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 Amazon Echo £93.92 or 3 Easy Payments of £29.99 + £3.95 p&p QVC
5++ stars +821

Amazon Echo £93.92 or 3 Easy Payments of £29.99 + £3.95 p&p QVC

£3.95 P&P QVC18 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
18 Aug 17
Good price for an awesome gadget, read some reviews, if you you find a use for it you'll use it everyday as i do for music, alarms, controlling smart devices like lights, smart plugs, thermostat etc and if you don't then it sells for very nearly this much used....
All comments (110)
18 Aug 17 #1
Fab price good spot op
18 Aug 17 #2
Great price, but I'm looking for dots at the moment. Wish Amazon so did the three pack...
captainbeaky to vaderag
18 Aug 17 #21
... . ........ . .. ...... ...... ....

hope that helped
18 Aug 17 #3
I bought one on Prime day and have been really impressed.
I also picked up a used Echo Dot this week, the full size one blows the Dot out of the water on sound quality.
Lowtrawler to CrazyBob
18 Aug 17 #6
Linking the dots up to your amplifier and speakers blows the echo out of the water on sound quality. They have different use cases.
18 Aug 17 #4
Great deal. Good spot OP. You can occasionally grab some cracking deals at QVC.
18 Aug 17 #5
Very tempted by this, spent loads on the hue recently and would like a good speaker in the lounge too.
deeky to heedrick
18 Aug 17 #7
If you have a decent HiFi in the lounge with Aux in, save yourself a few quid and get the dot. So long as you can turn off Auto-Standby, it's a far better option. That's what I did, my Echo is in the bedroom now.

Yeah, what Lowtrawler said ^^ :grin:
Nicolas to deeky
18 Aug 17 #26
What have u got it connected to
deeky to Nicolas
18 Aug 17 #30
Got it connected to a Denon DM39 mini system. One of these (this is the newer model but same thing)…BwE
y_am_I_buying_this to heedrick
18 Aug 17 #34
The dots are just as good and cheaper and then if u really want music buy a anker speaker. It will sound better then this. As for hue. Be careful with names of lights. We had to change our sons room 4 times as Alexa just couldn't bl**dy get it right. Siri is bang on every time and will even do colours. This does but u have to use separate software to get it to work which is aggy and time consuming to get to work. I personally don't see the point of the big one tbh
18 Aug 17 #8
Waste of money if you ask me. I got one for £52 recently but sold it 24 hours later. Not impressed in the slightest with it. Only good thing was I made a profit on it when I sold it.
gumbald to cambourne03
18 Aug 17 #11
Do you have Prime or any smart devices? I can see that without those it might be of limited interest to people.
Splashmo to cambourne03
18 Aug 17 #29
Fascinating. Do you have any other stories on cheap consumer goods you bought and were not impressed with? The less details on why you didn't like it the better.

The fact you buy the device knowing it records everything makes it legal, as by using it you agree to it's capabilities.
Nicolas to cambourne03
18 Aug 17 #35
Not a helpful comment
You need to expand on your reasons
18 Aug 17 #9
I find the voice commands really poor on the dot. Takes ages to play a band it always mis hears me. Maybe I speak like a retard I don't know it's quite possible
deeky to chrisredmayne
18 Aug 17 #14
Retard used to get swear filtered :stuck_out_tongue:
Nicolas to chrisredmayne
18 Aug 17 #36
Do you say init and phanks? Rather than isn't it and thanks
Then quite possibly u speak like a retard :joy:
18 Aug 17 #10
With Black Friday, and Cyber Monday only 12 weeks away, I think holding off on any Amazon tech would be wise. These will definitely hit the sub 80 pound mark on either of those days.
Chanchi32 to pelaquin
18 Aug 17 #13
I wouldn't bank on them being £80 for Black Friday, Amazon discount more on their own Prime Day than Black Friday.
18 Aug 17 #12
I smell a second generation model in the works given the Prime Day discount and now this. If I had to guess I'd bet it drops around the end of September/October time.
18 Aug 17 #15
Between amazon echo and Google home, which 1 is better?
mcrobbj to WolverhamptonDealDon
18 Aug 17 #25
It depends. If Google had a dot equivalent it would be a no brainer. If you have Chromecast then Google home. I am developing for both and I think home is a better model so will win in the end. Access to Google music or freezer is a pain from Alexa unless you want to host your own skill - how many people will want to do that! No integration with anything but firestick. It's a very closed ecosystem.
18 Aug 17 #16
Brilliant offer, been after one of these. Currently have a dot and I love it, I have no problems using to stream music and my connection is instant. Maybe it depends on your internet speeds, we have virgin fibre 100 and my mum has crappy basic sky internet and the response is delayed.

