Not a hot deal but Help send brave little Bradley's charity single further up the charts. Rest in Peace Bradley X
Top comments
7y 37d49#5
I did not post it because its 10p cheaper
I posted it because some people don't use Itunes and loads on here use Amazon, the more places people know about it, the better chance it will go up the charts .
7y 37d34#8
R.I.P little Sunderland Man
7y 37d22#9
Life can be so cruel at times ,but look at that smile. Thinking of his parents at this time. wish them peace and love
7y 37d20#4
Shock! Some people don't use Itunes to buy music!
Latest comments (95)
7y 35d#95
What is this pointless album for? Why is this kid so special?
7y 36d1#94
Poor little lad. Massive kudos to Jermain Defoe for his actions in trying to make this little lads life as good as can be in the small amount of time he had. Defoe is a footballer and person that I'm proud to say represents our country.
7y 36d#89
And lots of worthless virtue signaling....
Suggs84 to Baldieman64
7y 36d2#93
Meanwhile 29,000 children die in Africa every day....
7y 36d#92
Join their club...
7y 36d#91
go away you horrible excuse for a human being
7y 36d1#90
What about all the other kids dying? Why is this one special because his parents decided to media crazy for profit? What about the massive cut the charity takes?
7y 36d#88
I have a similar story to yourself but on a user forum you will get imbiciles saying ugly things to get a reaction but i don't give them what they want which is raging angrily as if their to blame for my dad's cancer or this little boys death. I feel just as much anger and frustration at those HUKD ethical saints who seem to have created their own moral high ground judge and jury to a total stranger they don't know as i have for the idiotic posters.
7y 36d#87
cheers purchased,i dont have itunes
7y 36d#86
Sometimes this world just isn't fair, just or right. Bless you little man.
7y 36d1#85
Already bought and d/loaded this single the day it was released on amazon as i don't have itunes, tbh i never looked at the price, it was more for bradley, him raising money for other kids and he's done more for awareness of this horrible disease using his love for football, This is a good thing, it was never about him stealing the limelight for others, him and his family campaign for others. And yes i've donated a couple of times whenever I've had some money spare, it breaks my heart he shouldn't have had to live a life of pain, we need a cure for this. kids should be just catching colds and chicken pox, not this or any other cancer.
Following his story has helped me deal with my own demons of my children passing away.
RIP bradley away from the nasties now. superman ain't got nothing on you
7y 37d3#84
Some of the faceless sad pathetic posters on here are just truly disgusting. Keyboard warriors sitting home alone with their tragic sad lonely life slating a post for a 6 year old boy who died of cancer. I watched my father die of this horrific disease and 5 years on still struggle at times about it but for these parents to watch the life slipping from their son of 6 years - watching him suffer over these last few months knowing that death was imminent - have some compassion please. What a disgrace.
7y 37d#83
Thanks, i didn't!
7y 37d#82
My point is pretty clear. I'm not going to explain it to you.
7y 37d#81
Your point?
7y 37d#80
Sleep tight little man
7y 37d#79
If someone is offering a product for a price then they are offering a deal.
7y 37d#78
But profiting from this lad's death is fine and dandy isn't it, squire?
Jog on!
7y 37d#77
Well, just donate 80p! It's pretty simple, you know...
7y 37d1#76
should be sent to horrible misc along with the rest of the cr @p
not a deal, we can sympathise with a dead kid buit it's not a deal
7y 37d1#75
Who cares. Trying to score points in a situation like this is pathetic
7y 37d#74
little Bradley didn't suffer more than hundreds of other kids/ people aren't suffering every single day
7y 37d#73
If this raises money that saves lives then its a Hot Deal for those people saved
7y 37d#72
A true Champion and inspiration.
7y 37d1#71
How much money will HUKD be making from this post linking through its referral program?
7y 37d1#70
Nice to see big business capitalise on the death of a 6 year old
7y 37d5#69
As a carefully worded response I think what gets many people annoyed is that people pick and choose what to feel pity for, terrible things happen to people every day, from all walks of life, all ages ethnicities and genders and whilst what happens to a child can be seen as "worse" it also doesn't mean other things can't be a huge tragedy.
Many people I see who are disgusted about say people with mental health issues and don't want to even think about let alone bother with them, would pick something like this and go all out with sympathy, in part as it is so public they can come across to others as a kind person.
I like many others would help something like a charity directly rather than give money that goes indirect.
So in short something like this is used to make others feel better by doing their token bit by donating and feeling as if they have done something, and as a side effect it can been seen as raising awareness.
Lets be honest in a short while (being careful not meaning to sound cruel) in a few months will this even pass anyones mind, maybe even a few weeks.
