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upto half price LEGO @ Toys R Us
3.5 stars +235

upto half price LEGO @ Toys R Us

Toys R Us25 Jul 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
24 Jul 17
We all know Lego is super expensive, well hopefully this will make it a bit easier for some of us.
Top comments
25 Jul 17 3 #8
It's not quite the same thought is it. The OP has said there's up to 50% off Lego in toys r us and the link goes to the page.
What more would you expect for a deal like this.
You surely can't expect a poster to check the price in all other store over the last few weeks surely as a comparison it's not reasonable.
People won't bother posting deals in future if they get grief every time.
All comments (22)
24 Jul 17 #1
Its ok.. Nothing special. Most of these have been cheaper over the past few weeks at argos or Amazon. The angry bird stuff has been alot cheaper elsewhere.
24 Jul 17 1 #2
What are they basing their RRP on? Pretty certain the AT-ST has never had a RRP of £63!!
24 Jul 17 #3
Wow, a lot of effort was put into this one :o
daskapital to funkeymunkey
24 Jul 17 #4
as in my post? would you rather I didn't post it ?

only trying to help people buying Legos ....
25 Jul 17 #5
I'm grateful for your post thank you
25 Jul 17 #6
Agree with the above. Toys R Us never seems to be good value IMO.
25 Jul 17 #7
Good stuff i wish i had a toysrus near me
25 Jul 17 3 #8
It's not quite the same thought is it. The OP has said there's up to 50% off Lego in toys r us and the link goes to the page.
What more would you expect for a deal like this.
You surely can't expect a poster to check the price in all other store over the last few weeks surely as a comparison it's not reasonable.
People won't bother posting deals in future if they get grief every time.
25 Jul 17 2 #9
Yes I try and do the same and keep an on the comments in case I can help users in anyway.

But I fully understand that not everyone has the time or inclination to do so. They just spot what they believe is a decent deal and share the link to it to help others.
25 Jul 17 #10
I'm sorry that my comment was so hard hitting. But i still think that the post is a little too bare bones. (and hey at least my criticism is somewhat constructive)
And not to toot my own horn, but if i find when the prices are listed (or at least when some prices are listed) makes the deal better i.e (

Edit: I like the deal tag "Price Glitch"

Editno.2: looks like this comment got deleted or didn't go up, so i'm just going to comment it again, yeeeaah.
25 Jul 17 #11
Well i'm really not sure what extra you could provide here short of me listing each item out for you which you could easily see by clicking the link. It's up to half price, on Lego, at Toys R Us... can I ask what extra details would you like me to have provided ?

Also, I did not tag it with that... a moderator did. Literally every post / deal / comment I write ends up in moderation for some reason.
25 Jul 17 #12
The prices (i.e min price to max price), the themes that are in the sale/offer, they could'ave been useful
25 Jul 17 #13
I suggest anyone wanting to buy lego looks at the prices on Ali Express :wink:

Its not official lego but you can't tell, it's EXACTLY the same and is usually less than half the price. Every Lego set you can think of they have on Ali Express...

If you can wait up to approx 2.5 - 3 weeks its a no brainer. Also, if you don't mind not having the box and instead it coming in bubble wrap with full build instructions included. I've ordered loads for my boy and they're faultless!

Amazon - £62.99

Ali Express - £21.66
25 Jul 17 #14
This looks a great set and cheapest I can find on the web and lots available:
25 Jul 17 1 #15
I disagree that you can't tell.

The fake stuff from china is no where near as good as quality as the real stuff and it's easy to tell the different.

My boys know straight away when I've bought cheap mini figures from China.
25 Jul 17 #16
Perhaps I've been lucky then, all the stuff we've had is identical in quality...
25 Jul 17 #17
It could equally be that I've been unlucky.
I've usually ordered from eBay which could be the issue.

I've ordered mini figures time and time again and they are never as good as the proper figures.
26 Jul 17 2 #18
I disagree with the opinion your criticism is somewhat constructive.

If you have the time to add extra info it's appreciated but if you set that as an expectation we will lose out on people posting deals.

Why would anyone bother drawing on such criticism? They have already found the deal, they are just being nice sharing it.

There are always people that can't be bothered to click through to see the more information on the retailer site no matter how much info you give. You see it often in the comments where they ask a question that's answered in the first few lines of the description on the retailer site.

If people haven't the time or the inclination to click through to the retailer site that is their own choice and responsibility not the ops.
26 Jul 17 1 #19
These are illegally copied sets. The quality is not the same. There is no guarantee the product is safe. You fund criminals and who knows what conditions the employees work in and the sets have zero value on the second hand market.
26 Jul 17 #20
Waste of time buying the fake Lego, it has no resale value. Buy real Lego and keep the box and instructions. In a few years when your child doesn't want lego anymore you can sell it, make your money back and sometimes make a profit! That's a Hotdeal right there.
26 Jul 17 1 #21
DON'T give those arsehoIes your money! Get Smyths or John Lewis to price match instead.
27 Jul 17 #22
If the price is off from RRP what a is the business from the sale 4 the companies or the RRP just a make up thing
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