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 England vs Slovakia World Cup Qualifier - 4th Sept tickets £10 with code
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England vs Slovakia World Cup Qualifier - 4th Sept tickets £10 with code

£10 The FA21 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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21 Aug 17
I have just come across this:…10/

Anyone can order the tickets, just use the code NUS01 :wink:

It seems to be for the £65 tickets too, making this a bargain!

Edit: For anyone willing to take the chance, when you get to the payment section, click on a card and go back without entering any details, it seems to email you the ticket without payment??
Latest comments (164)
26 Sep 17 #164
I’ve now posted the England vs Slovenia deal :smile:
17 Sep 17 #163
Does anybody have a code for England vs Slovenia ? thanks…10/
5 Sep 17 #162
Rather watch a slug for 90 minutes. Seriously it's more interesting.
5 Sep 17 #161
Just an example of what a mess their ticketing system was, can't pick up on unpaid for tickets and can't sort collect at box office orders.
5 Sep 17 #160
NUS tickets used yesterday and no problems at all. More deals like this please!
5 Sep 17 #159
I think that's something unrelated. They had extra security it would seem and issue with printing ticket
5 Sep 17 #158
Got in with NUS offer ticket, no problems..scanned and gate opened. Thanks OP for a great deal
5 Sep 17 #157
Got in on a free ticket, 8 rows from the front, unreal seats!
5 Sep 17 #156
Got a student ticket on the Lower tier. For £10 this was a cracking deal. Much appreciated to the poster for this deal.
4 Sep 17 #155
It was a gd decision not to reject them because the fixture wasn't sold out, it was their fault and on top of that, they had extra security checks. It would have cost them more dealing with complaints and potential money-back requests from paying customers, than identifying those with 'free' tickets.

Glad the FA seemingly accepted it was a screw up on their end. Instead of causing trouble to supporters, they can put their effort into avoiding it happen again next time.
4 Sep 17 #154…tml

Sounds like it was touch and go whether a freebie worked but given the queues they probably didn't have the technical capacity to cancel the freebies
4 Sep 17 #153
Man I wish I'd gone now :grin:
4 Sep 17 #152
Got in on an NUS ticket no problems
4 Sep 17 #151
Got in on free ticket. Turned green. :smile:
4 Sep 17 #150
Was it a paid for ticket or one of the many freebies?
4 Sep 17 #149
Anyone get in on a free?
4 Sep 17 #148
Just got in no one asked for id
4 Sep 17 #147
Anyone report on getting through with the nus ticket? Is anyone checking at the door?
4 Sep 17 #146
Well , apparently need to go to west wing? take all bits of information etc, as they have no record of payment lol....what a shambles
4 Sep 17 #145
yup! might aswell risk it
4 Sep 17 #144
Good question, anyone?
4 Sep 17 #143
Is anyone gonna try enter with a free ticket tonight??
4 Sep 17 #142
On the phone to them now, paid for tickets , never received them by email or by post !!!!
1 Sep 17 #141
When I rang the wembley ticket office, the guy who answered could barely string a coherent sentence together...he also said that when I did finally pay for the tickets, to send an 'email' to confirm this to him?!!! Not exactly cutting edge technology they are using, when the payment system doesn't talk to the ticketing system!

The email reply (from FA website) asked if I had entered any payment details!! So basically, they know there's been a problem but seem pretty clueless on how to sort it......
31 Aug 17 #140
Pretty out of order, isn't it their responsibility to actively notify people not to bother going as the tickets will be invalid
31 Aug 17 #139
Just to update.....I finally got an email response from FA ticketing.

It's exactly as a previous poster stated, the unpaid tickets are showing as 'inactive' on the system so this will be picked up at the turnstiles. Would hate anyone to go all that way and be disappointed.....
29 Aug 17 #138
As long as your willing to pay? No problem.......
29 Aug 17 #137
Will call them to release the tickets.
29 Aug 17 #136
Just checked with Wembley show as reserved but as a previous poster said, I guess when you enter the turnstile it will block you and then you have to argue the toss with the steward?

Could be a lot of arguing going on then on Monday night!

