Apologies for shameless promotion of another deal... But the Doom Season Pass is being retired and all DLC will be free! So a bit more bang for your buck!
Anyone know what the PS plus titles for august are going to be?
19 Jul 17#2
Yes, servers for previous FIFA's usually stay on line for about 3-4 years
19 Jul 17#3
I played the PC version rather than the PS4 but I thought it was an absolute blast. The main story was ok, pretty much what you'd expect from an AC game, but the real fun is in getting your own ship and taking to the sea and plundering/ boarding other ships.
On an unrelated note is the EA Family Bundle good value? £20 for PvZ Garden Warfare 2, Need for Speed, and Unravel seems pretty good given how much GW2 alone normally is but I only got a PS4 from Prime day a week or so back and I don't know what prices these games go down to normally.
19 Jul 17#4
Goat Simulator, Payday and Waste of Space DLCs are all at their cheapest prices ever, awesome :smile: Such a shame that GoatZ and Goat MMO Simulator are not on sale too, at their cheapest it would have meant about £11 for the full package.
For anyone looking at these, it is cheaper to buy the game and each of the Payday and Waste of Space DLCs individually than buying the Payday or Waste of Space bundles.
19 Jul 17#5
Yep the cheaper has same content
19 Jul 17#6
19 Jul 17#7
Thanks :smile:
19 Jul 17#8
I picked it up in February for 50p less... It's good value if you want all 3 games but that NFS is the worst version I've played. Not so much the driving but you're forced to watch cut scenes with terrible acting and there's no pause at all (always online).
19 Jul 17#9
Best AC game ever.
For your Vita, have a look at Bastion, Fez, Freedom Wars, God of War Collection, Killzone Mercenary, Rayman Legends & Origins, Tearaway.
19 Jul 17#10
Just bought stardew valley for 11.50 physical. ****.
19 Jul 17#11
The Witness @ £6.99 with plus is :grin: :grin: :grin:
19 Jul 17#12
I may need a bigger hard drive.
19 Jul 17#13
Is Knack really as bad as people say, or is it just a meme or to be "cool" to **** it?
19 Jul 17#14
Which games on the PS4 sale have the biggest savings? Anything around the 70% - 80% range?
19 Jul 17#15
It's a fun little platformer. Worth 4 quid in any case.
19 Jul 17#16
Tekken 7 is a bargain
19 Jul 17#17
Wonder if Amazon will price match for tekken 7
19 Jul 17#18
The last of us left behind is odd, you get it with the PS4 version, can you even play it standalone?
19 Jul 17#19
Great sale, thanks!
19 Jul 17#20
You know how people have time machines that allow them to go back in time and get the 'better deal 6 christmases ago, bark bark bark'.. does anyone have one that can go forward in time and let me know if Titanfall 2 will be lower than £15.99 soon? :P
19 Jul 17#21
Sorry mate, I completely missed this.
I was massively disappointed if I'm honest and I can't help but think (or hope) that this was some last minute thrown together crap. I mean really? None of it even makes any sense. What did Graves have to do with it all? :grin:
Does the US store have a summer sale as well or is it just the UK?
19 Jul 17#24
Thanks man! Going to use this link for reference in the future :sunglasses:
19 Jul 17#25
Heat for New & Tasty Cross Play! Been waiting for this to come down for My Vita!
19 Jul 17#26
Do I need to have played any of the Previous AC Games to get into this one?
20 Jul 17#27
20 Jul 17#28
Nope, because the modern day stuff (it's very very minimal) is confusing as F and isn't really needed. But still, best AC game easily and one you can play without playing the others. After AC3 finished, I don't think the devs knew where they were going with the story. That doesn't hurt AC4 in any way! Great game.
20 Jul 17#29
Thanks Buzz. I swore I wouldn't buy anymore games for a while, my backlog across multiple platforms is getting unmanageable. I did pick up Fallout 4 season pass though - I wasn't willing to pull the trigger at 40 green queens, but 20 is pretty good
20 Jul 17#30
Great prices. Heat from me
20 Jul 17#31
Rahman Legends? You mean that game starring that Bangladeshi bloke from the market stall in Whitechapel?
