I haven't got it myself, been tempted a couple of times.
This version does NOT come with horizons dlc which allows you to land on certain planets
16 Aug 17#2
Whats this like on the PS4 and what DLCs does the base game come with? :dizzy_face:
16 Aug 17#4
Is this like Elite on the Commodore 64? Tempted at this price to give it a whirl
Agent004 to MasterFunk73
16 Aug 17#5
It's much better but sadly much more difficult to master , speaking as the C64 Elite was and still is my favourite game of all time .
16 Aug 17#6
Tempted by this. Unsure if I'll get bored quickly or not. With these types of games I tend to hammer them for an afternoon, get too overwhelmed and then don't play them again lol.
16 Aug 17#7
I always loved it on the C64 but then there was nothing to compete against it but now I'mworried about the grind, not sure I have the patience anymore. Still tempting tho, could have done with a free to play weekend
16 Aug 17#8
This wont have the horizons dlc on it, so you'll miss out on quite a bit of content, it might be better to get the commander edition overall.
But heat added because the price is good.
wobbon to gambe1984
16 Aug 17#10
Is the Commander edition the base game with the season pass?... Silly question i know, but at work, so can't currently look. :disappointed:
16 Aug 17#9
Can you add the horizons DLC to this?
16 Aug 17#11
Yes, Commander edition is the base game with all Horizons content (including content with 2.4 that is not yet released), plus some paint jobs (skins) for a couple of the cheap ships.
16 Aug 17#12
Bought this at launch as I had fond memories of the original. Sorry to say I found it to be a buggy mess. Crashed at least once every game session. Gameplay very repetitive also.
16 Aug 17#13
Is this like No Man's Sky in space?
16 Aug 17#14
Thanks OP,
Just got the Commander Deluxe Edition for £27.99 :grin:
16 Aug 17#15
I love this game.... And i hate this game! Over 1500 hrs in for me the game is a must own...... But it really isnt for everyone, check youtube vids. My fear is too many are buying the game with no idea of the vision that FD sold back in 2013 and sadly FD are pandering too them rather than standing firm and delivering the game they promised. (Btw buy the deluxe edition if you choose to buy)
mattressback to bigmike20vt
16 Aug 17#17
do do you think this basic £13.99 version is enough to give a taste as to whether they will like it enough or are they missing out on the best part of the game not having horizons? I'm unsure and would rather sample and then pay extra couple quid over commander edition at a later date to add horizons if I become hooked. Rather than paying best part of £30 for the commander edition and then realising I'm bored very quickly
16 Aug 17#16
I love this game - my favourite in 1984 and now my favourite again in 2017, highly recommended, so many option, in this space/flight sim - so many career paths - trade, explore, mine, bounty hunter, piracy etc however I have to advise this isn't a game for everyone. you can't simply pick up the game and play straight away, it has a very very very steep learning curve, but if you stay with it, you will be rewarded.
The Base game is now in the sale for £13.99 or base game with Horizons DLC is £27.99. It's worth paying for the Horizons DLC as this allows planetary landings, SRV planetary explorations and so so much more.
To also point out you can play in solo mode ( against AI's), but if you want to be able to interact with other real players (open mode) you also need a PS+ account. But you can jump back and forth between the two.
I also loved No Man's Sky - so I would recommend checking out some of the YouTube videos or Twitch before you commit.
16 Aug 17#18
CIf you like the base game you will like the extras horizons bring. If you dont like the base game then horizons wont change it, so from that view if you are on the fence the cheap one will do for a taste...... However IF you plan on PvP being a large part of your game horizons with engineers is mandatory. I hate pvp in ED however its far too one sided against the victim with everything to lose with the attacker risking nowt. PvP builds in ED bear no resemblence to balanced PvE buids That said ED allows you it ignore pvp all together if you like
16 Aug 17#19
If you like staring at a dot in the middle of your screen for 15 minutes while you travel in between locations then this is the game for you.
reckoning to tearfly
17 Aug 17#20
Oh hell yes! Been looking for this type of game for years
17 Aug 17#21
Tempted to buy but only if you can buy a docking computer.
17 Aug 17#22
Bought it a week ago. Over 30 years ago I spent an entire school summer break in my bedroom playing Elite on my speccy 48k. The learning curve is ridiculously high and I've had to restart a couple of times as everything (except docking) is sooo much harder thank in 84/85. Takes a lot of work to learn the controls thru the PS4 controller. My pc gaming mate with keyboard and Hotas has it easy.
widdac to damonb1
7 Sep 17#26
Honestly I think it's one of the best purchases ive made in a while. This game is amazing and as deep as it is, it's also got that pick up and play factor because it saves so often. As for the controls, I recommend everyone goes into options and find a method that suits them, I'm still tweaking my control set up after a week lol.
18 Aug 17#23
The controls look a doddle
wobbon to mattressback
25 Aug 17#24
Bloody'ell!!! :dizzy_face:
widdac to mattressback
7 Sep 17#27
They aren't as bad as they actually look lol.
25 Aug 17#25
Bought it and really enjoying it. You don't need all the controls at first and training helps with the basics.
Opening post
All comments (27)
This version does NOT come with horizons dlc which allows you to land on certain planets
But heat added because the price is good.
Just got the Commander Deluxe Edition for £27.99 :grin:
The Base game is now in the sale for £13.99 or base game with Horizons DLC is £27.99. It's worth paying for the Horizons DLC as this allows planetary landings, SRV planetary explorations and so so much more.
To also point out you can play in solo mode ( against AI's), but if you want to be able to interact with other real players (open mode) you also need a PS+ account. But you can jump back and forth between the two.
I also loved No Man's Sky - so I would recommend checking out some of the YouTube videos or Twitch before you commit.
IF you plan on PvP being a large part of your game horizons with engineers is mandatory. I hate pvp in ED however its far too one sided against the victim with everything to lose with the attacker risking nowt. PvP builds in ED bear no resemblence to balanced PvE buids
That said ED allows you it ignore pvp all together if you like