The Definitive Experience includes Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain and DLC.
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5 Jul 174#8
Latest comments (33)
24 Jul 17#33
Oh and do I need to play the first two to understand what's going on?
24 Jul 17#32
Thank you for the recommendation - Witcher 3 has my attention if you believe it to be better than TLOU. I'm going to buy a used copy on ebay :smiley:
7 Jul 171#31
You need to play Witcher 3 GOTY if you haven't already got it. It's superior to TLOU in many ways. TLOU is a great game but the Witcher 3 is even better! Be prepared to say goodbye to your social life - and wife if you're married
5 Jul 172#1
What's this come with, the extra levels that weren't finished when Konami fired him? :smirk:
reckoning to sparc
6 Jul 17#30
Didn't he get fired after the game released?
6 Jul 17#29
Already have MGS phantom Pain in my collection waiting to be played, have also played and fully completed Ground Zeroes. Would it be worth getting this just to have the DLC?
6 Jul 17#28
Thanks for this mate. Found it on amazon for £17.85 and thought that was a good deal. Checking on here I found this post so bought it from PSN. Cheers mate. Heat
5 Jul 17#27
I love MGS but I got bored of the open world and repetitiveness of the missions. I usually cant put down a game of MGS but I feel no draw to get back to it when I got about 50% through. Just didnt feel the usual MGS to me :-(
5 Jul 17#5
Did this game ever get a proper, satisfying ending then?
lmulli to iwo
5 Jul 17#7
Did this game ever become satisfying to play at all??
Jestabobo to iwo
5 Jul 17#26
Personally I've decided to turn this comic into the canon ending in my mind.
Might not please everyone but screw it, works for me. Took the auto image out for spoilers and the like.
5 Jul 17#6
Ps + has been far better than xbox gold recently.
monkey1999 to cowmaata
5 Jul 17#25
Come on let's not be silly
5 Jul 17#24
This game has blown me away brilliant price
5 Jul 17#22
Quick question. If you already have Ground Zero. Is it worth getting this for the phantom plan and the DLC. Or is it better just to get TPP for £7.50
Do you get any DLC that is worth the £2? As in like a really powerful gun to play in the single player game. Or something?
craigkirklive to Anthonyuk
5 Jul 17#23
I have the definitive edition, though I don't have the standard version to be able to say for sure, but I think besides ground zeroes the only things I've got are a couple extra costumes and guns but none of them are particularly advantageous on top of the normal gear, I think they're mainly just aesthetic.
But it is quite a few extra items which you might one day want so for £2 it's not a bad deal.
5 Jul 17#21
If that's not sarcasm, I'm keeping that quote to belittle your argument on any future matter :stuck_out_tongue:
5 Jul 17#20
I haven't played this game yet, been meaning to get it when I have time to play - but surely no game on PS4 will be as good as The Last of Us?
I know they are two different types of games but The Last of Us is the best game I have ever played in my life!
P.S. heat for this great deal
5 Jul 17#19
Really good price and great game. - I paid £20 back in march and am still playing this game. I have sank about 180 hours into this game and 78% complete. I have played all the others. Considering it never got totally finished it still is a 10/10 for me. Haven't sank this many hours into a game since FFV11 back on the psone!!
5 Jul 171#18
me too, the opening is the best bit of gaming I've seen in ages and everything after couldn't match it.
5 Jul 17#17
Bought this game on release day. Worst game purchase ever. Been one of the biggest MGS fans and have played every single game released on all consoles(including handhelds) and must say this game was incomplete. I do agree that the actual level of control you have over 'big boss' is probably the best yet, but put that on top of the repetitive missions and patchy story, this has to be one of the least gripping MGS. Also the final mission was an absolute joke- looking forward to Hideos next franchise!
5 Jul 17#16
I don't fully agree. The open world aspect did detract from the "Metal Gear" feel, and it lost it's urgency in plot, and directed experience.
However, I think they executed what they set out to do incredibly well.
Also, you need to play Snake Eater, it's one of the best in the series (the best according to a lot of people). And is full of exactly what you missed from V.
5 Jul 17#15
Tbh I just didn't think that the open world style suited it. It felt like a Japanese studio trying to remake GTA or Watch Dogs and lost a lot of what made MGS unique in the first place. I much prefer MGS 1, 2 or 4 tbh (I've never really played Snake Eater). Actually I even preferred Ground Zeroes to this game.
5 Jul 17#14
be advised companion app doesn't work with this edition. no refunds from konami or sony...
5 Jul 17#13
That's quite funny. I found the opening the best part of the game. But I was in it for the story, and classic "Metal Gearness", that the rest of the game leaves behind in favour of gameplay.
5 Jul 172#12
One of the best games of this generation imo - the opening 30-40 mins are rubbish and the controls can be a little awkward, especially if you've let the game sit a while but it's the best sneak-em-up I've played...
Possibly because for the most part, you can choose whether to sneak or go loud.
I've played through, replayed all missions with the Infinity Bandana (and the CGM rocket launcher) and am now replaying again after wiping my save data.
5 Jul 17#11
This, the actual gameplay was the best in the series by far, but the open world mission structure I couldn't get on board with. In order of preference i'd probably go 2,1,3,5,4.
5 Jul 171#10
Satisfaction to play was never a genuine complaint for this game. Sure you could criticise the story (personally I find it fine, disappointing for a Metal Gear, but fine), but the gameplay is incredible. So much fun to play.
5 Jul 171#9
£9.50 for the ENTIRE MGS V pack is absolutely cracking.
The game is well worth that if you were ever on the fence.
5 Jul 174#8
5 Jul 17#4
Well worth it! I've played just over 23 hours and only done 5% of game progress (horror) there's been many a time I've had to restart the mission as some sod spotted me.
Been playing the side mission's before cracking on with the main story.
MGS online is still going strong, had a crack at it in the weekend and there was plenty of servers to choose from.
Heat (party)
5 Jul 17#3
Just be aware, this version will not work with the original versions save game.
5 Jul 171#2
One of my favourite games this generation, sank many hours into it.
Opening post
The Definitive Experience includes Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain and DLC.
Top comments
Latest comments (33)
Might not please everyone but screw it, works for me. Took the auto image out for spoilers and the like.
Do you get any DLC that is worth the £2? As in like a really powerful gun to play in the single player game. Or something?
But it is quite a few extra items which you might one day want so for £2 it's not a bad deal.
If that's not sarcasm, I'm keeping that quote to belittle your argument on any future matter :stuck_out_tongue:
I know they are two different types of games but The Last of Us is the best game I have ever played in my life!
P.S. heat for this great deal
However, I think they executed what they set out to do incredibly well.
Also, you need to play Snake Eater, it's one of the best in the series (the best according to a lot of people). And is full of exactly what you missed from V.
One of the best games of this generation imo - the opening 30-40 mins are rubbish and the controls can be a little awkward, especially if you've let the game sit a while but it's the best sneak-em-up I've played...
Possibly because for the most part, you can choose whether to sneak or go loud.
I've played through, replayed all missions with the Infinity Bandana (and the CGM rocket launcher) and am now replaying again after wiping my save data.
The game is well worth that if you were ever on the fence.
Been playing the side mission's before cracking on with the main story.
MGS online is still going strong, had a crack at it in the weekend and there was plenty of servers to choose from.
Heat (party)
Loads of content for the money.
Wish I could play again for the first time.