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 free movie DVD and download from sky worth £13.99 with myysky app. and free skygo extra
5+++ stars +1.3k

free movie DVD and download from sky worth £13.99 with myysky app. and free skygo extra

Free Download Sky Digital3 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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3 Aug 17
Just log into myysky app and click on the link. Voucher code will then be sent to your email.

And free sky go extra

Available to existing sky customers that haven't already taken the offer. Other freebies on there too.

Free is good!
Latest comments (133)
28 Aug 17 #133
Just remembered I still haven't received the DVD, I ordered on the 3rd! anyone else?
9 Aug 17 #132
Should probably edit the OP to make this clear that it's the VIP reward that many already redeemed when it launched and was posted on here.
8 Aug 17 #131
Not available with your account.
8 Aug 17 #130
Finally, something for being a long standing Sky customer! VIP Black member - free movie, upgrade to Sky Q, with one mini box - no upfront costs and just an extra £10 for 12 months on my already reduced cost contract!
6 Aug 17 #128
I'm still on a 75% discount deal from them, and didn't get any discounts.

As soon as the discount expires, I'm cancelling the overpriced turd that is Sky. I have 100mb broadband and there is no reason for sky in 2017 if you live in a city. Anyone that pays full price for this rubbish needs to get their head checked.
manicmidlander to manbearpig
7 Aug 17 #129
I'll also be cancelling once my discount expires in October. We'll see what they offer in order to retain me. I've never paid full retail for Sky but the last deal I got was the best as I ended up getting the box set package with kids channels effecively free for a year.
6 Aug 17 #127
Can I get this on my sky Q box or just on sky go? I've had Logan for free so thanks OP.
6 Aug 17 #126
someone mentioned they pre-ordered cars 3 with this did you find it? i can see the pre-order option on my skybox but this needs to be redeemed online and i can't find pre orders as an option :disappointed:
5 Aug 17 #121
Have downloaded app on iPad, have signed up for VIP , been
told that I am a 'gold' member but then it says 'you've caught up on your rewards for now'! Don't think that I have had anything else in the last few I missing something ? Any advice welcome as other comments seem to suggest that as a Gold Member I should get Sky Go Extra and Sky VIP channel. Finallly the sky store says the 'gift' code is not valid for my account when I try and use it. Thank
Crossbow to genemeanie
5 Aug 17 #122
As a Gold member, I only got the film+DVD.

About the Gift / GIFT code (try all the variations), did you try redeeming it at the Sky online store, rather than via the option in your Sky box?

If not, use this direct link to the store, which also displays all the films included in the offer: Sky VIP Welcome Gift page.

If you still don't get it, then it's very likely previous users have exhausted the giveaway - these are usually on a first come, first served basis with a limited number on offer (say, 10.000 or whatever).
genemeanie to Crossbow
5 Aug 17 #123
Many thanks for this
Crossbow to genemeanie
6 Aug 17 #125
No problem, did it work?
6 Aug 17 #124
Worked for me. Ordered Kong skull island and I'll sell it to cex for £6. Not bad as I'm presently paying nothing for my sky subscription. Got £100 bill credit and 60% off in Oct of last year
4 Aug 17 #120
will just phoned sky and for having sky black we are getting the 2tb q box and another box but its a 3 week wait but its OK.
also got 40% off still.
4 Aug 17 #119
Heat added
Got the free movie but no sky go extra probably due to my silver status, still not complaining as it's a free movie!
4 Aug 17 #118
Got the free film PLUS rugby league tickets for Wembley. Thanks Sky.
3 Aug 17 #39
Redeemed using the code but when I go to purchase a film for £13.99 it the sky store wants me to add credit/debit card details. Anybody else had this?
Crossbow to GG1980
3 Aug 17 #43
If this is your 1st time with the Sky Store, then yes it's mandatory to add payment card details.

