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 Sky broadband and free evening and weekend calls TCB £85 + £75 Mastercard
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4 Jul 17
TCB £100 ended on 6 July 2017, now only £85

Line rental £18.99 x 12 months = £227.88

Top Cashback £85

Sky Mastercard £75


Broadband activation £10

Router £9.95

£87.83/ £7.32

Sky talk evenings and weekend free for 12 months, £4 a month after

Sky talk anytime extra £4 for 12 months, £8 after.
All comments (79)
4 Jul 17 #1
Was the cashback £200 in past deals?
4 Jul 17 #2
What's the broadband speed??
4 Jul 17 #3
The cashback for Sky television bundles has been quite high in the past, but I do not remember the cashback for broadband or fibre reaching £200.
4 Jul 17 #4
I spoke to sky just now they are giving me two options:

1. Leave the line open for a active line takeover if I was to go with a new broadband provider then it will be a smooth transition it will take 14 days and a cancellation fee will be £5.50

2. I can cancel Sky broadband which will be automatic charge of £5.50 cancellation fee and my line will take 14 days to be cancelled. 18th July will be my last date and I can come back to sky for and pay only £18.99 line rental she said. Also if I wanted to go with a different provider they can't goahead with it without calling me and ask me to call sky to give my 14 days cancellation notice in so it would mean I will have to keep my line active for them to takeover.

I said I wanted to go away so I want to cancel my broadband I might be away for 2 months she said best thing is to cancel it but I won't have any internet broadband for 2 months now I'm thinking what shall I do can someone please tell me what would be best

I'm thinking I should sign up for this deal today with cashback and ask them to install the line on 18th July so there wouldn't be any problems.

What if I was to sign up would sky call sky to make my line active please someone explain what would be best thanks
4 Jul 17 #5
In my area broadband is around 6 - 8mbs, and the speed goes up and down. I can't say what your speed would be, as this varies depending on your distance from the exchange, amongst other things.
4 Jul 17 #6
Great thanks for this... (_;)
4 Jul 17 #7
Good deal as long as it all tracks. Hopefully they will have a similar deal later in the year as I'm still in a 12 month contract
4 Jul 17 #8
A question for regular Sky Broadband switchers - is the router delivered 2-3 days before your activation date? Or is it dispatched as soon as soon as you place the online order? Thanks.
4 Jul 17 #9
4 Jul 17 #10
First I would try ordering to see if you can wrangle this deal with a new name/bank account (maybe even try to send correspondance to another address to fake the moving in aspect as there's a tickbox to do that) - I had the last 2 Sky deals and since my last subscription was less than 12 months ago it won't let me order this time regardless what name or email I put down (I can't progress past this to the bank details part).

If you can get to the bank details part then all good. If not I don't see how 14 days cancellation notice will negate the 12 month minimum period before re-joining Sky. I suspect the Sky rep you spoke to wasn't clear on the T&Cs.
4 Jul 17 #11
I get 17Mbps on Sky Broadband. Have just recommended this same package.
4 Jul 17 #12
New area I am moving to has no fibre either, or is limited to one company currently.
Is standard broadband really that bad lol?

I don't care if downloads take longer.
So long as I can stream and game ok
4 Jul 17 #13
Thanks. I meant what's the broadband speed in this deal.
4 Jul 17 #14
What's this £75 mastercard thing?
I've never had a credit card but funnily enough I was about to look into them and get one.

Seems the time is now. Is it a free £75? You don't pay anything back. Don't really understand.
Assume after that u just use credit card and pay all off at once at end of each month and then u don't get charges?
4 Jul 17 #15
Adsl broadband up to 17mbps standard. Maximum line speed with existing phonelines
4 Jul 17 #16
The £75 is free money. Think of it as a discount to the monthly amount but done in a way they don't have to fiddle their monthly prices allowing them to keep increasing it.

You have to apply for the pre-loaded card within 90 days. In essence I guess it's like a gift card but spendable anywhere.
4 Jul 17 #17
Got this deal on Saturday, the cashback is tracking hot

Just a little warning, the Sky q hub/router only has 2 ethernet ports
deepu25 to wayne1482
4 Jul 17 #40
Just wanted to know how you managed to get the sky q hub /router with this offer.... as I thought it is only for fiber max
4 Jul 17 #18
Nice, may have to go for this then. Though £28 monthly bill for standard broaband once deal ends? Seems high? I thought it was going to be £18 always haha.
4 Jul 17 #19
Only 9Mb, cold.
whw to jason0215
4 Jul 17 #24
Since you've voted this cold, may I ask why *you* need more than 9mb at any one time, say 24/7?
4 Jul 17 #20
Broadband = £10
Line Rental = £18(.99)

It's always been like this, hence FREE broadband with line rental included - you need a landline for broadband so they will always charge you for it as that £18 goes to BT/Openreach (please correct me if I'm wrong here) and Sky sell broadband at a loss hoping you stick with them after they increase the broadband cost mid-contract and you stick with them after the 12 months.
4 Jul 17 #21
Get totally unlimited Broadband Unlimited, offering UK average download speeds of 9Mb, for £18.99 a month for 12 months
4 Jul 17 #22
Damn, been hoping to post a good broadband deal and you beat me by 1 hour!

