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 medion internet radio, Digital radio & Spotify £39.99 @ Medion
4 stars +327

medion internet radio, Digital radio & Spotify £39.99 @ Medion

£39.99 Medion Shop UK25 Jul 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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25 Jul 17
2 x 7 watts + 15 watts RMS output power Subwoofer
Simple integration into the home network through Push to Connect
DLNA compatible
WLAN 802.11 a / b / g / n 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz
USB charging port

MEDION® Wireless Smart Speaker App integrated Internet Radio- Black
Play wireless music
Play wireless music from your smartphone, tablet, notebook or NAS via the wireless speakers. Controlling one or more speakers. Creating playlists. Stream music in the party or Multiroom mode via free app Integrated Internet Radio (via app).
Spotify Connect compatible 2 x 7 watts + 15 watts RMS output power Subwoofer Simple integration into the home network through Push to Connect DLNA compatible WLAN 802.11 a / b / g / n 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz USB charging port AUX-In.

Agreed it's annoying if this is the case
My echo dot is connected to my arcam separates system via a line out/in and that works fine
I am hoping this will work same way
All comments (59)
25 Jul 17 #1
MEDION® Wireless Smart Speaker App integrated Internet Radio- Black
Play wireless music
Play wireless music from your smartphone, tablet, notebook or NAS via the wireless speakers. Controlling one or more speakers. Creating playlists. Stream music in the party or Multiroom mode via free app Integrated Internet Radio (via app).
Spotify Connect compatible 2 x 7 watts + 15 watts RMS output power Subwoofer Simple integration into the home network through Push to Connect DLNA compatible WLAN 802.11 a / b / g / n 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz USB charging port AUX-In.
25 Jul 17 #2
I'm confused about this being an 'Internet' radio speaker- it seems to need an app on your phone to do this?! So basically it's just like any Bluetooth speaker then?! In which case £39.99 doesn't seem that remarkable, or am I missing something?

Edit: oh, it's WiFi instead of Bluetooth. But I still don't get why you wouldn't use a Bluetooth speaker using Spotify on your phone, seeing as it needs to do everything via an app?
25 Jul 17 #3
Voted hot
spannerzone to sam_of_london
25 Jul 17 #32

and it's not 4K either.

*long suffering HUKD members will probably understand the references.
sam_of_london to spannerzone
26 Jul 17 #43
You can be a dinosaur, live in China ,but no need to force others to do so. Caveat Emptor.
spannerzone to sam_of_london
26 Jul 17 #44
I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting a reply as you rarely do but this certainly was more than I bargained for.
25 Jul 17 #4
The app is designed by medion exclusively to work with this and it allows u to stream 13000 radio stations as well as Spotify
25 Jul 17 #5
But it has no band 20.
25 Jul 17 #6
Gollywood to Nicolas
25 Jul 17 #28
You had to be there at the time....
25 Jul 17 #7
With aux in would this would with an Echo Dot?
25 Jul 17 #8
I was thinking the same, if it does happy days, in theory it should as echo dot has a line out and this has a line in
25 Jul 17 #9
Yes but be warned as I've been burned here before... there is a silly rule that means these "should" turn off automatically if not used for some minutes... this makes them pretty much unsuitable for amazon echo dots :disappointed:
25 Jul 17 #10
Hi, can u please expand, that would be helpful
25 Jul 17 #11
It's Internet radio for those not Internet savvy. There are more long lasting better options than this. An android phone, any android phone, will stream music from Spotify or any other streaming source.
25 Jul 17 #12
U can stream music from Spotify but how can android allow you to stream 13000 internet radio stations and stream them to where , surely u need a speaker either way
This is a speaker with a subwoofer for under 40
BobsterLobster to Nicolas
25 Jul 17 #19
The very first hit on Google Play for Internet Radio apps is TuneIn Radio that gives you access to over 100,000 stations. So again, I don't really understand the need for this when an android can pair with a Bluetooth speaker that will be better quality for this price.
25 Jul 17 #13
My experience with the Echo Dot and bluetooth speakers is that after a certain amount of time the speaker is no longer connected to the Dot. It's paired, but not connected, why I don't know, but it's annoying. I even have the same issue when the speaker is connected by aux lead and connected to the mains. I have to say 'Alexa connect to bluetooth speaker' which is crazy.
25 Jul 17 #14
Agreed it's annoying if this is the case
My echo dot is connected to my arcam separates system via a line out/in and that works fine
I am hoping this will work same way
25 Jul 17 #15
Agreed it's annoying if this is the case
My echo dot is connected to my arcam separates system via a line out/in and that works fine
I am hoping this will work same way
25 Jul 17 #16
Its definitely a speaker issue not a Dot issue. I understand why the speaker would go into standby mode (mine is rechargeable), but it only requires a setting to turn that off. I've yet to find one. You might be ok with this as it's not portable.
25 Jul 17 #17
So is yours the same medion or something else
25 Jul 17 #18
No mine is a Bose Soundlink Mini version 1. I'm going to test the speaker with the Dot and my laptop because thinking about it I seem to recall it worked flawlessly with my laptop and I don't think I encountered the drop in connection I get with the Dot. I'll post back here later.

