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 Ebac ' Powerdri ' Dehumidifier with Removable Filter 18L £99.99 (was £219.99) @ Wickes C&C
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Ebac ' Powerdri ' Dehumidifier with Removable Filter 18L £99.99 (was £219.99) @ Wickes C&C

£99.99 £219.99 Wickes29 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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29 Aug 17
As above, spotted these whilst browsing wickes website for something completely different.

Appears to be a bargain price compared to elsewhere - £319 on Amazon ?!

£230 @ Screwfix

Hope it helps someone in need.

Also a 15l version available at £99.99 was £184.99…272


Compact, robust and effective dehumidifier ideal for trade and DIY use with the ability to remove up to 18 litres of water per day, equipped with a permanent drainage kit for use in unoccupied properties and castors for easy movement, suitable for 4 bedroom property.

Capacity: 18 L
Colour: Yellow with Black Trims
Brand Name: Ebac
All comments (97)
29 Aug 17 #1
Very good find, nice one OP. Would have got one if I didn't already have a dehumidifier. Great for keeping condensation and damp down during the winter, and for indoor drying clothes.
29 Aug 17 #2
Blimey a pimped up de humidifier! Whatever next! :astonished:
29 Aug 17 #3
To be fair Wickes reviews are great for this and screwfix's aren't bad either.

If you focus on the occasional negative review of any product then you'll never buy anything.
29 Aug 17 #4
This is an excellent dehumidifier. Real trooper. Can't recommend it enough.
LeahsMintytoutou to nippy323
29 Aug 17 #7

Don't suppose any of you would know or could take a good guess as to amount of energy used? I could really do with one but can't afford to be bumping up my electric bill a lot more :thinking:‌ :smile:
thermomonkey to LeahsMintytoutou
29 Aug 17 #10
Mine is a different model and 15L I think. From memory it uses about 200W give or take. A quick Google suggests this is the right ballpark figure.
insideman to LeahsMintytoutou
29 Aug 17 #11
This dehumidifier is 180w, so would cost around 23p for 10 hours use. (based on 13.5p per kWh) Hope that helps.
SFconvert to insideman
29 Aug 17 #16
That's probably the maxium power, but it won't be running constantly (unless you have the humidity set very low or have a very damp house) so it should use far less than that, depending on those factors
LeahsMintytoutou to insideman
30 Aug 17 #56
Whaaaa?!! Really.. I was under the impression they used a lot of electricity :astonished: shocked in a good way, Thankyou @insideman‌ :thumbsup: and @pennyfarthing88‌ :thumbsup:
29 Aug 17 #5
I've had one of these for a couple of years now when B&Q were selling them off. Couldn't recommend it more!
Shame it's not White but it works a treat!
ssc1 to QSECOFR
29 Aug 17 #9
Search ebac for white but lower volume.
29 Aug 17 #6
Ordered last one in my local but dont hold out much hope had many cancelled clearance deals
29 Aug 17 #8
Ebac are Da best. Heated.
Chz to ssc1
30 Aug 17 #24
Ebac used to be one of, if not the, best consumer units. But they've rested on their laurels a bit too long. Compared to Meaco's stuff, they're loud, power hungry, and have a short life. This is not to say that they're bad - you can do a lot worse! At this price, I would buy it if I didn't already have a Meaco (which replaced a dead Ebac).
29 Aug 17 #12
Thanks Op, I ordered it.
Great find :smile:‌ :face_with_monocle:
29 Aug 17 #13
pennyfarthing88 to live4less
29 Aug 17 #14
In stock in store C&C to reserve then go and pick up.
29 Aug 17 #15
It says suitable for 4 bed property. So where would you put this & can it work for the whole house. Doesn't seem right.

Have loads of condensation issues in winter with wet windows and a damp wall in one room
frownbreaker to Gollywood
29 Aug 17 #17
I think the damp wall should be fixed by finding the source, damp from leaking gutter, nearby water source outside property etc. The damp on the Windows is indicative of a lack of airflow in the house. Might be worth looking at a heat exchange / air vent system to move the damp air out of the house.

