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Now Live* 10x Nectar points on Ebay starting Friday (28th July - 12pm 29th July)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
26 Jul 17
Now Live - Just hit "Get Deal" Scroll down a little and click "Activate Now"


Just saw Nectar posted "Who wants 10 X points at eBay again??" on their Facebook group. I was wondering when we'd get a date, so checked the comments and yep... They confirmed it would be Friday. Win

These usually last for 24 hours only

Collect 10X from 12pm on 28 Jul until 12pm on 29 Jul
Offer Valid: 28 Jul 2017, 12:00 PM BST - 29 Jul 2017, 12:00 PM BST

Top comments
mattmerch to Naruto
26 Jul 17 11 #5
its quite simple really more ppl vote a deal up it gets hotter :smile:
26 Jul 17 4 #8
Anyone know if this will run next Friday? I'm selling something on eBay and its currently at £720, if my buyer collects nectar I will tell them to wait til Friday to pay me!
peggy79 to lasuil
26 Jul 17 3 #9
so kind. Thanks for buyer.
26 Jul 17 3 #3
Good deal but they've had the for the last 3 Fridays running, I wish they would spread them out a bit more e.g. once a month. I'm sure people are getting broke near the end of the month now :smile:
All comments (78)
26 Jul 17 1 #1
What a time to be alive cheeky
26 Jul 17 2 #2
Made around £30.00 last time, that's 12 Pizza Express pizza's IYKWIM
aje2010 to anthony212
27 Jul 17 #33
yep me too, I usually help family and friend buy stuff from ebay who don't know 'how to use the internet' :smiley:
Bought an iphone and kitchen appliances, already treated family and friends to pizza and movie, still have loads left. Happy days
26 Jul 17 3 #3
Good deal but they've had the for the last 3 Fridays running, I wish they would spread them out a bit more e.g. once a month. I'm sure people are getting broke near the end of the month now :smile:
sola35 to F355
27 Jul 17 1 #37
this is the last one, every Friday in July they quoted at the start of the offers, unless they now do the same in august.
26 Jul 17 #4
Can someone confirm why these deals get so much heat?
mattmerch to Naruto
26 Jul 17 11 #5
its quite simple really more ppl vote a deal up it gets hotter :smile:
anthony212 to Naruto
26 Jul 17 1 #6
For people who are making regular (or one-off) £100+ purchases on eBay, this is a good deal. Similar to Argos and their £5 voucher for £50 spend deals
malm to Naruto
26 Jul 17 #15
Hukd is frequented by those of us who have a vested interest in these promotions,if you had to ask that question chances are you dont know what i am on about any way.
householdhorror to Naruto
26 Jul 17 #18
Well it's free money. Not a lot of free money cos it's Nectar and they are kinda ****, but still 5% cashback is decent.

And you often have to activate them so it's good to know that one is coming up. If you've got your eye on a buy it now or been planning to shop for something anyway then you can maybe put it off for a couple of days.
26 Jul 17 #7
Nice spot!

