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Saints Row Bundle - 81p - Humble Bundle
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Saints Row Bundle - 81p - Humble Bundle

£0.81 Humblebundle.com25 Jul 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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25 Jul 17
The Humble Saints Row Bundle

We've got our games in a row. The Humble Saint's Row Bundle, that is! Deep Silver is back with a bundle of games and a ridiculous amount of DLC. Grab Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition, Homefront: The Revolution, the Agents of Mayhem Pre-Order, and more.

Plus, more games will be added to your bundle in the second week!

Pay what you want. Normally, the total cost for these games is as much as $266. Here at Humble Bundle, though, you choose the price!

Redeem on Steam. All of the games in this bundle are available on Steam for Windows, and some for Linux too! Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third are also included as DRM-free builds for Windows. Please check out the full system requirements here prior to purchasing.

Support charity. Choose where the money goes – between the publisher/developers and the Lions Club Reutte Ausserfern Tirol via the Tides Foundation. If you like the bundle or like what we do, you can leave us a Humble Tip too!

Pay $1 or more!

Risen 3: Titan Lords Complete Edition
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Saints Row 2

Pay more than the average of $6 (about £4.60) to also unlock!

Saints Row: The Third
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
Mighty No. 9
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
More in 6 days 24 hours

Pay $15 (about £11.51) or more to also unlock!

Homefront®: The Revolution Standard Edition
Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package
Saint's Row: Gat Out of Hell - Devil's Workshop Pack

Pay $75 (about £57.53) or more to pre-order Agents of Mayhem!
Top comments
25 Jul 17 3 #4
Current steam pricing and links to the store pages. (cheaper prices are available elsewhere)

Pay $1 or more!

Risen 3: Titan Lords Complete Edition - £14.99
Deadlight: Director's Cut - £8.99
Homefront - £14.99
Saints Row 2 - £9.99

Pay more than the average of $6 (about £4.60) to also unlock!

Saints Row: The Third - £6.99
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell - £10.99
Mighty No. 9 - £15.99
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition - £14.99
More in 6 days 24 hours

Pay $15 (about £11.51) or more to also unlock!

Homefront®: The Revolution Standard Edition - £24.99
Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition - £14.99
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package - £10.99
Saint's Row: Gat Out of Hell - Devil's Workshop Pack - £1.49

Pay $75 (about £57.53) or more to pre-orderAgents of Mayhem (£39.99)!
All comments (41)
25 Jul 17 #1
I've got all the saints row games anyway (except gat out of hell which doesn't really count) but this could be tempting for tier two.
Illusionary to HankHandsome
25 Jul 17 #3
If you end up with anything spare, I'd gladly accept them as donations for my weekly giveaways. :smiley:
25 Jul 17 #2
Heh, no posts for half an hour last week and then back to three in a minute this week :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and that's some decent additions indeed to the Telltale bundle from last week, especially The Wolf Among Us - even if that was fairly predictable.
25 Jul 17 3 #4
Current steam pricing and links to the store pages. (cheaper prices are available elsewhere)

Pay $1 or more!

Risen 3: Titan Lords Complete Edition - £14.99
Deadlight: Director's Cut - £8.99
Homefront - £14.99
Saints Row 2 - £9.99

Pay more than the average of $6 (about £4.60) to also unlock!

Saints Row: The Third - £6.99
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell - £10.99
Mighty No. 9 - £15.99
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition - £14.99
More in 6 days 24 hours

Pay $15 (about £11.51) or more to also unlock!

Homefront®: The Revolution Standard Edition - £24.99
Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition - £14.99
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package - £10.99
Saint's Row: Gat Out of Hell - Devil's Workshop Pack - £1.49

Pay $75 (about £57.53) or more to pre-orderAgents of Mayhem (£39.99)!
25 Jul 17 #5
Price jumps by £46 just to pre-order Agents of Mayhem? :/
nathan3007 to DevilWithin
25 Jul 17 #6
Seems pointless, don't it? :smile:
25 Jul 17 #7
Blimey, Humble are going mental atm. Shame i already have all the games....
25 Jul 17 #8
It'd be a rip-off even for console prices. Not sure where the logic is lol.
25 Jul 17 #9
Dare I say this I quite liked the original Homefront on my PS3 might pick this up on PC easy worth $1
monkey1999 to mattlong37051
26 Jul 17 #31
No multiplayer servers closed
25 Jul 17 #10
BTA at $4 well worth it - not worth the jump to $15 at all tho IMO
25 Jul 17 1 #11
Don't you worry. There'll only be 2 next week. :smile:
25 Jul 17 #12
damn, i only want Mighty Number 9.. but cant justify that price for only 1 game even..