If the house is small and you might get away with placing the unit in a central location (near top of the stairs) and this might be ok to dry the house.

Dehumidifiers are good for localised problems e.g. busy shower areas with single glazing (e.g. in listed buildings) I think the ebac ones are well regarded they use a desiccant and will operate even in low temperatures unlike the compressor based units like the one Lidl had on sale for £119 last week with 3 year warantee. The compressor ones have a higher PEAK power consumption but can modulate their demand so can use less power if used on a lower setting. They also ramp / up / down depending on humidity but cannot work below 15 degrees C so not good for garages or cold conservatories where the desiccant ones excel. Big Clive explains here

Heat ++ Top brand
compadre to frownbreaker
29 Aug 17 #18
I think ebac make compressor dehumidifiers.
Gollywood to frownbreaker
29 Aug 17 #20
Its not a leak or heavy rain causing the damp - we get far more rain in the spring & summer than in winter and it is not an issue.
Just in winter.
brooky to Gollywood
30 Aug 17 #50
We had the same issues and went for one of these...


its more expensive than a dehumidifier but it's done an absolutely great job - we haven't had one drop of condensation since. It's worth having a read into. (You can get it cheaper elsewhere but I've linked to amazon to show the reviews
BogBeast to brooky
30 Aug 17 #28
Agree. I started with a de-humidifier which was Ok but cost quite a lot to run and was intrusive. Installed the linked unit in the loft and it made a much bigger improvement amd is cheaper and easier to run (no emptying)
chapchap to brooky
30 Aug 17 #52
Interesting idea. What is the difference from the one in your link and this cheaper one do you think? Same seller but cheaper. Is it heat and to keep running costs down maybe that will be ok without heat?…ter
brooky to chapchap
30 Aug 17 #57
Sorry yes I actually have the cheaper one - the more expensive one heats the air but as it's drawn in from the loft (which is generally the warmest part of a house as heat rises) i dont find that the air needs to be heated
chapchap to brooky
30 Aug 17 #61
Did you fit yourselves? It still needs to be connected to mains i guess? Sounds very interesting and something i will investigate further.
brooky to chapchap
30 Aug 17 #63
No I'm hopeless at DIY so we got someone in to fit it - only took them a couple of hours so didn't cost too much. Its definitely worth looking into - costs more than a dehumidifier but much less intrusive, makes no noise and doesn't need turning on and off
chapchap to brooky
30 Aug 17 #64
"costs more than a dehumidifier" do you mean buying/fitting costs or running costs too?
brooky to chapchap
30 Aug 17 #65
Just the buying/fitting costs. It's a lot cheaper to run than a dehumidifier, costs around 2p per day in electricity
sotv to brooky
30 Aug 17 #55
I have been considering one of these cheapest I can see it is £339.60 delivered for the newer version, than the one you listed DRI ECO HEAT HC, ?. Considering the remote sensor to go with it, is that something you have and if so is it worthwhile?

