Hello, this deal maynot work for everyone as it did for me but its worth checking if you can get it. I just had a message pop up on my xbox that my live subscripion was running out and I could get 33% off and have the membership for £26.50. Since I hadn't seen any deal recently at this price I went ahead with the order and used my debit card to pay for it.
I then received a message on my email from quidco that my order with Microsoft had tracked and I could expect £8 back from Quidco as the debit card I used to pay for the purchase is linked with quidco. I just had a quicklook at quidco now and indeed they are offereing £8 off a 12 month subscribtion. Please have a look here ( quidco.com/mic…081 ) Also attached is the message for 33% off fro xbox subscription.
The reason this maynot work for everyone is because that 33% offer is universal and I have no idea how microsoft decide on who qualifies for the order. If you don't have the offer the £8 quidco is still a good saving.
Happy gaming!
All comments (23)
25 Aug 17#1
Probably just for you. Cracking deal you got there though.
25 Aug 17#2
Been an Xbox live member for 10 years and in the preview program for nearly 3 years and I never get these offers! :-(
MasterChief2017 to DanMumford
25 Aug 17#3
Same here, never had any dashboard offers.
littlebitsofgaming to DanMumford
27 Aug 17#10
Pretty sure it has nothing to do with how long you've had a membership or anything. Just random offers they do.
I've been on Live over 10 years and also in the preview program and I've got this offer on my dash right now... and my membership doesn't expire for 3 months.
Bartleby to DanMumford
2 Sep 17#16
I've been a member since 2006 and been in the beta program since it began on Xbox One - I play my Xbox alot. I also have this offer, so it's nothing to do with how long you've been a member or play. It's probably just completely random.
Thanks for this OP had you noy pointed out that Quidco was offering I probably wouldn't have known. Not taken the deal yet as had to link my card to Quidco, and it says wait 24 before using in store - Hopefully deal is still there tomorrow. :raised_hand:
iMickeyT to DanMumford
2 Sep 17#17
Yeah 10 years. Always gold, always buying games and stuff in sales. Never any of these offers!
25 Aug 17#4
Same here. I even left my renewal till a day before it expired and got nothing.
alfa111 to killer_cob
25 Aug 17#7
Try leaving it until the day after. That's when the offers start.
25 Aug 17#5
Had the same offer on my dash last week, didn't take it but hope it's still there. Be a bonus if Quidco tracks too.
weldz to jok13
25 Aug 17#9
My offer has changed to first month for 2 quid :disappointed:
25 Aug 17#6
You need to turn off auto-renew and let your sub gets days away from expiry. The offers get more generous the lender you leave it. Might also have to look in the gold games tile too, can't quite remember.
25 Aug 17#8
Good timing, mine runs out in a few days.
28 Aug 17#11
Just renewed with same offer
29 Aug 17#12
I went onto chat to see if I could get this deal for my son even though it's not on his dash. She said I could at first then after about 10 minutes changed her mind. I ended up with a month free because she had changed her mind.
29 Aug 17#13
Chat told me the reason this offer appeared for some and not all was because 'They receive that offer because they didn't play for a while and the system gives them an offer to have a discount.'
29 Aug 17#14
That's rubbish only my sons ran out in June. We have been waiting patiently but no luck as of yet. She did say adding a credit card to the account would increase the chance of an offer. In all the years that we've had an Xbox we have never been offered a deal direct through Microsoft
30 Aug 17#15
Hoping this tracks. Also let me stack at £26.50 too!
2 Sep 17#18
Last year I had an offer pop up on the dashboard but I'd already bought a code and used that, luckily the price ended up the same. This year I was waiting for a dashboard deal but had nothing so logged into my MS account online and got a years subscription for £26.50, didn't come up as any special deal though.
If you get the £8 cash back then well done, that's a cracking price.
4 Sep 17#19
Worked for me with £8 cashback with TCB.
trd to ForestGrump
5 Sep 17#22
How do you do this? Is it the Quidco HighStreet or Topcashback OnCard I link my card to? Except the Microsoft Store isn't listed as an eliglible retailer?! Do I still have to click thru from the cashback site to the MS store webpage, but then just complete order on my Xbox instead?!
Bartleby to trd
8 Sep 17#23
Add your card to Quidco (In-Store Cashback) in account settings, then use that card to purchase via your Xbox dashboard. It'll take a while but should eventually track.
Whether it'll be honoured though is another matter since A. We're getting a discounted rate on the Live subscription & B. Microsoft isn't listed as a highstreet retailer. Worth a shot though.
4 Sep 17#20
How do you get Quidco to track with an Xbox? I added my card to Quidco on Sunday and purchased Live this morning but it still hasn't tracked. I'm imagining it's not going to track since it's taken hours, but it would be nice knowledge for future.
Opening post
this deal maynot work for everyone as it did for me but its worth checking if you can get it. I just had a message pop up on my xbox that my live subscripion was running out and I could get 33% off and have the membership for £26.50. Since I hadn't seen any deal recently at this price I went ahead with the order and used my debit card to pay for it.
I then received a message on my email from quidco that my order with Microsoft had tracked and I could expect £8 back from Quidco as the debit card I used to pay for the purchase is linked with quidco. I just had a quicklook at quidco now and indeed they are offereing £8 off a 12 month subscribtion. Please have a look here ( quidco.com/mic…081 ) Also attached is the message for 33% off fro xbox subscription.
The reason this maynot work for everyone is because that 33% offer is universal and I have no idea how microsoft decide on who qualifies for the order. If you don't have the offer the £8 quidco is still a good saving.
Happy gaming!
All comments (23)
Just random offers they do.
I've been on Live over 10 years and also in the preview program and I've got this offer on my dash right now... and my membership doesn't expire for 3 months.
Thanks for this OP had you noy pointed out that Quidco was offering I probably wouldn't have known. Not taken the deal yet as had to link my card to Quidco, and it says wait 24 before using in store - Hopefully deal is still there tomorrow. :raised_hand:
If you get the £8 cash back then well done, that's a cracking price.
How do you do this? Is it the Quidco HighStreet or Topcashback OnCard I link my card to? Except the Microsoft Store isn't listed as an eliglible retailer?! Do I still have to click thru from the cashback site to the MS store webpage, but then just complete order on my Xbox instead?!
Whether it'll be honoured though is another matter since A. We're getting a discounted rate on the Live subscription & B. Microsoft isn't listed as a highstreet retailer. Worth a shot though.