Ordered :thumbsup:
18 Aug 17 #17
One thing they have now added to the Echo that the Dot had over it is connecting to bluetooth speakers. Previously the Echo wouldn't do this. I have this running through my new soundbar now and it sounds amazing.
18 Aug 17 #18
Decent deal, heated, got one on prime day and love it!
18 Aug 17 #19
Got 3 Dots in the house and they're more than good enough for general use.
Had an Echo and while the sound is far richer and superior, I still think compared to the Dots, it's far too expensive.
As others have said, if you need more sound, connect up to external speakers (AV, Bluetooth etc.) and that's even better than the Echo.
Was lucky to get 3 Dots for £85 on Prime Day and sent the then £80 Echo back.
Not voting either way on this one, as yes it's currently the best price for the Echo, but it's still vastly overpriced considering other options for sound via the Dot.
18 Aug 17 #20
Got one on prime day for 79.99 we'll worth it at that price. It won't answer the majority of questions..... But as long as you speak clearly and at a level speed, never have a problem with eco understanding me. Pay 3.99 and have loads of music to choose from. Excellent use in our open plan kitchen. I'd recommend this, if you like listening to music whilst cooking.
18 Aug 17 #22
Great price. Have had a Dot for ages and it works really well (I use it to turn on lights). Will move that to the bedroom and the Echo can take its place in the living room.
18 Aug 17 #23
How does the 3 payments work? when I go to checkout I get this.

Amazon Echo HD Speaker with Voice Controlled Personal Assistant

3 Easy Pay instalments of £29.99 plus P&P

Delivery methodPriceQuantityP&PSubtotalStandard
Delivery (3 - 5 Working Days)£89.971£3.95

Merchandise subtotal:£89.97Total P&P:£3.95In Stock total:£93.92

Looks like it will take the whole lot.
susanbarrington54 to Riftcore
18 Aug 17 #33
It will only take the first payment of 29.99 +3.95 P+P ( make sure you check the easy pay box.
18 Aug 17 #24
Jesus, that's a stonking deal... if only they took Amex!
18 Aug 17 #27
What the deal with the legality of these things and listening to everything in your home
18 Aug 17 #28
Anybody tell me what about the voice.
18 Aug 17 #31
I have a dog named Alexa, is this likely to be a problem in using this device?
secretspartan1 to rustysquirrel
18 Aug 17 #37
Luckily for you there are three other wake words including Alexa which are:

  • Echo
  • Amazon
  • Computer

    I made a video of me going through the star trek easter eggs with the "computer" wake word but if it didn't get any likes on my facebook, twitter, instagram or... snapchat, then i won't be leaving it here *cries*
18 Aug 17 #32
Can anyone recommend some smart plugs that work well with this?

I've looked online but there's always some reviews that say that don't respond or didn't connect properly etc..

Nicolas to metallica182
18 Aug 17 #38
Tp link for 20 quid work
Just be clever on how you name the command on Alexa
vaderag to Nicolas
18 Aug 17 #39
Nah - get Sonoff - they're dead cheap and simple wiring :smile:
18 Aug 17 #40
Order me an Echo from QVC.
18 Aug 17 #41
I have a NAS drive full of music, would the DOT be able to play these as I do not need a streaming service?
18 Aug 17 #42
Alexa: "I couldn't find anything for Echo from Q.V.C so i've added Echo from Q.V.C to your shopping list"
18 Aug 17 #43
Alexa... play some stormzy init! Phanks
18 Aug 17 #44
Maybe you've got a duff one? Had no issues with any of my dots understanding me. Only issue is if it's too close to a speaker
18 Aug 17 #45
‌ :joy:‌ :joy:‌ :joy:
18 Aug 17 #46
Any links to the product please
18 Aug 17 #47
Thanks but do u not need to switch the demon on and off every time ?
18 Aug 17 #48
ordered the white one.. My daughter loves asking it to "tell a joke" and "whats the weather" @ the In-laws house- they have a dot.. so I hope this is better.
18 Aug 17 #49
Demon... :rage: lol
18 Aug 17 #50
Have a look on they have been selling the new model for a couple of months I think.
18 Aug 17 #51
Good for traffic news too, if you put your commute in your account, just ask "How is the traffic" and it gives you the best route to use in a matter of seconds, very practical just before leaving the house. I also took Music Unlimited and it is great to listen to music almost as old as I can remember :relaxed:
18 Aug 17 #52
I had the amazon echo but I sold this and got the Google home. Much better. more responsive with voice commands.
anyone with the echo say this to it..( alexa , Play the cat crept in by mud..) its a 1970s song by the group mud but will it understand you ??? not a cat in hells chance... but the Google Home will play it no probs.. this is just one thing echo will not do . there are lots of things like this. but the google home is great.
18 Aug 17 #53
No, that's what I meant. In the settings on the hifi you can turn off the auto standby feature so it is on all the time.
18 Aug 17 #54
Dude I just tried it on my echo and it worked absolutely perfectly?

Got anything else yours can do that mine can't? :joy:
18 Aug 17 #55
Got one on prime day. Also entertained by its refusal to say the full name fro Dick Van Dyke.
18 Aug 17 #56
It just played straight away for me :neutral_face:
18 Aug 17 #57
Just asked the Echo in the lounge, currently playing The Cat Crept in from Spotify first time of asking.
18 Aug 17 #58
That's fine if you want your hifi to only play Dot output. However, if you switch it to TV, or radio, or anything else, then Alexa will go silent as she's not clever enough to know that the connected system isn't playing her output.

