so that's one miss. But it's not Sony's fault that I bought a game they put on PS+!
You are right that they do include things that aren't selling that well anymore though as they are cheap to include. That doesn't make them bad games though.
Almost every month has good games included if you like most types of games and aren't someone who refuses to play indie games or older games.
This isn't an opinion, it's clear from the reviews these games get from most users and critics that they are not crap according to most people.
This doesn't mean everyone will like them or agree but it does mean they aren't all garbage. They might be for you but if you find that with every single months game selection then a service that gives you free random games is clearly not for you as you can't like that many different games.
Have a look April's games and tell me these (and all months since April) aren't better.
The RRP for Plus might be £50 but very few people on this site would pay that - I renewed until 2020 when it was £30, using reduced price credit which works out at £16.50 per year. Game-sharing that works out at £8.25 each for me and my friend.
RIGS alone is worth that :smile:
TBF, Plus is required for online play on the PS4 and any games you get are a bonus.
If you only had a Vita or PS3, you would have grounds for complaint as Plus is primarily for games on those platforms (also price reductions) and the quality of the included PS3 and Vita games is nothing like it was before the PS4 came out.
I'm not sure what you expect but even at the full £4.16 per month, Plus is pretty good value - Throw a PS3 and/or Vita in and it's great value.
There's no denying that it isn't as good value as EA Access as a games subscription but Plus isn't just a games subscription.
Your opinion is this month is good I disagree it's a crap month and have been crap for the last 11 months bar
one or two titles. It's amazing you feel the need to defend it and not allow other opinions as well.
I have played all next months offerings as a friend already owned these and they are in my opinion crap.
They jack up the price by 25% and not even justifiable. Glad next month will be my last as a psn plus sub.
Good riddance to the crap they offer
my vita lives in a case incrusted in dust somewhere inbetween the floor boards.
as for ps3, i certainly had my moneys worth of titles when i was playing the ps3! day 1 plus member.
oh and more vr titles please :thumbsup:
Having said that, Infamous this month and Just Cause 3 last month - that's good AAA games there, I'm sure they will continue this now that the PS4 games catalogue is so big
Rigs for free? What a treat. This should really bump the multiplayer numbers up.
Fingers crossed this is the start of a free VR game a month
For your £3.33 a month (soon to be £4.16) what exactly do you expect?
Just GOTY Witcher 3 now please Sony if you wouldn't mind :smile:
Sony gives arguably the best AAA game they have given us and it's 3 years old - at £50 a year.
xbox owners get the "bad" value EA vault at £20 a year which includes battefield 1, last years madden, NHL, FIFA, UFC 2 and many games much newer than second son.
so whilst I think it's a good month....
i can see sony only owners being miffed
Edit: Oh just to add - who wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity to play with a MInecraft Pink Pig controller? Coming to a store near you this September. Awesome!
Best month for a long while for me :smile: Super hyped about getting RIGS and curious about all the other titles.
MS know that they have to play nice with their current and potential customers so they're making a lot of decisions that benefit them.
I had both for a year but the XB1 got very little attention so I sold it.
Both have their merits but for me, it comes down to what platform your friends are on - multiplayer gaming with Internet buddies is just not as good as with your real mates.
If you have nothing invested in either platform, you'll likely get better value gaming with MS.
I've got way too much invested in PlayStation to jump ship so I have to just lube up and shut up :astonished:
I invested heavily in PS3 mid-life cycle. I still have the console and still enjoy the games. I keep the PS3, because there is no backwards compatibility.
I have an fat PS4 console and I have really enjoyed playing games on it. I seldom play a game on it these days and it is used to stream pay content such as now tv and amazon prime. My reason for moving to next gen was to avoid the double dip on PS3 titles that had next gen releases. I had faith in Sony to sort out the backwards compatibility.
I got an Xbox One S recently and I am really impressed by backwards compatibility. I find it is offering me the one thing that Sony can't offer. The ability to play last gen titles, on a current gen console cannot be underestimated.
Then I remembered I got it bundled with my first PS4 three and a half years ago :unamused: and Sony have got the front to up the price of the PS+ sub whilst persistently serving up this tripe month in month out?
Btw, was 'that's you' not free for the last 2 months anyway?
I think this is an excellent month.
Can't please some people.
Admittedly they seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel with PS3/Vita releases but it doesn't have to be that way, still lots of older classics for PS3 and Vita that haven't been on Plus, though they probably want people to pay for PS Now for those :face_with_monocle:
Whinging babies: We want big AAA games
Sony: Ok here you go (Infamous Second Son)
Whinging babies: No we want the latest AAA games
You can't please everyone all the time but the moaners about ps+ and GwG do my head in, it is optional and for many people it is great value for money. Some months I don't download anything because I have already played/own them or I don't want the games. My predictions for next month are Bloodborne, Nier Automata, Uncharted 4 and Resi 7 for VR and don't worry if you don't own a PSVR Sony will hand deliver it to you
It's a bonus game, so if you haven't got around to not bothering to download it yet, you've got an extra month to not bother to download it. Everybody wins!
If you have already played the games (as I have), it doesn't make it a bad month, just unfortunate for you.
"Let's throw in a 3 and half year old game as the headline?"
It is really about time though that they discontinue PS Plus games for Vita and PS3 and concentrate on PS4/PSVR.
I have had Plus from close to the outset and it was heavily instrumental in my purchase of the Vita.
Without Plus on Vita & PS3, the value of Plus diminishes massively for Sony loyals like me.
It seems that all the Infamous games end up on PS Plus, I guess the lesson is, never buy an Infamous game!
I sold RIGS because of motion sickness but this is exactly what the game's ailing online community needed.
Gonna give Hatoful Boyfriend a go - the premise is just nuts!
Good show Sony :smile:
Let's do this!