Quantum break for Xbox one from argos eBay store for £9.99 brand new and should still be able to redeem the alan wake full game plus dlc too.
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7y 37d3#5
About time this was free on Games with Gold
All comments (20)
7y 37d1#1
Good price, well spotted.
7y 37d#2
Alan wake discontinued? Been removed due to not having the license to in game music.
Richard_Richard to spinks
7y 37d#3
Been removed from purchase but I'm lead to believe the redeem code is still valid, I redeemed mine after it was pulled anyway. I'd not heard much about alan wake but loved it, so much so I had to finish the 2 bonus levels too.
eternaldragonuk to spinks
7y 37d#4
removed from sale but code still redeems is what I've heard.
SoloKingxRobert to spinks
7y 37d#16
No, Alan Wake was removed from the store because of Music license, Remedy has relicensed the music few months ago and it's available to purchase on the store
7y 37d3#5
About time this was free on Games with Gold
7y 37d#6
Does it have a code for a PC download please?
7y 37d#7
Brought this from Sainsbury's a few weeks bk still not started it
7y 37d1#8
got this free with my xbox. played it for a short time.. its terrible.... hence the poor reviews and massive price drops... just a crap game
DexMorgan to mistameena
7y 37d#9
I wasn't impressed either
7y 37d#10
Good price, awful game.
Richard_Richard to simonallsopp1
7y 37d#11
Having played through it I can only describe the first 2 acts of QB as meh but 3 to 5 are fun so it's worth ploughing through.
Plus alan wake is great from the off so there's that too, and includes the dlc of the signal and the writer.
7y 37d2#12
I can confirm the Alan Wake codes do still work and you are able to still download on the xbox one and use it in backwards compatibility mode.
7y 37d#13
was bout to buy, then read the reviews and if you guys say its crap, then i pass on it
7y 37d#14
If you've waited this long and not bought it, just wait until it's free on games with gold
7y 37d#15
Really hope the redeem code works - would be awesome to play
7y 36d#17
It isn't.
7y 36d#18
Game was meh.
The fighting was great, but with such a heavy focus on story you really had no time to enjoy all the fighting mechanics they came up with.
7y 36d#19
I got this when it was £8 from GAME. Thoroughly enjoyed it tbh, although I had to skip the episodes as they are just too damn long and break up the gameplay. The fighting mechanics are good, but the guns needed a bit more weight to them and the final boss battle was a pain as there is a one hit death mechanic. All in all this is well worth a tenner and you get Alan Wake too
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Plus alan wake is great from the off so there's that too, and includes the dlc of the signal and the writer.
The fighting was great, but with such a heavy focus on story you really had no time to enjoy all the fighting mechanics they came up with.