If you only use one other input it's possible to build a multiplexer which merges the inputs, but requires a little skill. It is NOT recommended to use a simple spliter cable - that could damage the dot, the hifi or both.
18 Aug 17 #59
Not sure I understand what you're getting at but I only play music through the hifi. it works perfectly. If I wanted to play from another source, which I don't, as Spotify has everything that I want to listen to, then I would just turn Alexa off.
18 Aug 17 #60
I've been using the Echo for about 3 years and the Dot for about 2. I've also got a very strong accent. In all that time I have rarely ever had them struggle to understand me - I have about 7 of them. A friend however with an equally strong accent hates using his as it struggles to understand him regularly. Not sure why the disparity in performance.
18 Aug 17 #61
Can't see the point of these things pay nearly £100 to let amazon spy on you for marketing research as if they don't get enough from seeing all your orders and anything else you look at on there site
18 Aug 17 #62
The Dot is the better buy in my opinion. I have wireless speakers in the rooms of my flat which give better sound than the Echo gives. Looking a Dot to each speaker I can not only control my lights, Aircon, TV etc using Alexa but also use her to control Spotify. Score! :smile:
18 Aug 17 #63
I'm a big fan, I've had it for a few months now and what it is to me is a simple, voice activated radio (using Tunein), music player (Spotify in my case) and device to read you the headlines and weather report on demand and, for that, it's pretty much perfect. TBH, I've stopped using any other skills as I didn't find they worked for me. The only one that I liked but was disappointing was the Audible "Read an audio book" skill. Unfortunately the Alexa didn't have the ability to detect when I had fallen asleep and restart from that point next time - maybe that's a skill yet to be developed by someone in the future ;-)
18 Aug 17 #64
What happened when you turn your amp or speaker off if ots plugged in? Does it just output through the echo as normal?
18 Aug 17 #65
‌ :joy:‌ :joy:
18 Aug 17 #66
Sure but what if I wanted it to switch on and off when I use Alexa rather than on all the time ?
18 Aug 17 #67
Get yourself a £25 broadlink RM pro and you can control anything too.
Mine does the electric curtains, observatory, fans, air con, as well as the usual stuff like hue, hive and blink.
18 Aug 17 #68
Recent Gadget Show rated Amazon Echo way ahead of Google Home on sound quality
18 Aug 17 #69
I link to the amp using bluetooth, saying Alexa connect speakers, for when I want music and tell Alexa to disconnect speakers at all other times. Have same setup in 2 rooms and works great.
18 Aug 17 #70
Best deal on this since Amazon Prime day £80. Prev best I saw was over £100, so this is good
18 Aug 17 #71
Maybe it depends on where it is placed ? I have two dots so it's not he device. My partner struggles with it too and she has a good accentless voice
18 Aug 17 #72
Well then it's just the same as any other Dot/speaker configuration. You would just turn the hifi off, but you would then have to remove the 3.5mm jack from the Dot and listen to the Dot's puny internal speaker. If you are connected to a hifi via bluetooth, you would just say 'Alexa, disconnect bluetooth' to revert to the Dot speaker.
18 Aug 17 #73
Totally agree with you and I got the same deal of 3 dots for £85 on prime day.
The full size echo is worth considering in a room where you don't have an external speaker option but is still expensive for what it is. I understand some people want a one device option rather than a dot plugged into a hifi or a seperate bluetooth speaker and thats the only logic really to go for an echo vs a dot.
18 Aug 17 #74
Yes, but you can change the keyword of the Echo to things like well, Echo, Amazon etc.
You can also change the name of your dog, its up to you :smile:
18 Aug 17 #75
I have my hi-fi plugged into a tp-link smart plug, so I don't have to turn it on off every time manually.
So with my dot I use it as it is, and when I want to use the hi-fi, I say "alexa turn on my hifi" which is the name given to the tplink plug. I then say "alexa connect to my speaker" and from that point my dot is using my hifi speakers.

Some people may think this a faff but it means I can have my dot in the kitchen playing music through its fairly limited speaker but then when I go into my living room I can then use my hifi to listen to the same music. its a cheap and cheerful way of doing things 1x dot yet I can use it in different ways in 2 rooms
18 Aug 17 #76
A nifty bit of kit. If you have a BT speaker then you can get the echo dot and simply pair it.
18 Aug 17 #77
Already got Dot, bought one of these for downstairs- cheers!
18 Aug 17 #78
When are 2nd and 3rd pymts taken?
18 Aug 17 #79
Any news on when this can control my Sony Bravia TV?
18 Aug 17 #80
If I buy 2 do I get stereo?
18 Aug 17 #81

Wow the gadget show. Neither are great but in general Google gets better reviews. Echo is down in price as there is a sonically better version about to be released. Alternatively use a dot and a decent speaker.
18 Aug 17 #82
As long as you have selected 3 easy payments, they will take the first payment + the p&p as soon as they are ready to ship. The next two payments (no p&p this time) will be a month and 2 months later. I've used easy pay a few times, and it does work. If in doubt give them a call on their freefone number.
18 Aug 17 #83
Nice one, ordered... was going to buy a refurb dot (though need to be cheaper than 45 quid), but 3 payments on the echo has done it for me, Cheers.
18 Aug 17 #84
would anyone ditch sonos play 1 for this?
Azzin to jase.2
18 Aug 17 #86
I think it would be better to just a certified refurbished Echo direct from amazon for £99.
18 Aug 17 #85
They do - add 3 to basket and on checkout page use code DOT3PACK
18 Aug 17 #87
+1 thank fudge I sold mine last week before this happened.
18 Aug 17 #88
BBC radio stations are shocking on tune in, the drop out every few seconds. Doesn't answer most questions. Pathetic range of skills. Isn't clever enough to link the one question to a following question. You have to start all over again.