By the way as I say was careful, I find these sort of situations upsetting and wish they never happened just notice people get worked up over some things too much and other things not at all/too little and then nothing happens until next token thing comes along.
7y 37d1#68
It's not a deal. It's spreading awareness, and that's what is important. Would buy it 10x over. Heat from me.
RIP little man x
7y 37d1#67
The bairn united Sunderland and Newcastle fans. But you must remember its not just Bradley but too many bairns suffering the same.
7y 37d#66
i'm normally not a fan of these 'deals' which aren't actually deals, but this is an exception which I also sympathise with.
7y 37d#65
RIP little champion x
7y 37d1#64
It's not cruel, it's a test.
7y 37d#63
this will be deleted very soon.
7y 37d2#62
The Gumtree ad-writers have arrived
7y 37d#61
I think people here need to stop arguing and respect the little boy and all the other kids who are suffering, many of whom do not get a mention in the media. Anything that can be done to help these poor kids is a step in the right direction and I don't think anyone here would complain about that. Many of us will make a small donation in the hope that it will do some good, regardless of how it makes us personally feel, but because it's the right thing to do. No decent person wants others to suffer if this can be avoided through either advances in treatment or medicine.
7y 37d#60
a good red and white and i like the nufc support
7y 37d1#59
top fella if anyone can say otherwise they are discusting
7y 37d#58
So why did they delete it then?
7y 37d1#57
What !!!?!!?! people that care about other people !!! next you will he saying they call it charity and support !! :O
7y 37d3#56
I see children with cancer every week. I don't think it bothers them that a footballer comes and see them and they don't get media attention .
My little boy goes on the cancer ward of a hospital all the time, and he's in clinic with children with cancer as he's got a bone marrow disease .
I don't think the parents set out for all the media attention, but if it helped awareness of what he had wrong with him, then something good came out of the media attention .
7y 37d#55
So sad that an innocent little boy would go through something like this. I can not begin to imagine what his loved ones are going through at the moment. As citizens of this world, we all owe it to ourselves to be keepers of our brothers and sisters. No one, young or old deserves to suffer like this. A little support for causes like this will not hurt anyone.
I don't know this young man from Adam but I will support his loved ones and his legacy as best as I can. VOTED VERY HOT and RIP BRAVE BRADLEY!
7y 37d2#54
Before anyone thinks about posting anything "negative" on here just stop.
Have a word with yourself .
7y 37d1#53
Is Apple taking its usual cut from this?
7y 37d2#52
Lol! You clearly have no idea how site works. The owners will be thumbing the end of it over the amount of commission earned on this one.
7y 37d3#51
If somehow God did exist (he doesn't), and there is some sort of heaven where everyone plays nicely, the first thing I'd do is punch him in the nose, followed by getting medieval on his ass, to paraphrase pulp fiction.
7y 37d6#50
7y 37d#49
The link was not posted so people save money .
7y 37d6#48
Why has hukd deleted my post asking if hukd will be donating all the click through fees they will earn from this being the hottest "deal" of the day?
7y 37d1#47
Breaks my heart, have a wee lad, and if he ever got ill, I would not have been able to let the world in, as his brave parents have done. the fact people abused it and treated it like a reality show for their entertainment sickens me
7y 37d#46
Well surely if every penny of this single is going to charity then Hotukdeals arent going to benefit are they?
7y 37d#45
Seems we have a growing number of Donald Trumps (I love Me & My money) The rest of the world is just Fake News!
7y 37d#44
Perhaps they do, I don't have access to the figures, perhaps you have.
However, when people post a £30k car deal there's no pretence that it is about anything other than the pursuit of profit. I hope that's helpful for you.
7y 37d#43
But they make far more on posts for 30k + cars that I would hardly class as a Hot deal by any stretch... Yet people don't seem to complain about those do they?.
7y 37d1#42
How has this response got 16 likes?... First of all I am bemused as to why you would even feel the need to post such a comment (obviously you are the kind that cares only for yourself and I can only hope there are no children unfortunate enough to have to call you Dad... Who cares if you don't want or need it, it's for a charity and not one of those fake cold caller types... This poor kid was real and his little life was tragically cut short. I don't even have children and can't imagine who would want to bring them into a world where kids like this suffer short lives and heartless idiots like you and the gutless attackers out there get to live long healthy ones!.
7y 37d#41
Couldn't agree more
7y 37d#40
I'm fine with you thinking for yourself. I just think people should simply vote either hot out cold if they disagree with these kinds of items being posted. I completely agree with your sentiment about mob mentality but this isn't the thread for it. There's no need for anyone to leave a provocative comment.
7y 37d#39
Empathy is tasteless?