Utterly shambolic system though.....
29 Aug 17 #135
Looks like it... i live nearby so not at much loss...
29 Aug 17 #134
I haven't received mine yet. I'm guessing the tickets should work?
29 Aug 17 #133
I agree. Kids will live it if theyre footie fans although my 15 year old is not so enthisiastic when he gets there he would be.
29 Aug 17 #132
+1 has anyone recieved a cancellation email?
26 Aug 17 #131
I bought tickets without paying (the glitch).

Do you think the tickets will work?
25 Aug 17 #130
Sold out
25 Aug 17 #129
Has anyone also applied for their NUS card?....... :wink:
25 Aug 17 #128
Guys got the tickets today through email with instructions how to scan at entry. :sunglasses:
25 Aug 17 #127
Got second email with 6 tickets attached. References NUS offer....hopefully we can just scan-in and not be subject to questioning about our "student credentials"...think 2 of our kids have got an NUS card... :thumbsup:
24 Aug 17 #126
Depends where you want to sit, you're restricted not with the £20 EE tickets but not restricted with the £10 off deal.
24 Aug 17 #125
Or just use EE01 for £20 tickets instead of £10 off
24 Aug 17 #124
The offer seams to have sold out now.. however I've just made a post…399

with the code England01 you can get £10 off tickets and 10% off family tickets
23 Aug 17 #123
Will they ask me to show them my nus extra card or no?
23 Aug 17 #122
No. Don't expect to either. Will support England with all my might.
23 Aug 17 #121
Has anyone got cancellation emails yet for the non paid for e-tickets?
23 Aug 17 #120
I've sat all over Wembley and front row of the top tier on the half way line is my favourite place to be, aside from the Club Wembley seats and obviously a corporate box.

Me and the kids like the elevated position. Gives you the TV camera's view. My kids struggle to follow what's happening on the opposite side of the pitch if they are in the bottom tier.
23 Aug 17 #119
I couldn't think of anything worse at the moment than watching them useless overpaid spoiled billionaires, but kids don't care about that and they love football so this is an awesome deal for a disgruntled father like myself to expose his kid to their first England game, heat added.
23 Aug 17 #118
surely going together, i had the same dillema
23 Aug 17 #117
Mature student....innit!!! :face_with_monocle:
23 Aug 17 #116
Didnt realise it was for students. Hardly look like a student at my age with 2 boys unfortunately.
23 Aug 17 #115
I emailed them and was told order gone through,tickets to follow
23 Aug 17 #114
Just booked and got the confirmation email :nerd: . It says tickets will be posted at a later date
23 Aug 17 #113
So would you say its better off going by ourselves but getting good views instead of being able to sit next to each other up high?

The high is pretty center with the pitch, row 1 but again it would be up in the top.
23 Aug 17 #112
Personally I wouldn't go in the top tier even if they were giving them away.. You'll end up watching the screen
22 Aug 17 #111
As for those concerned about Student tickets. I have purchased student tickets on many occasions since England have played at Wembley, I have never been asked for Student ID when getting through the turnstiles at Wembley.
22 Aug 17 #110
The Scots voting cold :joy:
22 Aug 17 #109
No it won't, I believe. I requested the email option. They have sent over the actual e-ticket. Just needs printing.
22 Aug 17 #108
Anyone get their tickets with confirmation email ( e ticket option)?
22 Aug 17 #107
Great deal. Best I was offered was £20 a ticket from EE using the code EE01. Fill up Wembley and cheer on the boys
22 Aug 17 #106
Looks like we've crashed their site, when I first went on it, I could have purchased front row seats.

Now there's a queue of over 160 to get on the site! :astonished:
22 Aug 17 #105
Where does it say on their terms that you need student ID to use this offer? I think they are just telling you what they need to.