brooky to sotv
30 Aug 17 #58
Mine is the most basic model so it doesn't have the remote sensor and it also doesn't heat the air but it works extremely well. I guess it depends on your budget as the additional features certainly won't do any harm but also aren't necessary if you want to save a bit of money
sonny3sum to brooky
31 Aug 17 #70
I want to get one of these didn't even know these existed until I read this post so thanks so much!! We have a major condensation problem every winter and the bedroom furthest we don't use anymore due to the problem. We also have an Ebac dehumidifier which has been great and have left it on every day for the last four years!!
However, this system you mentioned looks fantastic. My only question is it says to install in the loft, however our loft is boarded up and so is the ceiling but you can still hear and feel the wind howling in there on a windy day, so I assume there is still seepage of air going through there. Can I still use this in the loft as it is boarded up ?
brooky to sonny3sum
31 Aug 17 #72
Hi - do you mean there's no access to the loft, or is do you mean it's boarded up so that you can walk around in the loft? You'll need access to the loft in order to install it as the actual machine sits in the loft. If it's just that you've got boards down in the loft that's fine, whoever installs it would just need to cut a hole in the boards in order to connect the machine to the vent. Hope that makes sense
29 Aug 17 #19
This is a compressor one, peeps talk about the unit icing up in the reviews.
Blobb186 to cf15
29 Aug 17 #21
Where are they using it
mcbain to Blobb186
30 Aug 17 #53
It's not where they're using it, it's the coils that refridgerate that ice over... my old ebac used to do it. I've got a Meaco DD8l desiccant dehumidifier now... good in winter as it blows out hot air... so heats the room as well as removing excess moisture. Not so great if you need to use in summer though... (luckily I don't).
29 Aug 17 #22
Oh look screwfix sell this - I'll buy one from them instead :kissing_heart:…EDw
30 Aug 17 #23
This is a silly silly
30 Aug 17 #25
Ebac were a nightmare when our dehumidifier started leaking. It went back and forth at least four times, leaked like a sieve immediately each time. We don't think they even attempted to repair it and they refused to replace it. In the end we gave up and bought a new one even though the warranty had months left on it.
30 Aug 17 #26
A Nuaire Drimaster HC can be had for around £250 each - well that's what I paid for the last 2 that I bought. Similar products are available from other manufacturers. I use them in stone-built cottages to solve the problem of condensation - on the walls as well as the windows. Since installation (which most DIYers would find easy) there has been virtually no condensation and, most importantly, no more vile mildew.
They cost virtually nothing to run (1p / day) and have a 5 year warranty (I think).
The only downside is that they create a cool draught below the vent and, as a consequence, may increase heating bills slightly.
I know many people in my area who live in similar types of building who have these and are very satisfied.
Overall, I would recommend them to anyone with a damp problem caused by poor insulation / drying clothes indoors / poor ventilation.
scruffty to simonspeakeasy
30 Aug 17 #29
interesting, my problem room for condensation is a utility room straight off a kitchen (no door) could I install the unit in there? or is it better off elsewhere in a house? thanks
simonspeakeasy to scruffty
30 Aug 17 #38
Systems like this work by pushing air from the loft (or somewhere with dry air) into the room. The moist air in the room is thus pushed out. Not sure how this would work in your situation.
30 Aug 17 #27
Shows as out of stock now.
30 Aug 17 #30
Thanks op, i ended up buying this today. Has anyone else bought one? I ask because although it says 18ltr in the description mine is branded in a wickes box that says 15tlr.
Meathotukdeals to woodey12
30 Aug 17 #31
pennyfarthing88 to woodey12
30 Aug 17 #34
No worries but no sorry I haven't bought one personally but as you correctly say it's clearly an 18ltr unit - that much we both know as it is clearly stated on their website as per this post.

If it isn't yellow then it's not right.

My advice is to take it back and show them their own webpage if necessary failing that get a refund.

My personal experience with Wickes is they do have a better then average chance of giving you the wrong one so make sure they supply you what you want ( and not what they think you want )
woodey12 to pennyfarthing88
30 Aug 17 #37
The one i picked up is yellow powerdri with the model code DE8415YE-GBWI it looks like wickes have had some made just for them. Before i took it home they rang head office to confirm that it was 18ltr . They also spoke with the manufacture and again they confirmed it to be 18ltr. But after getting it home and looking at the model number inside of the water tank area and comparing with the one from b&q (model DE84YE-GB) it seems to be a 15ltr. Not over fussed about it being 15ltr but the fact that it was listed as a 18ltr on wickes site and staff confirming so, it kinda annoys me.
Adam786123 to woodey12
30 Aug 17 #39
I can't find any yellow 15litre ebac powerdri maybe the label is missprint
woodey12 to Adam786123
30 Aug 17 #40
Yeah i couldn't' either but I think it's a model made just for wickes. Just going off the WI at the end of the model code.
pennyfarthing88 to woodey12
30 Aug 17 #42
Can you post a pic of the label please ' I'm happy to check this and post back what Ebac say.

