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 Sapphire RX 580 8GB - £218 delivered @ *LOWEST EVER PRICE
5+ stars +728

Sapphire RX 580 8GB - £218 delivered @ *LOWEST EVER PRICE

£218 Amazon France22 Jul 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Gottograbthemall to zizzles
22 Jul 17
Lol you have a point
Latest comments (94)
22 Jul 17 #14
Amazon are notorious for delivering ahead of their initial estimates, they take cash on dispatch (unlike most) and therefore I don't see the risk of ordering for the cheapest price around.

If you need it tomorrow it's not for you. If you want a foot in the door and are happy to wait a week or three, why not. Can always cancel it.

By all means find and post a cheaper one.
darthvader666uk to The_Hoff
22 Jul 17 #43
I hope and you hope they deliver in a few weeks, I have had one on pre-order since June and still nothing. The last thing I got told was end of August AMD should be sending out stock. I even tried ebuyer and novatech, same response Im getting.

Hopefully the mining crazy will die down a little to stop this or IF AMD and Nvidia get those Mining cards out.
pheyshunt1 to The_Hoff
12 Aug 17 #93
Still no estimate for delivery, FeelsVeryBadMan. Although this kind of works in my favour, since if the price for vega is good enough, I may get that and cancel this order! :stuck_out_tongue:
5 Aug 17 #91
Has anyone been successful in ordering/recieving this?
Took a punt and ordered 3 weeks ago but haven't heard any status so far.
chriseddyw to firefly2000uk
6 Aug 17 #92
Same here my friend still waiting for stock...
1 Aug 17 #90
Why not use €16 free credit?:)…645
28 Jul 17 #89
Whichever you dont own.
27 Jul 17 #88
ill give you that, nothing tops kfc pepper mayo :wink:
27 Jul 17 #87
Not irrelevant is you're happy at 1080p, they'll do ultra settings at a decent clip.

As for the comparison, I'd say the 1080Ti we have is KFC, full of goodness and best of breed, the rest are happy with Cottage and Dixie chicken... Tastes alright I suspect but won't ever reach the heights of KFC.

Blew my own mind right there.…WUg
27 Jul 17 #86
They are both irrelevant. Id say that AMD is the Whimpy of food establishments, where Nvidia is your Burger King. Nobody ever wants to go to Whimpy :smile:
27 Jul 17 #85
Right, so does that make the 480, or the 580 irrelevant? Which is it?
27 Jul 17 #84
Nobody would waste money doing that, its just a later process 480 chip.
27 Jul 17 #83
There's certainly diminishing returns, but that exists at all price brackets and resolutions. Like for instance stepping from an RX 480 to RX 580.
27 Jul 17 #82
I guess I would have to turn settings down if I was using a big 1440p panel,but as I am quite happy with a 24 inch asus 1080p jobby I really dont need anything faster than the rx480. Many people enjoy pc gaming,but the vast majority do not use £500 plus graphics cards and £300 monitors,as it adds less and less to experience the more you spend.
The game is either good or it isnt.
27 Jul 17 #80
elite yes, irrelevant no. Just because he wont or can't pay for one, not irrelevant.
27 Jul 17 #81
There's certainly a place for the Ti, just like any other GPU on sale.
27 Jul 17 #79
I have a Ti myself, but you come across like you're elite. I'm sure the majority of people PC gaming have the means to buy a Ti or even two, but common sense or differing priorities prevent them doing so.

