Now back on a flash sale for 3 days, and a couple of quid cheaper.
Top comments
22 Jul 174#11
xiao means small
mi means rice
So the brand name is literally "small rice"
Sheee owhhhh meee (with no gaps, all one word) is how you should pronounce it in English.
22 Jul 174#24
Xiaomi products that I have have been high quality, never had a problem with gearbest.
If I didn't have the smartwatch 3 might have been tempted.
22 Jul 173#18
I have this camera and it works fine in the UK. You have to change locale to China in the app but all menus are in English and it just works. It can also be hacked to add RSTP support which allows it to work with any IP Camera software if you don't like their China-bound software or if you have any privacy concerns.
I use mine to monitor the cat and make sure he's eating while we're on holiday. I use the Mi Home software as I'm not too worried about the Chinese seeing my cat; in fact I put his pictures on Facebook for the whole world to see, not just China :-)
All comments (25)
21 Jul 17#1
Cold....Total lack of support/aftercare on their products
21 Jul 171#2
Good price.
It uses FD-SOI to give it 5 days battery, or 30 hours using the built in GPS with HRM.
21 Jul 17#3
After the cctv camera fiasco, wouldn't touch 'em with someone else's :neutral_face:
kamran9558 to willysnapper
22 Jul 171#9
What camera fiasco are you referring to?
21 Jul 171#4
Anyone have one of these? Wondering what they're like to own.
only1 to Jawz32
21 Jul 172#5
I do. What do you want to know?
Battery lasts about 5 days or 2 with constant HRM.
Notifications are a little hit and miss, most show but some don't
App is terrible but strava integration removed this need (after some messing around)
Looks wise it's good, very clean screen and bezel.
Accurate for GPS but the touch display take a second or two to stop after the run so if you looking for that instant cross the line stop it's a little fiddly.
helpingabrotherout to Jawz32
21 Jul 172#7
For the price you pay, it can't be beat in my opinion.
I have had several smart watches/bands and this is by far the best.
GPS built in. Also you can wait for a GPS fix prior to starting a run. Something frustratingly you cannot do with the Gear Fit 2
Music built in. It's as simple as plugging in to the computer and dragging files across.
Battery life is excellent. 3-4 days us usual for me with 2 X 10km runs and normal use
The APP has improved massively recently adding the ability to see your step/HR/sleep data on the app rather than on the screen.
It looks like a watch. It doesn't look out of place with most things you wear.
Cheap bands etc from eBay/Amazon
Screen is sometimes difficult to read in really low light
Notifications can sometime not come through. I would say 90% off the time they do. But still a small gripe.
I paid £120 via eBay and for me it was a steal. At under £81, it's a no Brainer.
Regular updates from the guys as well which is encouraging.
21 Jul 172#6
I paid about £82.
It's Gear Best so takes about 3/4 weeks to arrive.
22 Jul 17#8
Thanks very much for the feedback guys... Much appreciated. I think I'll order one.
22 Jul 172#10
This watch was the first time the penny dropped for me. Just because I'm not 100% how to prounouce the Chinese name it doesn't make it cheap plastic rubbish.
I guess this is how my parents generation felt about Japanese TV's about 30 years ago.
22 Jul 174#11
xiao means small
mi means rice
So the brand name is literally "small rice"
Sheee owhhhh meee (with no gaps, all one word) is how you should pronounce it in English.
22 Jul 17#12
Can I control mobile phone music (spotify, etc) with this watch?
I know it has an internal music player but would be nice to have this other functionality as well.
22 Jul 171#13
"Cheap" IP camera which would only work in China sold all over the world with little or no support and empty promises that it would eventually work. Here
Bunch of crooks, recon The Duke Of Edinburgh was right with his description of them! :wink:
22 Jul 17#14
There is no support for this. Based on how it is setup I'd be surprised if this functionally ever comes.
When a call comes in you can only silence or hang up. No answer is available.
22 Jul 17#15
Thanks for the quick response. I asked that ebcause in the spec it can be read:
Bluetooth calling: Phone call reminder
Messaging: Message reminder
Health tracker: Heart rate monitor,Pedometer
---Remote control function: Remote music---
Alert type: Vibration
Other Function: Alarm,GPS,Weather forecast,WiFi
22 Jul 17#16
Xiaomi Weloop Hey 3S English version will be launched in August. So may be worth to wait
22 Jul 17#17
I've not loaded any music on to it - I do t like to listen to anything when I run - but can only guess it's talking about music stored internally.
22 Jul 173#18
I have this camera and it works fine in the UK. You have to change locale to China in the app but all menus are in English and it just works. It can also be hacked to add RSTP support which allows it to work with any IP Camera software if you don't like their China-bound software or if you have any privacy concerns.
I use mine to monitor the cat and make sure he's eating while we're on holiday. I use the Mi Home software as I'm not too worried about the Chinese seeing my cat; in fact I put his pictures on Facebook for the whole world to see, not just China :-)
22 Jul 17#19
I'm in the market for a SmartWatch to upgrade my Pebble Time which I'm sure will run out of support soon.