Don't worry, you won't be billed for redeeming the free offer unless you choose something over the £13.99 value / something that's not included with the offer.
mksst to Crossbow
3 Aug 17 #51
Actually voucher only applies to certain movies they should show as £0 in the store once redeemed, if not they aren't in the deal and you will be charged, you should NOT need to enter card details
Crossbow to mksst
4 Aug 17 #74
Enter your card details or forfeit the deal - their rules, your choice.

Whether one should or shouldn't have to enter payment details is not going to change anything, is it?
RichandAnge to mksst
4 Aug 17 #86
Agree this is a good deal but doesn't apply to all films. Wanted Moana for my little girl but is chargeable. There is still a good selection though and heat added :smile:
Crossbow to RichandAnge
4 Aug 17 #117
How much did they want for Moana?

If you're still looking to get it, it's presently available to view (not own) on NowTV:…___

So, if you have the NowTV app on your telly / attached player, you could get a cheap month's Cinema pass for £3.50 on eBay (example:…032), & enjoy watching 1337 other movies at no additional cost - the full list can be viewed here:…rer (remember to cancel before the month ends, or input a fresh pass/voucher to keep it going for another month)
4 Aug 17 #116
ive had sky q since last xmas and havnt had any dvds or offers and i cant find it any where?

edit DOH i found it.
4 Aug 17 #115
Ignore this post - sorry I found the answer!
4 Aug 17 #114
Excellent. VIP GOLD MEMBER. Free film and DVD, free sky go+ and competition entries.

Cheers OP.
Had to download MySky App onto phone, log in, click on VIP (bottom middle box)...etc
4 Aug 17 #113
Thanks op, i just signed up. The code took a while for it to come to my email and where to redeem the code isnt Currently showing, so this also may take a while.
4 Aug 17 #112
Thanks OP - worked for me.
4 Aug 17 #111
Excellent. Free film and DVD, free sky go+ and competition entries.

Cheers OP.
4 Aug 17 #110
Worked for me clicked on the my sky app
Saw a VIP logo was on the first page clicked it and got a free £13.99 for a movie to watch and get the DVD too through the post cheers OP
heat added
3 Aug 17 #12
It's under "your rewards". It's part of sky's VIP rollout. If it's been posted before then apologies . But I didn't see it and I've just signed up for the VIP and got the voucher code. Available for existing sky customers that haven't already taken the offer . Also lots of other good freebies on there.
OneGloveOnTheFence to yespleasesir
4 Aug 17 #109
Think they mean this one..…686
However, glad it's been posted again. Looks more widely available now + there's more offers on there than last time. Free football tickets etc :smile:
4 Aug 17 #108
Is this an additional offer to the Christmas one? As I've yet to claim the Christmas one but have applied the credit to my account.
4 Aug 17 #107
Thanks to the OP. Got a film and SkyGo Extra.
4 Aug 17 #106
Thanks got silver and £13.99 thanks op
3 Aug 17 #22
Cheers OP, V.I.P was waiting for me, as others have said something free from Sky is always welcome :wink:
davidridge1 to njl30
4 Aug 17 #105
4 Aug 17 #92
How long does the free Sky Go Extra last?
davidridge1 to woldranger
4 Aug 17 #104
For as long as you remain a Sky customer and member of the (free) VIP scheme,
4 Aug 17 #103
Just for interest Sky Go Extra is normally £5 per month.
4 Aug 17 #96
Already have £13.99 from a deal last year. Will this stack when I activate it or will it somehow not register as I have £13.99 already on my account?
davidridge1 to Jawz
4 Aug 17 #102
Will provide you with a (limited) list of VIP free films. Does not show as a credit. Your existing credit will still be there.
4 Aug 17 #94
How long is the Sky Extra for
davidridge1 to Jawz
4 Aug 17 #101
For as long as long you remain a Sky customer and member of the (free) VIP scheme.
4 Aug 17 #88
Interestingly I got this same offer from British Gas a few months back. I'm not even a Sky customer so I wonder if this is the same thing?
davidridge1 to theframe8
4 Aug 17 #100
The British Gas gift was a £13.99 credit on the Sky Store. The VIP reward does not show as a credit but provides a (limited) list of free of charge films.
4 Aug 17 #99
Once/if/when you leave Sky your VIP level zaps back to Zero if you ever return to them. You may need the breaker of chains!
4 Aug 17 #95
Hi there,

