I think this is cheapest price yet to preorder this game. Hope it helps someone here..
7y 33d#1
It doesn't say clearly but I'm sure it should come with DLC inside.
voyager123 to nihir
7y 33d#2
think the DLC is standard, looking forward to this as i suck at the golf club 2!
cyclonus10 to voyager123
7y 32d#18
I dumped the tour club set and chose player set, so much easier, can barely hit the ball straight on tour set
7y 33d#3
Thanks... Cancelled my Shopto and PSN pre-orders.
7y 32d#4
PGA golf is Under £6 on Psn. Not a fan of golf games but easy to play and fun online.
7y 32d#5
This may not appeal to everyone here but Overwatch GOTY is also cheapest price you can get...
7y 32d#6
Who is better at getting the game to you early, shopto or simplygames?
hobsgrg to DelBoySmiffy
7y 32d#8
SimplyGames always deliver early, used to be 2 or 3 days early so if a game was released on a Tuesday I would get it on Friday or Saturday but I guess publishers complained as I've only gotten them 1 day early recently
dave7634 to DelBoySmiffy
7y 32d#9
Good question! People at work swear by shop to so I'm giving them a try albeit £2 more. Also preordered the new Star Wars from them. Hope they don't let me down!
Westwoodo to dave7634
7y 32d#11
Shootout were the best website 6-7 years ago but have since got too big for their boots, their prices aren't the cheapest, their delivery isn't the quickest and their customer service barely exists.
7y 32d#7
2% quidco as well
7y 32d#10
Thank you OP, willing to give this a swing at launch for this price
7y 32d#12
From experience Simplygames are better than Shopto. It's a no brainer at this price.
7y 32d#13
Every game I've ever ordered has come early from Simply Games. No Man's Sky came 4 days early, which was fine initially until they reset the server's on official release day. The best though was Alien Isolation, that came unbelievably 10 days before releases. Yep, TEN! I completed it and traded it in to CEX before it was even out for £45, it only cost £36 when i bought it. Good company. If you receive a game late, chances are it's down to Royal Mail, not Simply Games. Heat for this OP. Really enjoyed the Alpha and Betas.
7y 32d#14
I still have my £26.85 order from SimplyGames, I'm guessing I don't have to cancel and reorder or do I?
hobsgrg to t4v
7y 32d#15
SimplyGames don't have a pre-order price guarantee, you'll need to cancel and reorder. That is what I've always done.
t4v to hobsgrg
7y 32d#16
Seems they charged me for it months ago so I can't cancel, message depatched
hobsgrg to t4v
7y 32d#17
Yes if you order more than 28 days before the release date they take the money 21 days after you place the order
7y 30d#19
It's with Royal Mail, please get it here tomorrow
7y 29d#20
Anyone get the DLC from SimplyGames?
SkinflintSteve to quaium
7y 29d#21
I'm having the same problem with Amazon, they're claiming there is/was no pre order dlc bonus content, but I have a screen grab of it so this could get interesting lol.
Opening post
Good company. If you receive a game late, chances are it's down to Royal Mail, not Simply Games.
Heat for this OP. Really enjoyed the Alpha and Betas.