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14 Jul 17
16GB Data
Unlimited Mins
Unlimited Texts

Save £99 Cashback by redemption

£10.75 per month after cash back.
£19.00 before cashback
£129 total cost over 1 year.

Plus tcb/ quicdco .....


20GB Data
Unlimited Mins
Unlimited Texts
Save £99 Cashback by redemption

£13.75per month after cash back.

£22.00 before cashback

£165 total cost over 1 year

More direct link…=12
- miffyl
All comments (57)
14 Jul 17 #1
If it was auto cash back then yay but as you have to redeem them booo.
14 Jul 17 #2
I did this last year with e2save and cashback is really easy and fully paid out. The deal last year was for about £8.50 a month for similar data etc
14 Jul 17 #3
What do people do to use anywhere close to 16gb of data on their phone? I struggle to get anywhere near 4gb of usage and i'd say im a heavy user
Agharta to red23
14 Jul 17 #11
It says "Vodafone 4G Red Entertainment" which is the one with the bundle.

You can use the whole allowance for tethering or abroad and with the entertainment bundle as well it's easy to see how it could be used.
14 Jul 17 #4
I hit 8 gb for the first time last month, due to Spotify usage. I also found the trip advisor app using up a lot of my data in the background.
14 Jul 17 #5
This includes Spotify subscription - this is a very good deal.
14 Jul 17 #6
Sky go app use 1gig for 1 to 2 hours
14 Jul 17 #7
I'm coming to the end of a Vodafone contract. Is there anything stopping me cancelling that and taking this one out as a new customer?
14 Jul 17 #8
how do you get the 1 year entertainment bundle?
14 Jul 17 #9
My daughter has the 20Gb version of this deal and previously had Uni/Spotify (half price) so this is excellent. Cashback is an easy online claim; most difficult bit is all the security on Vodafone to download the bill.
14 Jul 17 #10
Does this deal definitely include the Entertainment Bundle ? It's not mentioned on their website.
14 Jul 17 #12
You can usually work out if it's the entertainment bundle by comparing it to the sim only deals on Vodafone's own Website.
16 Jul 17 #13
Anyone taken this out who can confirm it's including entertainment?
neilc to bargainbill
16 Jul 17 #15
Received mine yesterday, set up spotify today. Ordered a second sim as well
16 Jul 17 #14
Yep, Entertainment definitely included. Doesn't actually say it when you order it, but has been confirmed on order dispatch .
16 Jul 17 #16
Does it have option for Sky Sports mobile, or is it Spotify only?
neilc to gem5094
16 Jul 17 #17
Spotify, NowTV or Sky Sports
16 Jul 17 #18
Nice spot OP, heat added!

Is there a better (cheaper) 10Gig plus deal with any operator, even when deducting the 12-month entertainment bundle? Also, what is vodaphone's data speed like when roaming in EU; do they get throttled badly like Three's partners?
17 Jul 17 #19
Cheers OP, I've gone for it.

Anyone got any suggestions for a PAYG SIM to port in out of Vodafone with please that doesn't require a £10 top up? O2 preferably for O2 moments :grin:

CS did begrudgingly offer me the migration to their PAYG SIM but said it'd take 30 days which means paying two tariffs at once (which would cost me another £24)
17 Jul 17 #20
8 quid Quidco with GiffGaff for activating a SIM... that should do nicely for a port in and out.
gogboy to darkh0rse
7 Aug 17 #55
Does this require a top up and is it new customers only. Also any porting experience as GG don't have any customer service number as such?

Also what happens to the number with a port when you leave does it revert to the number of started life as
17 Jul 17 #21
I used Vodafone roaming in Italy (north to south).Always had 4g on motorways and towns. Much better than UK. No evidence of any speed throttling
17 Jul 17 #22
I have gone for it for my son
18 Jul 17 #23
Thanks, that is helpful! I know Vodaphone (Italy) have a decent reputation there, but wondered if they treated their 'roaming' UK counterparts better than Three. Even on Tre (Three Italy) the speeds are dire when roaming and no better with Wind who are now part of the same company.

