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 BrewDog Gift Set 330ml Beer & Glass. (Punk IPA, 5am Saint & Dead Pony Club) £1.80 @ Sainsburys
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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28 Aug 17
Available in Sainsbury's store and online, BrewDog gift sets.

£1.80 for a 330ml bottle and a BrewDog 1/2 pint glass.

Punk IPA gift set is £6 in Tescos.

Considering BrewDog ranges from £1.70-£2.20 for the bottles mentioned, I thought it was a good deal.

Picked up 6 this morning.

Edit:- Thanks to a member of the BrewDog Facebook group, for pointing this out yesterday.
All comments (66)
28 Aug 17 #1
28 Aug 17 #2
Awesome deal but looks like you can't do click and collect, home delivery only. Still heat from me though
Huggett93 to rainbowbenno
28 Aug 17 #3
Aww no, that sucks :disappointed: .

Must be store specific for click&collect, it lets me do it.

nadacolada to rainbowbenno
28 Aug 17 #10
I think there's a minimum spend of £40 for Click and Collect.
DCFC79 to nadacolada
28 Aug 17 #13
Correct or a £4 fee if you spend less than the £40.

Not all stores offer the C&C service.

Link for the stores who offer it…hen
rainbowbenno to nadacolada
29 Aug 17 #17
Yes that's right. Going to check out in store this morning! Still an awesome deal
28 Aug 17 #4
Collection worked for me as well, thanks!
28 Aug 17 #5
HEAT added! :sunglasses:
28 Aug 17 #6
Great price for the gift set, pretty sure in June the glasses were selling for £6 on the brewdog website alone. Has this price been spotted in store too?
Huggett93 to vicstar115
28 Aug 17 #7
The half glasses are £2.50 each from BrewDog but oos.

Yes, it is instore aswell I went to Sainsbury's earlier to get mine.

Took them straight off the shelf at £1.80 each :smile:
vicstar115 to Huggett93
28 Aug 17 #8
Oh, didn't realise these were the half! Still a good price regardless. Other half's favourite range so worth getting for xmas pressie :smile:
28 Aug 17 #9
Got a delivery coming tomorrow, love that Sainsbury's let you edit up to 11pm, let's see if they have it when it comes.
28 Aug 17 #11
Nice find. Heat added. Thank you
28 Aug 17 #12
Only option was home delivery for me for £7 unless I spent over £40 for free delivery.
will check my local store tomorrow to see if they have any
28 Aug 17 #14
Do I get a HUKD badge for making it to the HUKD Facebook?
28 Aug 17 #15
I seem to have got to an age where I don't have a single branded glass in my cupboard. Not sure if I can buy this deal, but it's a good price...
29 Aug 17 #16
My local still says £4.85 on shelf but asked to check price n scanned at £1.80 nice find :muscle:
29 Aug 17 #18
i hadnt ordered from them before so clicked the sale section ordered 8 of these and topped my basket up to £60 of useful things i wanted then used code AFFPHAUG18
for £18 off the total
thelatics to davelincs1
29 Aug 17 #19
What's the expiry date on that £18 voucher, as mine's expired now (they can be used multiple times if you create 'new' accounts).
davelincs1 to thelatics
29 Aug 17 #20
I would imagine it is an august code only based on the fact AUG is in it but it worked fine for me today
thelatics to davelincs1
29 Aug 17 #23
sorry, i thought it was your own till-spit. Yeas I saw that and did assume it was AUGust, but hoped maybe not.
John5434 to thelatics
29 Aug 17 #45
Did the exact same, bought 8 with £18 off £60 spend and £1 delivered to my house, happy days
29 Aug 17 #21
Ordered with a bit of shopping to collect tomorrow, thanks!
29 Aug 17 #22
£4 for C&C?! They can B******s!
29 Aug 17 #24
Phoned up and collected mine this morning
29 Aug 17 #25
Got the last 5 from the Bath store in town, thanks OP!
29 Aug 17 #26
Hot! But kind of a shame you can't pick which one you want online....
Huggett93 to soap_box
29 Aug 17 #27
Yeah that is a shame, is there anyway to leave a note at checkout with Sainsbury's? Hope the picker is in a good mood
29 Aug 17 #28
Plenty left of all three types in Newport superstore, marked up as £6 on the shelf but scanned at £1.80, Thanks for posting
29 Aug 17 #29
All variations go through at £1.80
Bought some at Burnley. Still plenty left
29 Aug 17 #30
Took 6 off the shelf at Lincoln. Priced at £4.85 but scans at £1.80. There could be more as the bloke only brought out 2 boxes as that's all he could carry.
29 Aug 17 #31
I've ordered for delivery tomorrow with some other groceries... I can't help but think though that they don't put them aside in advance or anything, so they might just be sold out by the time they go to pick them tomorrow afternoon. :unamused:
termite to soap_box
29 Aug 17 #34
Word will have spread round the pickers, till staff etc. and they will have taken them all.
29 Aug 17 #32
£4.85 on shelf in swansea but all varieties scanning at £1.80 :thumbsup:
29 Aug 17 #33
Picked up 2 this morning. Nice glasses and for a few pence shy of 2 queens favourites ill enjoy supping out of these !
29 Aug 17 #35
31837821-GW3PJ.jpgResult! :smile:
29 Aug 17 #36
Do people not have enough glasses already? Unless you like to have a matching glass for your drink, don't know what the fuss is about.
Huggett93 to Musicrab
29 Aug 17 #37
The price, the retail on the set is £5-6
Musicrab to Huggett93
29 Aug 17 #38
So they sell them on Ebay? Or just fill shelves with them.
mephestic to Musicrab
29 Aug 17 #39
We use them when friends come over.