30 Aug 17 #33
Almost purchase, but NO.
Its 15L NOT 18L, no point
30 Aug 17 #35
Just picked mine up and same problem it is 15l and white (yes i know they also have that one for sale) but manager checked and the two they have with the two different product codes are the same.. white 15l anyone managed to actually get the 18l one?
pennyfarthing88 to baggs1981
30 Aug 17 #36
Tell them you want the 18L one and have them get one sent from an alternative store?

After all it's their mistake not anybody else's

Sorry but that's the only thing I can suggest and wait for others to post comments hopefully to say they've been supplied the right one.
30 Aug 17 #41
Yea I can't find a single 15L yellow powerdri unit anywhere either and I'd really doubt ebac would make a 15L unit especially for Wickes or anybody else for that matter and knowingly mislead with capacity sizes.

Secondly ( and misleading apart ) the manufacturer wouldn't make specials unless the retailer in this case wickes could forecast and commit to massive sales

Neither scenario stacks so it sounds like it's something else.
30 Aug 17 #43
pennyfarthing88 to woodey12
30 Aug 17 #44
woodey12 to pennyfarthing88
30 Aug 17 #46
30 Aug 17 #45
Maybe that's why it clearance deal someone fecked up on packaging and labelling....but product code for 18 litre unit is on the 15 litre boxes with 18 litre product code...strange.
pennyfarthing88 to Adam786123
30 Aug 17 #47
Yea possibly - I've been in touch with Ebac and I'll post what they say tomorrow.

Should be interesting either way.
30 Aug 17 #48
Thank you . Reserved one from my local wickes for collection.
30 Aug 17 #49
Great deal pennyf.
danielhot to nandito
30 Aug 17 #32
30 Aug 17 #51
Is it loud? Or quiet?
30 Aug 17 #54
Had an Ebac handed down to me from my parents and it's a real work horse. Brilliant when I had my house replastered to help with the condensation
30 Aug 17 #60
Ordered thank you very much
30 Aug 17 #62
I have had one of these for about 5 years and it's superb!
31 Aug 17 #66
I paid for mine and will be collecting it tomorrow so would be happy to report. I did find a WHITE version on their website for the same price in clearance. See link below. The White one is a 15liter version !

Wickes shouldn't be giving the 15l white version if the 18l yellow one was ordered.…bac
Adam786123 to jajukhan
31 Aug 17 #67
Just remember they will be in a 15 litre it and a yellow unit should be in the box...who know if it's 18 or 15 litre...still good price for 15 litre....just need humidity meter now.
31 Aug 17 #68
Picked mine up. It's goes loud then quiet then loud again and keeps repeating this. Is this normal for a dehumidifier?
31 Aug 17 #69
Got 2 of these in an outbuilding (not in work site yellow) and they are very good.
31 Aug 17 #71
It's unreal, it's a steal it's the sale of the century!!!!
1 Sep 17 #73
So what did wickes/eBay say about the whole 15/18 litre issue
1 Sep 17 #74
I also received the 15L product - will probably keep it anyway as still looks to be a good deal.
In any case I assume all they will do is offer to refund.
1 Sep 17 #75
This product is not a hot deal they have none of these at any store even though it says they are available they have put the wrong code on the net the one they have is the white one that's a lower spec
Adam786123 to James.Oconnor
1 Sep 17 #78
Sometimes you need to read the thread before making assumption.. They are in 15litre wikes brand box's...inside are yellow unit which are 18 litre unit....looking at stock not many left around country.
1 Sep 17 #76
Terrible colour,like it been in room full of smokers
1 Sep 17 #77
1 Sep 17 #79
Thanks OP - just ordered one for a damp flat
2 Sep 17 #80
Thank you soooooooooooo much to pennyfarthing88

Ordered. And we saw three. All with tatty boxes. The white one which we wanted was in an open box and the staff in Wickes was very nice. He lifted up the bottom and I saw dust and dirt and declined it. I told him that I didn't mind the yellow one although online store record showed only all white in that store. We were directed to the two other boxes. The kind staff opened the 2nd box which showed a yellow machine and my son who was hovering in the background as if he didn't come with me suddenly whispered to me, "Mum, go for this one as the two blue tape binding the parts on each side shows that this machine is NEW!"
Very pleased.