7y 37d#38
one brave little man makes you think when your feeling down about trivial things in life that kids like him carry on smiling even though they are in pain.
this little man will never be forgotten he has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world and actually brought 2 rival football teams together to raise money and awareness for him.
lets get this song to number one for this little brave soldier and other kids who are suffering the same illness.
7y 37d#37
Most obvious purchase ever! Not a fan of this version at all but I am a massive fan of a little boy who shows all of the miserable gits in this world how precious your life is. To all those that think they have probably don't! RIP Bradley you brave little man, and kudos to Jermaine Defoe who has shown himself to be one of the most compassionate footballers/famous folks in the world for me.
Great this song!!!!!
7y 37d15#32
How about some of you direct your anger elsewhere. Someone asks why it's on a deal site and suddenly he/she is a troll dancing on a child's grave, get a grip!
Personally i think it's a little disrespectful to post this on a deal/voucher site albeit not the OP intention. There are many online mediums to discuss a sick child's death and publicize his charity song but this isn't one of them. The end doesn't always justify the means IMO.
Remember that a troll isn't just someone who disagrees with you!
dudwood_fudwood to blugardian
7y 37d1#36
Just don't click the link?
7y 37d1#35
Did you ever stop to think there may be quite a lot of people out there that have never heard of Bradley or the condition he suffered with? Posts like this bring it to peoples attention and increase funds towards a good cause. Maybe they don't download the song but if it raises a flag in someones head so they stick their hand in their pocket next time they see a charity box, surely that's a good thing. Or should we just stick to deals to keep people like you happy? Stop agreeing with idiots and feeding the trolls.
7y 37d1#34
How many times do people feel the nee to post on something that doesn't interest them? If not for you then move on to the next deal.
Many different options for those who think this may not be for them so why even bother to take the time to post on something that you clearly disagree with?
7y 37d5#33
I have children, without rationality infant mortality would still be at pre-industrial levels.
I despise the mob mentality that is so evident here.
7y 37d7#10
God bless his soul
Lister123556 to bestbuy123
7y 37d6#31
Serious you talk about God. Some almighty powerful God that puts a six year old through that
7y 37d1#30
And no-one gives a monkeys about that on this particular post, so If you don't like it no - one is making you read it. Shut the door on your way out would you.
7y 37d#29
Good night fellow mackem xxx
7y 37d3#28
Although Bradley's foundation is different i will not give donations to any of the large charities and stick to local foundations or specific things like fresh healthy water, malaria nets etc.
As a nurse i've witnessed charity groups on the ground spending money rashly because "The new quarter's coming next week..." meaning the quarterly money will be received from the main charity. Apart from the large bodies having their own political agendas their questionable management and accountability of "at the front line" money is worrying and we should have regs in place to prevent charities getting so big the original good intention gets lost by those in charge.
RIP wee man.
7y 37d5#27
you might want to try posting one then instead of trolling a thread about a 6 year old child who's just died.
7y 37d9#26
That "boy" fought like a lion right until the end and always did it with a smile on his face. he showed more testicular fortitude at six years old than I'd wager you've shown in your entire, soulless life.
7y 37d1#25
What scumbag would question this as a deal? Nobody deserves to go what Bradley went through, particularly a child. It's actually tragic to see how uncompassionate some people are..
7y 37d5#24
As a NUFC fan and someone who lost a safc pal recently I said then and now, rest well my friend for we are more like brothers, sibling rivals, but brothers with the same dreams ...........
7y 37d1#23
Yet again the classless, repugnant creatures about here pop up right on cue ... How predictable.
Thoughts and best wishes to family and good luck with future children for the charity. His life will be worth a 1000 x of ours ♥
7y 37d4#22
Did they ever teach "empathy" in schools? Doesn't sound like the sort of subject you'd expect to be covered in the curriculum to be honest
7y 37d9#21
Do you just come here to whine or troll? Are you getting some sort of kick out of this? Why not just scroll past, don't bother reading it and go about your miserable life? If you really feel that strongly about it don't buy the single, don't click the link and don't post utter tosh comments aimed at getting people aggravated. You come across as a heartless moron.
7y 37d12#20
Some people need to realise too and may have forgot or may not know, Bradley didn't live a normal life, he got this horrible disease when he was 18 months old, he lived and fought for an extra 5 years with it. He probably doesn't even remember not having it, in his mind he probably only knows of being ill and all the treatment he had, he smiled, he lived a life he could and bought a football nation together, not just a football nation but the world nation together and made them smile for him. It doesn't matter if you don't ever listen to the single, it's still going towards a great cause, don't have to buy it, but can just donate too
You really don't understand the comment, do you? Thank God I'll be out of this world soon and won't have to mix with the likes of you.
