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 Asus G502VMK laptop with GTX 1060 £999 @ AO (possible £100 cashback)
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Asus G502VMK laptop with GTX 1060 £999 @ AO (possible £100 cashback)

£999 ao.com27 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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27 Aug 17
Decent deal this for an Asus GL502VMK with i5 7300, 3GB GTX 1060 and 12GB RAM. Also has 128GB SSD and 1tb HDD. It also has Nvidia G-Sync too and the screen is IPS.

This is a full GTX 1060 and not the slower MaxQ design.

Should be a decent 1080p gaming laptop.

£999 with £100 cash back plus quidco.
All comments (42)
27 Aug 17 #1
£899 after £100 cash back.....
27 Aug 17 #2
An absolutely stonking deal! Happy to vote this hot. Definitely better than the Lenovo Y520, £899 deal I posted (the G-Sync screen and two year warranty outweigh the drop down from the i7 to the i5).

Here's a good review (albeit for the older generation i7)...…tml

Here's some blurb on exactly the same model on Overclockers which provides a bit more detail on the specs...…tml

Is it me or are gaming laptops suddenly dropping in price? There have been a spate of machines on HUKD that seem to be setting new records for what you can get for your money?
EagleUK to Joe90_guy
27 Aug 17 #3
For the most part they are the models which they put some horrendous screens in that nobody wants to buy.
f1refox to EagleUK
27 Aug 17 #5
The screen in this machine is superb one of the better 1080 panels I have seen tbh.
EagleUK to f1refox
27 Aug 17 #7
I didn't say it wasn't? :grin:
Enet to Joe90_guy
27 Aug 17 #13
I have the older i7 model (502vm) with the 6gb 1060 card and it is awesome. Plays everything at high or max settings at 1080p. VR is flawless!

This machine has 12gb of Ram while the older 502vm has 16gb but then you get 128gb ssd card which I didn't get initially.

So this is cheaper because less less powerful CPU, less Ram and less VRam but this still looks like a good deal for way less than 1000 pounds.
Joe90_guy to Enet
27 Aug 17 #14
Can you confirm something for me please? Is your screen a 120 or 60 Hz G-Sync screen? The second YouTube clip said 60 but the other sources for this specific model (but sadly not clearly state it's 120. Thanks.
treadingit to Joe90_guy
28 Aug 17 #27
8th gen Intel laptops should be coming out in a couple of weeks so I'd expect the 7th gen ones to be coming down in price across the board, great deal for this one with the 1060!
27 Aug 17 #4
A quickie YouTube review here (from an American with absolutely perfect teeth)...

One thing I didn't realise is that with a G-Sync screen, you lose NVidia Optimus. This isn't a biggie for me as my laptop hardly ever gets disconnected from the wall socket but you will see a drop in battery life if you use your lappie on the move.

Oh, and it was nice that the reviewer said there was no throttling on this machine.
f1refox to Joe90_guy
27 Aug 17 #6
Nope no Optimus so battery life is not the greatest. Not seen any throttling yet either it does get a bit noisy but nothing more than expected for a relatively slim 15" laptop with this hardware inside.
27 Aug 17 #8
Something I picked up from the YouTube video below is that the G-Sync refresh rate of this screen is just 60 Hz; not the 120 Hz you see on more high-end screens. It doesn't bother me but if this is a big deal to you, be aware...

27 Aug 17 #9
There's usually someone on these threads who asks if the laptop in question can do video editing. Well this guy, who video edits more than he games, did some tests versus his old 980M laptop and the GL502VM did very well indeed. So I guess the answer is yes...

27 Aug 17 #10
I've been looking at this since you pointed it out yesterday on the other thread @f1refox
27 Aug 17 #11
Just be aware that the 17" version i had overheats like crazy to the point where it hits over 90c for the GPU and throttles heavily.

The build quality is also trash, but may be a bit more sturdy on the 15".
Gedsbush to striker33
27 Aug 17 #23
I'd agree with that, mine went to 94 degrees after 2 minutes of far cry 4. Asus says those temperatures are normal...
Enet to striker33
27 Aug 17 #25
The 15" version doesn't have the overheating issues. But when playing games you wouldn't want it on bare legs as the laptop works overtime in pushing the heat out :smile:
27 Aug 17 #12
Hot as f*ck.
27 Aug 17 #15
The RAM is 2400Mhz on the VMK.

