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 Oculus Rift Bundle with FREE Eve:Valkyrie £398.98 with free next day delivery at Scan
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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10 Jul 17
Great deal on excellent VR Equipment

Eve Valkyrie is free with this bundle at Scan.
- Biddy2
All comments (57)
10 Jul 17 #1
So this is cold although it's the best price ever and the deals from other retailers are mega hot????
10 Jul 17 #2
Because it's like 5th post for same item and same price
te721 to lucyferror
10 Jul 17 #10
But it's not a repost it's a different supplier and as others have said it's actually a better deal just because it's around that price at a few places does not make it cold.
10 Jul 17 #3
This is actually the best deal as it comes with Eye Valkyrie for free.

OP, you might want to update your deal to reflect this. :wink:
10 Jul 17 #4
Heat from me
10 Jul 17 #5
except its not as it include EVE, so best deal currently, not to mention free next day delivery unlike Amazon which need prime. also its the third post
10 Jul 17 #6
Still Amazon is much better when it comes to customer service.
I'm sorry but it's FIFTH post. Scroll pages down instead of using search which is crap
lomax to lucyferror
10 Jul 17 #8
Scan is actually pretty good with regard to customer service but amazon is obviously the gold standard.
DPD shipping is a plus as well as they give you a 1 hour delivery slot.
10 Jul 17 #7
I dont disagree with that but still best value and only one with next day delivery for (truely)free.

and yep its the fifth. didnt know people was posting it in computer and audiovisual
10 Jul 17 #9
It's getting hot in here.
A pound cheaper than Amazon, and a free game worth £30 (on Steam).

The Amazon listing seem a little confused.
It states it comes with "three Free games - Lucky's Tale, Toy Box and Dragon Front - included with every Rift purchase", though one of the product images shows EVE: Valkyrie, Lucky's Tail, and Farlands, but there's no mention of it in the description.

One of the questions and answers asks if EVE: Valkyrie is included, and the reply is "No, I don't think so unless it is a special deal by Amazon. The free EVE valkyrie code was only for only for pre-orders. Pre-orders got Lucky's Tale and EVE Valk but standard purchases just get Lucky's tale free."

That put me off the Amazon listing.
10 Jul 17 #11
I looked at the other threads/suppliers. This is the only one that is actually a different bundle! Happily ordered from Scan and look forward to playing Eve tomorrow :smile:
SavageDonkey to AgentZeus
10 Jul 17 #14
​It was a joy when my order was quickly dispatched unlike my 1080ti which has been dispatching shortly since I posted the Evga deal.

I did order this immediately from amazon for delivery on 14th..however they moved the touch controllers to dispatching now and the headset to 19th July... had to phone to get it cancelled.
10 Jul 17 #12
Scan says Robo Recall, Dead and Buried, Toy Box, Lucky's Tale, Dragon Front, medium and Quill. Plus Eve: Valkyrie..

That's a few games! I'm a big scan fan also, thanks OP

Also free DPD shipping (I get free usually with my AVForums link) but DPD are the best, 1 hour window.
10 Jul 17 #13
Now that is the best price i have seen yet, and you get the two controllers as well....and some i trade in my two DK2 or not.....that is the question.
10 Jul 17 #15
just got the Eve code through email on dispatch
10 Jul 17 #16
I went for it, CEX giving me £70 cash for my DK2's, and i have two, so with that basically all that for £250, now we are talking.

10 Jul 17 #17
Great price, considering the superior Vive is still £750.
10 Jul 17 #18
Scan really is terrible when it comes to customer service, though.

Want to return something? They don't want to hear about it.

They once tried to tell me I couldn't return something which was DOA because it had been several days since I bought it and maybe I'd damaged it while installing. Luckily the law doesn't work that way. And despite all the banners on their website saying how great they are, they then tried to tell me that they're only a "small family business" so they can't just accept returns willy-nilly.

I haven't bought anything from them since and never will.