7y 37d2#17
What a waste. Such a nice lad and a hell of a fighter.
I fell sorry for his parents and those people he touched.
7y 37d3#16
Would rather just donate 80p.
Like with the grenfell single. Why would you want to listen to a sing that will just make you think about a dead kid?
7y 37d1#15
Reminds me of the scene in resovoir dogs where the guy wont tip the waitress.
7y 37d11#14
Heartless. Wonder if you'd say the same if one of those kids that die was a member of your family. Maybe think before you type, eh?
7y 37d5#13
My heart goes out to all your family. Bless you Bradley you made many people smile with your courage.I'M sure you will be top of the charts.
7y 37d7#12
Bless this poor boy and his family. No parent should have their child die before them
7y 37d4#11
Thanks I don't use iTunes but I will buy it on Amazon to show support to the parents the poor wee boy. Thanks again I just bought it xxx
7y 37d22#9
Life can be so cruel at times ,but look at that smile. Thinking of his parents at this time. wish them peace and love
7y 37d34#8
R.I.P little Sunderland Man
7y 37d11#7
RIP Bradley. You gave it one hell of a fight. ;(
Heat and bought.
7y 37d4#6
I would assume they are suggesting that it is available at alternative sites too. I for one do not use iTunes.
7y 37d49#5
I did not post it because its 10p cheaper
I posted it because some people don't use Itunes and loads on here use Amazon, the more places people know about it, the better chance it will go up the charts .
7y 37d20#4
Shock! Some people don't use Itunes to buy music!
7y 37d12#3
bloody sin,life can be so cruel sometimes. RIP wee man.
7y 37d6#2
Is this something where people should really be trying to save money?
Opening post
Help send brave little Bradley's charity single further up the charts.
Rest in Peace Bradley X
Top comments
I posted it because some people don't use Itunes and loads on here use Amazon, the more places people know about it, the better chance it will go up the charts .
Latest comments (95)
Following his story has helped me deal with my own demons of my children passing away.
RIP bradley away from the nasties now. superman ain't got nothing on you
Thanks, i didn't!
Jog on!
not a deal, we can sympathise with a dead kid buit it's not a deal
Many people I see who are disgusted about say people with mental health issues and don't want to even think about let alone bother with them, would pick something like this and go all out with sympathy, in part as it is so public they can come across to others as a kind person.
I like many others would help something like a charity directly rather than give money that goes indirect.
So in short something like this is used to make others feel better by doing their token bit by donating and feeling as if they have done something, and as a side effect it can been seen as raising awareness.
Lets be honest in a short while (being careful not meaning to sound cruel) in a few months will this even pass anyones mind, maybe even a few weeks.
By the way as I say was careful, I find these sort of situations upsetting and wish they never happened just notice people get worked up over some things too much and other things not at all/too little and then nothing happens until next token thing comes along.
RIP little man x
My little boy goes on the cancer ward of a hospital all the time, and he's in clinic with children with cancer as he's got a bone marrow disease .
I don't think the parents set out for all the media attention, but if it helped awareness of what he had wrong with him, then something good came out of the media attention .
I don't know this young man from Adam but I will support his loved ones and his legacy as best as I can. VOTED VERY HOT and RIP BRAVE BRADLEY!
Have a word with yourself .
However, when people post a £30k car deal there's no pretence that it is about anything other than the pursuit of profit. I hope that's helpful for you.
this little man will never be forgotten he has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world and actually brought 2 rival football teams together to raise money and awareness for him.
lets get this song to number one for this little brave soldier and other kids who are suffering the same illness.
Great this song!!!!!
Personally i think it's a little disrespectful to post this on a deal/voucher site albeit not the OP intention. There are many online mediums to discuss a sick child's death and publicize his charity song but this isn't one of them. The end doesn't always justify the means IMO.
Remember that a troll isn't just someone who disagrees with you!
Many different options for those who think this may not be for them so why even bother to take the time to post on something that you clearly disagree with?
I despise the mob mentality that is so evident here.
As a nurse i've witnessed charity groups on the ground spending money rashly because "The new quarter's coming next week..." meaning the quarterly money will be received from the main charity. Apart from the large bodies having their own political agendas their questionable management and accountability of "at the front line" money is worrying and we should have regs in place to prevent charities getting so big the original good intention gets lost by those in charge.
RIP wee man.
Thoughts and best wishes to family and good luck with future children for the charity. His life will be worth a 1000 x of ours ♥
I fell sorry for his parents and those people he touched.
Like with the grenfell single. Why would you want to listen to a sing that will just make you think about a dead kid?
Heat and bought.
I posted it because some people don't use Itunes and loads on here use Amazon, the more places people know about it, the better chance it will go up the charts .