The screen is 60Hz not 120Hz it's G-Sync and tbh a very nice screen. Very bright and vibrant colours.

No throttling it does get fairly loud but nothing unusual. Running Asus real bench stress test the CPU maxes at 80.c and the GPU 76.c so well within thermal limits.

I have tried quiet a few games and all run very well apart from Horizon 3 which runs like a dog at anything over 30fps but that's the game not the laptop.
Joe90_guy to f1refox
27 Aug 17 #16

Another question if I may? Is the warranty 12 or 24 months? According to it's 24 but the same laptop on Amazon says 12 months. Reading the small print on the ASUS website, you have to look for the sticker on the back of the machine which defines what the warranty period is. I just checked my old ASUS and it says 12M which I presume means 12 months.

Thanks in advance.
f1refox to Joe90_guy
27 Aug 17 #17
It has 24m on the back so it's 2 years.

Also worth noting the supplied SSD is Sata but this machine supports PCI-e NVME drives as well if anyone wanted to swap to something quicker.
Joe90_guy to f1refox
27 Aug 17 #19
Many thanks for being so helpful.

I am now going to spend the next 24 hours agonising whether to spend £900 on something I don't actually need but do rather want!

I am sort of thinking that at some stage, when Brexit becomes the true nightmare it was always destined to be, the pound is going to drop like a stone, so it might be wise to buy a big ticket item (like a new laptop), now rather than later. Soooo tempted!!
Enet to Joe90_guy
27 Aug 17 #20
What games are you going to play?
Joe90_guy to Enet
27 Aug 17 #22
I'm a big fan of the Assassin's Creed games. Right now am playing AC Syndicate. On my current laptop, I can play it at 900p on high/very high settings (probably between 25 - 30 fps) but I suspect it would look rather prettier max'ed out on this Asus. After I finish it, it's probably GTA V and then Alien Isolation. I know a 1060 is something of an overkill for these games, but at £899, the price differential over a 1050/1050ti machine isn't that big and sensibly worth stretching the budget for.
Enet to Joe90_guy
27 Aug 17 #24
1060 is not overkill for GTA V. It handles it very well at 1080p and plays with high settings and looks beautiful. But GTA V is one of the few games which the 1060 can't max out. Get a better card you will see even more.

If you are looking to play AAA games like GTA V then 3gb VRam is enough for now but for future games it may end up being a bottleneck.

lf not for the cashback I would recommend spending more (about 200+) on a 1060 6gb machine. But the cashback makes the decision more difficult.
f1refox to Joe90_guy
27 Aug 17 #21
No problem. Good luck deciding what to do.... lol
27 Aug 17 #18
Excellent gaming laptop if you can get it for <£900.

Not quite for me (would rather go for the proper Max-Q version of this) but nevertheless a nice laptop (if you don't mind the noise/heat).
28 Aug 17 #26
This is a bit of a beast of a laptop for this price... So damn tempted but can't possibly justify it. 24 month warranty is just icing on the cake.

Should play all new games at 1080p with at least medium graphics, high on most. Reviews look good from a heat management point of view as well. Gets noisy when at full load but what laptop doesn't. Bit of a shame that the battery life takes a knock from the graphics card being always on, but ~3 hours is pretty reasonable anyway. SSD for Windows for a fast startup and quick loading, decent sized hard drive for games and music etc. Screen is supposed to be one of the nicer laptop ones. Processor is more than enough for gaming and more RAM than you could ever need. Good connectivity, reasonably sleek, 15" so portable, not overly ridiculous looking for a gaming laptop... pretty much hits every nail on the head in terms of a gaming laptop from my point of view. If only I had £900 spare.
28 Aug 17 #28
Which is the better? GTX 1060-3gb OR GTX 1060 maxQ-6gb???
f1refox to aieri
28 Aug 17 #31
The max q will be slower compared to the normal 1060 it will run a bit cooler but not much. More V-Ram is nice but unless it's cheaper or similar price I would go for the faster card as it's likely the GPU will run out of performance before the V-Ram becomes an issue.
aieri to f1refox
28 Aug 17 #32
Both £999. So I'm guessing that means get the maxQ-6gb over the 3gb.
f1refox to aieri
28 Aug 17 #33
This deal has £100 cash back so £899. What is the rest of the spec of the max-q machine ?
28 Aug 17 #29
How does this deal compare to the one below, sold by ASUS on Amazon?....... specs seem to be the same except you get a 256gb ssd instead of a 128gb but lose the hdd for £100 more....... which is the better deal?…502
f1refox to Franky1971
28 Aug 17 #30
Having a 128GB SSD for Windows and 1TB for games I think is better. The 1TB drive is 7200rpm so perfect as a game drive. You could always swap out the 128GB SSD for a 256GB one if you wanted which would cost less than £100 and you could sell the 128GB. Otherwise both machines are the same.

