Red fraction was one of the best games I played on 360. Turned out to be seriously entertaining. Very interesting choice of weapons.
25 Jul 17#2
Looks good to me. Cheers
25 Jul 17#3
How does this work as my son now has Xbox Live Gold? Are the games only valid for that month or free to keep. Sorry for appearing dumb lol.
25 Jul 17#4
Redeem the games during the month that they're part of the promotion. Then, for the Xbox 360 games they're permanently accessible; for the Xbox One games, they're accessible for as long as you continue to be subscribed to Xbox Live Gold.
25 Jul 17#5
The Xbox One games are very disappointing. The constant stream of dross with one or two gems every 18 months is wearing thin.
Microsoft is essentially charging for online play and giving away generally unsellable games.
25 Jul 17#6
Heat just for MR TOOTS :P
never tried Bayonetta, wanted trials but never got around to playing the earlier version much.
25 Jul 17#7
Those saying this is a bad month will likely find that they love all these games after trying them. This is a great month for the quality and diversity of the games on offer.
25 Jul 17#8
Just bought Trials in the last psn sale, grrr. But heat for the overall quality of offerings. Never finished Bayo, so will jump on that at some point. Great game.
25 Jul 17#9
Sadly, this is dependent on them being 'brave' enough to try playing them in the first place. (_;)
25 Jul 17#10
Haha exactly! :smile:
25 Jul 17#11
Loved Bayonetta, played through twice - which is unusual for me. Like the Trials games - good for quite a few hours. Had Armageddon on Steam for ages, but not played. Slime sounds interesting and has good feedback. Good selection as far as i'm concerned.
26 Jul 17#12
My comment was meant as a joke, I actually agree with horsepills lol
26 Jul 17#13
Poor games. A shame really
26 Jul 17#14
The "imo" is the key here. "iyo" Bayonetta is one of the greatest games of all time, "imo" Bayonetta is a load of old garbage. However, it's a game held in high regard by many, and so despite it not being a good month for me (I also own Trials Fusion) I think it's a respectable offering from Microsoft.
26 Jul 17#15
The 360 games (Bayonetta and Red Faction) can be downloaded on an Xbox 360 and/or an Xbox One. The games are identical, and you can even share your save between the two consoles. Regardless of which console you install them to, once purchased, they're yours for life.
The Xbox One games (Slime Rancher and Trials Fusion) are only downloadable on an Xbox One console, and can only be played with an active Xbox Gold subscription. They don't disappear if your subscription lapses, they just become impossible to play. Resubscribing will allow you access once again.
26 Jul 17#16
Not Xbox Gold related but does anyone know when Battlefield 1 is being released on EA Access Vault? I've got my code ready to redeem!
26 Jul 17#17
Armageddon is decent, very fun multiplayer with some OTT weapons.
26 Jul 17#18
So many haters over free games?!? I'm pretty sure GWG used to be one game a month. Now theres 4. For kids who have an xbox but dont have the money to go out buying the latest games all the time, GWG is an excellent way to getting more games.
26 Jul 17#19
Mistaking free with bonus, Requires payment to receive bonus so is not free
26 Jul 17#20
I'm that unusual person who hated Bayonetta when I played it on the 360 years ago. Just didn't do anything for me, felt like mindless button bashing and it was one of the few games that I got fed up with and abandoned quite early on.
I don't know anything really about the two XB1 games, but will give them a go. Eventually.
26 Jul 17#21
Thank you :smile:
26 Jul 17#22
No date set yet, though they said by end September for Battlefield and Titanfall 2.
26 Jul 17#23
Lets tell all the Xbox members what they already know, why don't ya.
26 Jul 17#24
Last time I went on EA Access it said "coming soon" - but that could be any time in the next few months I suppose. I'm waiting for it too, I only played that free weekend and the 10 hour trial.
26 Jul 17#25
Bayonetta is fun.
26 Jul 17#26
bayoneta and trials fusion! get in!!! now wheres Bigs2?! come on Xbox!
26 Jul 17#27
Thank you. It puzzles me why so many people make this mistake.
26 Jul 17#28
Never actually got around to trying Bayonetta so I'm excited to give it a go, and I played the trial of Slime Rancher a wee while back and it's one of the most absorbingly relaxing things ever. All in all, a good month I think!
26 Jul 17#29
Worth it just for Bayonetta..A magnificent game. Bayonetta 2 is even better.
26 Jul 17#30
Better than last months, though yet again the "leaked" list turns out to be made up
26 Jul 17#31
Will we see it appear on PS4 or XB1 at some point though? I hope so!
I think there's more chance of it appearing on the Switch
26 Jul 17#34
So we've moved on from piracy to tramp mods can we ban this chump?