18 Jul 17 #24
Will the Vodafone Advantage Scheme also work with this? another 30% off…ge/ Cheers
18 Jul 17 #25
Can somebody kindly explain how the redemption works? Do you take out the contract and redeem straight away and get paid in 3 months on something or do you have to wait 6 months before you can redeem?
J4Y_B to J4Y_B
18 Jul 17 #26
found it...seems like there is some admin…ack
18 Jul 17 #27
If you click the i button next to the offer it gives you the specific terms for that contract:

Save £99 Cashback by redemption on vodafone

Send your claim in line with the Cashback Claim Process below and we will credit you by cheque with £19.80 each time.

This will save you £99.00 over the 1 year of the contract. In effect this means that your average line rental per month over the contract period is £10.75 per month.

Cashback Claim Process:
Claiming your cashback couldn't be simpler. You will need to send in your mobile phone bill at months 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12

It's so simple to workout when you need to claim your cashback, please see the below table on when you should send your bills to us.

Bill\x09Claim Amount
Bill Dated October 2017\x09£19.80
Bill Dated December 2017\x09£19.80
Bill Dated February 2018\x09£19.80
Bill Dated April 2018\x09£19.80
Bill Dated June 2018\x09£19.80
The required bill needs to be sent to Cashback Claims, PO Box 376, Southhampton, SO30 2PX and must be received within 60 days from the date on the bill. The bill must show your name, address, mobile number and tariff you are connected to.

We recommend you send this by recorded delivery as we cannot be held responsible for lost items or claims that arrive outside the qualifying period. We also recommend you keep your proof of postage.

Alternatively, you can submit an online version of your bill via your My Account area by clicking here.

Please note: the above calculations are based on the basic line rental of the tariff and do not include itemised billing.
19 Jul 17 #28
Bought this last year. No problems with cashback it was online and easy. Moved my number to PAYG vodafone and waited for this deal to come back. Signed up today. Well spotted OP!

Thank you :-)
20 Jul 17 #29
No, needs to be ordered direct with Vodafone and not discounted.
20 Jul 17 #30
hi guys - i'm looking for a sim only deal - this sounds great - vodafone are offering me 16 p/month for free spotify/now tv/sports tv + unlimited mins/texts + 12 gb data so this deal is definitely good!

just want to confirm - the entertainment package is not listed when i go to the link - just says unlimited mins/text + 16 gb data - but it will come up once i have paid or once it is dispatched? thanks
20 Jul 17 #31
also i'm already a pay monthly vodafone customer - can i cancel my current contract and take this as a new customer? i guess i wont be able to keep my old number ?
singhisking68 to Bargain_lady
20 Jul 17 #33
I had word with Vodafone customer service.
They will take one month notice and convert you sim into pay as you go and then ready to transfer your pay as you go number into another or any Vodafone number with in 24hrs of request.
20 Jul 17 #32
In terms of moving from Vodafone to Vodafone. Move your account to Vodafone pay as go or get your pac code and move to another network. You can get a free sim from three. I did the latter and moved to three and then ported back to Vodafone.
singhisking68 to droid1978
20 Jul 17 #34
You can port your number within vodafone to Vodafone ... just cancel your contract and they will convert your sim into pay as you go after end of your contract. After that you are ready to switch you number to any other network or any vodafone number/sim.
21 Jul 17 #35
But if I give 30 days notice to switch to.payg this deal may not be active still in one month so will have to choose something else or whatever is available after 1 month - is that correct?
singhisking68 to Bargain_lady
21 Jul 17 #36
You have to buy this contract and keep with you now before this deal ends and same time give 30 days notice to vodafone to end your contract.

2nd option is ask for PAC CODE & switch to any pay as you go sim on any other network. This is because it will switch to other network with in 24hrs and then it will generate the final bill on the day you switch to other network & then after than from other network ask for pac code and come back to your new vodafone sim / contract. Bit of hassle but save you couple of quid.... depends... how you want it. .... :thinking:
22 Jul 17 #37
Either way do you keep your existing log in or if you port out would you lose that, just wary with vodafone as when there are issues they seem hard to rectify, is there a UK number or trick, by that I mean to avoid talking to an Indian who hasn't a clue or have I just been unlucky
22 Jul 17 #38
I'm just coming to the end of my first year having ported out, and then potted back in using You lose your existing log on.

For me, I need to be careful to move my sure signal to a family member before doing the do
23 Jul 17 #39
The staff told me you would keep your Vodafone log in but they would tell you anything to get a sale.