Not sure if this has been asked but is there a cost to SKY VIP?
davidridge1 to Harry1978
4 Aug 17 #98
No. Only the Sky subscriptions!
3 Aug 17 #17
Thanks op, any recommendations? and are any of the physical copys they send Blu-Ray? all the ones ive looked at are dvd.
davidridge1 to Sawb
4 Aug 17 #97
No all hard copy DVD's from the Sky Store are SD only.
4 Aug 17 #93
Got it! Thanks
3 Aug 17 #49
Works on preorders too, thanks op
jono8 to karina80
3 Aug 17 #55
Does this mean this works on your box then? ( Can't find any pre-orders on the sky store website)
karina80 to jono8
4 Aug 17 #90
Applied code on the app, couldn't find what I was looking for ( pirates of the Caribbean 5) was prepared to take the chance of being charged. Purchased it on sky box and checked latest charges buy and keep showing at £0. I have screen shot but don't know how to upload.
mksst to karina80
4 Aug 17 #87

So this means that you can get anything within the voucher range so I guess I was wrong! So if you enter card details it shouldn't charge you
4 Aug 17 #91
Thank you, will take a look.
4 Aug 17 #89
Platinum Member - Sky VIP wasn't on app until i logged out and logged back in again. Got the free £13.99 voucher and Free Sky Go Extra forever.

Also just received a generic mailer from them though the post saying they have extended all my deals for another year and not to worry about phoning up to renew! Have been online to check and 'tis true! 60% off TV and half price line rental and free unlimited broadband was due to run out end of September and now the 'future bills' now read the same as this month. Excellent service!
4 Aug 17 #80
Is there a catch to this offer?

What happens if you are already receiving a 50% retention discount but then qualify for the free Sky Go extra?
peter1969uk to fossman
4 Aug 17 #84
It shouldn't make any difference, as the Sky go is FREE. You just need to make sure you cancel it before the free period runs out.
4 Aug 17 #85
worked fine, plus got an extra channel? free football tickets, cinema tickets and theater tickets. not bad for just signing in.
4 Aug 17 #83
Worked for me :thumbsup: cheers
3 Aug 17 #53
All very strange . The rewards section says "you've caught up for now "and no mention of how to get or redeem code
donkeydavid to whizzkid1
3 Aug 17 #61
If you were eligible then the code is GIFT Login in to the SKY Store and navigate to where you redeem code.
whizzkid1 to donkeydavid
4 Aug 17 #82
I've been confirmed as a VIP Black member but the code isn't valid on my account apparently ! Not Impressed
4 Aug 17 #81
HOT! Thank you
4 Aug 17 #79
Many thanks.
Didn't know about this. Got a free DVD and a free movie screening.
4 Aug 17 #78
Great deal thanks, heat!
4 Aug 17 #71
Just cancelled my Sky account. Will wait till they give me a better offer via email or post :smile:
alg to lakesh8602
4 Aug 17 #75
I cancelled Sky TV last year, and haven't really missed it - the wife, and the daughter, are happy with Netflix, and Amazon Prime, and Dave has just appeared this week on Freesat, so I'm happy.

I was interested to see how it worked for me, as I still have broadband from sky - but got Platinum and the free film.