Ebay feeling the pinch? Who'd have thought..
watchcam to Dusty
27 Jul 17 #43
I'd like to think so the way they treat their customers but probably Nectar funding a chunk of it.
26 Jul 17 4 #8
Anyone know if this will run next Friday? I'm selling something on eBay and its currently at £720, if my buyer collects nectar I will tell them to wait til Friday to pay me!
peggy79 to lasuil
26 Jul 17 3 #9
so kind. Thanks for buyer.
Splashmo to lasuil
26 Jul 17 #10
Not sure it works like that. I could be wrong, but it's purely on when the auction ends and not when payment is made. least I bloody hope it's not as diddled myself out of 2000 points last week if so (annoyed)
F355 to lasuil
26 Jul 17 #21
I'm sure the original deal was there would be a promotion 'every Friday in July'. Doesn't mean there won't be something else similar next month, but probably not.
Cheaparse to lasuil
27 Jul 17 #31
In the past when buying I've received the points if the seller has revised or updated my invoice on the day of the Nectar points offer, even if the actual purchase was made days or weeks in advance. Only came across it by chance and not tried it for a while but you could potentially ask your buyer to hold off payment (assuming they collect Nectar, many don't) then on the qualifying Friday revise their invoice slightly (knock 50p off the postage etc) and they should then qualify for the points.
26 Jul 17 #11
Min spend? I'm guessing £10.
26 Jul 17 #12
The T&Cs talk about when you purchase the item, which I would assume to be when payment is made not when the auction is won. This will be the last time the 10x offer is run, it is a special July promotion and this will be the last Friday in July so your last opportunity to take advantage of it.
26 Jul 17 #13
at last a deal i can get my teeth in to,heat.
26 Jul 17 #14
Balls. Just spent 70 today :disappointed:
26 Jul 17 1 #16
It's based on auction end time, not payment time.
26 Jul 17 #17
...and that's the last anyone ever saw of maim. (ninja)
26 Jul 17 #19
On facebook so MUST be true !! Lol
hobsgrg to ianjury
26 Jul 17 #22
They already stated there would be a promotion every Friday in July and the previous three all had 10x nectar points so this is a safe bet to be true
26 Jul 17 #20
Is this some Misc cabal nonsense that turns out to be a glitch exploit that 90% of you will end up banned for anyway? :stuck_out_tongue:
26 Jul 17 #23
Well the auction ends Monday.
26 Jul 17 #24
Just spent 450 today :disappointed:
26 Jul 17 1 #25
I think this will be the last one for a while now. Saw at the nectar site at the end of June that they would have ebay offers on fridays throughout July
27 Jul 17 #26
Heat ofcourse but disappointed an offer every Friday turned into the same 10x points offer repeated over and over. Some imagination Nectar and eBay bods, come on!
27 Jul 17 #27
Does this apply to any item? I want to buy laptop and it's 900 nectar point so if I buy on Friday then I get 10000 points? This is to good to be true? Can someone confirm? I am curious lol also does the point instantly added to your nectar?
FrozenFire to Sophia1993
27 Jul 17 1 #28
Yes. It will show bonus points before you make payment on eBay page which makes sure you will get them. Cheers.
watchcam to Sophia1993
27 Jul 17 #45
eBay told me they add the bonus points within 28 days. Last week I bought something and on check out is showed the bonus point. On checking my nectar statement they were missing ( only the standard points were there so I queried it) I don't understand why we need to wait? Makes no sense.
27 Jul 17 #29
Does it start at midnight or 9am on friday?
27 Jul 17 #30
how do you opt in for the x10 or is it auto ?
Cheaparse to garethsmith72
27 Jul 17 #44
Tried all different ways to just add the activation link here but nothing was working, it just sent people to the eBay front page - couldn't even edit my earlier post so just deleted it.

Here is where to go to activate, taken from the Nectar Facebook page, the link works from there, I used it.
27 Jul 17 #32
Is this opt in? Or automatic?
27 Jul 17 #34
Just remember to activate 1st. Should be able to on the app at least now.
27 Jul 17 1 #35
Personally, not had any news from Nectar on this (usually get it in advance of starting date, so if it is tomorrow Fri then why I haven't I had notification? Had some this morning about BP offers etc, not ebay).
I much prefer decent Nectar deals like the Sainsbury's Double Up now that is worth having as is their spend a tenner get a surprise voucher of points up to 5000 pts (had several of those!)
x 10 time pts is ok, IF you're spending big, otherwise just ok.
Best Ebay one is when they do a 'Spend £10 in points or more ie min 2000 pts and get 1000 pts back - now THAT (50% off) is worth having. I bought several items at a tenner (or just over) using pts with that offer.
sola35 to jnigel26
27 Jul 17 1 #38
10x points is 4.5% off but not as cash but points, you normally get one point per £ so 10 per £ is 4.5% off if I'm correct, so no big deal and not worth losing sleep over it if missed but every little helps.
27 Jul 17 #36
Just checked again on my Nectar page and messages from Nectar, nothing about this. Perhaps it will turn up later.
I have just seen something I want on ebay that's just got reduced, so will delay until tomorrow.
27 Jul 17 #39
I will actually have to invoice them anyways as when editing the listing on the app, it defaulted to free postage, which wasn't free! So I will need to invoice them after auction ends Monday lunch. But looks like the 10x points offer was only for July. Also there are international bids so they might not be nectar card holders.
27 Jul 17 #40
I just bought something just now, if I wait till tomorrow morning to pay... 10x the points?
Cheaparse to s24adm
27 Jul 17 1 #41
Unfortunately not, the sale and the payment (via Paypal) have to complete on the specified day.

As I mentioned above I've received points when being sent an invoice / revised invoice on a qualifying day for items I purchased in the proceeding days but this was luck rather than judgement and I'm not sure how many sellers would be happy to re-invoice just so a buyer could get points.