Do you realise you've got TuneIn app pre-installed on the Dot? So I can just say 'Alexa play Jazz24 radio station' and it will connect to Jazz24 from TuneIn
25 Jul 17 #20
Can one connect tune in to Alexa via the phone ? As in can I control it using iPhone
random_dude to Nicolas
25 Jul 17 #22
Alexa plays tune-in radio out of the box
sam_of_london to random_dude
26 Jul 17 #45
I found Alexa has a very limited song list as Amazon Prime member. You have buy Music Unlimited from Amazon to get more songs. So I prefer YouTube videos and songs than Amazon as they are all free.
25 Jul 17 #21
Thinking about it again, even if u can get tune in on your phone
This is a good speaker with a subwoofer connected to the network with a line in for under 40. I still think I am going to go ahead with it.
25 Jul 17 #23
Sure but you can't see a menu or what stations are there? U have to tell her the station name that u know? Is there anyway to get all the stations list say on your phone for Alexa to play it ?
25 Jul 17 #24
Without having seen this radio, I'd be willing to bet that it uses the standard UNDOK connected device tech. If it even has a dedicated app, it'll a just be a version of the standard UNDOK app.
25 Jul 17 #25
You can navigate/search for TuneIn stations via the Alexa App. Music & Books\tunein\Search TuneIn. You can save your favourite stations for easy access. All of this kind of moves away from the whole purpose of the Dot but I do understand that it's nice to navigate too.
25 Jul 17 #26
Many thanks Ollie
So now the decision is to wether to buy Alexa dot and wire it through this stringer speaker subwoofer or buy the Alexa echo the bigger version which is a 150 vs Alexa 50 + 40 for this medion kit
Anyone knows what the medion sounds like vs Alexa echo
25 Jul 17 #27
Don't get the big Echo. It's too expensive for what it is. The echo dot sounds alright if it's just for radio I use it every day in my kitchen. If you want a better speaker go on amazon and get an anger sound core
25 Jul 17 #29
I bought 3 dots for £80 odd a few weeks ago. I wish I had bought 2 dots and 1 Echo, but the price was attractive for the 3 dot. I know that the combo of a dot + and bluetooth speaker will be a better sound than the Echo but dot + speaker isn't as silky smooth in operation. As HarryB states, the Dot is fine on it's own for some instances. As a bedside alarm/radio/light control etc, for me it's fine and I'm quite into audio. In my kitchen, with the dot hidden up above the cabinets, no speaker would suffice from that height (even the Sonos Play 1), so I use my Bose. I also use my Bose, a Dot and a lithium power bank for the garden. The Echo needs power, the Dot does too, but can run off USB connection, whereas the Echo can't

It depends where you want the speaker to be really. Do you intend to leave it in 1 place?
25 Jul 17 #30
Get an old hifi from Gumtree + Chromecast audio! Generally can get much better audio than this plus benefit of cd/radio/cassette/MD if you're in the mood for some retro action lol
Northerndave to bpaddy
26 Jul 17 #36
That's what I did and I never use it as Google Music is the biggest pile of poo going and Poweramp won't stream to Chromecast.

So I have music on my phone that I can't play thorough CA, as I have to upload the tracks to Google, but then when I can be bothered I get the generic version that Google streams rather than the version on my phone.

Oh and Google music doesn't allow sorting by folder, pita!

Oh and Youtube videos won't stream audio to Chromecast audio either.
I bought CA thiking it would be's too locked into Googles infrastructure and I actually despise Google Music and Chromecast Audio now
Countyforever to Northerndave
26 Jul 17 #46
You can use Poweramp to stream music but not directly from the app. Use Google Home to connect to Chromecast Audio first, then load Poweramp and then you're good to go..I am listening at the moment. However I agree Google Music is seriously limited.
Northerndave to Countyforever
27 Jul 17 #50
That all depends on the version of Android you're running. I also find the volume very low when doing it that way, compared to a direct cast to the system, via Google Music. Thanks for the heads-up though :smile:
25 Jul 17 #31
Yes one place
25 Jul 17 #33
Then I would guess that the item you've found does tick the boxes for you. I would think you could plug the Dot into the Medion via USB and run it like that and save yourself an electrical socket point. I don't know the quality of the Medion, and the Anker's are pretty good value for money. I think this one would be my choice if I was going down that route. You just need to accept that nearly all of the functionality of the Medion is not required with the Dot
25 Jul 17 #34
Thanks for all the advice
25 Jul 17 #35
There's a big difference between streaming from your phone to a bluetooth speaker, and using your phone as a controller for a device which does its own streaming. Less battery use, the ability to walk out of range without the stream cutting off, ability to make calls / play games / whatever without the audio going through the speaker, and so on. Streaming from the phone may suit you, but it's not the solution for everyone.
26 Jul 17 #37
The original deal poster was interested in a Medion Internet Stereo Radio when it was half price. It is now available at Medion online store but it more expensive at £69.99 instead of the usual £99.99. Some of you may regard this as a better alternative.
26 Jul 17 #38
I have the dot playing through AV amp, plays pretty much any radio station in the world...if you ask it to play tune in, it plays the last station you listened to. It also supports Spotify, not that I have an account, and plays music from your Amazon library / Amazon Prime.
The dot is a tenner more, but IMHO worth it. I would not buy this over the dot.
26 Jul 17 #39
The nearest I can find to this is alexa echo rather than dot but it's 4 times the price at 150
It plays Spotify and thanks to Oli above pointed out also TuneIn
26 Jul 17 #40
But surely the sound from the little dot
Can't match the stereo speakers on this plus the subwoofer
26 Jul 17 #41
If you live near a HMV it's possibly worth looking at the Gear4 Streams they have…eam…eam