26 Jul 17#35
Cold , I wanted GTA V, Destiny 2 , cuphead and COD WW2
26 Jul 17#36
Couldn't stand Bayonetta. Way to far up its own backside.
26 Jul 17#37
Nintendo funded it so I'd say it's more likely to be on Switch, can't really see it being on PS4 or Xbox One to be honest.
26 Jul 17#38
Only because I bought the PS3 version back in the day and it ran badly. Been looking for a chance to sample a better version for free!
26 Jul 17#39
No forza ?!??!
26 Jul 17#40
I'd moan about the selection, but 9 out of 10 times I don't get around to playing the games I've snagged in the past anyway lol. Some funny comments on here though... more fun reading these than playing xbox!
26 Jul 17#41
Red Faction was a great game worth playing for unlocking Mr Toots
26 Jul 17#42
Great selection of games this month. So great that I already have two of them. Trials Fusion is definitely one to sink time into. It's really tough and a lot of fun.
26 Jul 17#43
Really? No wonder most games bore me then. I was playing bayonetta thinking "why am I wasting my time with this".
26 Jul 17#44
Very decent month. Bayonetta stands out of the four as it has not featured in any Microsoft sale (or other platform for that matter) in the last few years. I have been waiting for it to drop in price and now is free with the subscription :smile:
26 Jul 17#45
I don't get the massive love for Bayo. Average story, bad voice acting, and then just a button masher with ok levels. What's the huge appeal for so many?
26 Jul 17#46
The fact that it's not "a button masher" - at least, not if you're playing it right. :wink:
26 Jul 17#47
The combat was supposedly very deep if you put the time in to learn it properly... but I found everything else about the game so obnoxious that I'm not sure how you're supposed to get to that stage
26 Jul 17#48
Well. It is. Combo's for different moves don't change this.
26 Jul 17#49
26 Jul 17#50
We're only allowed to voice an opinion about the PS+ monthly games? Ok...
26 Jul 17#51
Moaning f!@!*!s
26 Jul 17#52
Excellent, thanks. So essentially, if he has both consoles, he can get both versions?
27 Jul 17#53
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Spectacle fighters are designed with depth in mind, and the game is all about doing everything stylishly and slightly different with every engagement. Not every game is about achievements and story, and Bayonetta excells in the gameplay department.
Would you also call Devil May Cry a button masher?
27 Jul 17#54
I sense a "yes" reply upcoming... (_;)
27 Jul 17#55
Every game available for both platforms ran better on the 360! PS4 hammers Xbox one though.. go figure? :thinking:
27 Jul 17#56
I'm sure someone said firewatch was on this month?
27 Jul 17#57
Same for me, in last couple of months, the games we're really crap! Hopefully we will get some decent games in the future
27 Jul 17#58
"Someone" did - this was another of the increasingly commonplace hoaxes. Take any 'announcement'/leak of the games with a large pinch of salt until they go up on Xbox Wire or from Major Nelson.
27 Jul 17#59
Suppose this is a refresher for peeps that don't know about games for gold as it's standard for xbox live?
27 Jul 17#60
Trials and Bayonetta = Great
RF = Absolute tripe. Expected SO much more as a follow up to the excellent Guerilla.
Most of the free games are crap Don't have a go at someone for expecting a better aaa title Not everyone likes arcade games and the vast majority of gwg are straight from the Sega megadrive generation I personally don't buy next gen consoles or high end pcs to play that rubbish but each to their own
28 Jul 17#64
I took it with salt.. :smile:
2 Aug 17#65
You are right, allow me to rephrase.
You don't play many good games do you.
As for how many games I've racked up - more than 900 thanks for asking.
2 Aug 17#66
I wonder if the hypocrisy of your comment is lost on you?
Opening post
All comments (67)
Microsoft is essentially charging for online play and giving away generally unsellable games.
never tried Bayonetta, wanted trials but never got around to playing the earlier version much.
Good selection as far as i'm concerned.
The Xbox One games (Slime Rancher and Trials Fusion) are only downloadable on an Xbox One console, and can only be played with an active Xbox Gold subscription. They don't disappear if your subscription lapses, they just become impossible to play. Resubscribing will allow you access once again.
I don't know anything really about the two XB1 games, but will give them a go. Eventually.
Would you also call Devil May Cry a button masher?
RF = Absolute tripe. Expected SO much more as a follow up to the excellent Guerilla.…ego
Heat added :grin:
Don't have a go at someone for expecting a better aaa title
Not everyone likes arcade games and the vast majority of gwg are straight from the Sega megadrive generation
I personally don't buy next gen consoles or high end pcs to play that rubbish but each to their own
You don't play many good games do you.
As for how many games I've racked up - more than 900 thanks for asking.