20 Jul 17#32
No mans sky worth a tenner?
20 Jul 17#33
What PayPal offer? Got a link? Ta
20 Jul 17#34
Titanfall 2 - You can currently try one single player mission, the training ground, and during the weekend of 28th-30th July all the multiplayer
20 Jul 17#35
Thanks for posting OP - been waiting for a deal on battlefront! Heat added :smile:
20 Jul 17#36
All those are good, with the possible exception of Killzone (it's not terrible, just not great). Titanfall 2, Battlefront & Battlefield 1 are good online shooters. If you like Dark Souls, you'll love Bloodborne. DriveClub is a great looking racer, let down slightly by cheats online. Pass on Need for Speed - it's not as good as its predecessors. There's a load of great indies too but I'm guessing that you're after the better looking games for your new console.
20 Jul 17#37
It's old and expired
20 Jul 17#38
Had £5 store credit so gonna give No Mans Sky a go but will start tomorrow after the alleged update.
20 Jul 17#39
Vita games worth getting: Killzone Mercenary, NFS Most Wanted, Ratchet and Clank trilogy, and Resistance Retribution - all great and show off the Vitas capabilities. Not forgetting remote play on the Vita from the PS4 too - really impressed by how well games play... remotely! :grin:
20 Jul 17#40
what do you think about doom and mad max?
20 Jul 17#41
I checked last night and no it doesn't.
What with the value of the pound these days, the US Store is a bit lacklustre for us most of the time tbh. Their occasional flash sales are still incredible (I once picked up Shadow Warrior for $1) but that's about it.
20 Jul 17#42
I thought it was worth release price
20 Jul 17#43
No that's Assassin's Creed 2.
I actually hated Black Flag if I'm honest and thought Unity was a better game, despite it's technical flaws, but I might be in a minority there.
20 Jul 17#44
Doom is loads of fun - it's got a massive single player campaign and there's a load of free DLC now available. It's only £9 at Game atm though so unless you get cheap psn credit, get it there instead.
I've got Mad Max but not really scratched the surface of it (backlog) - I'm told it's very enjoyable with 50+ hours of play time but I can't say 1st hand yet.
20 Jul 17#45
At last "The Witness" is on sale at £6.99. Have wanted to play it for ages, but it hasn't been discounted for something like 8-9 months.
20 Jul 17#46
Mad Max is an awesome game. The best car game I have played in a sense that you feel the ground and bumps and not hovering in any way. The game revolves around the car and it's tricks. Missions can get a little repetitive and the story is a joke but I missed the game after full completion because you become a part of the environment, the upgrades are rewarding and the fighting mechanics brilliant.
20 Jul 17#47
any recommendations for the PS4 worth getting? currently i have purchased Dark souls 2 and knack. any other ones which are good games with decent discount on??? thanks in advance guys!
currently i like the look of: assassin creed black flag doom bloodborne killzone mad max
20 Jul 17#48
Tennis in the face is a good bit of fun. Worth £1.69
21 Jul 17#49
Haha. I actually hated AC2 X) Hate is a strong word, but I really didn't like Ezio. I wanted to see where Altair's story world go, but we got Ezio drawn out over 3 games and I didn't like his character at all. In fact they lost me with Brotherhood. Until Black Flag became on offer that Christmas on the PS store and I thought I'd give it a go with its different setting. Loved it. Each to their own though. Ain't nowt wrong with that :wink: Not played Syndicate though, might have to give it a go one day.
21 Jul 17#50
Syndicate is good - the grapple is really useful and they've finally taken out the tedious "playable" Abstergo sequences (they're skippable video sequences in Syndicate). I didn't love the protagonists as much as Black Flag but the game was fun.
Avoid Unity unless you pick it up for a quid from Cdkeys (XB1) - It's convoluted and has huge load times.