It's a glorified kitchen timer and that turn the lights on and off.
amour3k to MSK.
19 Aug 17 #90
These are currently a few £Pounds cheaper than at the original UK Amazon launch of these ...

Hehehe, not bad. :-D
Bendown to amour3k
20 Aug 17 #106
Each to their own I guess. More things in life together concerned about for me to worry about Amazon listening to my conversation
cambourne03 to MSK.
19 Aug 17 #94
Amazon prime day a few weeks ago they were selling them for £72. I bought one then and got £20 back for taking the Amazon credit card. As soon as it came in I cancelled the credit card.
Lentic to cambourne03
21 Aug 17 #107
You can change it to respond to one of the following Alexa, Amazon or Echo.
18 Aug 17 #89
I have to say before it didn't drop radio 2 but now it's doing so as u said, not sure if it's the same problem on the dot as well as the echo
19 Aug 17 #91
"Alexa, im sad and have no friends so can you hug me and be my friend!?" "No, i cant but thanks for your £90 you mug!!!"
19 Aug 17 #92
where did you get it for 52? :thinking:
19 Aug 17 #93
Because dot has no sound?
CrazyBob to jackie_chan
19 Aug 17 #95
No, both the echo and echo dot have an internal speaker but the echo speaker is much higher quality.
As others have said both devices have Bluetooth so can be connected to an external speaker/HiFi.
I bought the echo because I wanted a stand alone unit that sounded good, I bought the dot as a second unit for the kitchen.
Rickardo to jackie_chan
19 Aug 17 #97
I would like an echo/dot owner's confirmation of this, too. Currently have a medion Wi-Fi radio that can play every mp3 and wma (i know, I need to convert/re-rip those) I have on my hard drive that is connected to my router.
Bendown to jackie_chan
19 Aug 17 #98
You worry to much, where do you draw the line?, cant shop online because of getting ripped off, cant have a debit card in case someone steals it, wont drive a car in case I have a bump.
19 Aug 17 #99
Echo / Dot can't play music from a NAS server. Not sure if it would be possible to write a skill for it, it would probably require you to steam your music via Amazon's servers, which would be a bit of a waste of bandwidth.
Richdotward to Dodge62
19 Aug 17 #100
Thanks for heads up. Was waiting for a dot for Christmas but brought this now on the 3 payment deal.

Now fire tv on the hit list and Amazon prime next.
19 Aug 17 #101
19 Aug 17 #102
Do you realise that this could potentially ruin your credit score?
19 Aug 17 #103
That not the same at all my talking about a device that is always listening and recording and saving many of the things you say in this age of cyber crime it something you might want to think about. But you also mist my poit why give amazon so much money so they can do this is typing on keyboard really al that hard and im very careful where i shop online where i keep my debit and don't have a car because i can't drive and so far iv never been rip off or had my card stolen.
19 Aug 17 #104
Thanks op mine has been shipped
20 Aug 17 #105
rustysquirrel to MrShed
24 Aug 17 #110
it was a joke dude xD
22 Aug 17 #108
Forgot to say thank you to the OP £89.99 opus postage is a good deal ... they are going for that 2nd hand on ebay
23 Aug 17 #109
Not mine. I have the highest credit score you can get. I have 899 out of 899 cant go any higher than me. I have over £250000 credit limit so I think I will be fine.
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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