most of the middle and top tier stuffs already been bundled.. by humble themselves...

very disapointing.
[edit] if anyone doesnt want their Mighty No.9 code let me know, i could trade something for it.
25 Jul 17 1 #13
I already had Saints Row 2 so if anyone wants mine it's 06B2J-NGBBK-EA7GJ
billysablo to mattlong37051
25 Jul 17 1 #17
thanks mate much appreciated :smile: i didnt actually get it but some goat did and didnt even say thanks. so thanks :smile:

edit: heat added op :smile:
25 Jul 17 1 #14
BTA seems the sweet spot for value on this one. As usual with humble bundles the value proposition tails off badly at the higher tiers. Sure they would do a lot better overall if they knocked a few $/£ off the high tiers for more sales but I guess it's for good causes so can't moan too much.

I got tier two at $4...
25 Jul 17 #15
I can't imagine many going for the preorder, it's not a particularly promising looking game either.
25 Jul 17 #16
Heat added great price :smile:
25 Jul 17 #18
Omg! I just completed homefront 2! Outstanding game. Like half life 2. Sucks you in the story. It is like early gta with open world missions. Far cry with little crafting. Highly recommended!
25 Jul 17 #19
I went for tier 2
25 Jul 17 #20
HEAT for tier 2 TBF.
25 Jul 17 #21

I don't need mighty number 9 that bad, wondering what could you trade for it?
25 Jul 17 #22
I'd do you a trade for your Mighty No 9, if you still have it going spare? You'd need to enable PMs (or disable "administrators only"), but drop a message my way if you're interested. :smiley:
25 Jul 17 #23
Looking for torchlight 2 if anyone want to trade for anything from this bundle (tier 2)
25 Jul 17 #24
i tried to message you but you dont have private messaging enabled.
what "type" of game you after/prefer i will check my list of "dupes"

sorry i didnt see your mesage earlier, ive been on Titanfall 2 tonight....
25 Jul 17 #25
Got SR 3 and 4 already, now got 2 and Gat.
Deadlight is OK.
Not really sure about the rest. Will give SR3 to one of my son's friends so they can play co-op.
2 decent Bundles in a row. Things looking up.
26 Jul 17 #26
I bought tier 2 and not interested with "killer is dead", anyone wants to swap?
26 Jul 17 #27
"Pay $75 (about £57.53) or more to pre-order Agents of Mayhem!"
Why would anyone do this?!
Illusionary to CAL23
26 Jul 17 #28
You're basically paying (US) MSRP for Agents of Mayhem, so I suppose that it's a way of buying it that supports charity. There are of course better-value options out there for us.
26 Jul 17 1 #29
Note that, unusually, it's not possible to lock-in your BTA price by buying for $1 (or even $0.01, if you don't want Steam keys).
Illusionary to cowbutt
26 Jul 17 1 #30
More specifically - you can't add to your purchase at a later stage.
26 Jul 17 #32
I've got a few spare keys if anyone wants to trade?

Poker Night at the Inventory
The Walking Dead: Season 1
Jurassic Park: The Game
Saints Row 2
Saints Row: IV Game of the Century
Saints Row the Third - The Full Package

PM me with what you want with an offer and ill get back to you :smiley:
The.Ghostbuster to FRZ
26 Jul 17 #35
I'd take Jurassic park the game if you still have it got a few codes from the Warner brothers bundle a few years back if anything interests you out of that I know for certain I still have a fear steam code
26 Jul 17 #33
I changed my private messaging settings, when you can just message me. Thanks
26 Jul 17 #34
Tried messaging you but I believe I cant because I'm required to be more active on hotukdeals lol to pm others. However, I did change my settings so try drop me a msg. Thanks
26 Jul 17 #36
For all that is good and holy play Saints Row with the cockney voice and make sure you listen to Take On Me on the radio a few times. I play as a woman with the Lahhhdunn voice and I wouldn't have it any other way.
26 Jul 17 #37
Anyone want to trade Mighty no9 (i'm not interested in it) or Killer is dead (already have, awesome) i'd be interested in games from the capcom bundle I missed.
26 Jul 17 #38
Saints Row - The Third, if anyone needs it: 2K9XM-3JB6W-FXIPG
26 Jul 17 #39
I cannot PM at present. I'm interested in 'Saint's Row: The Third' if you still have it.

Umbrella Corps (Steam)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (Uplay)
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Uplay)
26 Jul 17 #40
Hi if anyone has codes going id really appreciate them!
26 Jul 17 #41
Ahh man its a shame they're on uplay otherwise i would have done either of them but im only really interested in Steam games sorry. Already got Umbrella Corps :disappointed:
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