Worst case, anyone can get an NUS card. £12 for 1 year.
22 Aug 17 #104
I take it you never go on holidays either then. Why waste that money when watching this in 1080p is amazing
22 Aug 17 #103
Ive given up even though i got one of the best seats in the house
22 Aug 17 #102
Is anyone actually having any luck currently? Can't even get past the queue stage at the moment :disappointed:
22 Aug 17 #101
Of course not. This is the FA we're talking about. :wink:
22 Aug 17 #100
Only if you pay extra for paper tickets to be delivered. If you select email delivery then you only get the PDF attached to the order confirmation email.
22 Aug 17 #99
I emailed them asking if you need to be a student:

Dear Oli,
Thank you for contacting the Football Association.
If you have a valid form of student ID, this will be fine.
Please bring this with you to the match.
Kind regards,
Steven Ritchie

Definitely not clear!
22 Aug 17 #98
Are they worth it up in the high stands?
22 Aug 17 #97
Ticket just bought. Heat added.
22 Aug 17 #96
Thanks a lot to the OP.
22 Aug 17 #95
They are actively promoting the £20 offer now, seen it oads online today
22 Aug 17 #94
‌ :unamused: really that sh!t?
22 Aug 17 #93
Did they not contact you prior to the match yo request payment or tell you youd be refused entry? The email doesnt even mention an outstanding payment - thats why i thought perhaps they could still be valid on the day.
I mean i probs wont risk it but would be good to know!
22 Aug 17 #92
Heat added! ordered 4 category 2 tickets for £40! These are £55 each full price :relaxed:
22 Aug 17 #91
Mine did something similar just now, but I removed the ticket from my selection and it said the discount code had been applied, added the ticket back again then ordered and it came to £12.50 including delivery.
22 Aug 17 #90
Hotter than the sun! Thank OP
22 Aug 17 #89
Heat added. Tickets bought for £10 plus delivery. Slovakia better show some good play!
22 Aug 17 #88
Payment it is - cheers mate :smile:
22 Aug 17 #87
Yeah, the FA website is sh*te. It's always screwing up like this. I live just up the road and so tried blagging it. Didn't work, the tickets were refused at the turnstiles.
22 Aug 17 #86
...which contains a QR code that gets scanned at the turnstiles...which will be refused if the FA pick up on the error (as they did last time).
22 Aug 17 #85
They won't be. Automatically checked as you you go in. If it's unpaid it won't be live. You might be able to blag it of course, but if there are loads of other people with "faulty" tickets they're going to get wise to this very quickly. 31749693-96zms.jpg
22 Aug 17 #84
Why go on holiday? Just look at the pictures in a brouchere for free :thinking:
22 Aug 17 #83
There have been a lot of "free" ticket errors. I would try again in a day or 2. Can't see hundreds of tickets being honoured for free?
22 Aug 17 #82
Just called them up to check my purchase had gone through, and they took payment as they said I had a pending amount for my purchase.

I know some want to risk it and get in for free, but at £10, not worth it in my opinion especially as you'd had you travel all the way to wembley.
Was told pending tickets become void if not paid but not sure how true that is.
22 Aug 17 #81
22 Aug 17 #80
I'm being shown availability for full price, but as soon as I put the code in it says unavailable for sale or sold out!

Shame I missed this (damn new app!) and no email from NUS about this offer - would have been a good chance to be able to watch a game at wembley
22 Aug 17 #79
Hi mate. Was this also e-tickets? Did it happen to you before? Cheers
22 Aug 17 #78
Wow, you sound like you really live life to the max!
22 Aug 17 #77
Looks like the email option has disappeared now. It was there earlier..
22 Aug 17 #76
Is there an option to have tickets emailed rather than paying £2.50 for delivery?
22 Aug 17 #75
Nobody will ask you for it, you scan the ticket as you enter the ground, They have 90,000 coming through the gates.
22 Aug 17 #74
If on the day, we dont have an NUS student card, will we be rejected?
22 Aug 17 #73
Purchased 4 tickets for £40. Bargain. Heat.
22 Aug 17 #72
Getting out of your house involves walking, walking is exercise in itself.
Unless of course someone was going to lift you from your sofa and place you in the stadium?
22 Aug 17 #71
England football team = :poop:
22 Aug 17 #70
For those that have received the ticket without paying, can they bill you to your address? Especially if you attend the game
22 Aug 17 #69
To be fair, it's all international football that is tedious. Only ever gets interesting at knockout phase in the finals. Having to play all these smaller teams that used to be parts of larger countries means less glamour ties at qualifying stage. That's why they have to run these offers.
22 Aug 17 #68
Those saying that non students shouldn't be accessing this, I think £10 tickets were available if you were registered with the England supporters as an early bird offer anyway. They're never going to get a full crowd for this match, anyway, so it's better there's some revenue (plus food and drink remains at a premium) and a bigger crowd.
22 Aug 17 #67
Exercise - I didn't realise the tenner got you to play for England? Wow, heat ++
22 Aug 17 #66
How? they've attached the actual ticket with the email
22 Aug 17 #65
Great deal but the England team are trash
22 Aug 17 #64
you don't
22 Aug 17 #63
Great deal, voted hot.

