Guide the lost chicken through mazes and solve puzzles to get home.
User reviews:
Positive (14 reviews)
Release Date: 22 Jun, 2017
Steam Value:- £0.79..
For people that don't have IndieGala account , next steps are required 1. Be logged into indiegala in your browser 2. Have your Steam account linked to your Indiegala account 3. Make sure that you have joined the Indiegala Steam group 4. Make sure that your Steam profile is set to Public. (Thanks to DavidBGD)
17 Aug 17#2
Another Free game, not a bank breaker, but it is Free..
Enjoy your free gift!
Check your profile for your free gift | Bundles Library > Indiegala Giveaways.
17 Aug 17#1
How to claim the game: 1. After you are logged in, click on this deal again, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. 2.
There should be an overlay with YouTube, Twitter and Facebook icons,
proceed to click on the 'X' in the top right-hand corner and click on
'Claim Free Copy'. 3. Complete the reCAPTCHA and click 'Submit'. 4. A message saying 'Enjoy your free gift!' should pop up. Click on 'profile' which is found underneath this message. 5. Then click on the first tab, 'Bundles Library' followed by 'IndieGala Giveaways'. 6. The game should be found at the bottom of the list. (Thanks Heyshul)..
Opening post
Steam Value:- £0.79..
For people that don't have IndieGala account , next steps are required
1. Be logged into indiegala in your browser
2. Have your Steam account linked to your Indiegala account
3. Make sure that you have joined the Indiegala Steam group
4. Make sure that your Steam profile is set to Public.
(Thanks to DavidBGD)
1. After you are logged in, click on this deal again, and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
2. There should be an overlay with YouTube, Twitter and Facebook icons, proceed to click on the 'X' in the top right-hand corner and click on 'Claim Free Copy'.
3. Complete the reCAPTCHA and click 'Submit'.
4. A message saying 'Enjoy your free gift!' should pop up. Click on 'profile' which is found underneath this message.
5. Then click on the first tab, 'Bundles Library' followed by 'IndieGala Giveaways'.
6. The game should be found at the bottom of the list.
(Thanks Heyshul)..