4 Jul 17 #23
My contract with sky finishes next month 24th August can I cancel with them then get it again can someone tell what's the best way to do this
whw to 19DembaBa19
4 Jul 17 #26
As you're already with Sky and still in contract your only option is to:

1. Get this deal using a new name and bank account number (perhaps your partner's?)
2. You will need to initiate an Active Line Takeover so will lose your current phone number. When ordering you'll be asked if you want to keep the number but the outcome, if only one phoneline, is always Active Line Takeover with a new number.
3. Since your Sky Broadband was for 12 months and you're paying about £9.50 per month (presuming £60 Sky deal last year) then you'll pay next months.
4. Since the Broadband element of last year's Sky deal was free, Sky will charge you the remainder of the year's line rental. Check Sky's Early Termination Fees. I think there's a base price plus per days left of the contract.
4 Jul 17 #25
Cancel, then re-apply in different name.
whw to mcormack
4 Jul 17 #28
From memory, it's easier to do an Active Line Takeover rather than cancelling. In both cases a new number will be issued and whether it's with a the same or different ISP there's no break in service. You just have to pay the Early Termination Fees for whichever product wasn't free in the original deal - in this case it's likely the line rental since Sky mainly do Broadband for free.
4 Jul 17 #27
i'm tempted but seen as sky are blocking some kodi streams i'm not sure
whw to iamryan
4 Jul 17 #29
Don't forget Rupert Murdoch is pushing to buy out Sky completely. He'll have his wrinkly old hands all over your streams!
4 Jul 17 #30
I tried to sign up as a new customer put my number and postcode in the website checked and is telling me to sign in as I'm already a sky customer.

How do I do the active line takeover and find out how much I'll be charged for temination.

The contract I'm on is £11.59 a month it's finishes on 24th August when I signed up 2 years ago it was £17.40 line rental abd free broadband with £7.40 discount so I was paying only £10.00 a month so i I took it up for another year but last year the line rental price went up to £18.99 - £7.40 I'm paying £11.59 a month that's why I have decided to take this deal thanks
whw to 19DembaBa19
4 Jul 17 #31
Enter postcode only, then do the serach. Select your address and it'll say there's an active line.

If you only have the one line then select "Active Line Takeover" (or words to that effect). Then continue with the order.

Regarding Line rental increases - that's a Sky classic :smile:
4 Jul 17 #32
Anybody have any idea when the cashback and MasterCard offer ends
whw to 19DembaBa19
4 Jul 17 #33
You may be able to delay the start of your new contract - best to put an order in then call their customer services, although not using 150 on your landline as you're technically not living at that address yet if you're Moving in and Taking over the line :grin:
4 Jul 17 #34
If I call customer services and give them the 30 days notice today then sign up as a new customer with the active takeover would that work and can sky still charge me if I sign up and takeover a active line
whw to 19DembaBa19
4 Jul 17 #35
30 days from today is 4th August (give/take a day) so you'd still be charged Early Termination Fees if you cancel or take a new contract.
4 Jul 17 #36
Ordered thanks!
4 Jul 17 #37
Assuming this is new customers only? I think I'd be classed as an existing customer, as a current Sky TV subscriber, even though I haven't had their Broadband for years.
Could try applying in a different name I suppose.
beastman to loop
6 Jul 17 #58
Can anyone confirm either way on this?
4 Jul 17 #38
I`m with Origin, HORRENDOUS!!!
4 Jul 17 #39
21-22mb for me with Sky. Had it so cheap the last few years it's not worth complaining but their routers are absolute pants.
4 Jul 17 #41
Where is it cheaper? Or faster for the same price?
4 Jul 17 #42
I bought this deal a couple of days ago (*shakes fist due to no fibre optic in the area*), and it does state it comes with the Q-Hub...
I hope the TCB tracks...
4 Jul 17 #43
I think I think that's just the standard they send out now ​
4 Jul 17 #44
Does anyone have a call overrider that works with Sky! I'm using 18185 with BT just now. Thanks.
4 Jul 17 #45
Can you get a static public IP from sky on this package ?
4 Jul 17 #46
Ok if you don't stream anything
4 Jul 17 #47
Gosh. That's too low for me.
4 Jul 17 #48
been with Sky for 3 years now. They dropped the speeds over the 3 years. The upload speed is at 0.6 when it used to be 1mb/s. Will ditch as soon as out of contract.
4 Jul 17 #49
Sky's telling me not available can only have fibre, cleared cookies ect did have sky up till July 12 months ago normal broadband
5 Jul 17 #50
Think I'm on the same (or was, paying a fortune now!) is that for fibre?
5 Jul 17 #51
Just gone for the deal - how long does it take to track in your TCB???
5 Jul 17 #52
Also, if it doesnt track. Can i cancel? I just had to pay £35 upfront so this deal isnt completely accurate
5 Jul 17 #53
Wholesale line rental costs have dropped at lot in recent years, really dropped but line rental still goes up, depending on the line a provider pays Openreach around £10 per month, Sky are usually LLU so they can set their own price and still make a profit.
6 Jul 17 #54
What did you pay £35.00 upfront for
6 Jul 17 #55
No standard
6 Jul 17 #56
I am a existing sky customer, my contract is going to expire on 10th july 2017. Now i am planning to apply on my wife's name. Does anybody know how to avoid new installation cost of £20?
6 Jul 17 #57
Ah so it is!
So is around the £30 mark the average price of standard broadband?