Good point I have sure signal too.

I read somewhere on here you can cancel and it will revert to PAYG then you can take out another deal, would that be a safer bet to save the sure signal

One thing I did find out was changed phone the other day and the sky entertainment stopped working, apparently it will only work on the phone it was set up on
23 Jul 17 #40
Yes, sounds like a move to PAYG would be safer/easier but I didn't realise you could do that so haven't checked it out yet. I'm sure historically that wasn't an option but fantastic if it is. I am wary of the 30 days people have been mentioning
24 Jul 17 #41
So say you have a monthly Vodafone contract taken out via, you tell them you want to go PAYG

Then buy a new deal from Mobiles staying with Vodafone and they will be happy to move your number that you have had them convert to PAYG onto a new sim?

Sounds plausible to a point but many put it into practice as it seems hard work with vodafone if things not smooth
25 Jul 17 #42
No mention of the Vodafone Red Entertainment on these 16 and 20GB options

(But scroll down to much pricier options and they do)

Anyone confirm this deal is still on?
25 Jul 17 #43
Hit 'Info' and it reads --- Vodafone 4G Red Entertainment.

That's the one I bought last year and had the entertainment, ie choose spotify, sky and now tv think it was
25 Jul 17 #44
Yes it's still on just checked as per Gogboy's comments it says...

Only £10.75 Per month / 1 year (i) <-- Click on this i and you see Your tariff details

Vodafone 4G Red Entertainment Sim Only £19 16GB 12m

£19.00 per month, 12 months

‌ :face_with_monocle:
TheDONCORNO to Mickyfinn
26 Jul 17 #45
Thank you! Couldn't see that info button for looking yesterday!!

Now ordered... replacing the one I bought last year :sunglasses:
26 Jul 17 #46
May not have used the suggested cashback however did get a £55 cash back offer through Vodafone.
27 Jul 17 #47
I am pretty sure the answer is yes, but just being careful before I order! Can the redemption process be carried out completely online without actually having to print/scan anything; I would just need to forward online bills without the need for paper or printer?

Considering this for use while travelling and need to be able to do it entirely online.

Thanks in advance :smile:
27 Jul 17 #48
Yes, I confirm that's the case. Of course, a slight inconvenience us that they send you a cheque, the ideal would be they pay directly into your bank.

Not sure if you're porting in from another network, even if it was a "day trip" but I've had a look and can't see how the port from VF PAYG to VF contract would work but interested to see if anyone's managed it
27 Jul 17 #49
Yes from me as well.
Stick some items in your calendar that marry up with the redemption/bill dates and you won't forget then.
27 Jul 17 #50
Thanks for both of your replies. I am currently with PAYG on Three that is a great overall service. However, it is terribly slow with data abroad. I have heard that Vodaphone is much faster, especially in Italy which is of most interest to me.

Thanks again :grin:
28 Jul 17 #51
I see this deal is available on e2save also; is there any advantage in using them and is there an expiry date on this deal?

Thanks again :wink:
29 Jul 17 #52
Does this deal expire at the end of July?

Cheers :smile:
29 Jul 17 #53
e2save are also part of CPW group so no advantage either way.

No idea on how long the deal will be available for. They come and go - last year I took out 8gb for about a tenner. There's also 20gb for £13.75 if you want the extra data.

I've taken this deal exclusively for the data and Spotify. I just bung the SIM in a mifi and share the data with various devices. It's even better this year as it can be used in Europe and apparently, Voda do better that many of their competitors in tests.
29 Jul 17 #54
Thanks again for the information; I agree with you about Europe and is the main reason I want to change and move from Three. They are hugely 'throttled' in Europe sometimes to the point of being unuseable. I managed to get a 10GB/month 4g data only SIM from Tre (Three Italy) for €5/month on a special, but I am not there at the moment, so I really need something that works well in both the UK and overseas.

I don't really need it yet, hence my question regarding expiry, but I might bite the bullet and order by Monday, just in case it ends in July

Cheers again :smile:
8 Aug 17 #56
hot hot hot.. just ordered for the daughter as she is a data gobbler :grin:
just need to remember to do the cashback... oh and what is a cheque?
21 Aug 17 #57 c/b now reduced to £63(16GB) or £75(20GB) - same for e2save
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