I see this watch under different names, "Original Amazfit", "Amazfit Pace" and "Amazfit Sport". Are they all the same or are there different Amazfit models?
mcek to refaey
22 Jul 171#20
I think Pace and Sport are the same, or very similar, but there is also Amazfit Arc which looks like an upgraded Mi Band 2.
LadyEleanor to refaey
22 Jul 17#23
They are said to be unlinking the need to use the web.
It might even improve if they do not insist on having your data.
OK, this is what Pebble said 'We're also working to reduce Pebble's reliance on cloud services, letting all Pebble models stay active long into the future'
22 Jul 171#21
The only three items I've ever ordered from this operation never arrived, so I think I'll give it a miss.
Spend another 20 quid and get a Samsung Gear Fit 2, from the UK, with a warranty, they'll be better than this.
phil7501 to mikeyfive
31 Jul 17#25
Where did you get a gear fit 2 for £100 from!
22 Jul 171#22
Got one and flashed the pacefied firmware from XDA on it. It’s pretty damn good.
Screen looks a bit crap at night because it’s a trans reflective screen. But in sunlight, the brighter the light, the easier it is to see. Brilliant for outside.
Works great with my iPhone. Overall pretty happy with it.
The app on the phone is getting better and better, you can sync with Apple health too if you get the amazefit and mifit apps
22 Jul 174#24
Xiaomi products that I have have been high quality, never had a problem with gearbest.
If I didn't have the smartwatch 3 might have been tempted.
Opening post
Now back on a flash sale for 3 days, and a couple of quid cheaper.
Top comments
mi means rice
So the brand name is literally "small rice"
Sheee owhhhh meee (with no gaps, all one word) is how you should pronounce it in English.
If I didn't have the smartwatch 3 might have been tempted.
I use mine to monitor the cat and make sure he's eating while we're on holiday. I use the Mi Home software as I'm not too worried about the Chinese seeing my cat; in fact I put his pictures on Facebook for the whole world to see, not just China :-)
All comments (25)
It uses FD-SOI to give it 5 days battery, or 30 hours using the built in GPS with HRM.
Battery lasts about 5 days or 2 with constant HRM.
Notifications are a little hit and miss, most show but some don't
App is terrible but strava integration removed this need (after some messing around)
Looks wise it's good, very clean screen and bezel.
Accurate for GPS but the touch display take a second or two to stop after the run so if you looking for that instant cross the line stop it's a little fiddly.
I have had several smart watches/bands and this is by far the best.
GPS built in. Also you can wait for a GPS fix prior to starting a run. Something frustratingly you cannot do with the Gear Fit 2
Music built in. It's as simple as plugging in to the computer and dragging files across.
Battery life is excellent. 3-4 days us usual for me with 2 X 10km runs and normal use
The APP has improved massively recently adding the ability to see your step/HR/sleep data on the app rather than on the screen.
It looks like a watch. It doesn't look out of place with most things you wear.
Cheap bands etc from eBay/Amazon
Screen is sometimes difficult to read in really low light
Notifications can sometime not come through. I would say 90% off the time they do. But still a small gripe.
I paid £120 via eBay and for me it was a steal. At under £81, it's a no Brainer.
Regular updates from the guys as well which is encouraging.
It's Gear Best so takes about 3/4 weeks to arrive.
I guess this is how my parents generation felt about Japanese TV's about 30 years ago.
mi means rice
So the brand name is literally "small rice"
Sheee owhhhh meee (with no gaps, all one word) is how you should pronounce it in English.
I know it has an internal music player but would be nice to have this other functionality as well.
Bunch of crooks, recon The Duke Of Edinburgh was right with his description of them! :wink:
When a call comes in you can only silence or hang up. No answer is available.
Bluetooth calling: Phone call reminder
Messaging: Message reminder
Health tracker: Heart rate monitor,Pedometer
---Remote control function: Remote music---
Alert type: Vibration
Other Function: Alarm,GPS,Weather forecast,WiFi
I use mine to monitor the cat and make sure he's eating while we're on holiday. I use the Mi Home software as I'm not too worried about the Chinese seeing my cat; in fact I put his pictures on Facebook for the whole world to see, not just China :-)
I see this watch under different names, "Original Amazfit", "Amazfit Pace" and "Amazfit Sport". Are they all the same or are there different Amazfit models?
It might even improve if they do not insist on having your data.
OK, this is what Pebble said 'We're also working to reduce Pebble's reliance on cloud services, letting all Pebble models stay active long into the future'
Spend another 20 quid and get a Samsung Gear Fit 2, from the UK, with a warranty, they'll be better than this.
Screen looks a bit crap at night because it’s a trans reflective screen. But in sunlight, the brighter the light, the easier it is to see. Brilliant for outside.
Works great with my iPhone. Overall pretty happy with it.
The app on the phone is getting better and better, you can sync with Apple health too if you get the amazefit and mifit apps
If I didn't have the smartwatch 3 might have been tempted.