There's no reason to speak down to someone to justify your own decisions, none at all. Unless of course you are trying to rationalise why you spent £1300-1400 (the price of a top tier gaming rig for many) on GPU's which don't even scale properly, if at all, across many titles.…/3/
27 Jul 17 #78
"an irrelevant nonentity as the 1080 TI is", i happen to love both my 1080 ti's and they power through my graphics with everything turned on, while im sure you are living with all your settings turned down to low. I enjoy the visuals the developers created, while you look at a cheaper watered down version.
26 Jul 17 #77
Dunno. But if I could have bought an 8 gig RX 480 Sapphire card for £220,believe me,I would have bought one.
Sapphire cards last a LOOOOOOONG time. I have an HD 5850 toxic with arctic f9 pwm case fans zip tied on the heatsink. It has windows 10 drivers, done 10k hrs in star trek online alone.And I got it used.
Unlikely you would return the pulse rx 580.
26 Jul 17 #76
Comments like this just make me laugh.
(Too 'mid tier')
The RX 480 was designed for 1080p gaming. (granted,it started off a lower power format design,but 1080p is what it is for)..
'Disappointed for the last 15 months';
I wanted a GTX 970 ish card for under £200 and had to wait over 2 years..
The 960 cards were a JOKE,and nothing in between.
The rx 5's are simply later, better binned chips than 4's. Nothing to gain above 1350 mhz. and better coolers (check out early rx chips frequencies.)
Eventually, the lowest vega card will likely draw attention.
(8 gig ddr 5 and lower spec gpu chip).
The high end flagship will cost a packet and be as much an irrelevant nonentity as the 1080 TI is.
25 Jul 17 #75
I've never bought from Amazon in another country, what's the returns policy, can you still return within 30 days?
25 Jul 17 #74
To further underline how wrong Nate is:…up/
24 Jul 17 #73
Not really, they won't be cheap as demand will dictate. Plus, they've been thrashed their entire lives 24/7, a 6 month old mining card will have the equivalent of 5 years of typical usage, but under stress.

Unless they have a transferable warranty like EVGA, I wouldn't touch it with yours.
24 Jul 17 #72
Reports are surfacing that there is a huge dump of used mining cards (e.g. 480s and 470s) coming back into the market.

That should drastically reduce prices, big wins for consumers who just want a card.

That said, this is a good price, but look for it to drop further.
24 Jul 17 #71
If its faster than 1080 you can bet your boots it will be more expensive than a 1080. Fury X was what? £50 cheaper than 980ti and not as good in most games.
23 Jul 17 #70
Those 4gb versions on here for £150 odd were the basic twin fan asus or ggbite , and they were from an iffy batch. Some of them had to be sent back,disappointing the customer.
£218 for a Sapphire twin fan is a good price indeed. The 'pulse' is missing features found on the 30 quid dearer Nitro, here is a good review.…ew/
23 Jul 17 #69
does this confirm your position?…ca/
23 Jul 17 #68
Get a 1060 is you're using HW encode with Cuda.
23 Jul 17 #67
I remember 4GB RX 480 for just over £150, so 3GB GTX 1060 could be priced close to that at some point, but I never seen 8GB 480 or 6GB 1060 under £200.
23 Jul 17 #66
Do I take a punt at this or wait for 1060 6GB prices to drop... :neutral_face: advice?...
Ryzen 1600 CPU and primary use will be Premiere Pro....
23 Jul 17 #65
It would be worth ordering one of these,and if it goes through at some point soon, and you decide you dont want it,auction it on ebay and get ~ 270 plus..
For those asking if this card is worth the price? Sure.
Its a monster 1080p gaming card,(all games on ultra settings)
It will run 1440p at reasonable settings,particularly on freesync monitors,and thus there are occasions when 8 gig is preferable to 4 (it will never need all 8 gig tho).
580's have slightly higher clocks in recognition of the fact the chips have improved a very small amount, but they still give best power consumption at 1300 mhz ish.
(under volt it)
580's have better (quieter) coolers than 480's.
I paid 195 for a 4 gig nitro 480. I would have chosen 8 gig if it was 220 quid,not 240.
23 Jul 17 #64
Find a better price for something you can order and have a good chance of receiving.

Posting a deal would be a start, keeps the site ticking over.
23 Jul 17 #63
Every mid range card is out of stock world wide right now or double the price of what its worth...even this one in france....will likely be the end of aug before new ones come out so dont really know why this is here
23 Jul 17 #62
I think the 1080Ti price/performance is incredibly good TBH.
23 Jul 17 #61
Definition of ICOs >…asp

Related article regarding Ethereum price drop >…cal
23 Jul 17 #60
R9 Fury was 2 years ago? Wow i'm getting old.
23 Jul 17 #59…tml

Not been updated for 1-2 weeks but gives you an idea on how pricing has changed here. The RX570 and RX580 are almost going for double the price. Price here seems reasonable if they ever deliver.
23 Jul 17 #58
I can handle 350-400RRP, but in reality will wait for deals putting them in the 300-350 range.