Well spotted and well submitted.
pennyfarthing88 to aym280
2 Sep 17 #81
No worries thanks for the feedback and pleased you got fixed up :raised_hand:
aym280 to pennyfarthing88
2 Sep 17 #82
‌ :innocent:
2 Sep 17 #83
Unexpired as some stock is still available for C&C
Only one or two, but still there in a fair few places :smile:
3 Sep 17 #84
Thanks for posting.
This is virtually sold out and none in Birmingham.
Been looking for a deal on one of these for a while.
None of the 18ltr ones in Birmingham however the 15ltr white ones are dotted around.
Same price yet still a decent deal.
Wouldn't have found it if not for this.
3 Sep 17 #85
Ordered from Croydon. Just had phone call to say availability on website was wrong and there is no stock
3 Sep 17 #86
Arrived to pick mine up and was told they are having problems with there dehumidifiers.... whatever that meant.

Was told they only had a 15L version and gave me 20% percent off :grin:

£80 bargain!
3 Sep 17 #87
Just bought & collected - many thanks for the heads up!
3 Sep 17 #88
Confirming that I got the yellow 18litre version in a wickes 15litre box

Just opened it up whilst I was there and the lady mentioned they'd had some issues with mixed up machines - fortunately my one was ok
Hasbeen to rcfc87
4 Sep 17 #91
Look behind the water container The wickes ones are Part no DE8415YE and it should say 15L the 18L are DE84YEfor MFG label. Which is yours??
4 Sep 17 #89
now out of stock.
4 Sep 17 #90
Thanks to OP for posting - picked one up the other day.

Has anyone used theirs yet? Is there any air flow from the front grill? There's virtually nothing from mine whether the fan is on low or high and it doesn't seem to be collecting much water so not sure whether it is working properly. Will leave it running to see whether it improves but any feedback welcome.
rcfc87 to chrisgw3
4 Sep 17 #92

Chrisgw3 I have some air flow from my front grill but not lots. It's collected about 1.5litre of water so far in half a day

Hasbeen I have the yellow version with the de8415ye label. Not certain it's 15l or 18l but I'm siding with the guys who think it's probably mislabelling?
LeahsMintytoutou to chrisgw3
15 Sep 17 #93
Take it back if that's still happening.. can feel the air from mine easy
chrisgw3 to LeahsMintytoutou
15 Sep 17 #94
Yes, I did take it back.
19 Sep 17 #95
Damn! It's not available anymore online....any other recommendations?
20 Sep 17 #96
I has nothing but trouble with ebac, I have the white model of this machine and it leaked within a few months. Dehumidifiers are great for drying clothes inside if you're not a fan of tumble dryers.

Previously I had an Ebac unit with the 5 year warranty, it went back 6 or 7 times for the same reason. I know they are made in the UK but the QC and build quality are shocking imo. I'm sure the yellow (pro) range had a longer warranty though. (than the standard 1 year they now offer).
20 Sep 17 #97
Interesting but ignore previous advice, I very much duobt this is dessicant so ignore the misleading hype posted on here.…ned

Its pretty clear ebay are pro compressor based on this, and don't even clarify which models are dessicant. Very little or none sold in the UK based on the above.

Worth noting as I have a cold conservatory which might benefit in winter more by dessicant and having had a Delonghi pack up (seems to be lost freon as far as I can tell) after just about 3 years I'd expect the same of unit like this. Mind you 3 years at £30 pa isnt too bad I suppose, but if I could I'd rather try a dessicant this time which probably avoids the refridgerant loss issues of such units.

No wonder people like Ebac are not keen to sell them.
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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