In terms of the offers, Sky still keep sending me letters, but as I didn't bite when they offered 75% off, I don't know why they think I will for the 60% off they've been offering recently.
lakesh8602 to alg
4 Aug 17 #77
Well if you was a Platinum member then I can see why they offered you 75%. I have only been offered 60% off and I took that last time round. I have Amazon Prime and I did not renew my Netflix but I do like Live Sport so I don't mind playing the waiting game for another offer from them.
4 Aug 17 #76
I have just registered. It says I am Platinum.....but no mention of Sky Go Extra. I have been offered the film, draw for Sports tickets, tickets to cinema previews, Free Sky Fibre set-up, Sky Show audience tickets, Competition to to to Iceland as per Game of Thrones, free tickets to exclusive events..............thats it.

where is Sky Go Extra?
4 Aug 17 #72
Cheers, VIP Black for me and Code emailed. Finally Sky rewarding loyalty.
4 Aug 17 #73
Great thanks for the heads up!
4 Aug 17 #70
Nice one! Got it thank you.
3 Aug 17 #69
Thanks, I'd signed in before but the VIP invite wasn't there. I've been with SKY for many years and only have Silver. I believe it should be Platinum or Black. Has anyone else had this problem.

I did get the sky store offer, but no Sky Go Extra.
tomvox to peter1969uk
3 Aug 17 #15
I think the free Sky Go Extra is for Gold Members and above (those who have had Sky continuously for over 3 years). I'm in Platinum (8-15 years) and I got the free movie and free Sky Go Extra.
peter1969uk to tomvox
3 Aug 17 #25
I called sky up, they said my contract is only a year old? I cancelled the contract over a year ago but was tempted back, with a good retention deal. Though I didn't quite leave, but they said a new account was created for the offer????
3 Aug 17 #67
Yes it's a loyalty reward for length of subscription
theeighthday to azzyhadley
3 Aug 17 #68
Ah fair enough, I thought that was probably the case. Thanks for your reply
3 Aug 17 #66
This is probably a very stupid question but do you have to be a sky customer? I have a sky store account and have recieved free dvds in the past, but I don't subscribe to sky tv
3 Aug 17 #65
This depends on your length of service as a sky customer as it's a loyalty reward
3 Aug 17 #1
Just did this. Got nothing.
brownt7 to brownt7
3 Aug 17 #64
My bad, now showing thanks op
3 Aug 17 #63
Got this before, there was something else for footie matches but they were all gone :disappointed:
3 Aug 17 #62
Wow! Massive thanks to op. Now a platinum member! Also got free skygo extra! :popcorn:
3 Aug 17 #60
Thanks to the person who posted the code - I'm on platinum, but the code hasn't appeared in my e-mail. Boss Baby for my son.
3 Aug 17 #58
Free sports tickets, premiership etc if your quick enough too from the VIP section.
3 Aug 17 #59
3 Aug 17 #57
I got it. Thanks OP
3 Aug 17 #46
Fabulous. Redeemed but yet to choose movie. Does it expire? My kids wanna watch Cars 3 but it's not out yet.
Mister_Whippy to abombolo
3 Aug 17 #33
Once you've redeemed the code, it's valid for one year.
jaybizzle to abombolo
3 Aug 17 #48
Could you let me know if you find out, holding off for something decent.
darall1709 to jaybizzle
3 Aug 17 #52
If you do not buy anything then store purchases upto £13.99 will remain "free" for upto 1 year from the day you redeem code
heffalump13a to abombolo
3 Aug 17 #56
I run a film club at my school and have
just ore-ordered Cars 3 on this offer
3 Aug 17 #54
Thanks op
3 Aug 17 #50
Yes, once you sign up for Sky VIP then it becomes available - that was the key detail. Thank you Op.
3 Aug 17 #47
App not compatible with my Lenovo tablet, not sure why.
3 Aug 17 #45
Thanks sign up 0-3 years and got a free film.
3 Aug 17 #44
Thank you op
3 Aug 17 #42
keep being told its unavailable try later. i have the VIP symbol on my app but wont let me register
3 Aug 17 #41
31613935-XTi1C.jpg I didn't have it the first time it got a shout out on here, but it's now at the bottom of the mysky app. Free movie ordered :raised_hand:
3 Aug 17 #40
Works for me, 'GIFT' is the code but you need to register as a SKYVIP via the MySky app.
3 Aug 17 #38
Glad to help! Cheers
3 Aug 17 #37
Awesome deal! Can see why the app is trending now. Nice one Sky. Free Sky Go Extra, football tickets and Sky Store movie.