The one disappointing thing about vega - if the rumours are true - is a return to massive tdp. It means they are already heavily overclocked out of the box. It makes some sense though. AMD has to show performance and wow back some customers, though, since their last "high end" card (R9 Fury series) came out over 2 years ago, and NVidia has really regained the 'best performer' title and has a big lead at present (hence the ridiculous pricing of their highest card)
My 750W PSU can handle a hotter card, as can my case, but when I consider my power bill I'd really prefer it wasn't 300W+. Either way, I still prefer AMD over Nvidia, as I've been unimpressed with the price to performance ratio each time a new card is released by Nvidia.
Fingers crossed for good news come August
23 Jul 17 #57
Does this deal really deserve so much heat?
All it represents is a return to normalcy of GPU pricing.

Prior to the price hikes a good price on a 480 8GB/1060 6GB was sub £200; the best being as low as £150.
Granted the 580 is a slightly better card, however I don't think that makes £218 a good price when:
- It's an imbalanced spec; the 580 will never have enough compute performance to utilize 8GB at high FPS.
- Vega is just around the corner, and regardless of where its ultimate performance lies, it'll shake up the pricing structure of all cards.
23 Jul 17 #56
Can't believe I sold my 480 for just £230 earlier in the year... but I did get the ebuyer 1070 offer in Feb (I think) for under £300 so I guess it works out about the same overall. As I'm not gaming at the moment perhaps I should bank the cash and just get a card when I need it as prices surely must drop again in a few months?
23 Jul 17 #55
I'd love to believe they'll hit that price point, and maybe they will for the lower 8GB SKU, but I'm fully expecting the 64 ROP Vega line to come in at £500+, which is 1080GTX money.

I'd look at switching from my 1080Ti if they hit the right price, but, 300W when running at full tilt? I don't plan on ripping out my PSU.

I'd hazard a guess at £450 for 56 ROP and £550 for the 64 ROP.
23 Jul 17 #54
Yes, order if you can wait.
22 Jul 17 #48
I think you've missed the point there. He's saying the mining craze has passed (which it has) not that you can't still make money on the price of ETH and the like. Like all cryptos they get harder and harder to mine, and ETH passed a threshold recently that made it much more difficult.
hukdplan to thelagmonster
23 Jul 17 #53
The current massive increase in Ethereum value has subsided, but that's not really the story of mining - the biggest winners are people who mined, and built up stocks of coins at lower difficulty/price levels - so there are still reasons to mine, even if it's only Nicehash. There will be other coins that take off.

Ethereum's market cap is expected to double in 12 months, and it's very interesting technology(much more advanced than Bitcoin - essentially a giant Turing complete computer). Crypto currencies are going to play ever larger roles in our lives, even though they seem rather niche today.
22 Jul 17 #32
"People making money from virtual currency" is the sentence to be wary of. Most miners won't make money or enough for it to be worthwhile. Best thing to do is just buy the currency as long as you can afford to lose the initial investment. Ethereum was £276 or so a couple weeks ago, then there was the Korean hack and it got dumped down to around £146, it's been going back up since slowly. If you'd picked the right moment in the past couple weeks you could easily have made much more money than any mining would have given you. Miners are now dumping GPUs so the prices on GPUs will come down. Again if you'd played it right you could have made money selling the GPUs as well. There's no such thing as easy money with trading currencies but it's obvious from the volatility that if you timed it right you could have made some decent money.

I didn't buy at £146 as I was hoping the currency would dump down even further. It might be time to buy now it might not, something could easily happen next week and wipe the currency price right out. The trend for successful crypto currencies over the long term has been on the up. I'd buy in at some point I think but only with money I can afford to lose.
hukdplan to fishmaster
23 Jul 17 #52
Ethereum's price has very little to to with the recent hack, and has been finding a new level after a mind-boggling rise for some time now - ICOs are likely to have more impact on the price. Pretty much all coins track Bitcoins value.
23 Jul 17 #51
I have noooooooo idea what you are all going on about in truth.