£35 and £45 respectively, (£41 for the Stream 1 from Amazon isn't too bad either)

The Gear4 app lets you choose sources Local Content, Network Devices, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal and vTuner (Radio Streaming).

It's multi-room system. I'm sure the subwoofer in the Medion is better/more powerful than the Gear4 but it has Bluetooth and WiFi Direct.
26 Jul 17 #42
This is a great price for what it is. I have poor DAB signal in my area and I want a radio for my garage/workshop and this totally suits my needs. Good find and thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
26 Jul 17 #47
This! I don't think there are many Spotify connect devices at this price point so good deal if that's what you want. Im not sure if connect works without Spotify Premium though, maybe someone can confirm that.
26 Jul 17 #48
I know Alexa only works with Spotify premium
26 Jul 17 #49
Connect requires premium
27 Jul 17 #51
The dots speaker is pretty good considering its size. For your main room, plug it into line in of a hifi. For kitchen and bedroom, dots are sufficient on their own. I have three dots, its not that I'm a fan of Amazon, I try to shop anywhere but there to spread the wealth. I don't even think Google can (yet) compete with echo.
28 Jul 17 #52
Just registered to comment,
Ordered one of these, delivered today, sounds ace - ridiculous for the price.
Confirm it is compatible with Frontier Silicon's Undok app which is pretty slick/user friendly these days.
You could have 4 of these running as a multiroom setup (streaming internet radio, spotify connect or your own media) for £15 less than the cost of a single Sonos Play:1. LOL. Better sound too based on my experience of each.
Think prob best value if you have Spotify Premium though.
No point comparing to a bluetooth speaker - the functionality of a wireless streaming speaker, particularly with multiroom capability, is different. Horses for courses. Might have been nice if they'd stuck bluetooth in there for good measure but hey for £40 mustn't grumble.
Those looking for a speaker to run an Echo Dot through I would suggest you look for something with input-detection "auto-on" (not many of these around although a lot of non-USB PC speakers work like this). Otherwise you'll have to fart about turning the speaker on every time you want to hear the Dot through it.
Pebbleheed to BungleBearIDoDeclare
1 Aug 17 #53
How is the sound quality?

I'm looking for something for my living room to play spotify connect through. I'd like decent sound quality and occasionally volume but mainly decent sound quality that fills a living room.
1 Aug 17 #54
I can't imagine better for the money. Maybe not the most balanced sound but good detail which seems to be maintained at higher volumes and definitely loud enough for a living room unless you're having a house party, even then i think it would do the job in most cases. It's actually a 29watt RMS speaker in total (7+7+15) so it does have some beans. I am very pleasantly surprised.
I would also use the Undok app to control it rather than the Medion version. When you first plug it in and turn it on let it wake up and start flashing then just click on 'set up audio system in the Undok app'. Mine wanted to update firmware which went fine. I have it synced in a multiroom set-up with a Revo Superconnect and two Silvercrest streaming boxes (29 quid a pop on eBay - they are sold through Lidl in Germany) which run through existing HiFi set-ups. All works very well, I mostly use Spotify Connect or internet radio.
This Medion speaker also has a 3.5mm line-in socket so I guess you could put any direct source through it that way too (e.g. TV).
Whitedot to BungleBearIDoDeclare
19 Aug 17 #55
Hi, bought one of these on your recommendation. Really pleased with it, so thanks. And thanks to the OP for posting it of course. :thumbsup:

I can't play BBC streams though, can you?
Nicolas to Whitedot
19 Aug 17 #56
Pleasure thanku
Nicolas to Whitedot
20 Aug 17 #57
How does it compare to Alexa sound?
20 Aug 17 #58
Not a clue I'm afraid, I don't have an Alexa.
Nicolas to Whitedot
20 Aug 17 #59
Is the sound really clear and nice?
Also does it work with Spotify as well as radio
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