I've only ever had fibre but moving to a none fibre area (at the moment).
£30 seems expensive when fibre only costs another tenner haha
6 Jul 17 #59
You have to enter your address, when I did this it flagged up I'm already a Sky customer (all be it TV only) so couldn't proceed further with the order. Is there a way around this?
Best offer I could get was broadband unlimited for £23.99 a month for 12 months
7 Jul 17 #60
I got the same thing I already got Sky TV now it's not letting me sign up
7 Jul 17 #61
7 Jul 17 #62
Are you referring to the original £100 when this deal was originally posted 3 days ago, or the £85 cashback this deal was amended to recently? (OP should've expired this deal originally for £100 cashback and created a new deal with £85 cashback - rather cheeky way of retaining heat. Wish I could take back my heat vote now :disappointed:
8 Jul 17 #63
Yeah that's clever I was talking about the £100.00 cashback but now the thread has been edited with £85.00 cashback still a good deal mind but I can't get it I have sky Tv and broadband with sky different name expires next month
9 Jul 17 #64
Quidco are doing £90 cashback on broadband.…-MS
9 Jul 17 #65
Careful there. Last time I posted a Sky + Quidco £155 cashback deal and it got very cold. Most of the votes centred around Quidco not paying out cashback.
11 Jul 17 #66
TCB hasn't tracked so i'm bound to end up having an ordeal to get it paid
11 Jul 17 #67
At least you've got the £75 prepaid card to fall back on, eh?
11 Jul 17 #68
Still annoying that the 14 day cancellation period will be up prior to submitting a cashback claim.
12 Jul 17 #69
TCB not paying too :smile:
13 Jul 17 #70
I placed my order on 6 July and the router was delivered today, 13 June, activation date is 20 June. Unlike BT internet or Sky TV contracts, there doesn't seem to be any hardware charges/ mandatory return obligations if the contract is cancelled.
14 Jul 17 #71
Is it possible to pay the line rental in advance so it may cost less ?
Had my sky activated today , thanks to this deal and had applied on 05 July.
14 Jul 17 #72
As far as I know, Sky is one of the few providers who do not allow you to but line rental up front.
14 Jul 17 #73
If you have time/ remember, could the posters on this thread update it with results on the Top Cash Back payments?
16 Jul 17 #74
Are Sky honouring the TCB cashback?
17 Jul 17 #75
TCB estimate that it will take up to 21 weeks for the money to become payable, according to my account. This means it should be paid around the 30 November 2017.

I'll update if my cashback is declined or confirmed, which is the next step before it becomes payable.
22 Jul 17 #76
My TCB tracked, estimate payable in 9 weeks. Getting speeds of 51Mb - very pleased.
How long do we have to claim the £100 mastercard?
22 Jul 17 #77

Its £75 mastercard not £100, and mine said claim before October .
My TCB says payable in 21 weeks. :disappointed:

22 Jul 17 #78
You have 90 days from the day your service went live.

If you haven't already, you should create a Sky id, (an email address and password is needed). The welcome email should have a link directing you to a "track my order" page which obligates you to create one.

Once you have linked your id with the order you can view your bills and access a link in your account area which invites you to claim your reward - the £75 Pre-paid MasterCard.
26 Sep 17 #79
Cashback from TCB paid today, £100.

Please check your TCB accounts and if you have time update results.
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