All I want to know is is this card worth the money?
22 Jul 17 #50
Reserved for wise comment when people start screaming about how many Pounds it really took to buy those Euros when Amazon finally take the payment in a few weeks.
Gottograbthemall to zizzles
22 Jul 17
Lol you have a point
22 Jul 17 #49
Thanks a lot! Just never used it before and heard people complain about issues while using it.
22 Jul 17 #47
You'll be charged the GBP rate for the price you ordered at at the time of dispatch.

Why would you pay with a UK card though? Use Revolut or Monzo, 15 minutes work and you're setup for good.

On this deal alone it'll save you £10 or so.
22 Jul 17 #46
DOES anyone here know if I buy with my UK card, going through currency conversion, how does Amazon deal with that? Will they still not charge me until they're ready to ship? or will they charge me immediately at the market set conversion rate?
22 Jul 17 #44
This interested me when I read about it yesterday:…es/
darthvader666uk to The_Hoff
22 Jul 17 #45
oh wow now that is very interesting! Hopefullt this will bring in that stock quicker :smile:
22 Jul 17 #42

Not sure where you are coming from but thanks for the insults.

Just passing info that the gpu mining crazy has finished for the time being when main stream internet media reports it's dead, especially with the dag increasing and also proof of stake etc,it's dead.

The smart money bought the currency (eth) at the bottom and sold a month ago at the top. The noobies that bought gpus to mine are the shoe shine boys :smile:

22 Jul 17 #41
LOL, clueless. Please don't ever invest your money in shares or currency.

BTC/ETH and all of the others are still WAY above centralised currencies, 2500% growth in under a year?…uy/

Perhaps it's people like you selling their GPU's after all :smile:
22 Jul 17 #40
Mining is dead, well for the by time being:…op/
22 Jul 17 #39
Somebody also blamed high GUP prices on high memory costs ..Also I think the miners now need 4gb+ cards because the XXXX has to fit in memory ?? :face_with_monocle:
22 Jul 17 #38
No, it says free delivery in France. The price of the deal includes standard postage to the UK.
22 Jul 17 #37
It says delivery in mainland france
22 Jul 17 #36
People will blame Nvidia for keeping GPU prices high but the real blame lies with AMD's inability to produce a worthy rival to Pascal cards. Vega is a total disaster from all things seen thus far, making these cards more expensive than they could be coupled with the little mining boom recently
22 Jul 17 #35
Heat! Got a 4gig RX480 a while back for £150 with doom and been very happy with it in my budget set up alongside a G4560 chip.

Not sure how much better these are but heat for the price!
22 Jul 17 #34
There's always another currency. The boom people refer to is ETH, but there's like 20 alt coins now, and at any one time people will need GPU be it AMD or Nvidia.

They wouldn't make mining specific GPU lines if there wasn't a CONSTANT need.

There is no mass dumping of GPU's right now, and I've seen no evidence at all to support that.
22 Jul 17 #33
I really hope the end of the boom of this new currency people are mining is the start of a price drop to what many of these cards should've been months ago. I was hoping to get a 1070 at some point, but they're still in an awful price range.
22 Jul 17 #31
They won't drop beneath this price anyway. So just comes down to preference of card.
22 Jul 17 #30
Is it ever not worth making some cash? Ideal is you have a FVF offer.
22 Jul 17 #29
It worth getting and selling my msi rx480 on ebay? They seem to go on ebay for about 300£
22 Jul 17 #28
If the spike in the mining currencies is over (for the time being) its best to wait mid august,

ps this is the pulse version
22 Jul 17 #27
Took a punt will sell my gtx 970
22 Jul 17 #26
If anybody orders one, keep us updated on your delivery estimate. I'll update the OP so people have an idea of the wait time.
22 Jul 17 #25
Aside from the fact that's a completely different pocket the money is landing in?

Their mining based cards will be released fairly swiftly and should hopefully stop this happening in the future.

The manufacturer's don't appreciate the mining craze either, it destroys the market, floods second hand markets with current SKU's and causes imbalance with pricing.