Sky Go Extra is brilliant to have. Really handy for flights etc and obviously lots of better content than other services for most part.
3 Aug 17 #28
Use code GIFT for £13.99 voucher once a sky VIP member
GibsonSt19 to ghostmjr
3 Aug 17 #32
Hi there, use this where please?
Derkyboy to GibsonSt19
3 Aug 17 #36
Sign in to My Sky - Choose "Redeem Voucher" - top right
3 Aug 17 #35
I am on Platinum tier and have been offered free film but no sky go. Am I missing something?
3 Aug 17 #34
Thanks. Someone posted something similar last week, but at least you put a decent explanation!! Just done it all. Free John Wick 2 and SkyGo Extra
3 Aug 17 #30
Heat thanks! :grin:
3 Aug 17 #31
Thanks op, got the free film+dvd.

Good film choice compared to a similar deal posted last year where you had to pay extra (over the voucher value) to get the latest ones.
3 Aug 17 #29
Nice one, just signed up and it turns out i'm a Sky VIP Blackand have just claimed the free movie and added myself on a few of the sports waiting lists. Not often vote on the sky deals but voted hot on this one
3 Aug 17 #26
been with sky over +15 years so got the black+ got a free movie and going to get my dad to call and see if I can get Sky Q later as have a 2tb hd box right now.
we are also on a 40% offer after just having been on a 50% off one to.
3 Aug 17 #27
thanks for the heads up op, free dvd and go extra on the way....hopefully. :sunglasses:
3 Aug 17 #24
heat..worked for me
3 Aug 17 #23
Saw it clicked the sign up, selected sky go too and it said added but not reflected on mysky website or had an email with the offer code in. What am I missing?
3 Aug 17 #20
Thanks OP. I had the My Sky app, but hadn't signed up to VIP. I love free stuff.
3 Aug 17 #21
Voted hot thanks OP got free movie on my device but I cannot send it to my Q box it is an ongoing issue I have with sky I cannot link my q box to my sky store purchases, get it sorted sky.
3 Aug 17 #19
excellent!! cheers!!
3 Aug 17 #18
I can confirm this works if you log out or close the app on the phone. Once I opened the app on my iPhone it popped up to sign up to VIP loyalty scheme. Thanks op
3 Aug 17 #16
Sky VIP logo will appear on home screen between manage account and fix a problem
3 Aug 17 #14
Trying logging out the mysky app and logging back in. I had nothing showing until I done that.
3 Aug 17 #13
The longer your a customer the more rewards your entitled to. Example Sky VIP Black member would also be entitled to the offers from platinum, gold and silver
3 Aug 17 #11
Nice one op had this app ages but never bothered to have a look see :smile:
3 Aug 17 #10
I just read about this, apparently they are going to reward loyal customers.…amp
3 Aug 17 #8
What link please?
3 Aug 17 #9
3 Aug 17 #6
Must be account specific, no offer for me :disappointed:
3 Aug 17 #7
Nice one, Ordered Resident Evil Vendetta! Nice to see It on there as well. Also decided to get Logan whilst I was at it with the Free Movie Rental Credit I got from that deal week back! I Wish they'd update their library to Blu Ray now...
3 Aug 17 #4
This was also posted about a month or so ago when VIP was launched and I got a free voucher then. Nothing there today.
This was posted back then or is this a second one?
3 Aug 17 #5
How do you get skygo extra
3 Aug 17 #3
No code for me.
3 Aug 17 #2
Thank you, but which link as there is no offer in my MySky app?
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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