Unbelievable cheek.
10 Jul 17 #19
I have been dealing with scan for like 8 years and they have always been super easy to return stuff to, which I did on like 10 different occasions, some warranty, some doa, some even very subjective but they did it anyway...
10 Jul 17 #20
Gah, I've been close to getting the PSVR as the price is dropping but this is almost too good to pass up. Conflicted. Running 1060, 4770 & 16GB which should run fine according to the rift compatability tool but I know I'd have to settle for low/mid range performance whereas PSVR is just compatabile.
6 weeks to decide.
10 Jul 17 #21
I was in a similar position. I chose the Rift because of the range of games available currently, the flexibility of roomscale and the ability to use supersampling if I feel certain games require a bit more graphical clarity, that and the touch controllers are natural feeling for hand movement.

The PSVR has some good games, and the library is growing but in my opinion it doesn't have the range of games PC VR does right now, and there are some very good games under £10 for Rift/Vive
10 Jul 17 #22
cheaper in US: $399 inc free next day:…lus
10 Jul 17 #23

Read the description on scan
10 Jul 17 #24
Cool thanks. F it, ordered one, you only live once.
10 Jul 17 #25
Oh balls. This doesn't include Eve!? It has no mention about it on the Scan page now. Was it there earlier?!
lomax to bigblockofcheese
10 Jul 17 #27
It was. I ordered one and got an email with an Eve Valkyrie code shortly after the dispatch notification for the rift. It was probably just for older stock that hadn't sold yet.
10 Jul 17 #26
It DID include Eve - but they did say it was limited number - guess its passed that limit. The banner that was there earlier has now vanished.

For info they emailed me my key earlier today - so it will depend on what time you ordered whether you get a copy or not!

EDIT : I just checked my order - if it says "Oculus Launch Eve Valkyrie DD" on your order you will have it, otherwise..... :disappointed:
10 Jul 17 #28
Looks like all the stock that included Eve has gone. No mention of Eve on the site or my order but I'd rather give them the cash than Amazon. I've dealt with them many times and done returns without any great hassle.
10 Jul 17 #29
If you check your order history it will say if you get eve, I haven't got my key yet but i guess il get it when they dispatch the headset as it says "Oculus Launch Eve Valkyrie DD" in my order history.
10 Jul 17 #30
Scan are crappy on returns I used to have a £20k spend per annum with them and I received a DOA motherboard from them which was missing a couple pin and they refused to replace never again
10 Jul 17 #31
Damn just too late :thinking:
10 Jul 17 #32
Just read that they've cut the price to $399 in the US. I refuse to pay the "UK tax" that US tech firms impose on us to make up their margins.
lomax to SavB
10 Jul 17 #33
At the current exchange rate the "UK tax" that US firms used to charge is actually literally just standard UK tax now. By the time you add VAT, import duty and a little buffer for exchange rate fluctuation the price is basically equivalent.Our currency is so weak now they can't gouge us as much as they used to! Hurrah for Brexit! :smile:
10 Jul 17 #34
I have Eve, key delivered to my email
11 Jul 17 #35
I have no Eve key FFS. Argh!
11 Jul 17 #36
What is the return like for scan? I have read threads that's a say my graphics card will run this ok, but I'm not 100% and I can't fund this and a new GPU.
11 Jul 17 #37
^^^Never had any issue with Scan, i think i have had to send back one video card and one mobo over the years, started a RMA online, got info, RMA reference number, coriour picked up item and away it went.

Of course that might be different for other people, although you will find that a lot of bad reviews are issues based on delivery of said items, and that is because they use DPD, a courier company that has some very useless drivers, i had one only a few weeks ago who was mean't to pick up a RMA for a ebay item i bought, they pulled up outside the flat, sat until they entered the collection time, then left, and 30 seconds later i got a text stating nobody was in when they called, despite the fact i was watching this pillock of a driver from the window.
11 Jul 17 #38
GTX970, a Haswell i7 core, 16 gig ram, W10......... everything runs great, Elite, Star trek, Eve Val......