21 Jul 17#51
Jeez Buzz I look forward to picking up a game.or two each week from these deals but this ones killed me. £125 and 2 days worth of spare time to go through everything, then cross reference all 78 wishlist items to metacritic and watch videos of each game to come to the conclusion whether its a keeper or not. Got it down to just under 30 and bought half so I'm happy I've got a decent library for my new vr thing I'm still getting used to, and more regular games to throw on the backlog. I think I've dropped close to £500 on games and hardware in the last 30 days. If anyone wants a kidney PM me.
21 Jul 17#52
Syndicate is decent if not a slightly safer game than Unity was. Unity pushed a lot of technical bars that this console generation just wasn't ready for, especially only 1 year in. Syndicate is just the old AC formula but plus vehicles (well horses and carts). The Jack the Ripper DLC was utter gash though.
21 Jul 17#53
Yes. Actually enjoyed it.
23 Jul 17#54
I'm sure Limbo is in the sale every month
15 Aug 17#55
Are there prices not supposed to be on untill the 16th just checked star wars and its gone from £7.99 to £24.99 ?
Opening post
All comments (55)
On an unrelated note is the EA Family Bundle good value? £20 for PvZ Garden Warfare 2, Need for Speed, and Unravel seems pretty good given how much GW2 alone normally is but I only got a PS4 from Prime day a week or so back and I don't know what prices these games go down to normally.
For anyone looking at these, it is cheaper to buy the game and each of the Payday and Waste of Space DLCs individually than buying the Payday or Waste of Space bundles.
It's good value if you want all 3 games but that NFS is the worst version I've played.
Not so much the driving but you're forced to watch cut scenes with terrible acting and there's no pause at all (always online).
For your Vita, have a look at Bastion, Fez, Freedom Wars, God of War Collection, Killzone Mercenary, Rayman Legends & Origins, Tearaway.
I was massively disappointed if I'm honest and I can't help but think (or hope) that this was some last minute thrown together crap. I mean really? None of it even makes any sense. What did Graves have to do with it all? :grin:
But still, best AC game easily and one you can play without playing the others. After AC3 finished, I don't think the devs knew where they were going with the story. That doesn't hurt AC4 in any way! Great game.
Titanfall 2, Battlefront & Battlefield 1 are good online shooters.
If you like Dark Souls, you'll love Bloodborne.
DriveClub is a great looking racer, let down slightly by cheats online. Pass on Need for Speed - it's not as good as its predecessors.
There's a load of great indies too but I'm guessing that you're after the better looking games for your new console.
What with the value of the pound these days, the US Store is a bit lacklustre for us most of the time tbh. Their occasional flash sales are still incredible (I once picked up Shadow Warrior for $1) but that's about it.
I actually hated Black Flag if I'm honest and thought Unity was a better game, despite it's technical flaws, but I might be in a minority there.
I've got Mad Max but not really scratched the surface of it (backlog) - I'm told it's very enjoyable with 50+ hours of play time but I can't say 1st hand yet.
currently i have purchased Dark souls 2 and knack.
any other ones which are good games with decent discount on??? thanks in advance guys!
currently i like the look of:
assassin creed black flag
mad max
Hate is a strong word, but I really didn't like Ezio. I wanted to see where Altair's story world go, but we got Ezio drawn out over 3 games and I didn't like his character at all. In fact they lost me with Brotherhood. Until Black Flag became on offer that Christmas on the PS store and I thought I'd give it a go with its different setting. Loved it.
Each to their own though. Ain't nowt wrong with that :wink:
Not played Syndicate though, might have to give it a go one day.
Avoid Unity unless you pick it up for a quid from Cdkeys (XB1) - It's convoluted and has huge load times.
Got it down to just under 30 and bought half so I'm happy I've got a decent library for my new vr thing I'm still getting used to, and more regular games to throw on the backlog. I think I've dropped close to £500 on games and hardware in the last 30 days. If anyone wants a kidney PM me.