Great phone at a bargain price and comes with Freedompop basic plan.
Today’s Groupon offers an Apple iPhone 6 or 6S with a 100% Free basic plan, distributed by FreedomPop. FreedomPop offers a low-cost mobile-phone service in the UK with a monthly 100% free plan that includes 200MB of data, 200 voice minutes, and 200 text messages.
All comments (20)
7y 34d#1
7y 34d#2
Useless reception
7y 34d#3
Cold - not an ostrich
7y 34d#4
16gb models only
7y 34d2#5
Voted hot to slightly offset all the plonkerish comments that any iPhone deal attracts on here.
welder299 to zizzles
7y 34d#7
It's nothing to do with apple phone it's the freedom pop which is useless
You don't need to I use the freedom sim just cancel it or don't activate it.
7y 34d#9
Had a previous similar deal with a refurbished galaxy S4 - the device was faulty - very painful experience to get my money back and cancel the contract
7y 34d#10
My brother obtained this and the phone he received was in perfect condition. Put his own SIM in and threw away the freedom pop one! All working fine so he is very pleased; maybe he got lucky.
hatchers to HotBot
7y 34d1#11
Do you know how many battery cycles his phone has run (using Coconut Battery or some other app)? Just wondered how used these phones are. I got a 6 from music magpie and it had 359 charges on it and the battery was rubbish.
7y 34d#12
OOS. Good deal when it was live though.
7y 34d#13
Assuming it's charged daily that's less than a year's use - battery should still be good after that time. Especially if many of those charges are top-up charges in the car, or whatever.
7y 34d#14
I've tried but can't find any apps that tell you number of battery cycles (coconut battery doesn't seem to exist any more). Do you know of any? I bought a 6 from music magpie, appears to be in good condition but out of interest i'd like to know how many battery charges it has
7y 34d#15
do you know the best app to check how many charges your phone has had? thanks
7y 34d#16
Freedom pops network is based over the internet rather then a network signal. Keep this in mind...
The phone from MM was 2 years old. The battery shows as "Bad" in any battery app used to check the condition. I didn't bother sending it back to them as I read a lot of reviews about their dodgy stunts and didn't want to lose my money. I try to buy with O2 refresh instead as all the phones I've had from them have had only a few charges on them. Just wondered what condition the FreedomPop phones would come as.
7y 34d#20
This thing runs terrible on latest firmware. I wouldn't
Opening post
Today’s Groupon offers an Apple iPhone 6 or 6S with a 100% Free basic plan, distributed by FreedomPop. FreedomPop offers a low-cost mobile-phone service in the UK with a monthly 100% free plan that includes 200MB of data, 200 voice minutes, and 200 text messages.
All comments (20)
Already posted but you are getting more heat