Yes you can. I've personally used both on there with no issues. Plenty of others have done the same as well
22 Jul 17#47
Best way to get Canada top up please guys?
Marcoos to Shadow_Snickers
23 Jul 17#49
23 Jul 17#48
Thanks OP, Got Harry potter and JP lego games, trine bundle (which looks amazing in 3d) and the order. Just a heads up - bought my credit from using playstation HQ as address. Then got an email that as I had moved to the USA my wife had been removed from my household so her prime was invalid and had to get amazon to sort that out - just wanted to make others aware, I hadn't given it a second thought.
22 Jul 17#46
Anybody confirm the Zen Pinball downloadable content works, really want some of those tables and they never get reduced on the UK store
21 Jul 17#45
Playing Harry Potter now (under my UK account)... still have $2.51 for next time...
21 Jul 17#44
Really chuffed I got the marvel ultimate alliance bundle for what equates to about £15 for the 2 pack. Been waiting for that to be a good price!
21 Jul 17#43
Sony US signup, it goes; profile, identity, location, billing information, and asks for a credit card number.
21 Jul 17#38
I can't sign up to US PSN without supplying my (UK debit) card details. Any way around this please?
Marcoos to mykeff
21 Jul 17#42
What guide are you using to create the account? You shouldn't be asked to link a payment method when you create the account. It's something you can add later
21 Jul 17#40
Have some areas changed their taxes on the US store? Never paid tax before but adding extra 60¢ now
Spark to grilli
21 Jul 17#41
Which state did you register your account to? The US doesn't have federal sales tax like Canada does.
21 Jul 17#39
Eh these flash sales seem to get worse and worse, just a way to flog 3 year old games that "most" people have already played.
21 Jul 17#37
Bit of a rigmarole to get this HP game - but defo worth it. Heat!
21 Jul 17#36
Thanks for this post! Heat! pcgamesupply never works for me so I bought a card off eBay, more expensive but still worth it with these prices
21 Jul 17#33
Anyone know if the zen pinball dlc will work on my UK account? Some dlc carries over on other games I have heard but in my experience it never works? Anyone know specifically for zen?
loopylloyd to TMpunk
21 Jul 17#35
Normally the DLC has to be used with the game from the same region e.g. UK digital game + Canadian DLC won't work... Canadian digital game + Canadian DLC will work.
21 Jul 17#29
Lego Harry potter is coming up as 12.49 for me on the US store am I doing something wrong?
InsomNoah to mrmcdermot
21 Jul 17#31
coming up as 12.99 on my CA store but 7.49 on my US store, weird.
Marcoos to mrmcdermot
21 Jul 17#34
Exchange rates and all that jazz, US and CDN $ price will never match.
It's $12.49 CDN for me also. So buy it from the US store as it's a couple of quid less :smiley:
20 Jul 17#27
Can't make a new account as it asks you for a us phone number and then it texts you to verify it doh!
InsomNoah to scott_w_1981
21 Jul 17#32
You can use lots of different websites to recieve SMS free with a US number
21 Jul 17#30
You can't use PayPal or a uk based credit/debit card to purchase from foreign psn stores.
Pcgamesupply are good but they sometimes charge a little more than the exchange rate. I've started buying USA credit from (they send the top up code digitally as soon as you order - just need a USA amazon account with a fake American address) - Canadian top ups I use pcgamesupply or another site I use for my Hong Kong credit as it's a little cheaper
20 Jul 17#28
can i use travel credit card for this as i guessing foreign purchase
20 Jul 17#26
UK PayPal is fine with PCGamesupply used it a few times myself
20 Jul 17#25
No I haven't but not sure if it's because I'm trying to use a UK PayPal account??
20 Jul 17#21
Can't buy from the link provided for us psn top up card I put in my Facebook for purchase put in PayPal details but keeps saying my order cannot be processed can anyone help?
Marcoos to scott_w_1981
20 Jul 17#24
Have you tried creating a new account? Rather than using Facebook log in details
20 Jul 17#23
Damn! I thought $12 was cheap for Lego Harry Potter - I've not even booted it up yet :disappointed:
Heat for the Lego & Batman games :smile:
All that Pcgamesupply credit burned a hole in my wallet a few weeks back though :disappointed:
20 Jul 17#20
My basket comes to $10.48. What's the best way to do this without having to buy $15 or $20 in top ups to be able to check out?
nathan3007 to HUKDposter
20 Jul 17#22
I don't think there is a way around it
20 Jul 17#19
And therefore their own PSN IDs then. Bummer.
20 Jul 17#16
I've been meaning to set up another account for these flash sales. Quick question, excuse the ignorance... Do I have to set up a different account for both US and Canada or are they interchangeable, including topups of credits? ie if I set up a US PSN account can I top up with Canadian credit and use the Canadian sales or are they one and the same and I'm being a derp?
eternaldragonuk to Moonmonkeys
20 Jul 171#18
Completely different stores, they need their own credit.
20 Jul 17#17
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 – $14.99
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Season Pass – $9.59
20 Jul 172#15
Wow, best Flash sale in a while. Lego HP, Jurassic World and Rabbids should keep kids entertained for the start of summer holidays!
20 Jul 171#14
20 Jul 172#13
Ooh Lego Harry potter! Heat
20 Jul 171#12
I didn't even think, but yes. You associated the two very well. As you were BD x
20 Jul 171#11
LG fan are we mate? :man:
20 Jul 171#10
Aye, and both have their formats under them in the search :smirk: As you were.
20 Jul 171#9
I've been after some of the PS4 Lego games I already have Harry Potter so can't get that cheap but Jurassic World, Marvel Super Heroes and Hobbit are mine heated :smile:
20 Jul 171#8
There is, if you search 'injustice' it shows both, but the cheaper one is for PS3 and the $20 is PS4
20 Jul 171#7
Day of the Tentacle for £2.30, US Store is worth a shout
Opening post
[PS4: How To Buy US Digital PSN Games]
The Order: 1886 - £3.06 (CAN)
The LEGO® Movie Videogame - £3.06(CAN)
Grim Fandango Remastered - £1.83 (CAN)
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 3
PlayStation Vita
PlayStation Portable
PSOne Classic
*All prices are in USD and may be higher in Canada.
[Credit PlayStation Lifestyle for the list]
Latest comments (52)
Exchange rates and all that jazz, US and CDN $ price will never match.
It's $12.49 CDN for me also. So buy it from the US store as it's a couple of quid less :smiley:
Pcgamesupply are good but they sometimes charge a little more than the exchange rate. I've started buying USA credit from (they send the top up code digitally as soon as you order - just need a USA amazon account with a fake American address) - Canadian top ups I use pcgamesupply or another site I use for my Hong Kong credit as it's a little cheaper
Heat for the Lego & Batman games :smile:
All that Pcgamesupply credit burned a hole in my wallet a few weeks back though :disappointed:
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Season Pass – $9.59
Could be time to use up some of my cheaply aquired credit!