Seems to be a pretty good price for this game, especially for those with Titanfall 2 and wanting to play the original. £2.50 extra if you want it delivered to you. If you don't want to go to CEX you can buy it at Music Magpie delivered for £3.23. 10% is automatically taken off at checkout.
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7y 34d6#13
I don't want to throw any spanners into the works, but Gamescentre have it for £3 delivered
7y 34d5#4
I mean yes, I'll buy from there if I prefer to pay more. Thanks for your input though.
All comments (23)
7y 34d#1
You might want to add pre-owned to the title, so people don't get confused
7y 34d1#2
Best game ever, preferred it to the sequel for multiplayer. Give it a go if you haven't yet.
reddevil2015 to davemhaynes
7y 34d1#7
Wouldnt say best game ever but agree with it being better than Titanfall 2 for multiplayer. I completed campaign then played online for a few hours, then was sold on the following day. Reminded me too much of COD players, camp camp camp
I mean yes, I'll buy from there if I prefer to pay more. Thanks for your input though.
7y 34d1#6
Sure. Defo saves you money over £3+£2.50 delivery from cex. Magpie normally does not have a huge stock so I provided an extra option. You're welcome.
7y 34d#8
Heat from me. Still waiting on someone saying - cold as its on EA access
Dannyb01y to reddevil2015
7y 34d#21
You probably would be better off throwing the £3 at the £17 odd price that ea access often drops to.
7y 34d#9
You didn't say that though, you just put a link to the same game which was more expensive than the two I had listed. If you think it's a good deal why not post it.
7y 34d#10
explain why anyone would pay more? Everyone lives near a CEX and it's in stock right now so there's no need to post that link. Especially a Game deal, pfft.
7y 34d1#11
Please call the police to report me. I allegedly did that to make you cry. Bloody hell!
7y 34d1#12
7y 34d6#13
I don't want to throw any spanners into the works, but Gamescentre have it for £3 delivered
7y 34d2#14
Careful, op might throw stone at you...
7y 34d#15
was just a bit weird seeing you post a link to something more expensive without a reason, sorry pal
7y 34d#16
I was just trying to keep the deal live. I don't hijack deals... I'm sorry too. Didn't expect that reaction...
7y 34d#17
Game might send a new copy lol . Still us guy said more choice to choose from if one went out stock.
7y 34d#18
Literally picked up a pre owned copy from Grainger Games minutes before this was posted for £3 too. Absolute steal.
7y 34d#19
It's been this price in cex for a while! I bought a copy and never played it :/ defo will check it out at some point but lack of campaign just gets my back up.. it's a good price though
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