It's worth noting that this machine has 24 months manufacturers warranty. The one on Amazon has 12.
29 Aug 17 #34
Worth a read if you are considering
. Seems these overheat at stock and some are undervolting cpu to make it play nice. Not what you want for a gaming system. Would only get worse over time. Pity. Very nice spec machine.
Joe90_guy to Mugginz
29 Aug 17 #35
Was expecting a video on how to underclock the CPU. This one was better!
Mugginz to Joe90_guy
30 Aug 17 #39
Oops. Fail copy paste. Link was meant to be a thread to Asus forums.
f1refox to Mugginz
29 Aug 17 #36
Temps on mine are fine no undervolting needed.

It's a 15" relatively slim notebook with a desktop GPU so it's going to get warm when gaming the temps are well within the thermal limits.
Mugginz to f1refox
30 Aug 17 #40
Good to know. Link was supposed to be to Asus forums, with details of users reporting that with various models. Will dig it up from my history when back from work later
29 Aug 17 #37
I've ordered this for a grand but will be £900 after cashback. Everywhere else is selling it for around £1200 so this really is a fantastic deal....... I just hope it lives up to expectations.
29 Aug 17 #38
Looks like the cashback offer has now been removed. Was keeping my eye on this and wish I'd gone for it earlier now :disappointed:
30 Aug 17 #41
Hopefully this is good news for gaming laptops if it appears in the UK...…b31
4 Sep 17 #42
I managed to get this from for £900, which includes the £100 cashback offer. Here's my thoughts on it after a week.......

Have had it only a week but I'm very happy with it. The GTX 1060 3gb card runs everything (Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1 etc) on ultra settings in FHD at over 100 fps, never dropping below 60fps. Absolutely no lag or stutter, everything runs buttery smooth. Some sellers state 120hz but they've got it wrong, it's a 60hz screen. Still a fantastic IPS panel though and G-Sync technology really enhances the gaming experience as it prevents screen tearing for seamless graphics. If you turn G-Sync off, you really notice the difference and appreciate what it offers. I've had absolutely no problem with overheating and while the fans do turn on when playing games, they're not at all loud so very happy about that. If you restart the laptop, it takes literally 15 to 20 seconds to boot up and you're ready to go. I can't tell you how pleased I am with this as my 10 year old desktop that it replaced used to take about 5 minutes lol. Build quality is also solid and the only negative is the battery life, which is abysmal..... around 3 hours and when it gets below a percentage of your choosing, battery saving mode and CPU throttling kicks in to save power, meaning your gaming frames per second will drop from 100+ to around 30 with plenty of lag and stutter. However, so long as you keep the charger plugged in, you won't have this problem. As I'm replacing a deskptop pc, mine never leaves the house and is always plugged in so I don't have this problem but if you're going to be away from a power outlet for any length of time then this is definitely going to be an issue for you.

WHO SHOULD BUY THIS........ Anyone who wants a fantastic value for money gaming laptop to play triple A titles such as Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1 etc on ultra settings on a gorgeous FHD screen at 100+ fps with zero lag or stutter AND will have the charger plugged in at all times.

WHO SHOULDN'T BUY THIS........ Anyone who is regularly going to be away from a power outlet for any more than 2 hours at a time.
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