Currently £24 on Amazon, checked PlayStation store and found it is on special offer instead of the usual £19.99. This price is only available from 5/7/2017 01:00 am to 19/7/2017 11:59 pm.
Top comments
9 Jul 174#3
Also worth noting that the Vita version includes the 12 characters that got put as 'DLC' in the console versions
8 Jul 173#1
Great game, not too difficult and would be perfect for people wanting to try the SF/TKN games.
Latest comments (19)
14 Jul 17#18
is that the 4.79 psp game hack?
i would love to play sfa3 max on ps3 with arcade sticks
neosalad to shoryuken
14 Jul 17#19
no, but the PSP wasnt really an advantage for me, i have my PSP slims still with CFW..
was hoping i might have bene able to roll back to do the Henhacku thing maybe oneday.. mainkly to be able to use that add-on that lets you connect a micro-sd card to the 3g conection ont he Vita (if you had a 3g one) as the memory cards are crazy prices, as is the whole game save backup a whole game scenario (if you dont have PS+)
sod it.. updated it.. tbh theres only a small amount of games i'll be playing so having that hack i doubt would really have benefited me greatly.
13 Jul 17#17
i might stick £15 on anyhow.. tempted by Dariusburst CS (Vita) even though i have it on PC/steam, and the J star victory vs game is tempting for the price...
means upgrading my firmware.. but i doubt theres a way to roll back if i did want to take advantage of the hack..
13 Jul 17#16
you get all the chars, and atleast half the costumes
no need to buy a psn card, just pay the difference with paypal, sign in on the payment methods page, and then after you have purchased, log in to paypal on your pc/laptop/tablet/phone, and unregister from the preapproved payments with sony
9 Jul 171#8
good cheap way to get all the dlc chars for the ps3 version, and most of the costiume packs
neosalad to shoryuken
13 Jul 17#15
i have this for PS3 on disc...
so if i buy this vita version do i automatically get the DLC costume packs for the PS3 version?
I do have a vita aswell.. though it doesnt realyl get used much.. bit like the PS3... mainly just XO these days.
edit. looks like you do, i had a google.. DLC unlock
damn, only £3.07 in my wallet.. :confused:
9 Jul 17#11
As someone who doesn't play fighting games, his easy is this to play and get into?
Curlynob to tinderboy
10 Jul 171#14
I've played a lot of fighting games on Vita - despite not really considering myself a fighting game fan. I'm no expert, so please just take this as personal opinion. I really enjoyed Dead or Alive 5 Plus (also in the Big in Japan Sales). It's got a ridiculous story, but actually it's just great fun and looks fantastic on Vita. It's easy to pick up too. Street Fighter X Tekken is all there, it's got loads of characters and it looks good, but I found it just a little dull. Mortal Kombat has loads of content, but it's pretty tough. It took me a while to progress past the first few fights, even on the easiest levels. People moan about the graphics on MK. It's fine once you're in game, but it does an ugly zoom from the cut scenes into the playable action which is a little distracting at first. Injustice has a great story and lots of DC comics heroes, but if you can find a copy of Ultimate Capcom Vs Marvel 3 (you can't download it from the playstation store, you'll need to find a physical copy) it's pretty hard to beat.
9 Jul 17#10
How do I tell if this works on PSTV? I never bought a Vita, but picked up a PSTV so I didn't need to cart the PS4 up and down the stairs to play it when the main telly was in use.
LukeNI to Gdfrench
9 Jul 17#13
For most vita games on the PlayStation store it'll usually say in the description whether it's compatible or not.
In this case though it isn't, sadly.
'Compatible with PlayStation®Vita only. Not compatible with PlayStation®TV.'
9 Jul 17#12
Thanks OP
9 Jul 17#9
Can you buy and play on PS4?
9 Jul 17#7
Great price, heat up :smile:
9 Jul 17#6
Yes you can. I specifically remember tag team battles online on the vita when my brother and I played at the launch of this game :smile:
9 Jul 17#5
You cant play online with the vita version??
9 Jul 174#3
Also worth noting that the Vita version includes the 12 characters that got put as 'DLC' in the console versions
bass2655 to olygrom
9 Jul 171#4
Also its cross play with ps3. Just incase you do wanna play online.
8 Jul 17#2
I lost this game when I stopped my PSN+ subs. At this price it's worth owning outright.
Heat added! :smile:
8 Jul 173#1
Great game, not too difficult and would be perfect for people wanting to try the SF/TKN games.
Opening post
This price is only available from 5/7/2017 01:00 am to 19/7/2017 11:59 pm.
Top comments
Latest comments (19)
i would love to play sfa3 max on ps3 with arcade sticks
was hoping i might have bene able to roll back to do the Henhacku thing maybe oneday.. mainkly to be able to use that add-on that lets you connect a micro-sd card to the 3g conection ont he Vita (if you had a 3g one) as the memory cards are crazy prices, as is the whole game save backup a whole game scenario (if you dont have PS+)
sod it.. updated it.. tbh theres only a small amount of games i'll be playing so having that hack i doubt would really have benefited me greatly.
means upgrading my firmware.. but i doubt theres a way to roll back if i did want to take advantage of the hack..
no need to buy a psn card, just pay the difference with paypal, sign in on the payment methods page, and then after you have purchased, log in to paypal on your pc/laptop/tablet/phone, and unregister from the preapproved payments with sony
so if i buy this vita version do i automatically get the DLC costume packs for the PS3 version?
I do have a vita aswell.. though it doesnt realyl get used much.. bit like the PS3... mainly just XO these days.
edit. looks like you do, i had a google.. DLC unlock
damn, only £3.07 in my wallet.. :confused:
In this case though it isn't, sadly.
'Compatible with PlayStation®Vita only. Not compatible with PlayStation®TV.'
Heat added! :smile: