Basically if you get an O2 simcard and topup £10 then they give you a free £10 credit, which you can use towards PSN credit.
11 Jul 17#9
never bothered with 1-5 as no interest or didn't have a PS3. Bought it on a whim as a prequel I figured I wouldn't have to know about all the back stories (which I don't). But what struck me the most was that at its core was a game I deeply miss from the dreamcast days - Shenmue. And for being able to rekindle just a fraction of the love I have for that game I thank Sony for releasing this on PS4 and in English.
Opening post
£26.99 without Plus.
Basically if you get an O2 simcard and topup £10 then they give you a free £10 credit, which you can use towards PSN credit.
I look forward to the remastering of Yakuza 1