Mostly they sit on shelves to make my alcohol cabinet look nice though yes.
Musicrab to mephestic
29 Aug 17 #41
I find that bottles (preferably not empty ones!) do that job quite well too :thumbsup:
termite to Musicrab
29 Aug 17 #42
I'm throwing a load of old glasses away to make room for my new Brewdog ones.
29 Aug 17 #40
picked up 4 from belfast connswater..... one left
29 Aug 17 #43

Thank you for posting this deal.
29 Aug 17 #44
Bought 8 (mixture of red, blue & green ales) from main Sainsburys in Burton upon Trent. £1.80 is less than the bottles are normally sold for (and spookily was only this morning thinking of getting one of the same sets from Morrisons for £5 as I really wanted a glass!)
Beer always tastes better out of it's branded glass!!!
Big thanks to initial poster.
29 Aug 17 #46
Thanks for posting OP. Didn’t have any left at my nearest store so took a gamble on driving a bit further and managed to get a four. Was still priced £4.85 on the shelf there which probably helped.

Does the text on the glass match the bottle of beer or is it just by chance that mine (2 red, 2 green) do? What does the text on the Punk IPA glass say?
Huggett93 to knack
29 Aug 17 #47
No problem.

My 5Am Saint says:- Bitter beers for happy people

The Punk & Dead Pony say:- craft beer for the people.

All with the BrewDog logo, no indication of which beer
knack to Huggett93
29 Aug 17 #54
Yep that’s the same on mine. That’s what I was meaning when I said text not the name of the beer! Didn’t word that very well. Guess there’s another variation for the punk. Cheers
29 Aug 17 #48
Said £4.85p on the shelf but scanned at £1.80
29 Aug 17 #49
Awesome deal! Got all 3. Delivered to Dunfermline from Kirkcaldy store I think. Very pleased :smile: are Brewdog maybe changing the design or something as a few deals on just now.
Huggett93 to morganrjohnstone
29 Aug 17 #50
I think personally Sainsbury's are just having a promotion, everyone else is still £5-6
29 Aug 17 #51
Thank you - got 2 red, blue and green this morning for stocking fillers - left some for others. (Not checked the date mind)
29 Aug 17 #52
Took us half an hour's drive to find it's £1.80 just for the bottle! Was worth a try though X
29 Aug 17 #53
Sainsbury's Cromwell Road in Kensington W1, marked up at £1.80 (white shelf-edge label indicating it's not a promotion?). Plenty left as of about 8pm.

They're not on the beer aisle, but next to the chilled champagnes on the back wall alongside the other beer/wine/spirits gift sets.
morgie to xeroc
1 Sep 17 #59
Thank you. I missed them earlier in the week when I was instore as my crazy logic was to look in the area with the other BrewDog beers. Found the last two when I was back in store yesterday based on your tip off. :thumbsup:
xeroc to morgie
1 Sep 17 #60
Glad I could help! Enjoy your beer :smile:
29 Aug 17 #55
thanks for the headsup, nabbed 10 :grin:
30 Aug 17 #56
Got a Red and a Green one from Sainsbury's Denton. No sign of the Blue one so I went to Ashton Moss and there were none at all!
30 Aug 17 #57
Lots on the shelf in Wandsworth! Got four for me self. Thanks op this deals great.
30 Aug 17 #58
Got 5 from Mere Green, just had to ask a member of staff who kindly went out the back to check stock levels and brought 5 out!

Took them all - one for me, and one each for the other members of my team at work. All Brewdog lovers, so will be a nice surprise for them tomorrow.
3 Sep 17 #61
Sold out in my Kinross Sainsburys
4 Sep 17 #62
I've expired the deal now, Sainsbury's online no longer have stock.

So I guess, instore would be a goose chase.
4 Sep 17 #63
Plenty of Green, Red and Blue in Crayford Sainsbury's.
4 Sep 17 #64
My local had hem up at £4.85 but scanned £1.80, all the bbf dates were September and October this year though which I think is why they were so cheap. I took the bottles out the two sets and OH whose a big fan drank them, getting new bottles nearer xmas to put back into the packaging and will give them out :smile:
NotALot to vicstar115
5 Sep 17 #65
Had a delivery last night - surprised to find 2 were delivered as ordered last week. I didn't think to check dates. Just have and luckily they both have April 2018 - phew could have been embarrassing at Xmas!
5 Sep 17 #66
Reactivated, seems Sainsbury's online delivery is buggy. Says out of stock for me, but available for my OH.
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