And i was pleasantly surprised to see you not only got a Xbox one controller, you also get the wireless dongle too. :smile:

I have this set up with both sensors facing down at ceiling level, with the PC in the middle, and the motion tracking is just fantastic, really happy with what i got here.
11 Jul 17 #39

I too have had issues returning items at Scan, they're GREAT when things work but as stated here they will often mess you around if something goes wrong.

They actually tried to re-sell a card I sent in for return, no refund, no notice, no warning. They *genuinely* told us that the card had been added to the inventory "by mistake". Oh and they didn't fix the problem either, had to buy another card from somewhere else.

11 Jul 17 #40
Can anyone comment what spec PC you need to run this kit well please?
11 Jul 17 #41
not offering Eve Valkyrie anymore almost got it :disappointed:
12 Jul 17 #42
Without Eve this is just one of many £399 deals and should be expired.
12 Jul 17 #43
Feel sorry for all the people who are now going to try and return it for not having Eve.

You're about to find out why so many people warned against Scan!
12 Jul 17 #44
You still get all this free:…938
12 Jul 17 #45
$399 does not incluse US sales tax
£399 DOES include VAT. 20%

oculus treat us fairly well on the old $ / £ exchange imo.

PS if you want to be jealous then be jealous about the us amazon prime deal... $399 for full package AND get free $100 amazon gift card.
12 Jul 17 #46
I have to agree with similar comments; Scan shafted me on a warranty claim. My mouse had an issue with the scroll wheel which was resolved in a revised version of the same mouse. Because the product ID had changed by 1 digit, Scan wouldn't accept the claim. Thankfully Roccat came through and shipped me a new mouse despite it being a 'return to retailer' warranty.

This is a good deal but can be had for the same price elsewhere. I can't see any mention of Eve:Valkyrie on the product page.
12 Jul 17 #47
I'd like to endorse the poor Scan after-sales reports. I had an issue with a motherboard once, that failed within warranty. They kept referring me back to the manufacturer, even though it died within two weeks of use and your warranty is with the retailer. When I did argue an RMA out of them, they then insisted it was user error despite the fact the mobo in question had lots of negative reviews and returns to MSI due to a bad batch of power caps, which was all over the internet at the time. Never bought from them again.

As much as I dislike Amazon's tax dodging, their returns service is second to none. No questions asked and fast turnaround time.
12 Jul 17 #48
I'm not arguing your experience above, but just to give my experience of Scan RMA - I had two leaking Predator 280 WC units costing £372. I raised the RMA shortly after EK announced the Predator model was EOL. Scan accepted both units back without quibble.
12 Jul 17 #49
It will likely also give you Robo Recall for free as well. It will be available in the Rift store to download
12 Jul 17 #50
Used scan plenty of times before. DPD delivery is excellent and reason enough to shop here
12 Jul 17 #51
To be fair, and to excuse Scan, but that's because they can afford to be like that. Probably partly because they're not paying their taxes instead!
13 Jul 17 #52
Just in case this helps anyone - I purchased from Scan, but they then withdrew Eve: Valkyrie. I phoned them up and asked them to cancel my order. They very kindly said they'd throw in the Eve: Valkyrie promotional key to avoid me cancelling my order. Result! I have received both, all good. Very impressed with that for customer service, well done Scan!
18 Jul 17 #53
Why is SCAN saying END OF LIFE? Is there a new Rift coming?
18 Jul 17 #54
No, there's a new Rift box package which will be Headset & touch controllers. There will be no Xbox One controller or remote in the new package.

The old bundle will be discontinued.
14 Aug 17 #55
ordered in US: $435 inc tax (ffs @ CA) and will bring home in a few weeks... interestingly got 6 games for free inc lucky tail - but no EVE... however, did order CV1 pre-Launch, sold at £200 above price and kept EVE Code which still works.... so all in all pretty happy)
jasonlui to ra11
15 Aug 17 #56
Including import tax? That's cheap. Is the US one identical to the UK one?
ra11 to jasonlui
16 Aug 17 #57
its identical though not sure if UK one comes with 6 apps / games? No doesnt include Import tax but I will be stowing it in suitcase so not likely to get challenged when i come to UK. This is the new deal/kit (so includes those numchuck thingys)
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