Think this deal works out to about a 5% saving, decide if your saving is worth cancelling and re-buying tomorrow for.
jnigel26 to s24adm
27 Jul 17 #42
I would wait, although you could do what I've done in the past go to PAY and see how many points are added, it will show. If not x10 wait till tomorrow.
I never realised that if you buy from abroad on ebay you get no points. Also if the currency is different - I bought a watch in US dollars but it converted to pounds when I went to payment, but zilch points.
27 Jul 17 #46
It's showing as a confirmed deal in the nectar app for tomorrow
27 Jul 17 1 #47
Because... if you don't check later or keep a record of your points tally and they have not added the points 'within 28 days' will you have realised? No.
I have had it happen, queried why no points, and then had them added.
Like the 'do 6 shops in Sainsburys (between given dates) and get triple pts PLUS 100 pts on the 6th shop. Just done one, completed the 6 shops but 100 pts is again 'within 28 days'.
27 Jul 17 #48
My thoughts exactly ... it's not necessary to only give the base points and bonus later.
27 Jul 17 #49
Offer now showing in the app, just activated the offer.
28 Jul 17 1 #50
I mean, when you get namechecked in the mirror.......... you've made it NeoTrix!
28 Jul 17 #51
The offer is not showing on my offers page, but the link to activate is on their twitter page.
28 Jul 17 #52
Note offer valid from midday Friday to midday Saturday.
garbage456 to jim1949
28 Jul 17 #53
That explain why there is currently no mention of it on the website
28 Jul 17 #54
its on the nectar app yesterday as being active today from mid day. You can activate it from there. . I accidentally bought stuff last night which was rather stupid ...
28 Jul 17 #55
Ok,stupid question alert :

If I want to buy 3 items for example at £50.00 each from different sellers,do you have to pay for them individually to get the points or could you say add all 3 items to your basket and pay for them at the same time and still get the points?
28 Jul 17 1 #56
Either way will work once the deal is live.
28 Jul 17 #57
when is this thing even live? i have things in my basket awaiting procurement man.
deb8z to ssc1
28 Jul 17 1 #58
Usually midday.
deb8z to ssc1
28 Jul 17 #61
Have you activated the offer?
28 Jul 17 #59
28 Jul 17 1 #60
Activated via , after logging in it appears on main page offers.

It is midday to midday which is stupid. They should make it midnight to midnight.
28 Jul 17 #62
yes on the app. will wait until midday. thx
28 Jul 17 1 #63
Meh deal...

5% discount on ebay is a good deal on paper but most auctions end weekend afternoons/evenings so this will be more relevant for buy it now. Ebay is rarely cheapest/best place for items of significant value, and when it is items are often snapped up fast, they don't hang around for days. It is great for cheap items but these are often bought as needed not timed with such deals.

The time window is both too narrow and inconveniently scheduled to get me to buy something. Sure, I'll take it I were already buying but it doesn't change my shopping behaviour unlike for example the selling deals where I get off my bum, look around the house to find items to list.
elixeh to duckfat
28 Jul 17 #64
Agree. Hot deal has me running around literally or online looking for things to buy. This doesn't. Surprised it is 1000+. 5% isn't much incentive, meh is about right, there are better savings waiting for seller to have a sale.
28 Jul 17 1 #65
just used it and received 1200 points for a £120 purchase. happy days
28 Jul 17 #66
Thanks - got this
28 Jul 17 #68
its something for nothing. I buy several things most days on eBay so happy enough.
Agree have to be cautious but my biggest wins have been on eBay versus normal market prices.
28 Jul 17 #69
cheers just got 6150 points happy days :smile:
28 Jul 17 #70
you'll need to login to your Nectar account and activate the offer by clicking on the link
28 Jul 17 1 #71
Be careful, Tesco Outlet are exempt from this offer. I just learned that one the hard way. :disappointed:
28 Jul 17 #72
Guys this is the correct link taken from the nectar FB page, the link on this offer takes you to the ‘my ebay’ homepage. ebay nectar offer
28 Jul 17 1 #73
Just to let you know, when I made a purchase with eBay during the offer last month - they refused to give me 23,000 points because PayPal decided to prevent my purchase (only 3/9 things in my basket went through) paid with AMEX and they let it go through, it was PayPal that blocked it and both nectar and eBay and PayPal are refusing to reimburse me, even though I paid the next day. AVOID AVOID AVOID
watchcam to greenflower123
28 Jul 17 #77
Typical eBay .
28 Jul 17 #74
Got the deal and have used it today on ebay (ok, it's not fantastic but as Tesco says, every little helps!). Came through on my email 'Nectar Weekly Offers' - I don't want and haven't signed up to the mobile App.
28 Jul 17 #75
This only translates to a 5% rebate.
28 Jul 17 #76
still waiting on the 50% of your points spent on ebay paid back got 53907 nectar points
doubt they will bring it back though
28 Jul 17 #78
Ordered Mario Kart for the Switch and got 420 points. Not to bad I suppose.
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