But I cannot bring myself to pay actual money to watch a team with the likes of Dier, Livermore or Henderson in central midfield.
22 Aug 17 #62
Can't see the place to code in. I was asked to enter card details and hit pay. I m not sure if I want to hit "pay" while full price is shown.
21 Aug 17 #61
Thanks OP! I didn't have any problems with getting the tickets. £10 for lower tier seats at Wembley is a bargain.
21 Aug 17 #60
Also for those looking to buy it may be worth waiting a day as there will be loads of £0 payments to be cancelled. At time of posting this there were plenty of category 1 tickets.
21 Aug 17 #59
Guys... the tickets are scanned at the game and not looked at by a human.

I can't see anywhere saying to bring your NUS card.
21 Aug 17 #58
"We have a brilliant offer for all NUS students to come to the match for only £10 for great seats in the stadium."
21 Aug 17 #57
The free tickets will be cancelled unfortunately. This payment pipeline cockup has happened before.
21 Aug 17 #56
This is from a welcome email


Your registration is complete

You can now use your FA Account to access our online learning platform, purchase England match tickets and much, much more.

Welcome to the FA.

Yes, the HTML tags are visible. The FA can't even build an email template right, let alone a team!
21 Aug 17 #55
21 Aug 17 #54
Methinks there's going to be a few cancellation emails tomorrow.
21 Aug 17 #53
Just got my tickets haha
21 Aug 17 #52
Come on... it's hardly the same thing. It's only a tenner!
21 Aug 17 #51
I wouldn't even consider going even if they were on sale for a stupid amount like£9.99!!!
21 Aug 17 #50
Just got my tickets as well payment page isn't even loading for me because the site is so slow but email arrived with them on... wonder if they'll honour them
21 Aug 17 #49
Scottish but any match for a tenner is good value
21 Aug 17 #48
What about all the people that are getting free tickets because the organisers are too stupid to put a working sales system in place?
21 Aug 17 #47
I hope they do, and anyone who is not really a student loses their money. I don't agree with people cheating the system. This offer is meant for students.
21 Aug 17 #46
The irony - for once it's not the students that are freeloading.
21 Aug 17 #45
Just scan your ticket and walk in they won't check thousands of tickets I doubt
21 Aug 17 #44
This is for students.

Hopefully they will ask you for your NUS card at entrance to stop non-student free loaders trying to sneak their way in without paying full price
21 Aug 17 #43
Same here - 5 tickets for £0 after closing on the payment page. Is it worth the gamble and turning up?
21 Aug 17 #42
One thing to be aware of is that they may ask for your NUS card when you produce the tickets. Has happened in the past
21 Aug 17 #41
Guys it says on the post that it is available to everyone (its only available to students) don't buy it you might be asked to show your NUS (student ID) card.
21 Aug 17 #26
Just went to get 3 tickets (not that I actually wanted them was just seeing if it worked lol)...they came through at full price though so I pressed the back button to get back onto the ticket page and i've just received an email with 3 tickets attached? what the hell?
21 Aug 17 #27
Same here. I didnt even put my card details in and it clesrly states on the email 'payment received - £0.00'.