Yes they're selling them, but it's not good for controlling the market through supply and demand.
22 Jul 17 #24
AMD and Nvida don't need to up their prices when retailers are doing it anyway.
22 Jul 17 #23
They are being snapped up for mining of Ethereum. People making money from virtual currency. Hence no one has stock. Some GPU are going for double their normal price. It's crazy. Note it's only certain models. I think they need 4-8gb memory for them to be useful for the above. So 2gb models could be much more cost effective. I am Suprised AMD and Nvida don't up their prices.
22 Jul 17 #22
22 Jul 17 #21
Ryzen is definitely not a dud. And their graphics cards aren't bad unless you are a very professional player.
22 Jul 17 #20
what do you expect from a company which is Always Making Duds
22 Jul 17 #16
amd, eeeuuuww. vega is as flop, and so is this, a re badged 480.
Graham1979 to bouncy99
22 Jul 17 #18
And the handbags are out, round 1 .......... FIGHT!
aberboy007 to bouncy99
22 Jul 17 #19
surely you have better things to do than troll an AMD thread, though going by your quote you havent :laughing:
22 Jul 17 #17
I've got a 480, it's a good card, using it with OR and everything runs perfect.
22 Jul 17 #15
Is this the start of a flood ? As (reportedly) the mining fad is over ..
Good price tho for an 8gb ...
22 Jul 17 #12
You didn't read the post then?
darthvader666uk to The_Hoff
22 Jul 17 #13
thats the same situation as all the other radeons atm. You might get the card by end of August poerhaps? not worth any pre-order right now.

Plus should the post techincally pre-order too?
22 Jul 17 #11
and.............out of stock :disappointed:
22 Jul 17 #10
GPU prices are still through the roof, but this seems a reasonable price for a decent GPU.

Currently showing OOS but can be ordered, Amazon take cash only on dispatch. Looking at Partpicker these are still £280+, so hopefully represents a decent deal for those wanting one.


For an 8GB card this was the price of a 480 prior to huge inflation.

Per usual:
Order by choosing to pay in EUR, use a payment method with no fee like (download) Revolut or Monzo, top them up in GBP and they'll convert it for free.
22 Jul 17 #9
However amd has to undercut Nvidia if they want to hold the better than 1080 crowd. They'll have to position it at a price between 1070 and 1080 (that sell for £300-£400 at lowest retail).

Samsung recently upped their hbm2 output, and hbm2 is cheaper to produce than hbm (albeit a bit worse spec'd from what I've read) so it should be cheaper. Would be nice to see gddr5 finally retire
22 Jul 17 #8
£299? Struggling for under £500 IMO, HBM isn't cheap.
22 Jul 17 #7
Nvidia all the way.
22 Jul 17 #6
I upgraded from my 290 to an r9 nano
it's better that's for sure
but I'm still waiting on vega

480/580 was too mid-tier for my liking. Been disappointed by amd's gpu offerings for the past 15 months. Hoping vega fits the in-between 1080 and 1080ti slot they're advertising... just worried on price. Fingers crossed for 299
22 Jul 17 #5
Old news, check the past 5 days of the currencys detailed in the article
22 Jul 17 #4
I understant, but it actually is a rebadged 480 with increased clocks. I have an r9 290 and am waiting for vega still.
22 Jul 17 #3
Get yourself invested on AIM.

Bushveld Minerals, I've been invested for a few year now..

They recently bought a vanadium mine, and paid the debt raised on this off from the profits in it's first 2 months, so not only are they debt free.. They're a "cash elephant", with a quarterly report due next month. They bought it off Evraz, who wanted out of South Africa. So they practically gave it away.

Google "Vanadium", and energy storage. The way the market is now, this will be a boom in a few years. Buishveld minerals are currently mining atleast 3-4% of the vanadium in current world output due to said mine.

Not to mention, the vanadium price keeps rising due to an incoming shortage (up 10% in a week in Europe, china are still ahead of this so will likely catch up). Should also be Dividend paying in a couple of years.

Anyway enough of that, I was looking at ETH mining last month - not for me.
22 Jul 17 #2
Sold mine within 10 minutes on ebay last month, £279,then fees,paypal and postage to take out, Could have asked for higher looking back but still happy to have made a profit on a second hand card.
22 Jul 17 #1
Or, just top-up your Revolut directly with EUR with today's actual rate.
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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