Does this mean we get free tickets?!!
kingbee619 to Nshizzle
21 Aug 17 #29
This has also happened to me. Not a clue what is going on.
Nshizzle to kingbee619
21 Aug 17 #30
Reckon we are getting freebies???
kingbee619 to Nshizzle
21 Aug 17 #31
I'm assuming they will follow up with "gimme ya money" pirates
Nshizzle to kingbee619
21 Aug 17 #35
But they've actually sent the tickets?!

I'm not goinf to use them, most likely going yo get voided on the system!!!
Sinaloe to Nshizzle
21 Aug 17 #40
Same thing happened to me. But I didn't even put the code in. Closed the website before putting cc details in. I just got an email with 4 tickets! Price £260, but paid £0!
21 Aug 17 #36
I'm not a student, will I still be ok with these tickets?
davidgray1 to Tom.Bennett
21 Aug 17 #39
thinking the same
21 Aug 17 #38
I tried to book this. I tired to get 4 tickets, bets available. Forgot to add the code in and just went to the booking page. Realised my mistake when I saw the £260 price tag! I didn't pit my. Any details in. Tried to go back, but it wouldn't let me. So I closed he webpage. Just got an email giving me 4 tickets! Price £260, paid £0!
21 Aug 17 #18
Is there any requirement to be a student ?
Wouldnt want to get turned away
dk143 to thewhirlwind
21 Aug 17 #37
I'd also like to know before booking.
21 Aug 17 #34
just clicked back on payment and got emailed 2 tickets
21 Aug 17 #33
sites down for me
21 Aug 17 #32
You only get £10 for watching England to play?,
screw that,
I would want at least a ton before allowing myself near that level of depression
21 Aug 17 #28
same here.
just got an email saying payment received £0.00
21 Aug 17 #25
Wouldn't let me buy Category 1 tickets but got some Category 2 tickets for £10. Thanks op!
21 Aug 17 #24
Decent, but you could end up close to the band, which would ruin anyone's night. #bantheband
21 Aug 17 #23
Heat OP £10 for an experience is a bargain
21 Aug 17 #22
Where do you put the code on the mobile version?
21 Aug 17 #21
Great deal. Code NUS01 discounts all tickets when entered. Worked fine
21 Aug 17 #20
proper hard work booking a ticket even if they are pennies.
21 Aug 17 #19
I watched this game last year 4th September 2016, its a repeat, England win 1 - 0
21 Aug 17 #2
I've spent my tenner on a tin of paint. Will watch that dry for 90 mins much better value and more interesting
Holte_ender to andymal78
21 Aug 17 #17
Wish I had thought of that.
I just bought some turf and was planning on watching the grass grow.
Your option sounds a lot more exciting.
21 Aug 17 #16
If I walk.... by the year I get there... England might have scored :relaxed:
21 Aug 17 #3
Why are people always so negative. For the sake of a tenner why not get some sunlight and excercise? You may even enjoy yourself..

It's a £65 ticket for £10 and people are voting cold. Clueless.
whelan189 to murkr
21 Aug 17 #15
Good price but reality for most if expensive train journey, for me 2 people 62£ from brighton area, then 15£ for something to eat, so 100£

Hot if your wanting to visit londing in the day time and go game in evening or live closer :smile:
21 Aug 17 #14
£10 to watch the national team at Wembley (regardless of how they play at the mo) is a great deal
Heat from me
21 Aug 17 #13
Cracking deal, seats in block 118 (just one example) are available.
21 Aug 17 #12
Thanks. I hope the match can be more interesting than watching them on
21 Aug 17 #11
£10 for a little sleep
21 Aug 17 #10
Ordered, thank you
21 Aug 17 #5
Hot, BUT crappy SW trains have the cheek to charge over £100 for an Adult and Child ticket from Southampton
hodgester to Sambat
21 Aug 17 #6
Go via reading, split fare at Basingstoke.
murkr to Sambat
21 Aug 17 #9
I've not checked but try
21 Aug 17 #8
Whatever you think of the England side, and I don't think much of them, this in every sense is a cracking deal.
21 Aug 17 #7
Fantastic offer. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure this will make many people happy :smile:
21 Aug 17 #4

Ignore all the haters, this is a great deal!
21 Aug 17 #1
Save the money watch it online/TV for free
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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